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Magic!, is the Science and All of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will.

--Aleister Crcm!ey

I. Introduction to Metaphysics
A, Definition
B, Disclaimer
C. What this course teaches
D, What this course does not teach
II, New Frame of Mind
A, What is reality?
B, Belief vs, experience
C. Hoaxes and hyperbole
III. Awakening Your other Senses (Step One)
A, Proper meditation
B, Chakras
IV, Awakening Your other Senses (Step T w o)
A, Out-of-body experiences
B, How to go out-of-body
C. Side effects
V, Using Your New Awareness
A, Sensing and "feeling out"
B, Using abstract concepts
C. Electromagnetic pulse technology
VI. Ballet Positions
A, Centering
B, Grounding
C. Linking
D, Charging up
VII, Painting W ith Energy
A, Shells and shields
B, Sigils and glyphs
C. Circles and seals
VIII, Simple Magic
A, Batteries
B, Binding
C. Other inventions
IX, Divination
A, Tarot
B, Runes
C. Pendulums
X, Advanced Magic
A, Astral Hacking
B, Summoning spirits
C. Making a familiar
XI. Flashy Tricks
A, Telepathy
B, Telekinesis
XII, Addendum/Reference
XIII. Conclusion

If you read many pagan we bpages, you'll nobce a large majority of

"'iitches" ho believe in magic, but obvious~ don't know for certain that it
isreal You'll noti ce that most, if not all, of thei r rituals i nvofie ''vi sualizi ng:'
as if daydreaming can cause magic to happen as long as there's plenty of
candles around for atmosphere. If you complete any of the exercises in this
tutori ai, though, you'll appreci ate the reality of the no-longer-hi dden forces
that these other beginners have missed.

Hoaxes and Hyperbole

There is a fine line between New Age meditabon and occult meditation.
New Age books 'iill train you to sit comfortab~ and clear your mind --hich
is correct as far as occultists are concerned. But then they'll guide you
through ''visualizabons'' in hich you imagine "white light surrounding you"
and such. This can be correct, butthe distinction must be dra'Ml-- if you
have to try to imagine it, it's not metaprrysical~ real. This is also the case
'ii th chakras.

So hat happens hen you're out-of-body? Pretty much anything you

want You are free of all laws of prrysics -- you can walkthrough walls,
travel over huge distances in the blink of an eye, float through the air, etc.
The most rewarding experience I\le ever had was teaching a
quadroplegic howto do this: it gave him the key to freedom from his
prrysical restraints.

Before we begin, some misinformabon must be cleared up

Society -- and some traditions of 'iitchcraft -- train you to think that magic is
pure~ psychological Some research might change your mind. For
example, things like astral projecbon do not invofie such inane activities as
calm~ imagining a "happy place" -- there are violent prrysical symptoms
i nvofied, remi ni scent of thunder and Ii ghtni ng, hi ch we 'ii II di scuss later.
One cannot be closed-minded hen it comes to the unexplained For
example, "spirits" as we know them cannot be scienbfical~ classified as
hallucinabons. One scientific study in the 70s concluded that hallucinabons
are caused by neural discharge in one sensory center of the brain, hile
the rest of the mind is para~ed by awe. Therefore, someone might see a
ghost, but be unable to walk around it and look at all sides: let alone feel a
sudden cold spot, hear its voice, or be able to ask it questions, as has
been reported in the past
But do not let the metaprrysical propaganda blind you from skepticism,
either. Some "miracles" can be easi~ explained using current science.
Spoorr-bending such as Uri Geller does can be mundane~ reproduced
using an alloy called "memory metal" hich automatical~ bends into its
former shape hen heated (for example, by holding the handle in your fist
for a few moments)
Remain as skeptical as possible throughout your training. After all, no one
'iill know better than you if hat you\le experienced was real. Meet all
metaprrysicalliterature you come across (including this course) 'iith a
scientific eye. If you're told to do something that seems poin~ess ~ prrysical,
like lighting a dozen candles and repeated~ shouting a chant, realize that
all you'll end up 'iith is a lot of melted wax and a hoarse voice. Magic
wouldn't be called magic if it were that mundane, now would it?
ESP is a huge actvantage hen learning 'ii tchcraft, so the first exercises in
this course are designed to hone those abilities. The common
misconception about ESP is that it is random and sporadic hen, in all
truth, a good occulbst can use it at his him, if not constant~ In fact, most
of the proof you'll encounter requires ESP in order to be experienced See
"A small bit of personal proof" above for an example

Section /I Exercises

Section I

1. VVhat is something that you're curious about that science has never been
able to explain?

Introducti on to Metaphysics
is actually th ous autis of yea ls old,
What foll ow,; is a Biblical Iefel ence to oll1_of_h o,ly" avel:
"New Age"

Remember, the more pabence you exercise in each stage of meditation,

the deeper your state of gnosis 'ii ll be. The perfect state of gnosis has
been described in Eastern philosophies for centuries -- as feeling like a
"single point of consciousness suspended in infinity" Beyond this there are
evolutionary stages of yoga, hich you can learn more about by reading
Cro\'i1ey's Book4. Most of us 'ii ll never reach the stage of discipline it
takes to experience this, but thars fine as far as general metaprrysics goes.
Some spells, such as simple ''vibration:' require very little gnosis to pull off

word) symptoms invofied People report hearing impossible sounds in

the room, ranging from the loud crack of a pistol to the thunder of a freight
train. Their bodies seem to shake uncontrollab~, as if seized by epilepsy,
yet 'iith no prrysical movement apparent: some describe this as a
pronounced "buzzing" similar to the feeling of electric shock. They can
see 'iith their eyes closed (using the third eye chakra, though they may
not know it atthe bme), and there is no sense of darkness because
everything seems to be ambient~ illuminated by its o'Mllight Plus, all of
this occurs even before the experimenter leaves his bodyl All in all, it's a
very intense, and sometimes frightening, experience -- not to be easi~
confused 'iith a daydream about fM ng.

accept sbllness over turbulence.

philo ~o phy

I I<ncNI & man in Christ who foulleen years &gO was caught up to the third he!Nen--whether
in the ~ or out of the ~ I do noI I<ncNI, God I<ncNIS. And I I< ncNI that this man was
caught up inio P&radise--whether in the ~ or out of the ~ I do noI I<ncNI,
God I<ncNIS-- and he heard things that cal1i'lct be told, which man m"'f noI utter
--2 Corinihi&ns 12

From hexes to faith healing, the mysbc powers of the human mind have
been recorded since the beginning of history To learn such skills, one must
supposed~ join a cult, meet at midnight in abandoned buildings, speak in
an ancient tongue, and sacrifice innocent animals -- butthis is not so. The
long-hidden secrets of 'iitchcraft are easi~ learned and understood, if on~
one is 'iilling to discipline himself in the art. There are no books to sign in
blood, no souls to sell, and no secret handshakes to learn. In fact, hen
applied correctly, metaprrysics is as simple and safe as baking a cake.
Of course, magic doesn't really exist -- at least until our scientists can prove
it, arflWay As far as authenticity goes, l'iill not state here that magic is
anything more than a theory Angelfire cannot possib ~ be expected to
validate my claims, nor take responsibility for someone ho took the
course far too serious~ Therefore, consider this course to be an
entertaining psychological study in the theory of metaprrysics, IVritten by a
scholar of the field If you are offended in any way by the subject matter, then
you may complain to me at empress norton(@l otm ailcom (or,like'iise,
ask me questions)
This course 'iill attempt to teach you the core methods of magic that
'iitches and other occulbsts use. A great deal of this is hat is kno'Ml as
ESP, so you may also consider the follo'iing to be a training course in
unlocking your hidden senses. You 'iill also come to understand the
theories behind out-of-body travel, spell-casbng, and communicating 'iith
spirits. Since most of these topics are rare~ defied into in Western
philosoprry, an open mind is essenbal

2. How could a hidden layer of reality explain it?

A small bit of personal ploof:

Drunken Clairvoyance
On the night of my twen<y-first billi>d"'f, some friends
tool< me out to celebrate &t &1oc&1 club. I'd been there
before, but had oover been &ble to drinl<, so I tool< full
iKN&n<&<J'3 of the oppollunity. I was on the verge of
passing out &Ione, on & vel1( comfollable couch, when
something &stral caught my atten<ion.
There was & sudden W!Ne of hungl1(, sexu&1 energy
rolling across the b&lIroom It was so powerful, it seemed
to be coming from dozens of people. W hat the .. ?" I
muttered to myself, then lifted my head to 1001<. Mt area
of the club WaS too pacl<ed to see &"'JIhing (plus, my
vision was hazy, a"fi/"'fJ so I stumbled through the
crowd un<il I found the source of the energy. There were
several people acting out & "fetish pl"'f" which seemed to
be noIhing more than &n excuse for ne&rJj-nal<ed women
to practice m&lIi&1 &lIs on each oiher "I didnl I<ncNI they
did stuff lil<e that here," I thought numbJj. then dragged
myself through the clustered audience and bacx to my
"Yeah, they do that evel1( Frid"'f, " my friends told me
I&ter "Didnl you I<ncNI? "
Mt poin< is that I wouldnl h!Ne had mf idea that =h
&n even< was going on excep< for my ESP. The &k:ohol
had cell&inJj noI given my senses &"1 iKN&n<&<J'3. There
had been 00 change in the music, which was blaring too
loudJj for me to hear a"'JIhing, a"fi/"'f Noi onJj had my
eyes had been closed, but the action was happening in &
differen< pall of the building &~ogether I &utom&tic&IJj
I<new from which direction it came, so I I<new where to
1001< fO! the energy source. This ex&mple &Iso gives you
& good idea of how "getting vibes" re&IJj worl<s, which
you'll learn how to experience in Section V.

A chakra is a psychic energy center of the
body These are your connections to the astral
plane of reality Just as your ears can hear
prrysical noises, the chakras are your sensory
organs for astral feelings (such as the "white
light" you might experience in certain
situations). Once you learn how to pay attention
to them, you can interpret hat they tell you-and you can put them to your use. Repeated
use of the chakras 'iill awaken siddhis, or
powers, such as you 'ii ll experience in Section



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There are seven major chakras, pictured in the

diagram to the right However, since this
course is on~ a short summary, and the full
i mpli cati ons of the chakras cannot be
explained in this limited space, we'll on~
explore the four most important to this course.
If you were to draw an equilateral triangle
between your eyebrows, the section of your
brain two inches behind the top point would be
the ajna chakra (see #2 in the ch&1I to the right)-also kno'Ml as your "Third Eye"
New Age texts, again, make references to the
third eye seem worthless~ cliche. If you're
daydreaming, they say, you're seeing 'iith your
third eye -- and this is most certain ~ not the
case. The third eye is a remarkable organ,
hich occultists claim is capable of ful~ seeing
the room you're in even hile the other two
eyes are closed. This can easi~ be mistaken
as imaginabon, but the example cannot be
made as strong~ enough as in Roald Dahl's
"The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar" -- in
hich an Indian fakir has his head enclosed in
a plaster cast and then rides do'Ml a busy
street on a bicycle. Kids, don't try this at home I
If you\le attuned yourself to using it, the third
eye 'iill become active hen you need it -- for
example, clearly seeing a ghost if one is in the
room. Again, there is no effort needed to
invoke this skill: it happens automatical~ The
exercises at the end of this chapter are
intended to "wake up" this dormant siddhi.

You'll notice that I don't lay out any specific spells for you to use, specifying
hich incense to burn hile holding this candle and chanting that mantra:
this is because I don't explain the what, I explain the why and how. (Although
if you want to use such symbolic measures in your spells, I've included
some examples in the addendum) By the end of this course you should be
able to patch together a spell for pretty much anythi ng your creativity 'ii II
allow. Witchcraft is an art form -- you can use any variety of media to create
a picture of every sort.

Section I Exercises
1. Honest~ list the reasons you would want to learn magic. Know trry
i ntenti ons and you 'ii II know trryself
2. Write do'Ml any preconcepbons you have about magic VVhere does
magic come from? Do spells have to rrryme? Etc You may be surprised at
how much your thoughts 'ii II change 'iith a little experi ence.

Sect ion II
New Frame of Mind
What is reality?
No matter hich religion you study, two distinct realities seem to emerge
the one we breathe, work, and eat in: and another one hich is boundless
and unseen (herein our "soul" resides) Metaprrysical theory claims that
the two are overlapped (hich is I'ffiy, for example, we can sometimes see
other people's souls, or as we might call them, "ghosts") The hidden (or, as
I call it here to simplify, "astral") world affects us dai~ in ways we do not
conscious~ realize. Witchcraft is mere~ the manipulation of these forces to
create favorable effects in our everyday lives.

Belief VS, experience

Irs quite a leap of faith to know an unseen reality is there, as opposed to
just believing in one.l\le seen some tru~ religious people, ho believe in a
soul and an after1ife, scoff at anyone ho claims to have actual~ walked
around in that soul out-of-body In truth, that is the great burden of the art of
metaprrysics -- very few people 'iill believe you, as your "proof" is all
personal experience. On~ after they have accomplished the same feats 'iill
they appreciate hat you've been through.

Belief vs. experience is an important staple of 'iitchcraft You can read as

many tabulature books as you like, but you can't tru~ appreciate them until
you try to play the guitar for the fi rst ti me. Therefore, take nothi ng herei n
serious~ unless you're ready to try to responsib~ app~ it

Sect ion III

Awakening Your Oth er Senses (Step One)
You may think you have ESP already Perhaps you\le dreamed of the future
once, or had some other small flashes of insight Or, on the other
hand, you may think you have no ESP at all-- you're not the least bit
clairvoyant as far as anyone can tell Both views share the same
misconception ESP is just an interesting-but-fleebng occurrence. Actual~,
this is far from true ... it's a life-changing ability
Proper meditabon
Magic happens in a unique state of consciousness called "gnosis:' in
hich ESP is as effortless as che'iing gum Gnosis is the absence of any
thought other than a vague impression that you exist It may sound
mysterious, but in truth it's quite simple This state of mind happens to you
every time you wake up slol'i1y from a dreamless sleep: you have no
consciousness, then you realize that you're alive, you exist, somehere-then you eventual~ become aware of here you are and hat plans you
have for the rest of the day
Gnosis can be achieved through several means. Some occulbsts prefer to
use pain as a method to clear their minds -hen you are in pain, you
cannot easi~think of arrything else. Another method is to reach a state of
excitement by dancing 'ii ld~, or spinning, or shoubng But the easiest and
safest method I have found of reaching gnosis (and the on~ method I would
recommend) is through meditation. Do not despair -- meditabon is not the
lotus-position quack science you might imagine it to be. Meditation is
mere~ waibng in a comfortable posi tion for your mind to clear. (But not too
comfortable -- you don't want to fall asleep I)
How do you meditate? As a computer programmer once eloquently put it,
"Shut do'Ml all your processes until all that's left running is the kernel"
Simp ~ get comfortable and take several deep breaths to calm do'Ml. A
common method is to mental~ count 1,2,3,4 as you inhale deep~: then 1,
2,3,4 as you hold the breath: then 1,2,3,4 as you exhale all the air: and
final~, 1,2,3,4 before you start over again Watch pabent~ as your body
slows its processes Observe, but do not participate, in the trickle of
thought that eventual~ blacks out into nothing -- but stay awake. Some like
to mental~ chant a mantra in order to keep from falling asleep: the trick,
however, is to not gettoo invofied in it VVhen your mind is a clean slate,
you're in gnosis and ready for the next step (hich is usual ~ a spell).
I must emphasize here meditation does not involve thinking Your mind
must be complete~ clear before you can exercise your magical Will Now ,
you may conscious~ try to reach this state, but that's useless -- you'll be
thinking about not thinking. This is an uphill battle. Instead, do nothing but
watch and wait Do this long enough, and you 'iill nobce yourself drasbcal~
shifting into deeper and deeper states of consciousness.
Don't despair if you have trouble clearing your mind. Don't fight a flow of
thought, but rather let it play itself out unbl it is exhausted. If any new
thoughts fi ght for your attenti on, realize that they're not important VVhars
more important is watching and waiting With practice, your mind 'iill

A deep leve l of gnosis is required to inibate an out-of-body experience

Forthis reason, it is preferable to attempt OBEs during the process of
falling asleep each night, or in the process of waking up slol'i1y every
morning Try sleeping in a slightly uncomfortable posi tion, such as sitting
up, so you'll be kept on the border of sleep for a longer amount ofbme.
But don't letthe bming convince you that this is all just a dream -- believe
me, you'll know the differencel
Have a course of action planned out, even if irs something as simple as
walking through a wall into the next room (or anything a ghost might do)
Then desi re to accompli sh it 'iith all your bei ng -- halfhearted attempts 'ii II
get no results. Most people ho try OBEs fail because of a lack of
discipline and patience. It may take several weeks, or even months, of
night~ effort to attain your goal. But once you do, you'll most like~ agree
that it's worth it
Okay Now that you\le got a plan of action, and you\le meditated long
enough to clear your mind .... pay attention to your body VVhen you can tell
it is past mere relaxation and in fact has shut do'Ml for the night, and you
are calm and undistracted -- mind a clean slate -- stop and listen.

ShollJj after going out-of-~

for the first time, I noIiced some
strange feedbacl< from cellain
p&lIs of my~. The most
prominen< feedbacx came from
the top of my head, from the
"CrOMl " chal<ra. It seemed to
seNe 00 re&1 purpose oiher than
to worl< &S & gauge for my fear
H!Ne you ever seen those
animated calloons in which the
main character gets so stailled
that he leaps higher than the
ceiling will &I!em? Well, that was
the feeling I I<ep< getting from this
chal<ra. It was &S if my &stral
~ was tl1(ing to leap right out
of me, but I<ep< hitting the roof.
Ary little thing would set it off.
If someone burst in<o the room,
thunx. If there was & loud ooise,
thunx. If I was riding in & vehicle
and it Sl'leNed & little too sharpJj.
thunx. I had had 00 ide&, before
this, that ch&l<ras were a"'JIhing
more than & metaphoric&1 poin<
mean< to concen<rate on.
The stailling effect of the
chal<ra wore off, even<ualJj. but
what remains is my personal
belief in it.

The second chakra you should know about is the manipura (see #5 in the
ch&II), or "seat of the soul." This is placed halfway between your front and
back, approximate~ two inches above your navel: this area is also called
your solar plexus This is important to know for "centering:' hich we shall
explore later.
The third chakra is the muladhara (see #7 in the chall), or "root" chakra. This is
at the base of your spine, at the coccyx This is important to know for
"grounding:' hich we shall also explore later.
The fourth chakra lies atthe top of your skull, direct~ above the spinal
vertebrae in your neck. This is a point kno'Ml as the Saharara (see #1 in the
ch&II), or "Cro'Ml" chakra. This is extreme~ easy to find hen you learn
through experience how to app~ pressure You'll be using this chakra for
"charging up:' hich, again, 'iill be explained later.

Section III Exercises

VVhen researchi ng metaprrysi cs, three sorts of traditi ons 'ii II stand out Fi rst,
there are the anci ent texts 'iith i Ilegi ble gi bberi sh in dead languages.
Second, the feel-good visualizabons of New Age authors, talking much but
saying little. Third, the spiritual cults that claim you must follow their religion
specifical~ before you can learn 'iitchcraft This course avoids all three
traps I\le explained everything in layman's terms, and avoided "fluff" as
much as possible. If you 'ii sh, you can app~ the skills herein to hichever
faith you adhere to, or not at all

How to go out-of-b ody

1. Reach gnosis You'll know if you \le reached it h en you no longer

remember ho you are, the room around you seems like boundless space,
and you\le experienced a sort of slip into a deeper mindset (that last one is
hard to explain ... you'll know it hen it happens). To tru~ awaken your
senses, you'll have to do this at least once a day A good quietbme to set
aside for it is short~ before bed. Half an hour is usual ~ sufficient
2. If you bre of watching and waiting, or better yet, after reaching gnosis
Concentrate on your third eye You know the general area it's in, so just
focus on thathile you watch and wait Make sure to remain relaxed and not
to \Winkle your forehead -- you want any feelings you experience to be
metaprrysical, not prrysical After a bit of practice (again, one session a day
is minimal) you should be able to feel pressure there. Try to make the
pressure stronger
3. If you can make the pressure so strong that it "pops" -- or, strange~
enough, feels like a flowe r blooming -- then start reading up on kundalini,
because you've got some real potential in that field.
4. Once you get to know your chakras, play'iith them. Get them to breathe,
get them to glow , make them feel like they're on fire or encased in ice. Try
feeling-out the cone of energy connecbng your third eye to the center of your
brain, the pineal gland That's called Pete Sanders' "joy touch:' hich can
also be used 'ii th the crO'Ml chakra and pineal gland
VVhile these exercises don't sound very exciting, they are quite important
This disciplines the mind and weakens the barrier between the two worlds.
You have very little chance of completi ng the next chapter 'iithout thi s

Sect ion IV
Awakening Your Oth er Senses (Step Two)

VVhat are you listening for? Nothing, real~: it doesn't matter. But keep your
mind clear and just listen to the silence of the emptiness around you. If
you're tru ~ in gnosis, the empbness around you is no longer your
bedroom, but an indefinable, boundless vacuum -- not real~ a place at all.
Wait patiently, mind clear, listening for nothing in particular You are to be
an observer of yourself, not real ~ invofied in the exercise at all.
If you're deep enough in gnosis, you'll feel an odd fear building slol'i1y in
the pit of your stomach -- and then you'll "s'iitch" to astral awareness.
This is a definite slip between realities, sometimes accompanied by a
short loud noise or a buzzing sensabon: sometimes it is intense enough
to shock you into full consciousness. Don't confuse this 'iith that common
half-asleep feeli ng of abrupt falli ng, though (thars actual~ just your inner
ear's balance regi sters shutti ng do'Ml for the ni ght).
After the shift, the "prrysi cal" symptoms descri bed above 'ii II sudden ~
swe ep over you like a tidal wave, undeniab~ intense. Atthis point, desire
'iith all your might to get "out" by floating upwards (or by climbing an
imaginary rope, etc), and it very we ll may work. If not, you're probab~ still
close to the right level of consciousness, so just clear your mind and try
After the shift, the "prrysi cal" symptoms descri bed above 'ii II sudden~
sweep over you like a tidal wave, undeniab~ intense. Atthis point, desire
'iith all your might to get "out" by floating upwards (or by climbing an
imaginary rope, etc), and it very well may work. If not, you're probab ~ still
close to the right level of consciousness, so just clear your mind and try
Getting back "in" is a worry of many beginners. As a matter of fact, this is
more easi~ done than would be preferred Atthe slightest hint of fear, or
even someth ing as nominal as a full bladder, the astral body'iill be
"snapped" back into the prrysical body like a taut rubber band, safe and
sound. Standi ng close nearby your prrysi cal body ('iithi n a couple of feet)
usual ~ does the trick, too. If that doesn't work, try to 'iiggle a finger, and
you'll be snapped back into prrysical awareness at the effort
OBEs are a topic of endless speculation and personal experience
Dozens of books have been IVritten on the subject, explaining every
minute detail recorded about the phenomenon. As much as I would like
to, I cannot explain much more here than I already have. So, to get
out-of-body, follow the direcbons above: or find other suggesbons on the
Internet by typing "how to have an obe" in a search engine. My favori te
OBE we bsite of all time is Charles C Goodin's Astral Projection ~
Homepage hich includes lots of great, informed information on the
subject (HINT Ignore everything you read about lucid dreaming)
As a general rule, if you're aski ng yourself duri ng these pracb ce sessi ons,
"Hey, is this hat they were talking about? Are these the buzzing and
shaking sensabons I read about? Does this mean that I'm out of body?"
then the answer is an emphabc NO. If you do manage the feat, then there
'iill be no doubt in your mind about it
Another small bit of personal proof

Excerpt from my OBE journal

... Mt he&1I WaS pounding wildJj. my wI>ole ~ was cold,

and I was stalling

to watch changes t&l<e place. First came the vibrations -- noI electric&1 &S I
had thought they would be, oor suNIe -- but my wI>ole ~ sh&l<ing &S it
does with hunger, onJj much more powerful. Next, my toes opened up -- noI
literalJj. but ... they fe~ cold, and tingling, and refreshed, lil<e power WaS
either fleming in<o or out of them. It was lil<e that from the b&lIs of my feet,
outward to the ends of my toes. Then my head opened up too -- noI cpJite in
the same way -- I c&nl re&IJj describe it, but it re&IJj did feel lil<e & f!cmer
blooming, or &n egg cracl<ing open. Next I was floating ..

Side effects
i. A paradigm shiftl A change in your beliefs about reality itself Sudden ~
any assumptions you had about a soul or a separate plane of existence
'ii ll shift from believing to knoWing. This is no small feat, and it should not
be undertaken by the faint of heart.
ii. OBEs become exponential ~ easier to inibate. You may start to go
out-of-body every once in a hile 'iithout even trying
iii. Your chakras 'iill go hayl'iire You\le broken the barrier betwee n the
two realms of reality, and your nel'i1y-awakened senses are having to
interpret the strange astral input You 'iill have to spend some bme
accustoming yourself to hat each feeling means.
iv. You may become a psychic, of sorts -- kno'ii ng things that are about to
happen before they happen, etc. This is because you\le torn the barrier
between your soul and your mind. And since other people have a "soul"
on the astral plane, as well as you do, you should find people's true
thoughts and personalibes amazing~ easy to read.

So, you\le gotten this far? Here's here things get interesting

Section IV Exercises
If you can master this chapter, your clairvoyance ability should be better
than at least 90% of the general public. Everyone has the potenbal to
work up to this point-- but it takes time, patience, and dedi cab on. I
cannot stress hard enough how important it is to expenence this
firsthand before moving on to the next chapter This section Will "rend
the veil," or break the barrier, between your astral and physical bodies.

Out-of-body experiences (OBEs)

At a certain point in gnosis, in hich the mind is awake and the body is
asleep, occultists claim to be able to leave their prrysical bodies
te mporari ~ I used to laugh at the idea. After all, astral projection seemed
to be the very epitome of self-delusion Some spiritual ~-obsessed
opbmist has a daydream about fMng -- and then convinces himself he
was actual ~ out of his bodyl '/hat ajoke:' I thought, until had I
researched it more.
In truth, the process of going out-of-body is not pure~ a mental
experience There are some rather intense prrysical (for lack of a better

1. Your goal is, obvious~, to get out-of-body and come back to tell about
it Caution the out-of-body experience is intense, and should on~ be
attempted by those of sound mind and body
2. Keep ajournal of your OBEs. This is extreme~ important, as for some
reason h at happens to you astral ~ tends to be forgotten much more
quick~ than things that happen to you prrysical~

Sect ion V


be a money spell. For more on complebng a working such as this, follow the
"Bui Idi ng Blocks of a Ritual" charts throughout the course).

U s in g Yo ur N ew Aware n ess

A novice witch once br&gged to me

A psychicalJ; gifted frierid of mine once asHed me to cast a

Now that your chakras are feeding you l'iith an occasional stream of
ITI')ISterious signals, you might feel a bit overwh elmed. After all, you're
experiencing a version of reality that you never knew was there before. Irs
rather like discovering that your legs for the first time and learning to walk, all
over again Some practice l'iill sure~ help
(NOTE There is no way to app~ this chapter unbl after you have rended the
veil. See previous chapter)


Se nsing and "feeling o ut"

Have you ever been in a house that felt dark and creepy? Or, on the other
hand, one that was warm and welcoming? Your new senses l'iill tell you the
reasons I'itri that is. In fact, professional psychics get hired to do exactly that
for television show s; they'll walk around a room and explain hat they're
feeling (a long-forgotten murder, etc) This is made possible by a sort of
imprint left in the astral plane at that location, hich is like an open book to
the clairvoyant
Pracbce reading the imprint on simple items, at first You might pick up an
heirloom in an antique shop and try to determine hat sort of person once
o'Mled it Were they female or male? VVhat sort of attitude did they have
tow ard life? The answ ers l'iill be perfectly apparent l'iith a small amount of
gnosis, a quiet moment to clear your mind. There is no "imagination"
invorved because you're not required to invent an answ er justto interpret
the new, exotic feelings you're getting
Interpretation is rather more difficult than it sounds. If the O'Mler of the object
w as a w oman, you may encounter a gen~e, mother~ sort of feeling. It is easy
to infer from this hat sort of attitude she might have had -- a loving, nurturing
side, at least The problem is that w ords like "mother~' l'iill not pop into your
head automab cal~, just as the w ords "salt!' or "sour" do not automati cal ~
pop into your head hen you bite into a piece of food. It takes interpretation,
and, more importantly, experience to cross-reference by
Thus, the feelings you decipher from the astral realm l'iill be nothing more
than abstract concepts You l'iill have to learn to speak this language just as
you did English Using abstract concepts in meditabon is a matter of
necessity -- because right-brain consciousness is used primari ~ in alpha

, even.
. "lIow, wilere did you learn

Sect ion VII
Paintin g W ith En e rgy

Section V Exercises
1. "Read" an item every day It's bestto pracbce this after on ~ a moment of
concentrati on, on an object l'iith hi ch your i ntuiti ons can be verifi ed.

2. Practice formulating and exuding abstract concepts Some are more

difficult to latch onto and use than others, so try a various few Some
examples people, places, colors, weather. (Remember that this exercise
doesn't invorve visualizing anything, nor thinking in w ords)1

Sect ion VI

A person general~ exudes his personality on the astral level just as a plate of
Italian food l'iill reek pleasantly of spices It's up to you to gain the experience
needed to pick out the separate smells (sw eet, pungent, musky) and define
them inhuman terms (basi I, garli c, oregano). Li kel'ii se, objects that the
person touches l'iill get "smeared" l'iith the "smell:' and the environments he
frequents I'ii II positive~ full of "odor."

Ballet P os iti o n s

So, hat are the words? Again, they are abstract concepts "Hear me dark
and blessed nightlHear now of my lone~ plighllVVithout my lady's hand to
holdlMy aching heart grows long too coldfThrice the moon shall shineiThen
she shall be minel" This lillie spell is mere~ sending out a signal "NEED
FEMALE:' or something to that effect, hich is, in truth, a very simple
abstract concept Try to grasp the feeling that this spell is trying to get
across, l'iithout using w ords or pictures, and you'll understand. Just as music
can subt~ change your mood, so should the language of magic

Vfrry do w e have to use abstract concepts in our magic?

Simp~ because it

is the language of the astral plane. One of my friends explained his first
experi ence l'iith the phenomenon hi Ie tryi ng to speak telepathi cal~ l'iith an
animal. VVhen he final~ got a rep~ (quite to his surprise), it was a greeting.
The silent response wa s not simp~ "Hello:' but rather "Hello:' "Bon
jour:' "Guten tag:' "Aloha:' "Nihao:' "Hola:' "Konnichiwa:' and every
other greeting in the w orld alll'iTapped up into one soundless thought The
astral language is uni ve rsal, and thus extreme~ useful for communicating
your desires to the cosmos.
abstract co ncept inter pretation
To see this in progress, I highly recommend you watch "Crossing Over"
on the SciFi channel. John Edwards";l1 try to interpret what he feels
in the studio, and invariably end up as the middle man in a discussion
between a deceased relat",e and someone in the audience. You can
learn some great techniques here if you pay close attention.

Electromag netic pulse techn o logy

You\le learned that you carry around a sort of soul-energy (also kno'Ml as
"chi" or "ki" in Eastern philosophies --I call it "essence") and that you "reek
of the smell:' so to speak, on the astral level. Let's take this idea one step
further exuding that energy
Let's say you're near the gin of your dreams, and she doesn't notice you.
Well, obvious ~ you're just blending in l'iith the scenery, as far as pow er-level
goes Instead of continuing the process of exuding this energy in minimal
amounts, just being a "background" odor, I'itri not force some of it to smell
You can do thi s by feeli ng-out your 0'Ml astral si de, then desperate~ I'ii Iii ng it
to echo forth from you just as a sound wave bellow s from a speaker It's hard
to explain just how to do this -- but, if your senses are as developed as they
should be by now , it's almost instinctual. You'll know you\le gotten it right
hen you feel the pulse wave leave you. This is much the same feeling as
you get hen you're frustrated enough to "scream silently" -- it's as if your
very soul shrieks. In a way, it does -- and other people can hear it
subconsci ous~, through the thoughts that constant~ tri ckle do'Ml from thei r
0'Ml astral serves. So then, of course, the lady should look over at you if
you\le done it proper~ , l'iithout real ~ realizing I'itri This is called vibrating
"Vibrabon" is much like using sound w aves. The astral plane has different
frequencies, just as your radio does. On each frequency, there are different
levels of reality Uust as you'll find different radio stations across your dial)
The reality you see every day is on a slight~ low er frequency than the astral
reality, hich contains your "soul." In vibrating, you've tapped into that astral
frequency and made "harmony" that those tuned in can hear. (There are
higher and low er astral frequencies, hich you'll discover if you experiment
l'iith vibration enough) "Vibration:' as such, is like putting music into the
radio station. Changing the essence of your messages changes the
"harmonics" slightly
This is important for you to know later in the actvanced chapters, but at the
moment I'll explain psychic energy as "smell" because describing how
something smells is just as intellectual~ hard to grasp as how music makes
you feel. There are no logical w ords to encompass exactly how it w orks.
You'll understand it on ~ through experience
Vibration is an extreme~ simple concept as far as l'iitchcraft goes, but irs
one of the most essential tools you'll need. In the attenbon-grabber example,
there w ere no thoughts expressed in the pulse w ave -- just energy This
w orks w ell for making people take notice, but to tru~ master l'iitchcraft, you
need to work the abstract concepts we\le talked about into your method of
vibrating. I do this every day for simple tasks --like vibrating, for example, at
someone ho's blocking traffic a suggestion that now might be a good
time to change lanes. You'll be amazed at how often this w orks.
You do thl S by saturaung your essence I'ilth the abstract concept 01 your
desire. For example, let's say you w anted to do a spell for money You w ould
exude and concentrate, on the astral plane, the feeling of wealth This is not
to say that you imagine yourself as a rich man; but instead formulate and
pour out, so to speak, the feeling that every w ealtrry man has hen he
receives a paycheck It is one of confidence and security, associated l'iith
the ideals of money Again, it is hard to explain since it is an abstract
concept,but ou'll ettheideahen ou
it(Thisison ~ artofhatwould

M&y your first ritual be Just as rewarding.

Using abstract concepts

The "smell" is comparable to electromagnetic energy You'll notice that if you

rub a magnet against another metal object, it l'iill become magnetized, too,
at least to some extent And for all intents and purposes, you can think of
magical energy as this interesbng attractive/repellant force. Just like using
an electromagnet, you can "charge up" from your current level of power
(more on this later) If l'iitchcraft was a language, this w ould be the lungs
behind your voice.

spell for him Well, I hated to see all of that pcten<ial going
to waste, 00 I refused. "Do it yourself," I said. "I'll wali< you
through it. " To my surprise, he &greed.
The steps I wali<ed him through are eX&etJ; the same ones
as listed in "Building B!oci<s of a Rituar (above). [I must
mai<e it clear that this was no! a guided visualization -- I Just
explained the "how-to"s to him Just as I hwe to you.] When it
was all wer, he exhaled a long, shai<y breath. Wow. So
that's what witchcraft is .... WCN/. SuddenJ; all that stuff that
you arid your frierids tali< about mai<es sense.l"
He explained his experience in cluttered phrases throughout
the next few hours. I'd expected as much -- the first time you
perform m&gic correctJ; can be pretty werwhelming. When
you were tali<ing to me, I could hear you -- but, I was, lii<e, in
nowhere, in sp&ee, or oomething, arid your voice was Just an
echo .... "; "I never i<new the Eallh was 00 J&ded... or even
that it had a peroonality to begin with. ... "; "The energy was
fkming through me lii<e a firehose, arid I could feel the
suUIe changes in pressure arid direction pushing &gainst

IMPORTANT Make sure your concepts are we lcoming and posibve In the
example above, it would cause disastrous financial consequences if you
projected a feeling of "I'm brokell need moneyll can't pay my bills on timel"
because you w ould be invoMng the opposite concept of hat you wanted in
your spell. Also, it helps a great deal to be confident that you'll get hat you
want -- and after doing a few successful spells, having confidence in your
abilities is rather easy

If you\le studied anything about ballet, you'll know that all of the exotic
choreograprry in ful~scale producbons is the product of a mere five dance
positions. And the same rule applies l'iith magic -- once you know the four
basic moves, the rest is just creabvity.
The fi rst two are centeri ng and groundi ng. The usuall'iitchcraft literature
calls this "grounding and centering:' but, to me, it makes more sense in the
order presented here. However, it does help to repeat the process of both a
couple ofbmes, in varying order, for good measure.
This is getting your consciousness shut do'Ml to here all you feel is
yourself Beyond the worries of the day, beyond all of your hopes and fears
and dreams, thi sis the "kernel:' the core personality program that your
everyday thoughts and feelings are spa'Mled by If you recognize this from
earlier in the course, you're right-- irs just gnosis. But it has an additional
"Centering" invorves compressing this soul-core do'Ml into a bght ball,
located at your solar plexus -- the manipura chakra (see Section III). This is
also kno'Ml as "the one point" in Aikido. Remember that you are inside your
0'Ml consciousness -- you must become that one point You'll know hen
you've gotten it ri ght, because sudden~ the term "centeri ng" I'ii II make
perfect sense. You'll be hanging in a perfect balance between your head
and your feet; it's tru ~ a unique experience.
Now that you're a point of consciousness in an endless vacuum, put your
"feeling out" to use. You may be quite surprised to find that there are other
consciousnesses here, too. In fact, there's a huge one, extending in all
directions, beneath you This is the Earth.
Don't w orry, I'm not going to go off on an environmentalist ecosystem spiel as
so many have in the past I won't bother to explain exact~ how the Earth has a
consciousness, because it w ould on ~ serve to complicate things. For the
moment, just realize that everything has a consciousness to some extent;
some are simp~ operating on a different scale ofbme. And forthe Earth,
your lifetime is the blink of an eye
"Grounding" is creating a psychic connection between yourself and the earth.
You do this by dropping anchor, so to speak, from your manipura chakra
through your muladhara chakra (see Section III) and into the Earth. Again,
don't imagine it, force yourself to feel it sinking like a stone through wate r,
deep into the ground, and imbedding itself there. Open yourself generous ~
as you do this, offering yourself to the Earth for acceptance You can on~take
if you give
Like a garden hose, all of your excess energyl'iill flow out and do'Ml through
this link. If you've managed to ground correctly, it l'iill happen so much and so
quick~ that you may be frightened that the Earth is sucking you psychical ~
dry But it aw.ays w orks out -- like a projectile atthe top of an arc, the
exchange l'iill slow, halt, and reverse. You'll be filled up l'iith fresh, clean, raw
psychic energy from the ground. It's like a metaprrysical oil change.
Prelti much everyone has experienced that phone call in hich someone
says, "Ohll wa s just thinking of you I" It's not a coincidence -- it's just a
subconscious~-created astral link. Somebmes it filters through the mental
barriers we have and we act on it Thomas Jefferson observed and tested
this phenomena by occasional ~ IVriting a full, detailed letter to someone on a
specific subject; then he w ould rip it up and throw it out A few days later, he
w ould mysterious~ receive a letter from the guinea pig discussing the same
Centering yourself, feeling out someone or something else (such as we just
did l'iith the Earth), and establishing a connection between them, is a very
standard method of magic called linking You send, or draw , hatever you
like through the line, and usual~ snap the connection afterwards You can link
to objects just as we ll as people -- you'll do this laterl'iith things like candles.
How do you snap the connection? By formulating the abstract concept
of something sharp and pulling it through the link. The connecbon should
snap like a rubber band.
For reference, realize that anytime a spell calls for "a lock of hair" or "a
personal item" from your target, it's on~ used in order to establish a link. Just
thinking about the person during gnosis, if you have a good feel for himlher, is
usual ~ potent enough to connect to them. (Besides, irs annoying to have to
"feel out" a person from thei r fi ngernai I cli ppi ngs)

that she'd Just done her first ritual.

"But," she said, "how do I tell if it
WJri<ed or non I'm no! good enough
yet to do aihing that WJuld hwe a
pr,;sic:al effect."
I shoai< my head at the l&yers of
misconcep<ion. "You should
automaticalJ; i<()(N/ if your ritual
WJri<ed, because you'll be able to
feel the m&gic in the air The air will
sing." She Iooi<ed confused. "You
i<()(N/ that feeling you get wilen you
see an orchestra live? The reoonance
of the wI>ole room with the music:, as
if the en<ire environmen< is chiming in
arid singing along? Right down to your
"Yeah, I\le seen that ... the i<irid
wilere the chills that wash wer you?"
"It's vel'f similar Music: stirs up
energy from evel'fone in the
audience; arid in m&gic you force it
out of yourself You hwe the
&d.ian<&ge of i<ncming what to do with
it. "
Plus, you can obseNe eX&etJ; what's
going on behirid-the-scenes, if you
use this tutorial. 1I0ne of that 0011 of
guesswori< will be invo/.led.

So far, you\le learned that the astral plane of existence is a boundless

vacuum. It is importantto note, however, that it also w orks as a threedi mensi onal dral'ii ng board. Any energy that you project from yourself I'ii II
spread out just like spraypaint; it's up to you to catch and control the energy
into a useful picture
Shells and shields
In order to keep your energy from fading out like smoke in the air, you need to
keep it contained. General~, modern l'iitches accomplish this by dral'iing a
circle on the ground and sitting inside of it The circle serves as the
circumference of a cross-section of a sphere, both as protection and
containment To make the sphere real in an astral sense, you sketch out, in
the air, the abstract concepts of hat you want itto do; irs painting l'iith a
consciousness. Just allow the energy to flow in a controlled manner from one
hand, dral'iing out the walls, until you feel complete ~ enclosed. Repeat the
process hen you feel it's necessary, especial~ if the shield is meant to be
With a little practice, you can construct a shield such as this instantaneous ~
The circle is on~ a prrysical reminder -- you can just as easi~walk around the
city and still have a shield in place around you
Remember that your shield energy is programmed to do hatever you tell it
to inibal~ If you tell it (in abstract concepts, of course) to keep Bad Things
out, it should. If you tell itto push Bad Things away, it should (after all,
energy's got some magnetism, remember?). If you tell it to disperse itself
hen you're finished casting your spell, it should. If you tell itto pull energy in
during the ritual to fuel your spell, it should; but in this case you should also
set up another shield around that one to keep innocent astral enbbes from
being sucked in arbitrari~ (Always consider the consequences of your
actions, and program your parameters according~) Make sure to tell the
shield to fall after a ritual, or your spell l'ii ll be trapped inside (and defeat the

Now to use your statement of intent Using Western numerology, each

letter has a numerical value as seen in the chart below . To draw the
sigil, you find the placement of each letter in your w ord or phrase on
the "magic square" and connect the dots, so to speak, in the order in
hich the word is spelled

,, , ,, ,, ,,
,, ,c , ,, ,c
" "


A second method of dral'iing sigils is much more personal Use the

letters of your statement of intent to draw a symbol. Be creative
overlap the lines, combine things like P and R, etc. Take the finished
dral'ii ng and simplify it (make a figure-Slook like an X, or two circles,
etc). Repeat this symbol redral'ii ng process, making various changes,
unbl the letters aren't even close to readable and it feels "right"
There are other methods of dral'iing sigils hich are too numerous to
mention. Search the web for symbols such as runes that may
correspond to your desires, and piece them together to form a picture
(for example, an "X" in your dral'iing might mean a meeting of
crossroads) Actvanced occulbsts can also use the Enochian
numbenng system to assign tables to w ords.
For future reference, (in case you're reading up on magic and find a
dral'ii ng of a sigil) the beginning of a sigil is represented as a circle.

The end is represented as a short line. The crooked line in-between is the path
yourfinger(s) w ould make in the air.
You paint the symbol in the air l'iith energy to acbvate it If the spell is long-term,
as in our fear ward example, you may wa nt to create a one-way link from
something prrysical to the symbol ... so that the ward can draw pow er to
recharge itself if it grow s w eak. Creativity lends endless possibilities to the
It is general~ maintained that after you fire off a sigil or g~h, you should forget
about it, as your subconscious is supposed to be making it w ork.
Talismans and seals
Talismans and seals w ork much the same way as sigils and g~hs do -- dra'Ml
l'iith energy, they are beacons in the dark. The difference is, the lines and
curves used to draw them are so complex that, for one thing, you'll probab~
need a prrysical dral'iing to trace the astral one from; and, for another, they
exude a very speci~c set of abstract concepts This is done, technical~
speaking, by using the angles of geometric shapes to influence specific
harmonic frequencies of the astral plane -- a lot like adjusting rabbit ears to
fine-tune into a television station.
Every abstract concept has a corresponding seal, if on~ you could take the
bme to figure it out But,just as every action of nature has a corresponding
prrysics equabon, it's usual~ not necessary to personal~ w ork out the math. All
sorts of seals are already available for a variety of entities. (Yes, enbbes.
Personalities are mere~ a patchw ork of abstract concepts)
VVhat follows is a list of a few infamous entities and their corresponding seals.
(You can easi~find others in books or on the internet to fit your needs) We'll
learn howto use them, later.
Angel of th e Sun
Uriel, whose name means "fire of God ," is one of the original seven archangels.

The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, hile thick l'iith archaic
phrases and ceremonial gestures, is a great script for constructing a shield.
felt it deserved some mention here, since it's been used so often in occult
literature that it's almost become cliche. If you w ant to try your hand at it, see
the AddendumiReference chapter (Secbon XII)

Angel of the Moon
Ofaniel (Ophaniel), who was described by Longfellow in a later edition of his The
Golden Legend.

Sigils and glyphs

A pool of energy is a lot like a neon light in the astral world. The more energy,
the brighter the glow You can use this to your actvantage by creating astral
signposts of a sort. A sigil or g~h, say, programmed to bring you favorable
luck, l'iill exude (glow) the abstract concept meaning "good luck:' hile
repelling the abstract concept meaning "bad luck." The preferred astral
energies l'iill be attracted to the glow like moths to a flame
In practice, sigils and g~hs are much more specialized than this. They we re
invented as a magical shortcut, so that the translation from words to abstract
concepts l'iill be enbre~ subconscious. Sigils and g~hs are general~
programmed specifical~; for example, a w ard could be constructed l'iith such
words as "protection through fear' to make passerby too nervous to explore
a private area of your property
To create a g~h, you formulate the desired phrase; in this case, it was
"protecti on through fear" Then, you remove all of the repeab ng letters, to
form "proteci hugfa" Use thi s as your intent w ord and follow the i nstructi ons
for making a sigil (below)
To create a sigil, you use a word or short phrase that defines your intenbons
(as opposed to the alternate method of using cryptic g~rr-Ietters) Try
dral'iing a symbol using both methods and see hich one feels more
powe rful for you.
How do you figure out hat your sigillooks like? You can do this several
ways. The number chart method invorves picking the planet hose
personality corresponds to your desi re. (Feel the planets out if you don't
understand the charts and/or w ant to see for yourself) Each planet has a
"magic square" (so called because each row and column l'iill have an equal
sum) hich was attributed to it by ancient mathematicians.



Vitality, Ego, Heall, Creativity,

Superiors, Pcmer, Success,
AcNancemen<, Leadership,
Frieridshlp, GrCMth, Light, Pride,
Arrogance, Bigctl'f

ClaiNcyance, Sleep, Psychic dreams, Reveals

Secrets, Emctions, Astral trwel, Im&gination,
Women's mysteries, Billh, Fellility,
Reincarnation; Delusion


6 32
3 3~ 35
8 30
7 11 27 28
19 H 16 15 23 2~

37 78 29
6 38 79
7 39
16 ~8
57 17 ~9
26 58 18
67 27 59
36 68 19
77 28 69

70 21 62 13
30 71 22 63
80 31 72 23
~O 81 32 6~
9 ,,1 73 33
1 ~2 7~
10 51
2 ~3
60 11 52
20 61 12 53

H ~6
55 15
2~ 56
65 25
3~ 66
75 35
~ ,,5



Male Sexuality, Strength, Lust, Anger,

Destruction, Medical Issues, Surgel'f,
Competition, Conflict, Spoils;
Violence, Anger

Communic&lion, In<el!ect, Business, Writing,

Con<r&ets, Buying arid Selling, Inform&lion of all
i<irids, Wisdom, Cleverness, Cre&livity, Science,
Merool'f, Dishonesty, Dec:ep<ion

10 18
1 14 22
6 19
2 15


6 60 61
~9 55 11 13 12 1'1
'll 18 ~6 21 20 ~3
32 3" 27 37 36 30
,,0 26 35 29 28 38





Ve nus

Success, Aburidance, Money,

GrCMth, Pallies, Visions, Gambling;
Greed, Wastefulness

Lwe, Pleasure, Female Sexuality, The Ails,

Music:, Beauty, Luxul'f, Scen<, Social Affairs;
Lechel'f, Coldness, loo!&lion

1'1 15
6 12



16 'll 10 35
23 ~8 17 ~2 11
6 2~ ~9 18 36
7 25 ~3 19
H 32
1 26 H
8 33
2 27
15 ,,0
9 3~

Bael, or Baell, the First Spirit of the Goetia

"A King ruling in the East. He ruleth over 66 Legions of
Infernal Spirits ... He speaketh hoarsel y." His Seal is

Vassago , the Third Spirit of the Goetia

"A Mighty Prince ofa Good
Nature, and his office is to
declare things Past and to
Come, and to discover all
things Hid or Lost. A.nd he
governeth 26 Legions of
Spirits," and this is his Seal:

Marduk, the Big Guy from the Necronomicon

"He whose ways are glorious, whose deeds are
like.,;se .... Creation, destruction, del",erance, grace-Shall be by his command." His first sign is this:

Here are a few w ell-kno'Ml talismans from the Key of Solomon.


L ove


17 ~2 22 ~" ,,5 19 ~7 2"

9 15 51 52 53 5" 10 16

You may wonder how ESP and magic can work over such a great distance.
In truth, astral consciousness can extend as far as you're l'iilling to believe it
can, because astral dimensions are pure~ subjecbve Simple linking, such as
you read about above, can easi ~ connect to people or objects in other
countries, if that wa s hat you we re going for You'll learn to appreciate this
fiexibility, l'iith a lillie experience

Rule of Occultism: If you can't feel the rna ic, it's not there,


Protecti o n

Protecti o n (wa ll ) - Use for shields.



Gaining the Astral Plane, Real Estate,
Bani<s, DeUs, Institutions,
Obst&eles, Limitations, Biriding,
Knowledge, Death, Buildings, Time,
Structures, DiSCipline; Oppression,


That's itl You\le learned the format of a ritual, and now you can app~ your
ingenui ty to creating and casting any spells you need. For some popular ideas,
see the next chapter

Section VII Exercises

1. Decide ...nat you want most right now, and weigh the possible
conseQuences of getting It. This is not a "monkey's paw" sort of trick
Question, as magic IS on~ dangerous if you expect It to be I slmp~ mean
that, for example, ...nIle getting a promohon at work can earn you a raise,
il also means you'll have 10 deal with more responSibilities
2. Hyou're stili happy WIth your idea, then go through the ntual process
and fire off a slgll for II

Sect ion VIII

Simple Magic
Candle magic is a staple for beginners ofWllchcraft, although few
witches realize exac~ how itworks. The idea ItseH is very slmple "- your
intenoons are programmed into the body of a candle so that your spell
WIll be released gradual~ as il bums down.

candle serves as banery power (psychic energy) for the

astral loudspeaker (VIbrating your program) In effecl, il exudes your
inlent even ...nen you're nOI around -- you just have 10 lum il on by lighting
Ihe wick. Arrything ca n be a ballery -- a charg ed crysta l, for instance,
cou ld be ca rri ed around in yo ur pocket as th e balleryfor a personal
psych ic shi eld.
To create a ballery, just paint your programm ed intent energy into it,
adding the parameters as to how long the energy should be stored and
just how It should be released (for instance, by lighting the wiCk). Hit
makes you feel beller to be more "witctr( by plckmg the perfect color of
candle to use (green for money, etc) and calVIng symbols mlo It, Check
oUlthe charts m the AddendumlReference chapter (Section XII)
To keep your programmmg from fading awF.1f over time, It'S a good idea
10 program your battery to link 10 a larger power source, such as the
Earth, and refresh itse ~ as needed. (Rechargeable balleries __ heh,
would 've thought?) The o n ~ limits to thi s sort of innovation are yo ur

some vibrational properties (...nich is also vvtry it's use d in clocks): but
that' s as much stock in " a utomatical ~ mysti ca l" stones as my faittl wi ll
blind~ allow]
I've seen a didnlwant to take the time to erect a psychic
shield around her house manual~ .... So, she created somethlOg similar
10 a VIruS, ...nlch would reproduce itseH and liS protectJve IOfluence as
long as 1\ was IOslde of her walls.
I've seen a was complele~ immune to '1eeling-out" __ he was
psychlca l~ irrvislble. He had bui~ a shield to send back null Signals 10
anyon e nearby: he co uld walk around in a crowd for an hour and no one
wo uld even realize that he was there unti l th ey looked d irect~ at him.
Plus, he had tweaked the shield's harmonics unti l itwas at a background
level -- you co uldn't even te ll that a shield wa s th ere in th e first place (It
took me forever to figu re ttlat one out __ I had to scan him across a large
range of freQuencies).
May you be as creative

Section V/// EXercises

I. When 1\ applies, take some time 10 figure out how you might use two
or three different methods thaI you've learned in a single spell. The
compleXity wi ll not make your spell any more powerful, but it sure does
help at times ...nen yo u nee d several different magica l processes to
work tog eth er.
2. If you read any fantasy books, then keep an eye out for methods that
ca n be integrated into yo ur arsenal. Sure, the authors meant it pure~ as
ficti on, but the ideas are ...nat mailer.

Section IX
DM nalion
While predicting the future has lillle or nothing to do WIth WItchcraft,
some of the methods of divination can be used in your workings
However, if you are inleresled in divining the future,these are some
good tools to use (though far too exten sive a subject to explain here)
Lo ok in yo ur local metaprrys ical shops, or on th e intern et, to bLl)' bo oks
on th ese top ics.

From curses to love spells, any magic to cause long-tenn behavior uses
a method called bmding You can use binding magic to do something
(for example, attract good luck) or not to do somethmg (stop smoking).
You can bmd a person to a person, an object, an abstract concept, or
any combmanon of the three. Nol every bmdmg IS bound to a person "cursed" artifacts from a mumrrrYs lomb would be a good example.
This is, byfar, one of the mosl misunderstood techniQues of Wllchcraft
Many WItches donl consi der magic 'binding magic' unless they use a
strin g or cord of some sort, and thus they think it's done o n~ ra re~ __ but
behind-the-scenes on th e astral plane, I'd sety th at at least half of modern
spe ll s use binding of some sort. "You may have to do a binding several
tim es before itwi ll 'take :" some say -- but lu cki~ I'll teach yo u vvtry
binding actua l ~ works, so you won 't be bli nd~ slogging throu gh such
messy guesswork
Binding IS Slmp~ creating a link -- just as you did WIth yourse~ and the
Earth _ but between two (sometimes more) thmgs (usual~ separate
from you, although Irs JUst as easy to bind somethmg to yourself) Mer
going through the usual process of gnosis, centenng, and grounding, you
would then feel out the essenc e of the two thmgs you need bound
logether Then, as you draw energy from the Earth, use it to paml a line
betwe en them.
For instance , let' s sety that yo u wanted to cast a "l ove spell" between two
peopl e oth er th an yo urself (I'm not sugge stin g th at yo u frivo l o u s~ play
matchmaker li ke th is, but it's a dece nt example of binding). Yo u would
progress through the steps of you r ritual until you were balanced, then
think of the first person. YOu'll know you've contacted their essence ...nen
their energy IS so pronounced that it feels almost as If they were standing
in the same room WIth you Keep this contact m the back of your mmd,
or, If It'S easier for you to keep track of, "pamt" 11 IntO an object Do the
same for the second person Then draw energy and program It WIth the
abstract concept of love Wrap the energy around each person just like a
lasso, WIth a cord connected finn~ in-between As you "pamt:' make
sure that the energy polanzalion of your line is allractlve __ you wanlthe
line to draw both ends together strong ~ in thi s case. (~you wante d the
two people to stety awaj from ea ch other, th e ends wou ld be repe ll ent)
This is ...nere th e co rd wo uld be used -- for example, a ribbon (red , if
you're big on symbo li sm) tied around the pictures of two people, binding
them together Of course this is vvtry traditi onal bmding doesn't always
take! The WItch is too busy concentrati ng on two pieces of paper and a
string to actual~ reach out and link...nat he/she wanted The on~way to
make sure you've bound...nat you wanted, ...nen usmg these physical
lools, IS to paint the energy of each essence Into each correspondmg
object But you can use symboli sm 10 your advantage m thiS _ store the
pictures somewhere ...nere theywon~ be disturbed, then cut the cord
(and, at the same time, your link) ...nen you need your spell to be broken.
For future reference: ~' s not usual~ effecti ve to bind other clai rvoya nts,
bec ause th ey have a tendency to notice and break the link. And if
som eone has a good astra l imrnune system (sety, by prayi ng da i ~ for
protecti on) yo u mety need to double-check yo ur work occasi o n a l ~ to see
that it holds steady
Other examples of bmding would be: a person to favorable luck
(blessmg). an object to bad luck (curse): an object's owner bound to
somethmg they're Ioanmg out (insurance): or keepmg a certam bul~
awF.1ffrom your children (protection). As you can see, bmdmg IS on~
usetullf you know or ...nat needs to be effected.
Otherwise, use somethmg generic,like a sigll



I ,!




Dealing With a P!lvchlC attack

OX~ upon a wne I W6i1~&d p8st a wannabe vampIre __
an occu~,st who ~ a ~ic~ out of driffllng pS;;Chic ~l>ergy
Irom 1~11ow humana __ and 00 clacided to haw a tast ~ of
roo. (Note DoIlI be paranoid, this oo;t of thing oo.;.sn!
h~n w'Y of/en)
Nal be"'!] '" a mood /0 delJIWfh him head-on, I c~st a
quick shield atound fflY86Jf and kept wa/kmg But tIfI_
too good foI me - tIfI diw enough ene/fN out of me 80
qwckl{ (ha/ it _ alii could do /0 keep from piI5SIIIg
out A s I stumbled away; I SlIenII{ClNred a/ fflY86' 101
no/ be"'!] good enough a/ shielding to lock him out
It OIXlNted!O me 1a/6f !haI ~ wasn) the lact tha/I wasn)
good enough.- ~ waS !tIfIlac! that my techr>/qN> YI9SI
good enough Alt6f all. !hls 9"" had probabl{ fIN> across
doz~nI'J of occu~'sts III hiS drty, 8nd they probabl{ all
uood Just as ger'fJrIC a Ilflleld id I did Such a shiflld
could be deleated easil{ by dr8lnlng eoorw lrom II, 01 by
telling lito disperse, or by sever81 cJ.her method~. H~ had
~ten enough e)((J6rlflllCfl under his be~ 101 my simple
shiflld!o be of 110 challenge aI 811.
TtIfIlrick '510 be Ct6a1,w '" I"""r spells " /0 plan in
parameters lha/no ooe~ ewtlhoughl of befom. I could
haw nmde lhe shield nlflec/MI, so that af'I allacks
I'IOIJId be nlflecl9d back upon the aftacket 01; I could
haw progtl'!fl'l9d the shield to summon rome p<MI1Iful
proI9Ctors if it _
a/tk9d It doBsn) realJt mall6f wha/
e/ss I could haw done 'MIh the shield - wha/ malletS IS
lhe kwelof 96f'IIIS I should haw ured in crw1mg ~ And
efl9C!ed prelly much e"''')1 spell I"'" done ewt
since. The "9M combmal/On of paramelers Is 6ssen1,,~1 if
you want your spe~!o be foolproof. Remember, other
ciaifYO'jllnts can read and aM I{Ie your simpiest I'.<)fk like
an C!p'Jn book


Oth er Inve ntions

Using the basics that you've leamed so far, you can invent a countless
number of spells ~you can think of it, it can probab~ be done
I've seen data stored 10 Quartz crystals just as 11 would be on a computer
floppy disk [Water-clear Quartz is especial~ good for thiS, as It has

Each card represents a different set of abstract concepts, many of

...nich you can use 10 spellcasting. Contemplation of the proper card
may cause the Intent feeling to surface foryou

Hyou'd like to ask the runes a question, then one Simple method is 10
have them all drawn onto slones, or carved Into wood, etc., and spread
th em all out. face.up, on a cloth. Askyour questi on, eyes clos ed , and
Wf!Ne yo ur hand slowty over them until on e run e fee ls more allractive
th an th e others. Yo u ca n find additional meth ods similar to th is one all
acro ss th e intern et.
Using runes in WItchcraft uses the same method as tarot In addition,
the symbols are Simple enough to cast in the air as siglls Some like to
carve appropriate runes Into intent candles, or draw protective ones
around their Circle
For a chart 01 the most common runes and thei r meanlOgs,
see http://209 1.224 121AthenslAcroDolisl5551nutrune.htm
Wh ile thi s too l ca n be use d to predict th e future and similar divi natory
ta sks, it is an indi spensable tool to use in astral-tO-prrys ica l
communi cation . Th e pendulum sh oul d be made from a we ight of some
sort suspended by a cord or chain -- a pendantneckjace , for example,
would work well
Plant your elbow finn~ on a table and let the cord dangle from your
fi ngers WIth the weight at the bottom. Since the pendulum operates
upon the theory that your subconscious mlOd IS 10 direct contact with
your astral Side, you use It without real~trymg to Watch how It swings
in response to your Questions -- but hold your hand stili and don'
conscious~tryto make II swing
First of all, you have to find out ...nat the answers mean. Let the
pendulum stop swayi ng: ask it to show you your ''Ye s''; th en watch the
re sponse. It mety take a few mornents to answer, but th en th e Swi nging
in th at direction should becom e rnore an d more pronounced Re peat
ttle process for "No:' "Unknol'ffi:' and "Rephra se, " and record ttle
movements From now on, thi s will be your key to interpreting your
divinatory sessions
You can ask the pendulum yes-no questions 10 thiS manner Or, If you
have a more complicated question (like figunng out...nere you lost
your watch 10 your house) just run your other fingers over a list of
answers (10 thiS case, a map or blueprint) and wall for the cord to
swing ''Yes'' Of course, USing a pendulum is by no means guaranleed
10 give you the right answers -- your consci ous mind or outside forc es
can interfere wittl the swi nging. But thi s technique does co me in handy
som etimes (you' ll use it again in the next chapter) .
Gambling With 8 pendulum
Afler fllil9leclmg my peftd>.J1um Wfh aboiA a )I.m of IIOfI-Use, I
dug it OUlIO tIfI/p ~ fmmd of"""" She wa5 gomg 10 some sort
of gllmbbng esI~, and she wanted _ to pICk ItIfI
wnnmg numbets fOllhe Ii8t kfNlO drawmg of the mghI She left
_ llione Wth ~ kfNlO 8heeI to fill out. She didn) know I _ a
'Ntlch, bu1 JUS!haI I seem to haw IflCredibkJ luck_lInN,
.50 wha/lhe hey? I decided to use the oppotIUT>Ity ItS ~ lest
FIIS/, I IllY> my IlIIg6fs ross lhe 8heeI of k9llO numbets and
iMl<ed lhe peftd>.J/um lor 9U1dinc6. I got good. strong "Yes"
alWN6rs!o some of !tIfI/lUmbers, bull still ~ three /'IIOIf!
10 gel i lull set Too s""'ng unc~rtainly bel_n
certain /lUmbers, 50 IIMII{ I Just pici<ed Ihr"" of lhose.
Then, u a c~rol to too exp8rimen<, I a4:ed lhe pendulum
which numbers would HO T 00 driiWl. I wrcJ.e dow> ~nough lor a
full 001and 9_ roM kst~ to my Iriend. "Enter lhem /xXh and
leN _/>ow ~ \'oOIks 0Ul "
LIller on Ihal mghI,
telumed d'SIIpf>OitIled
ItIfI first
SBt, I goI iU iwllhfH and on the second SBt, I didnf gel I
III 1I1/!- StIfI'd """" a IilII<i bit of """"'Y- though, .50 I _ hippy



A s i side no/e a /01 of 'MIches preach>mSl:ooe

"!JIIII'SI USII>9",. to lTI8ke money 11'IOIJ1dn) <i<Mse~, foI
b9g/I>ntITs - ~'s too ~ to lei yow greed gel out.(J/h>d and
InIM6ffI 'MIh the efl9C!M1r>68S of yow spells

Section IX ExerCises
1. Find somethin g yo u co uld use as a pendulum and ask it fo r you r
an swers.

2. Ask a couple of Questions ttl at you know the answers to to make

sure irs working (If not, get another pendulum) Then ask some
quesbons that you'd like answered.

Section X
Adva nced Magic
Astral Hacking
Th e difference between a good witch and a great witch is in the covert
op erations -- not gelling ca ught.
If you ca n tweak th e yo ur spe ll s until they ca nnot be seen or felt by other
cla irvoyants , then ttl ey wo n't be noticed, and thu s ca n't be picked apart
and broken You do this by changing the freQuency of the energy"- a lot
like the difference between a lifeguard's ...nlsde and a dog ...nlstle.
There's stili sound - you just canl conscious~ hear II This sort of thing
can on~ be perfected through experience (Reread the chapter on
vibranons for a refresher on hannonics.)

It's also standard practice to cle an up afte r yo urse ~, drawi ng out your Ol'ffi
odor from the spell, so ttlat no smell of you r essence rema ins. Ottlerv.ise,
irs ea S'i to piece together the fingerprint of your personality and link to it,
traclOg It back to you It's a bothersome, and sometimes pretty nasty, to
have to deal WIth retaliation spells from are Just as good as
you (I've even heard of one instance of a WItch belOg traced back and
contacted through hiS own ouija board)
Summoning spirits
You have probab~ heard many dramatic references to summoning spirils
(calling angels, invoking demons, etc ) For all of the grandiose
gesti culation s and elaborate syrnbo~drawi n g yo u'll find in cerem onial
books on summoning, it's a ctual ~ one of th e easiest advanced magics to
pu ll off . It' s ba s i ca l ~ the astral equi va lent of sti cking yo ur hea d out of a
suburb window and ye lling for yo ur neighbor.

Make sure to time his

creation wittlin th e first week of being conceiVed. YOu 'll need to put ttle storage
container you programmed the energy into inside of his mother's bedding or nearby,
program It to slowt,< release the programming dal~ IOtO the one, newly-created soul in
her womb, a refresher course of sorts
Hyou feel your familiar has reached the end 01 ItS ability for service,then absorb liS
energy back IntO your own. This is the sort 01 comlOg-home a lot of us hope for WIth our
own God Otherwise, you might want to set him free, WlplOg awF.1f any blOding you
might have between you Make absolute~ sure that he's noltrapped 10 you UflWllling~
Th ere are other tec hniques 10 making familiars, but most of the ones I've seen invor.e
th e storage co ntainer method. Thu s, I hf!Ne pulled th e basic the ory togeth er here as
best I ca n.
No B oundaries

Calling spints is not something you should do unless you have a good
reason (say, havmg a problem that IS beyond your ability to solve without
splOtual help) After all, they have a life too (so to speak) and you are a
complete stranger to them (unless you're calling, say, a deceased
relanve) You wouldn' want to walk up to someone on the street and
engage them uflWllling~ in an hour-long conversanon __ It'S jusl nol polile.
And slOce a lot of the popular spirils 10 call are more powerful than you,
you should treat them with nottling but respect They have no good reason
to help you unless yo u have an honest one to offer.

That concludes the secti on on advanced magic By no means are these the on~
advanced techniQues that can be used They're Just mentioned often enough 10 occutt
Illerarure to deserve some explanaDon Modem mnovations in metaphysics prove that
there's real~ no limit to the creanVltyyou can app~to thiS science. Some WItches have
been expenmenong WIth influenClOg time as well as space. Another recent Invenoon IS
"cybennaglck" - uSlOg computer concepts such as "copy" and "delete"lo manipulate
energy The pOSSibilities are endless.

A good meth od offinding your spirit is by using hi s seal (see Secti on VII)
Print off or draw th e seal on a sheet of pap er. After going through your
usual ritua l process until you 're balanced, draw excess energy and paint it
along the lines of the seal, tracing it in the air from the picture. Then pass
your hands gen~ over the energy design, feeling out the glow it gives off.
Once you're certam of the feeling it's meant to express (make sure you get
"the big picture:' not jUst an aspect), you can flesh It out by addlOg more
energy to the deSign programmed WIth the same essence Now you've
got an excellent Idea of you're contaCtIng _ or...nat they "smell" like,

1. Wa it unti l yo u have a good rea son before yo u summon a spirit


NOI'I take a few moments to drop a lillie deeper into gnosis Spread yo ur

co nsciousness out, se arching, until yo u locate a fee li ng that matches the

on e yo u just drew in the air. (Rern emb erth at distan ce has lillie or no
meaning in th e astral plane -- it may on~take yo u a few sec onds to find
him). Send a link out in ttlat direction __ co nnected to the ess ence gent1y
and temporan~, but not binding it to al1)lthing Make the link a welcoming
one -- the spin! IS being invited to ...nere you are Vibrate his name a few
Omes down thiS line, polite~, until you noOce a change 10 the atmosphere.
The air might become sudden~ colder, or thicker, or charged with stati c;
and the feeling of essence will become much more Intense That means
that your SPlOt has amved. Hhe's based powerful~ enough on your own
freQuency, it will register on your third eye __ you'll actual~ see him. Hnol,
there could be dozens of reasons: don' worry about it You on~ need 10
lalk to him, not see him. ~ you havenl already, dissolve the link in a show
of goodWIll.
First of all , th ank him for coming. Then explain th e reason vvtry you wanted
to ca ll hi m. (If he seems unintere sted, th ank him again for co ming and let
him leave) If he seems sympatheti c, offer to use a pendulum to ask him
Questions you might need answered. You could use an ouija board or
several other methods of divination, but the pendulum IS one of the fastest
and most accurate methods of translaong hiS responses (Shll, if you're
clairvoyant enough you might nol need to use a pendulum at all-I've
conducted enore conversations through nothlOg but feellOg-out and
Vlbranng It's not as hard as it sounds) Remember, he has a life too __ he
may want somethlOg 10 retum for helplOg you (even if It'S something as
Simple as praylOg for a blessing for him) When you've gOllen your
problem as resolved as possible, ttlan k him for his help and wish him
good lef!Ne.
Cleanse th e area th o roug h ~ , afterwards , so th at th e allracti on of spi rits
wi ll not co ntinue. Yo u might bum incense or an hero of some sort, telling
the smoke to callY awaj th e energy you had painted in the air. You might
strew salt about the Hoor, as it tends to "soak up" the programming of
energy and leave It 10 Its raw, pure fonn Or, you might Just ground the
energy 01 the ...nole room into the Earth, dralOlOg away any reSidual
magic Chaos mages like to "banish WIth laughter" -laughlOg until you've
filled the room WIth fresh personal energy (and you've forgotten...nat you
were womed about banishing in the first place)
Making a familiar
A lot of modern witc hes wi ll just wa lk out of a pet store with a 'rami liar" __
and th ey u s u a l ~ give it a kitty liller box right next to th eir ce remonial
broom. Just li ke references to the th ird eye , most recent literature has
comp l ete~ lost sight of how magical a famili ar is suppose d to be. Having
a black cat is by no means comparable.
Making your own familiar means writing the ultimate energy program __ a
senbent belOg This Isnl as hard as II sounds _ you've actual~ been doing
thiS to a small extent already, in telling your spell energy to perfonn tasks.
How hard would It be to give energy the tasks 01 belOg se~-aware and
thlOking for itse~? There are a few minor differences to pay attention 10,
First of all, it takes a huge amount of energy to pull thi s off co rrect1y The
energy has to be dense enough to hold tog eth er for a short lifetime. You'll
need to store energy fro m at least a dozen sessions of drawi ng energy
(n o more th an one session per day) Instead of programming the energy
and putting it to work, just paint ttle raw energy into a storage container,
compressing it for later use . This could be a box that you've set up a
storage shield around, or a large pure crystal (or...nateverworks for you).
(It's good to have something like this ready for large spells, arr{'Nay.)
You need to have detennined exactly ...nat you need yourfamlliarfoL H
you just want to make one to be cool, then forget it Havmg a familiar is a
lot like ralslOg a child n's a life.changlOg commitment The onglOal use of
a familiar involved much more than wistr,<-wasi "companionship" and
"proteclion" A familiar was inlelligenl enough to understand vibraled
requests and ca rry th em out (for exa mple, allacklng yo ur nemesis in the
dead of ni ght) and help in the executi on of a spe ll (drawing in additional
energy, chasing off curious spirits, etc) Th ey grow and evor.e: a farniliar
is not yo ur mindless servant , but an apprenti ce.
Compile a list of all the allributes you want your familiar to have. Thi s
includes personality,loyalty, intelligence (geniUS for Its speci es is the
m8J(lmum level If Irs going to be an anlmal),long-tenn duties, and the like.
The more ome you spend on this, the beller Take your time drawing out
the energy you've stored, programming 11 WIth each concept on your ~ st,
rolling II back up together, and compresslOg II for storage agalO. You'll
need to do thiS for about one.fourlh of the time it took you to store the
energy (for instance, four sessions of programming if you've had sixteen
sessions of storing energy) (One of my fri ends ca lls this the Raoris Ralio
- I be li eve it ca me fro m a text on chao s magick, but I'm not sure)
Yo u need to decide if yo u wa nt a prrys ica l fami li ar or an astral fa miliar If
yo u wa nt an astral familiar, you 'll be abl e to feel hi m ...nen he's near, and
mind-reading WIl l be eaSier ttl an in prrysi ca l. If you want a prrysical familiar,
though, you'll have the notable benefits of can be an extra
set of eyes, ears, and hands (er, paws) for you In either case, you need to
spend some time prepanng a home for him 10 or near your house, ...nere
he WIll be comfortable passing the time unol you need him
To create the new soul, do one lasl ntual to draw raw energy, and mold il
Into the shape you want your familiar 10 have Draw about haH of the
programmed energy from your slorage contalOer and integrale il inlo this
new form , at th e same time refreshing the programming one last time.
Next, use the crol'ffi chakra method of drawing energy, butthen slow, stop,
and reverse th e flow -- yo u're going to project yo ur Ol'ffi energy out of your
crOI'ffi and into th e shape of your famili ar Thi s is th at spark of divi nity-- a
li ttj e taste of hi s God -- use it to program in you r fam ili ar ttl ose last two,
most important tasks: self-awareness and the ability to thi nk for itself Give
the familiar a name now (and a seal, if you want the future conveni ence-if the familiar WIll be physical I suggest gellmg It engraved onto his collar).
Hyourfamlliar IS gOlOg to be physical, pull the ...nole thlOg IntO the womb of
ils mother and tell It to become alive, and be born to fin ur WIshes for it

Section X Exercises

2. I'd practi ce wi tchcraft for at least a yea r before allempting to create a famili ar (But
you can start storing up energy now for similar large spells). Send the fami liar out to
complete one task for you fNery day until you feel he is well-trained.




Bothersome familiars

hllnseJf by gellmg out.(J/-lKrlt IItId CII$mg

8()I111s on OUIfII 'MIches. It rededica/oo itlSt1if 10

contlllnlll9 hIS iblltllfIS .50 that he I'IOIJldnf do

IIfJjIhmg to hull fHm:;e' ~Immd compIeIel{
comt1l1P 'MIh the pM9Ct progt""'"""9I01 yow losI!he use of hIS third eye IItId CIIY> no Ionget
Il/TfI/bat OIherwse, you mighI end lIP like i
IHi-ouI if>IOI or lmjllhlng. And S!flC9 he <M
1,/fInd of mm9 ..
no/ SJN9!he lam/kir II Mespan, !If! CIII gel lid
Hia (astlll~ lam/kif, ..nICh was "'1)1 pow;irlul. of ~ __ beclluse gelling nd of ~ would melin, In
was progrllmlTlfld 10 /cyll ll{ prcJ.ecl him USing efl9Ct, endllngering himse!'!.
#s ability to perlorm mligic, no/hing f'OOf9
AlNrtys plan ahead, lind alNrtys ieaw
Thus, # W6iS upset to _ him endangering
yourself some ~/ons.

Ihke ibaoMeJt; fJOS1I-1{ sure that J<OU\09

Section XI
Flashy T rlcks
These donl real~ involve witchcraft In the energy-palOting sense; they're Just popular
tOPICS that I fen It would be inappropnate to leave out of the tutorial. ESP is definue~
necessaryfortelep~,though; just as gnOSIS IS necessaryfor telekineSIS
Mind-reading is a nifty ability 10 shOl'l and tell, the on~ drawback is, you'll need an
audience if you're going to earn any experience I've included some simple games to
give you some practice
The basics
1. Get a volunteer's wi lling to have his mind read. Explain to him that
irs hiS mental WIl lpower, not yours, that IS ...nat makes the game work. The harder he
tnes to make you achifNe your goal, the easier It WIll be for you to read his mind (A
real~ good volunteer will actual~Vlbrate the answers to you). Try different people until
you find a SUitable amount ofwiU.
2 Hold onto hiS ann, to share asrral space and ensure uninhibited commUni canon
Tell him that you do not want to be tugged or prompted 10 anyway: the ann must hang
limp and unresponsive. Kyou're sllil gellmg skeptiCism that you're being prompted,
then you should each hold something conductive (such as melal wire) loose~ between

3. Hf!Ne yourse ~ blindfolded Don t peekl It defeats the purpose You' ll wa lk around
th e entire game th is way: you should lead , not fo ll ow. The on~time your partn er ca n
change yo ur movements is if you're about to bump into something or oth erv.ise
endanger the game.
Game I. The miSSing ilem .
Have your volunteer hide an object somewhere (...nIle you are in a different room, of
course) You donl need to know...nat the objed was Next, be led into that room,
blindfolded You can be spun around In a CIrcle and dlsonented, for good measure
Ease forward 10 one direction,then another, feeling-out your volunteer's energy Hhe's
uSing as much WIll as he should be, then you should get a distinctive "no" "no"
."yesl" in the process of seeking ...nlch direction to go Onc e he projects that you are
In the right area, then do the same type of easing motions with one hand (first left and
right. then up and dol'ffi) until you get a strong "yesl" response Your hand should be
right on the hidden object
Game II. The misplace d card.
Have you r volunteer reshuffle a deck of ca rd s unll l every ca rd is in ord er (ace , duce ,
etc) SUit after SUIt. Then he should random~ pick out one ca rd and replace It
somewhere else in the deck. The cards should then be spread out. face.down , across
a glass table Looking up at the underside (so as not to disturb the cards), your
volunteer should find the misplaced card and remember Its location. Remember to tell
your volunteer that the number and SUII of the card IS not...nat he needs 10 think about,
but rather...nere 10 the deck it is. Wave your hand slowt,< left and right over the cards,
as you did for the missing object When you feel a distinct "yes!" then place your hand
flat across that section of cards. He can lay those out, face up (10 see exact...nlch
one is the target card), and you can repeat the process of waiting for another "yesl" to
win th e game.
Game III. The make-be lieve murder
Thi s i s fun for a large group of peopl e Wh ile yo u're out of hearing, someon e in th e
group decides to plaj ''vi cn m" and another decides to pl aj ''villain.'' Th e vi llain should
fi nd a blunt object,like a Wl"ench, that WIll serve as the "murder weapon:' act out
"killing" his ''victim'' (but not real~, of coursel _ heh, always gotta have a disclaimer )
and hide It afterwards. The vi cti m and VIllain WIll Sit calm~ among the other spectators
Then you'~ come 10 to play "detective" blindfolded Just repeat the methods In Game I
to find the VlctJm,the object, and then the VIllain (The object should always be hidden
somewhere ...nere you can easi~find 11- stuffed 10 someone's pockels or purse, or
on your volunteer, IS nol a fair lesl). You might even detennlne how the ''victim'' was
"killed ..

So, ...nat's so hard ab out these games? You've been using telepati all along if you've
learn ed how to rea d some one' s essence . Yo u'll just have to learn throu gh pra ctice
...nere to poke and prod to fin d the ir current th ought. Th ese games are designed to
give yo u a simple 'yes " or "no" respon se to scan for . Next time, you'll know...nere to
look al1j'tlme you need to read ttlat person's more complicated thoughts.
The key to movmg objects pure~ by thought IS confidence "How can I have
confidence If I can' do It yet? .. you may ask and thiS IS ...nere your problem lies You
may want to practice WItchcraft for a few months before trymg this -- completing
several spells WIth exc ellent resuns is not that hard to accompli sh, and should give you
a good foundation of confidence But stili, everyone is going 10 have 10 learn
confidence slowly, from the ground up
Yo u do thi s by trying to move something that already moves by itself -- in th e case of
our example, a ca ndle fia rne. Stare atth e flame unti l yo u've reached a level of gnosis
in ...nich you r room is no longer three-dimensional, but more like a two-d imensional
sheet of reali ty that can easi~ be ripped or tom Then astral ~ feel-out the name from a
distance, link to Its essence. Send a polite command . a forceful request .. down the
line, telling the Hame to leap higher. Afteryou can accomplish this easi~, move on to
commanding the Hame into other direCtIons, and final~ ask it to squish down IntO a
smaU round ball of flame. I would on~ send one ortwo dlrectJons per seSSion, though,
to be absolute~ sure that your requests are not muddled
Be wamed,though,thalthis sort of thing is rare~ accomplished with other people

Section XI Exercises
1. If yo u've got a wi lling volunteer, and yo u'd like to try mindreading, play on e of th e
games above -- or, co me up with yo ur ol'ffi.
2 Do the telekinesis candle exercise once a night
3 Once you can make the Hame so small that II goes out, you've cleared the largest
hurdlel Cononue on to trying to move solid objects hke feathers and fi nal~ large
objects such as books.

Sect ion XII

AddendumlReferen ce
The c ~arts and in/ormation presented in this chapter have been co llected
from public sources throughout the web ~ any of this information is
copyrighted, please leI me know (empress sothall
may remove II

Preparatio n
The preparatory phase of WItchcraft IS essential to malTy'. since it calms
their mind for what IS to come DolOg things symbolically is helpful a
building block/or 8ccepbng magic as real Unfortunately, thiS can also be
a setback._ you may get too caught up In which props are appropriate for
your ntual to pay allentlon to the performance, or your confidence in your
abilities may be affected by not h<Mng the perfect lools at hand_ Butthat,
of course, is only my opmlon
It helps to have a qUiet, pnvate place to prachce magic- The ideal spot
should have no electrical distractions (phone. TV. etc) and be used only
for your rituals. Your subconscious should soon realize that when you're in
this pla ce. it no longer has to worry about the restraints of real ity. and thu s
magic is all owed. Don't let thi s become a crutch to you, though -- spur-ofthe-moment ~ tc h c raft in publi c places i s an invaluable ski ll to acquire
throu gh practi ce
Drawing a Circle
If you have a sacred space fo r yo ur ritu als, yo u may decide to draw a ci rcle
on the ground to sit in. Generally, a circle is drawn deosil (( Iocmse)
for attracti ve res u~s (getting a job, etc ), or 1'<1 ddershins (counterclocm se)
for repellant resu~s (banishing ghosts, etc) The standard color for circledrawing is white for punty. and alhing can be used, from a rope,to chalk,
to sa~ All of this is. again. symbolically helpful to mallf but not necessary
for everyone nyou I'<1sh to draw a Circle, make sure Irs large enough to
enclose all of you and your tools. but small enough for you to determine
easily that the sphere you create is soHd
This is the stage at which mallf I'<1tches deem It necessary to call for help.
They pray to their god(s) for support, or ask other favonte religious entities.
such as angels. for protecbon Wiccans call their four forces of nature (air.
water. earth. fire). The only problem I'<1th thiS IS that you're depending on
someone else to help you I'<1th something they may or may not care about
or even agree I'<1th
The Lesoor Banlshmg Ritual of the Pentagram (LBRP).while thick~th
archaic phrases and ceremonial gestures. is a great scnp! for constructing
a shield. I felt It deserved some mention here. since Irs been used so often
in occult literature that Irs almost become cliche. The ceremollf usuallyquoted is as follows:
1 Touchin g th e forehead , say Ateh (Unto Th ee).
2Touchi ng th e breast, say Malkuth (The Kingdom).
3Touching th e ri ght shoulder, say ve-Geburah (and the Power)
4Touchin g th e left shoulder, say ve-Ge dulah (and th e Glory)
5 Clasping th e hands upon th e brest. say le-Olam, AMEN (To the
Ages, Amen )
6Turnin g to th e East, make a pentagram (that of Ea rth)~th the proper
weapon (usually the Wand) Say (i.e , vibrate) IHVH.
7 Turning to the South. the same, but say ADNI
8Turning to the West. the same, but sa{ AHIH
9Turning to the NOrth. the same. but sa{ AGLA
10E xtend the arms mthe form of a cross, and sa{,
11.Before me Raphael.
12.Behmd me Gabnel:
13.on my' nght hand. Michael:
14.on my' left hand. Aunel:
15.For abOut me flames the Pentagram.
16.And In the Column stands the sl)(-rayed Star
17-21. Repeat 1 to 5. the "Oaballsbc Cross"
Th e U sual Corresponclence Charts
It seerns to have been lost upon modem I'<1tches to wonder wflythey
should use a certain herb. certain stone. or candle of a certain color for
th eir purposes; they just look at a cha rt to see which ones they'll need.
Well, what foll ows are a few popular charts to kee p everyone happy: but
know that each li sted item, in and of i tse ~, has no mysteriously automati c
magical powe r to make yo ur desires co me tru e. Th e substances are just
con dUCive to yo ur desires -- it's up to yo ur feeling-oul, li nking , and
programmin g to tell th em exactly wh at to do .

GRAY " Neutra l, ze r

To eraSe "';thout rep ercuss ,on I Aid in Ba lancing
S ILVER " Rem ove Negatmt y I Enco urage Siab ilit y I Psych ic Proteclion I Honor
Godde ss / Telepath y / Cla'M>ya nce I dMnal ,on I astral protecl ion I Goddess.
GO LD " S un Energy , Hea l,n g
To Heal al l ,nn er wounds I Money Smarts I Qu'c k h l, ons I Solar De,l,es I Honor
Gods I anraCiron I persuas,on I dMnaIJon I inte ll'gence.
~ BROWN " Eart h Energy
Grounding I Cemenng ConscIousness I Success Ihrough labor I Tree and Faerie
Maglck I Ar1,mal Magik I Home I loCale LoSI ObJecl
# BLUE " CalmIng
WIsdom I Sleep / Truth / Peace I Healrng I Tranqu"ity I ProphellC Dreams /
Fnendshlp / PhySIcal Pr01ecllon / Hop. I Loyahy I Em01lons / calmness / Heatth /
creal mly / pallence
YEllOW " Mental Clar~y
Knowtedge / Concerrtrallon / Healrng I Study I Memory / PersuaSIon / Subtle
AttractIon / Charm / Confidence I WIsdom I ViSIons I PsychIC Powers / Merrtal
Powers / New Home / dmnallon Ilnlelllgence
~ REO " PhySIcal pleasures. Stlmulalrng.lus!,
Ar1ger / Hate / Mamage / Coulage I Strength I EnemIes / Peril/lust / Power /
Heatth / Energy / V~al~y /Lovel Nagnollsm I Will Powell passIon
PI NK " EmotIons !Tom the heart
To BegIn a new relatIOnshIp I RaISe EnergIes I Fnends and Family I Healing ' love
I Honor' Fldel~y' Femln~y I mOralll y' peace I nultunng
ORA NGE " Balancer. Neulral, zel
Prospenly , Menial Ag ,'il y' EMerg ,zer' Success' Stam ,na' Cr.. tMty' Ntra ction'
Stimulat e Eme rgy 'Lega l Matt ets 1 New Home 1 Sa hma,n 1 Intelligence I Mental
Cla"ty ' ju slICe' amb ,l,on
Ii GREEN " Mon ey , Herta l Mag ,ck
Ntracls s ucc ess / Mon sy assoc ialion s Wllh Ih e plant kingdom I Growth I Hea ling I
Faerie Mag ick / Ga rd en,ng/ 8ea ul y I Emp loym ent I Fert ility I Good Luck I
Prosperily I Mon ey / Re,;geralion I Masc ul' ne e I finance I physical healing .
PURPLE " Psyc hi C Enh ance menl
E.pan s ion of obla ,ned des ireslsolu alion s I Wis dom I Re'ersa l l Law I Power I
Recognilion / Psych ic Ab ,I,l y / Sp i"lu al'l y I S uccess I Ind ependence I Sp irrtua l
Growth I Hea lin g/ Fem ,n,n e Dmne I amb'I'on I hord eye I s erious phys ical healing

DirecioOn Easl
Rules: The mood. knowtedge, abWaCllearn,ng,lheory, imag,nalron, ideas ,
beliefS. beg,nnrngs. reb,~h. memory, leS1S, imellecls, d;"nalron, psychic
powers. and Iravel.
Elememal. SprUs
Time Dawn
Season Spnng
Colors YellOW ....Me. plslel.
Tools Alhame. sword. cen.or
ZodIac Aquanus. GemIni. l..rbr~
Arumals BIrds. Gryphons

Fi. e
D,rectIOn SOulh
Rules Energy. heal. WIll. punficallon. InspltallOn. passion. desire . success .
suo banIshIng. Ilinns. proteCllon. legal mangrs. strgngth. engrgy. he ahh.
Elemental F"edra~n. Salamanders
Tim e. Noon
Seaso n: S umm er
Co lors Red, c "m so n, ora nge , fu scra
Too ls: Wa nd, stal\"
Zod iac: Aries , Leo, Sa g,n a"u s
Ar1 im als: Drag on s , s nakes , I' za rd s

Basil correCI pal hs 10 money

Bayberry - urrwarrted ,rrfluences. comrol
Be rga mo"l - 10 allraCI money
BIlle Be rry - Bum 10 keep urrwarrted ,nfluences _y from your home and
Cam a lion. - A swee1 Iforal scerrt lrad~ronally used lor healing. pJ01ectlon. sl rength
Cbe rry - Sacred 10 Venus. lhls blend WIll allraCI and Sllmulale I.......
Cir",a mo,, Use to garn .... ahh and succe"
Drago" . Bloool pJ01ectlon. pOiency
E"ca IYl'm . to rncrease powell
F. a"ki"ce" ... DJ3W upon the energy of Ihe sun 10 create sacred space.
consecrate objects. and stlmulale POM,.. ."bl~tlons. ~Iso for protectIon. astral
Gal de nja 'Lave"de. to ease hurt caused bv love
Loms For Inner peace and Ouler harmony. 10 aId In meditatIon and open the
mind, e ye. also for slrenglhrng and prolecllon 01 powers
Mus.k Bum for courage and '1Ial 'l y. 0110 hlghlen sen su al passion
My",, Ar1 ancienl rncense for proleclion , healing , punfiC"tion and spirituality
Passionflowe r For peace of m,nd, Ihis sweet sce nt "';11 SOQthe troubles and aid
in sleep
Palch ouli Ar1 ea rth y sce nl use d in mon ey and attraction s pe ll s and to maintain
happ in ess in 10"
Pin e Burn for sirenglh, and 10 re>'e rse negat"'e energ 'es
Rose For 1o" mag ick, and 10 relurn ca lm energoe s to th e home
Sa ",I ~ lw oo d - A deliciou s all purpo se sce nt use d to hea l and protect , also for
purifical ion
Spice A fi ery sce nll O be charged for any mag 'ck
S1J ~wberry Fo r love , lu ck and fri endsh ip
Tanger in e A solar arOma used 10 attraCI prosperrt y
Van ill a St ,mulale amOrOuS appel'l es and enhance memory

WHITE " High est Co nsc ious ness

To Protect I Purily I Hea l l Chi ldren I Petsi Ba lance 18irth I Repe ll Meditation I
Truth I Peace I S p",tu al Strength, Lun ar Mag ik I Happ,n ess I Mascu line Dr.ine I
sincem y
# BLACK " Vo,d lor all Urrwanted Influences
To Repel Or Banrsh Negatmly I B,nd I Flesh Oul Secrels I Crone M"gik I Mourning I
Loss I Medit alron I Fem,nrne Dmne I Sahma'n I proteclron I absorption

A lot of people like to conclude magic ceremonially. to Signal the end of
the ntual to their subconSCIous and to alhlng they might have asked for
help. This IS a good bme to Sa-{your thankyous. break down your circle.
and gIve everyone permIssIon to resume bUSiness as usual. It's standard
to end your spells With some sort of aCbvabng phrase. just as a coach
would sa-{ "Now go out there and give 'em your best" Christians ~II
recognize the phrase "M{ Will be done." while others prefer to sfJ-{
something like. "So mote It be." to reinforce their confidence and
~l lpower Some like to eat a meal after partlcularty drai ning spells. to
repleni sh all of the personal energy ttley have spent No doubt, you'll
eventu ally co me up I'<1th some personal form of ce lebration, as casting a
succe ssfu l spell is quite an enjoyable e)(peri ence

Section XII Exercises (optional)

To find more resources such as th e ones above, you can use books from
the "Metap rrys ica llNew Age " sec~o n of yo ur local li brary Or, on the
internet, type "magick" into a search engine.

Hopefullyyou can appreciate the fleXIbility of the techniques I've e)(plained

here. Instead of h8VIng to look through old books hoping to find a spell
thafs margmally relevant to your current problems. you can tailor ~tchcralt
to speCifically cater to your needs And. there's no second-guessing about
whether your magic 1'<111 work or not, because you've awakened the power
in yourseW to feel what's really gOll1g on behlnd-the-sceneS.ln using
abstract concepts you've left no room for mlSlnterpretaDon between the
planes Plus. fortunately. allf spells you cast 1'<111 not rely on visualizing
things that aren't really there _ II1stead. you'll know what you feel is real.
Complebng thIS course does not mean that you've mastered ~tchcraft.
however LearnIng the art is a li felong process. WyoU're still interested. I
highly encourage you to research further M{ theoretical perspective of
metaprrysics has made many an occult book make more practical sense
lJf re ading between the lines, but using ttlat IlIXUry means the added burden
of re ading more books . In reading, take nottling as gospel; use your om
, e)(peri ence as a gui de . For, it is written: ''Thi s stumbling block is in your
Conti nue e)(plori ng yo ur newfound abi li ti es , and fi esh out what you wa nt
them to do for yo ur life . Yo u may decide to start helping people; or, becom e
a teacher; or, just use yo ur new abili ties to enhance your everyday li fe But
no rnatter how much ta lent you unleash, rea li ze that not only you were once
a beginn er, too ... there~ 1I arways be someone better. As a great man
once laught me, "You're never really a I'<1tch until you suddenly realize thaI
you're not one yet"
So mote It be

Andel!! Wisdo ,,~ wrlh Solomon Seal r00110 encourage ,n ,rrtu~'" WIsdom.
Am actio,, wrlh Cinnamon baric 10 draw good sprr~s. love and luck.
Cle ar Mi,,01 wrlh Lemon Vertena 10 clear lhe m,nd lor lhe InsIght and problem
Fir e 01 Pawio,, wrlh Palchouly leaf 10 polemly ,ncrease deSIre and passIon.
Garde " 01 De li!lht wrlh Jasmrne blossoms 10 Slrengthen lhe sexual chakra.
Good L"ck wrlh Squill roOiIO InCruse good Io~une
Hea li"!l wrlh Peppermlrrt to amplify Ihe ."brailOMI qualttles of heahng.
I"... ir ari o,, wrlh Clove to promole postt,.. Ihoughls Iorms
Lod e .. o" e wrlh Lodestone chIps 10 enhince m~gnetl$m In any s~uatlon.
Love;n~ wrlh Red Rose pelals 10 dlaw love ~nd alfectlon.
Mellilarion wrlh Myrrh to herghlen lind enh~nce Ihe meM atMl state
Money D. awing wrlh FrankIncense 10 lIIIraCI matenal gaIn
Peace WIth Cardamon pod s to promOle peaceful conditIons.
Pl o... e lily Wllh AllspIce 10 promole abundance In all areas.
PI 01.Cli on Wllh Rue lelM!s 10 deo;elop immun 't y to negatMl ';b,.tlons.
Psyc hi c Powe l . Wllh MU g"1) ~ 10 focus psychIC e nergy and gain ';s ions.
Plllili cali on ""Ih Vel M! ~ for sp i"lu al clea nso ng and purification.
Sp ilil Gui de Wllh Acacia fl ower 10 aid in s por,t gu ,de commun ic ation.
S uccess- ""Ih Orri s rOOllO slrenglh en end eavors and O'o"ersome obstac les .

Ambe l
Black OIlY~

Clear Olla m
Gam e l
He ma lile
Moo" .. o" e
Rose O"ar "
S m okey
TIg e leye
TUlqu oise

good for med,l alion

prole cls ch ,l dren, Slrenglh ens s pe ll s
,ncreases menial powers , promoles pyschic powers
,ncreases spellS power, removes menial blocks
pr01ecllon from negalmly & pysch'c &nacks
good for luSI spells, use 10 help guard Ihoughts
power amphfier rn spells & r~uals, subsl~ula lor any slone
use 10 concerrtrale power before releaSIng ,n spells
prOleCilon. InCreases au .. Slrength
use 10 cerrter & ground yourseK.
bOOS1S spellS, when worn breaks Imo 2 pans 10 .... rn oflmmlnerrt
rncreases pyschlc powers & second sIght
use rn love spellS & llIu~ls
energIzes spellS
luc~ y stone. proleCllon. boosls energy
prolecllOn of lhe Sp '''1

Many find it helpful to handle tools, rath er th an s i mp~ use the ir minds and
hands. Listed below are several popular tools use d for that sort of

ATHAME Th e alh ame is us uall y a blac k handled , doub le edged knile and is a rrtual
1001. ~ is a sy mbolic represe nl alM! oflhe eleme nl of fire. ~ ca n be used as a loollor
laying duwn a circle and also as a symbol represenl ,ng Ihe male aspecl ollhe
d;"ne. Albames can be used to ,nvoke lhe qua~ers ~he four elemenlsland release
Ihe quarters. The athame should nol be used 10 Cui anyth'ng ncepl in ce~ain
s~ualrons such as cullrng a door .... y in lhe crrcle 10 allow others 10 pass Ihrough.
cullrng a cord In lhe IMIrrt of a brnd release or a pass,ng over r~ual, and of course a
handlasl lng (Wiccan ma",age) cake
SWORD The sword IS anolher r~uall00Ilha1 can be used as ~ 1001 lor s ....... reigrrty
and aulhollly ~ IS hke lhe alhame , symbolic represemalM1 oflhe elemerrt of /ire
and of the male aspeCi oflhe dmne ~ can be used ,n lhe s ame manner as the

Ea rth


IN CEN S E DURNER. A heal reSlSlam, preferably fire proof conla,ner used 10 corrt ain
a hot coal lor burnIng Incense The incense is symbolic of arr. while Ihe coal is
symbolic offire h I. used 10 cleanse and purify lhe arr wnh,n Ihe s acred s pace.



D"ectlon North
Rules Growth. prosper~y. MlUre ..... ~kh. abundence. Wlsdom.fertildy. jobs .
money. buslnus. hea~h. ecology. and sl~bildy.
Elemental Gnomes.lrolls
Time MIdnight
Season Winter
Colo~ . Blac~. bJO'M1. dar!< gteen
Tools: S lone , Penlagram
Zod iac : Tauru s , Virgo , Ca prico rn
Ar1,m als: 8 ull, Slag , bISon, mou se

STAFF Us ually II wooden pole often of should er hergh!, used basically in Ihe same
manner 3S the .... nd. Like the .... nd Ihe slaff may be decoraled wrlh cry slals,
symbols, leal hers. Or just aboul anyth'nglhal makes n your uwn.

In Con clusion


Direction: West
Ru les. Emot,ons , fee lin gs , love , intu 't, on , Ih e s u~ c onscious mind, mysteJ)" ,
lerti lity, Inendsh,p, med ,t atron, heal, ng, dreams, childbirth, ciaiMly ance, and
Elemental. Merma,ds. Und,nes
Time Twilight
Season Auiumn
Colors Blue. Indigo. green, grey,lurquo,se
Tools Cauldron. chalice
Zodiac Cancer. ScorpIo. PISCts
Arumals DolphIns. whalts, fish, .uls. S.<t- serpents

BO LEE N A whil e handl ed knifs , used in "Iu als for ca and cull ing.

Sect ion XIII



area Ihallh e broom is clea ns in g (hou se , ro om, circle , sac red space elc).

CHALICE/CUP The chahce Or cup rl lepresenlat,.. of the female aspect and of

.... ter K IS used to hold the .... lers of Ide Once Ihe .... ters of Ide have been blessed
dunng rrtual. the chalice IS ohn passed around Ihe CIrcle so th at all may share in ~
by symbolically rngestlng Ihe Goddess and Ihe bnnglng 01 the Godde ss within .
CAULDRO N The cauldron represenlS Ihe gIft orblnh. death and rebIrth. also
knowtedge and InSpltallOn The cauldron IS a female aspect and is a s yrubolic
representatM! of ... ater
PEYTON Th e peylon IS a c ,rcu lar dISk Wllh a pe nt ac le Qr sa cred symbol inscribed
on the fac e of il Th e peylon ca n be made OUI of many different materials, bees ... ax
or wood for exa mpl e II is place d allh e ce nt er poec e olthe alt ar , .mere all
consecralion s of sa il and ... aler occu r, and olher obj ects as we ll. It is als o the focal
po int aflhe a113r. Th e psylon is Ih e sy mbo lic re prese n!atr,.e 01 ea rth and oflhe
female aspeci oflh e e
WAND Th e ... and has bee n knuwn as a 1001th at, s gentl e in nalure and ha s Ihe
male aspecl, ,I is Ih e sy mbo l, c re pre se nl alM! of aor ~ is anolher loollhal can be
used lor circle casl,n g, invok ,n g and re leaSI ng Ih e qua rt ers , and casling 01 spells,
and some hIM! used Ihos in place of lhe alhame or sword.
BROOM. The wrlches broom is used for sweep,ng &ny harmful energies from Ihe

emprU S


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