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Primary Concept Attainment Lesson:

Yes/No cards
Heading cards (Rights and Responsibilities)
green examples (clear and easy)
pink examples (ambiguous)
masking tape strips (teacher attaches cards to strips).

1. Introduce lesson as Social Responsibility. Post “Yes” and “No”

headings onto chart or board.

2. Choose one green card to start and put in “Yes” (Rights) column.
Find the matching green card for the “No” (Responsibilities)
column and put up. Add one more to each column.

3. Think/Pair/Share to discuss the concept.

4. Continue with more green cards, students place the cards in the
columns and give reasons for their choices.

5. Class (or teacher directed) decides what the headings should be

for the 2 columns. Post Rights and Responsibilities headings.

6. Take out one pink card. This is a more ambiguous example.

Encourage discussion and choose a column. Thumbs up, Thumbs down.

7. Students print their own examples and place in correct column.

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