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Sai Sri Charan K


Examples of non-conscious behaviour observed in everyday life


I had observed this in a village fair during our rural research project. A watch seller was
trying to sell his supposedly water proof watches. How is he attracting people? He could
have sold them the way everyone other vendor peddles watches. But no, he chose to
influence our buying decision by subtly changing the context.
He put the waterproof watches into the water, thereby changing the context and telling your
brain to evaluate his wares differently than others. Context is crucial in how we perceive
things. The human brain cannot start from scratch each time. It has to build from its
experiences and surroundings, leading many times to decision illusions. No wonder these
watches sold like hot cakes.


We keep observing such desolate young kids begging on the roads, especially at road
junctions that typically see high traffic volumes and during peak hours. On closer inspection,
we can notice a pattern in their behaviour. All these strategies end up capitalizing on
involuntary emotional responses rather than appealing to our rational mind.
So, when the beggar looks at us sadly, they are getting our emotional brain to urge rational
action. Throw in a baby and a bottle, and there is no way our emotional brain will refuse
money to them.


This is a picture taken in a washroom. This is pasted on the door, right in front of the toilet
and the eyes cant be helped but drawn towards it. The message uses wit and sarcasm to put
its point across, that flushing is important for cleanliness and hygiene of everybody. This
simple message sticks in the mind and affects us non-consciously.

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