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August 18, 2015

1 Complete the sentences. Use the present simple or present
continuous of the verbs in brackets.
0 The bus________________________(not stop) outside the cinema.
1 Fiona____________________________(not work) today. She is at home.
2 The boys are outside. They_______________________(sit) in the garden.
3 I_______________________(not speak) Spanish very well, but I understood
what he said.
4 My sister______________________(read) a lot. She has got a lot of books.
5 Is Emma on the phone to Kate again?
She____________________________(always/talk) to her!
6 I_______________________________(always/start) work at seven.
7 Who__________________________(make) that awful noise? I cannot stand it.
8 ______________________________(it/get) very cold here in the winter?

2 Complete the conversations. Use the present simple or

present continuous of the verbs in brackets.
_________________________________(you/want) to come to the cinema with us
tomorrow evening? Thanks, but I cannot. I___________________________(see)
Nicole and Kelly then.

Is your driving test today? ______________________________(you/feel)

nervous? Yes, a bit. I___________________________(think) it is going to be
quite difficult.

Is Mark here? Yes. He___________________________(listen) to some music in

his room. Oh yes, I can hear it. It________________________(sound) good.

Are you OK? You________________________(look) a bit worried. I am OK.

I_______________________(think) about how to help my brother. He has got a
lot of problems at college. Maybe he________________________(need)
professional help. There are some good advisors there.

3 Complete the sentences. Use the past simple or past

continuous of the verbs in brackets.
0 Sarah was not here in June. She______________________________(travel)
round Europe.
1 This time last year we___________________________(plan) that big concert.
2 The museum was quite crowded when I visited it. A
teacher__________________________(take) a group of schoolchildren round
and they__________________________(draw) some of the objects.
3 The police___________________________(not believe) his story.
4 It was eight o'clock in the morning. I was still in bed and my
brother________________________(get) ready for school.
5 I did not eat anything for lunch because I_______________________(not like)
the food in the cafeteria.
6 We____________________________(not do) anything at ten. We were really
7 It was chaos last night at the airport. Thousands of
people_________________________(wait) for flights.
8 We________________________(not want) to go, but we had to.
9 Rachel called earlier this morning. She_________________________(sound)
very upset.
10 I__________________________(listen) to my new CD, so I did not hear the

4 Complete the sentences with the past perfect form of the

verbs in brackets.
0 Ben_____________________________(eat) two burgers but he was still
1 Sally_________________________(read) the book but she could not
remember the story.

2 Although he____________________________(buy) a ticket, he decided not to

go to the concert.
3 William decided to celebrate because he__________________________(pass)
his exam.
4 It was the first time we_________________________(meet) her.

TOTAL POINTS:__________out of 35

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