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then & now


Here is a look at the venn diagram I
created for module 5. This image
shows where I stood approximately 5
weeks into the course. The larger the
circle indicated that I was more
comfortable and aware with the
technology framework. Within this
presentation, I will look at each
technology framework separately and
compare the circle from the 5th
week, to the 13 week. The circle will
indicate my awareness, comfort level,
and knowledge.

CIRCLE SPECTRUM - a representation

Not much
awareness or
Dont think
with applying
the framework
in my

Way more awareness,
and knowledge. I will
be comfortable with
applying the
framework in my

Technological knowledge- tk
BEFORE-5th week

AFTER-13th week

As you can see by the circles, my technological knowledge as increased quite a bit. It was already quite large by the 5th
week of the course, because we had discussed, and been introduced to various tools, and resources we could utilize
when creating flex labs. Many of these technology tools such as edmodo, pinterest, and easily, are ones that I think I
can use within my classroom. As the course went one, my knowledge about technology in itself, and different tools,
only increased. Programs like eBook, LMS, screencast software, are all ones that I can implement within my classroom.

pedagogical knowledge- pk
BEFORE- 5th week

AFTER- 13th week

As you can see by the circles, my pedagogical knowledge has increased slightly. In my opinion, I think that when I do my
IPT, and APT, and take courses in specific to those two, I will fully gain a solid understanding about how to manage my
classroom, plan lessons, and more. The reason why my circle has increased is because of module 8. The universal
design for learning module allowed me to gain knowledge about how educators use various tools, and technologies to
reduce, and eliminate barriers in the classroom that are unintentionally created between students and their learning.
This brief lecture gave me a sense of some of the aspects that educators have to consider when they plan their lesson.
In order to create an environment that is physically, and intellectually accessible for a diverse group of students,
educators have to really think about their pedagogical knowledge.

content knowledge- ck
BEFORE- 5th week

AFTER- 13th week

In my opinion, I think that my content knowledge has stayed the same. When I think about my content knowledge, it
makes me reflect back to my major, and minor: biology and chemistry. The content about science, that is going to be
taught by me is only going to increase as I take more science courses. As I am only in my second year, I believe that
their is so much more to be learnt, and my knowledge is only going to increase. If I were to do this reflection in another
year, I strongly believe that my CK circle will be much larger. I will have taken more courses, and gained access to much
more information than I know now.

OVer all reflection

BEFORE- 5th week

AFTER- 13th week

My goal is to take this diagram, and look at it

every couple months, days, or years,
throughout my educational journey, to see my
growth and understanding in terms of these
concepts. By the time my education degree is
completed, my target is to get to a level of
understanding where I can visualize all the
three different circles as equivalent, and be
able to say that I feel comfortable with each
framework in isolation, and in connection with
one another.- a statement taken from my
module 5 reflection that I made.

Looking back at the statement that I made

during module 5, I can already see that when I
look back at this I see growth, and even more
understanding when it comes to each
technological framework. It is interesting to me
how an 8 week span, can create a difference in
terms of my knowledge, understanding, and
comfort level. I only hope to improve upon
these frameworks, and continue to be able to
say that I have grown, and I am developing as a
pre-service teacher.

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