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NATO Alliance is Signed

- to unite Western countries during the cold war
- brought all “similarly-minded” countries together during tense times
following WWII
- brought together “free and sovereign countries” to create a security
- attack against one country was considered an attack on them all
Founding Members
o Belgium
o Canada
o France
o Luxembourg
o Netherlands
o UK

- Invited on March 15, 1949

o Denmark
o Iceland
o Italy
o Norway
o Portugal
- Joined Feb. 18, 1952
o Greece
o Turkey
- Joined May 9, 1955
o Germany
- No new members until 1982
Signing the Treaty
- The treaty was signed on April 4, 1949 in Washington D.C.
- Organization included 7 negotiating powers, plus 5 countries invited later
- Dwight D. Eisenhower appointed Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower as Supreme
Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) shortly after, in 1950.
Warsaw Pact
- Pact signed in 1955, lasted until end of Cold War
- was created as a form of opposition to NATO (didn’t agree with NATO’s
- Founding Members
o Albania
o Bulgeria
o German Democratic Republic
o Hungary
o Poland
o Romania
o Soviet Union

*must be put into MLA after!*

*found this after, look here for more info to add*

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