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These are pieces of equipment or furniture that is fixed in position in a building or
vehicle; articles attached to a building or land and considered legally part of it so
that such items normally remain in place even when the building owner moves
out; something securely fixed in place or attached as a permanent appendage,
apparatus, or appliance e.g. plumbing fixtures; the possible examples of fixtures
in a typical Philippine building/ grounds include the following: visible, remoteoperated and/or tangible/ operational devices or provisions that are fixed in
position in (i.e. permanently attached to) a building and which partake of finishing
items, such as plumbing fixtures (water closets, urinals, lavatories, water
fountains, etc.), electrical fixtures (general and task lighting, area lighting for
grounds, exterior building lighting including up-lighting or down-lighting, indoor
and outdoor switches/ manual controls and convenience outlets, etc.), electronic
fixtures (indoor and outdoor/ rooftop cameras, speakers, sensors, monitors, cardaccess or biometric access terminals

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