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Strategic Planning in Conducting Lectures :

For TTH Classes

A. Attendance Policy 20% of the grading system:

a. Attendance is a must. Late attendance is considered but is only good for
10 minutes late otherwise a student is considered absent but is not allowed
to go out of the classroom
b. Absence for more than three times is not allowed. A student who incur
absences for more than three times shall be meted a failing grade of 50%
without regard to the result of the oral/written and major examination.
c. Absence must be with prior notice by way of excuse letter duly signed and
approved by the instructor unless the circumstance warrants that the
absence is caused by an emergency situation in such a case a student shall
bring the excuse letter with attached evidence of justification.
B. Oral/Written Examination 10% of the grading system :
1. Conduct Oral Examination every meeting at least for 15 minutes.
a. Randomly call students to answer oral question so they be enjoined to
study lessons in advance ;
b. Students who cannot answer calls will remain standing until the end of the
15minutes oral exam unless he/she offers to answer succeeding questions ;
c. Students who can answer oral examination will be given additional points
which will be part of the grading system for the respective major exam
where the oral exam falls ;
2. After the 15minute oral exam, discuss for the remaining allocated hours for the
respective subject.
a. The discussion must be students centered where they are allowed to ask
questions and participate in class discussions ;
3. Conduct Written Examination every two meetings :
a. Set the One-Sit-Apart Policy in every exams
b. The examination will only cover previous class lectures and discussions ;
c. Strictly enforce No Cheating Policy. Any body caught cheating shall be
deducted points.
C. Major Examination 70% of the grading system :
a. Students will be allowed to take the examination notwithstanding nonpayment of tuition fees corresponding to the examination period.
b. Students who fail to take any major examination shall be given a special
exam which dates schedule is subject to the discretion of the instructor.
c. A student who failed to take the scheduled special exam or any major
exam at the end of the semester is considered INC and will only obtain a
complete grade upon compliance of the requirements given by the
d. Students caught cheating shall automatically be marked dropped.

Others :

Election of Class Officers

Book References
Compliance of Projects
Seat Plan

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