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Antidote of Math Phobia Version:1

Antidote of Math phobia

1)Among120 students of a class, numbered 1 to 120, all even numbered students opt for bangla,whose numbers are
divisible by 5 opt for English and those numbers are divisible by 7 opt for math. How many opt for none of these 3
2)Two pipes A and B fill a tank in 20 & 30 minutes respectively . Both pipes being open, find when A must be turned off so
that the tank may be just filled in 15 minutes.?
3)In a class, the number of boys is more than the number of girls by 12% of the total student. The ratio of boys to girl is?
4) A and B working alone can do a practice in 9 and 12 days respectively If they work for a day alternately, A beginning, in
how many days the work will be completed??
5) A does half as much work as B and C does half as much work as A and B together. If C alone can finish the work in 40
days, then together will finish the work in how many days??
6)Sazzad can complete a work in 4 days. Whereas karim can complete it in 6 days. Farook works 1and1/2 times as fast
as Sazzad. How many days will it take for the three together to complete the work????
7) The ratio between the rates of travelling of A and B is 2:3 and therefore a takes10 min more than the time taken by B to
reach a destination. If A had walked at double speed. He would have covered the distance in
8) A train leaves Sylhet at 6 am and reaches Dhaka at 10 am. Another train leaves Dhaka at 8 am and reaches Sylhet at
11.30 am. At what time does the train will cross one another?
9)Babor can do piece of work in 8 days. Which Tipu can finish in 12 days. If they work at it on alternate days with Babor
beginning. In how many days. The work will be finished ??
10)A and B together can do a practice in 12 days, Which B and C together can do in 16days. After A has been working at
it for 5 days and B for 7 days C finishes the work in 13 days. In how many days C alone will do the work?
11)If a boy takes as much time in running 10 meter as a car takes in covering 25 meter. The distance covered by the boy
during the time the car covers 1 kilometer is ?
12)The salary of MR X is 33.33% more than that of Mr,Y and the salary of Mr, Y is 25%less than that of Mr, Z If the salary
of Mr. Z is 2222, what is the salary of Mr.X???
13)Ektinumber 560 theke joto kom , 380 theke tar 3.5 gun besi, what is the number?
14)three workers X,Y and Z are paid a total of tk 6600 for a particular work. X is paid133.33% of the amount paid to Y and
Y is paid 75% of paid to Z. Find the amount of X,Y and Z ?
15)whenx2+xy+1=16 and x-y=1 then x+y=?
16)A certain number of men complete a piece of work in 60 days. If there were 8 men more, the work could be finish in 10
days less. How many men were originally there?
17)X has4 times as many books as Y and 5 times as many as Z. If Z has more than 40 books, what is the least number of
books that X could have?

Banking Career in Bangladesh : Collected by Mou Shaila

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Antidote of Math Phobia Version:1

18)Mr. Harun had tk 2000 to invest. He invested part of it at 5% per year and the remainder at 4% per year. After one year
his investment grew to tk 2095. How much of the investment was at the 5% rate?
19)A reduction of 21% in the price of potato allows a person to buy 10.5 KG more for tk 100. What is the reduced price
per KG??
20)A can do a certain job in 12 days. B is 60% more efficient than A. The number of days, it takes B to do the same piece
of work is: a. 6

b. 6.25

c. 7.5


21)A palindrome is a number, such as 93539, that reads the same forward and backward. How many palindromes r there
between 100 and 1000?
22)A and B invest in a business in the ratio 3:2. if 5% of the total profit goes to charity and A's share is tk 855,total profit is
23)Each Employee at a certain bank is either a clerk or an agent or both. Of every three agents, one is also a clerk. Of
every two clerks, one is also an agent. What is the probability that an employee randomly selected from the bank is both
an agent and a clerk?
24)Two trains A and B start from stations X and Y respectively. After passing each other they take 4 hours 48 minutes and
3 hours 20 minutes respectively. If train A is moving at 45 Km/Hr, then what is the speed of B?
25)A train running at 25 Km/Hr takes 18 seconds to pass platform. Next it takes 12seconds to pass a man walking at
5Km/Hr in the opposite direction. Find the length of the train and that of the platform?
26)kono kisur upor jodi power 0 hoy tahole ar ans 1hoy e.g 2^0 = 1, b^0 = 1. tahole 0^0= ?(koto hobe) ?
27)5/9part of the population in a village are males. If 30% of males are married, the percentage of unmarried females in
the population is: (A) 70% (B) 40% (C)27.77% (D) 20%
28)The distance between two stations, Dhaka and Chittagong is 450KM. a train starts at4 PM from Dhaka and moves
towards Chittagong at an average speed of 60KM/HR. Another train starts form Chittagong at 3.20 pm moves towards
Dhaka at an average speed of 80KM/HR. how far from Dhaka will the two trains meet and at what time ???
29)Tk.2000 is deposited in a savings account which pays 6% annual interest compounded semi-annually. To the nearest
Taka, how much is in the account at the end of the year?
30)5/6part of the population in a village are males. If 30% of males are married, the percentage of unmarried females in
the population is: (A) 70% (B) 40% (C)27.77% (D) 20%
31)In a city 35% of the population is composed of migrants. 20% of whom are from rural areas. Of the local population.
48% is female while this figure for the rural and urban migrants is 30% and 40% respectively. If the total population of the
city is 728400. What is its female population?????(A) 324138 (B) 349680 (C)509940
32)At an election involving two candidates. 68 votes were declared invalid. The wining candidates scores 52% and wins
by 98 votes. The total number of votes poll e dis: (A) 2518 (B) 2450 (C) 2382 (D) none of these
33) The price of an article was increased by P%. Later the new price was decreased by P%. If the latest price was tk 1,
the original price (A) 1 (B) (1-p^2)/100(C) 10000/(10000-p^2) (D) all of these
34)Club A has 20 members & club B has 28. If a total of 42 people belong to the two clubs , how many people belong to
both clubs ?

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Antidote of Math Phobia Version:1

35)Mr. X sold two properties, P1 & P2 for Tk 1,00,000 each .He sold property P1 for20% less than what he paid for it.
What is the percentage o profit of propertyP2 so that he is not in gain or loss on the sale of the two properties?
36)Mr. X pays 10% tax on all income over tk 60000 but he does not pay any tax on interest on postal savings certificates.
In 2000, he paid tk 12000 as interest on postal savings account. What was his net income in 2000?
37)What is the greatest integer that will always evenly divide the sum of the three consecutive even integers. A) 3 B) 4 C)
6 D)9
38)A trader marks up is 100%. During the first week he allows 20%discount on the mark up price and in the second week
he again allows 20% discount on the discounted price. How much does the trader make profit on second weeks sale?
39)When a positive integer X is divided by a positive integer Y the reminder ir 9, if X=96.12 then what is the value of Y?
40)A reduction of 21% in the price of wheat enables a person to buy 10.5KG more for tk 100. What is the reduced price
per KG?
41) P is6 times as large as Q. The percentage that Q is less than P, is(A)83.33 (B)46.56 (C)90 (D)60
42)The cost of Type 1 rice is tk 15 per kg and Type 2 rice is tk 20 per kg. If both Type 1 and Type 2 are mixed in the ratio
of 2:3, then what is the price per kg of the mixed variety of rice?
43)For a sphere of radius of 10 cms, the numerical value of the surface area is how many percent of the numerical value
of its volume?
44)On a map, 1 inch represents 1000 miles. If the area of a country is actually 16million square miles, what is the area of
the country's representation on the map?
45)A ten-car train took 06 minutes to travel between two stations that are 03 miles apart. The average speed of the train
of ___.
46)Excluding stoppages, the speed of a bus is 54 kmph and including stoppages, it is 45kmph. For how many minutes
does the bus stop per hour?
47)A bookseller can gain 6.666% if he offers a 20% commission on the written selling price of a book. if the commission is
reduced to 10% what will be his gain?
48)How many kgs of tea at 75 tk must be blended with 300 KGs of tea at tk 50 per kg to make a mixture worth tk 60 per
49)In 10years a will be twice as old as B was 10 years ago. If A is now 9 years older than B, Find the present age of B
Answer option are (a) 19 (b) 29 (c) 39(d) 49
50)Javed is as much as younger to Anam as he si older to pintu. If the sum of the ages of Anam and Pintu is 48 years,
what is the age of Javed????Answer option are (a20 (b) 24 (c) 30 (d) 49
51)In a party ,everyone shook hands with everybody. there were 66 many people were there in party?
52)An item is sold for $60,giving the retailer a profit of 30 % of the cost. what will be the new retail price if the retailer cuts
his profit to 10 %of costs?
53)How many different six-digit numbers can be formed using all of following digits:3,3,4,4,4,5.....with explain
54)In a set of three numbers, the average of first two numbers is 2, the average if three numbers ? with explain...a)3 b)6
c)9 d)24
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Antidote of Math Phobia Version:1

55)what is the probability that the product of two integers (not necessarily different integers) randomly selected from the
numbers 1 to 20, inclusive, is odd? with explain...
56)10%of a fruit seller was damaged during transportation and another 15% was rotten .at what profit (in percentage)
should he sell the rest of the goods so that he can make an overall profit of 20%?
57)A-car completes a 10-mile trip in 70 minutes. If it does one-half the distance at a speed of 20 miles an hour, its speed
for the remained of the distance must be____.
58)How many right angle gives a clock in a day(24) hours. Pls answer with explanation
59)A, B,C can finish a task working individually in 20, 30 & 60 days.In how many days can A finish the work if he is
assisted by B & C on every third day?
60)After x% of their games had been played, Abahani had won 40% of their games. They won30% of the rest of the
games. In terms of x, which of the following expresses the percentage of games Abahani had won at the end of the
61)Some men start work to finish the job within 30 Days, but after 15 days they left 5men and finish the job next 20 days
instead of 15 days, how many workers start at the beginning? Pls explain
61) A shopkeeper has 1000 kg of sugar part of which he sells at 8% profit & the rest at 18% profit. He gains 14% on the
whole. The quantity sold at 18% profit is?
62)In a flight of 600 km, an aircraft slowed down due to bad weather. Its average speed for the trip was reduced by
200km/hr. and the time of the flight increased by30 min. what is the duration of the flight?
63)Clark can do a particular work in 1 hour while Macbeth can do the same work in 1.5hours. On a particular day, the
worked together for half an hour, after which Clark left & Macbeth had to finish the rest of the work alone. How much time
in minutes will Macbeth require to finish the rest of the work ?
64)A police is ordered to report to the scene of a crime 5 miles away. If the car travels at an average rate of 40 miles per
hours, the time will take to reach its destination is ____.
65)If the average speed of a train between two stations is 30 miles per hours &the two stations are 1/2 mile apart, the time
it takes the train to travel from one station to the other is____.
66) A Garrison of 3300 men had provisions for 32 days, when given at the rate of 850 Explanation gms per head. At the
end of 7 days a reinforcement arrives and it was found that the provisions will last 17 days or more, when given at the rate
of 825 gms per head, what is the strength of the reinforcement?
67) a contract is to be made in 46 days and 117 men were set to work, each working 8 hours a day. After 33 days 4/7 of
the work is completed. How many additional men may be employed so that the work may be completed in time, each man
now working 9hours a day?????
68) A Garrison had provisions for a certain number of days. After 10 days 1/5th of the men desert and it is found that the
provisions will now last just as long as before, how long was that???????
69)In a hostel, there was food supply for 20 students for 25 days. After5 days, some students left the hostel & the rest of
the food lasted for 25 days. How many students left hostel ?

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Antidote of Math Phobia Version:1

70)An oil burner in a housing development burns 76 gallons of fuel oil per hour. At09 am on a very cold day the
superintendent asks the housing manager to put in an emergency order for more fuel oil. At that time, he reports that he
has on hand 266 gallons. At noon, he again comes to the manager, notifying him that no oil has been delivered. The
maximum amount of time that he can continue to furnish heat without receiving more oil is ____.
71)How many times in a day, are the hands of a clock in straight line but opposite in direction?
A. 20 B. 22 C. 24 D. 48
72)How many times in a day, the hands of a clock are straight? A)22 B)24 C)44 D)48
73)If in5 days a clerk can copy 125 pages, 36 lines each, 11 words to the line, how many pages of 30 lines each & 12
words to the line can he copy in 6 days ?
74)If 20men or 24 women or 40 boys can do a job in 12 days working for 8 hours a day. how many men working with 6
women and 2 boys take to do a job four times as big working for 5 hours a day for 12 days?
75)A Loan was repaid in two annual installments of tk 121 each .If the rate of interest be 10% per Annam compounded
annually the sum borrowed was.
76)At what time between 7 and 8 o'clock will the hands of a clock be in the same straight line but, not together? A. 5 min.
past 7B. 57/11 min. past 7C. 58/11min. past 7D. 60/11 min. past 7
77)Two cars start at the same point and time and travel in opposite directions. If one cars travel sat 45 km per hour and
the other at 60 km per hour, how many hours will pass before they are 210 km apart ?
78)Half the people on a bus get off at each stop after the first, and no one gets on after the first stop. If only one person
gets off at stop number 7, how many people got on at the first stop?
79) Address on sale in a shop is marked at $B. During the discount sale its price is reduced by 15%. Staffs are allowed a
further 10% reduction on the discounted price. If a staff member buys the dress what will she have to pay in terms of B?
80) The capacity of container X is 80% of capacity of glass Y. If Rahim fills half of X with 6 ounces of silicon and fills Y
fully with similar silicon, then many more ounces of silicon does Y contain than X contains now?
81) A 30%discount reduces the tag price of a watch by 90 tk. If 20% discount is offered, then what will be the price of that
82) What percentage of numbers from 1 to 70 has 1 or 9 in the unit's digit? A. 10 B. 14 C. 20 D. 21
83)Explanation required line by line: A and B together can do a piece of job in 12 days which B and C Together can do in
16 days. After A has been working for 5days and B for 7 days C finishes in 13 days. In how many days C alone will do the
84) Population of Bangladesh is 10 crore, which is increasing at a rate of 2.4% per year. Find the monthly increase in the
number of people in lakh
85) By selling 9 dozen of pens, I loss the selling price of two dozen pens. My loss percent is?
86) In a certain school, 20% of students are below 8 years of age. The number of students above 8 years of age is 2/3 of
the number of students of 8 years of age which is 48. What is the total number of students in the school?

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Antidote of Math Phobia Version:1

87) For making a cupboard, it requires human labor three times the labor required to make a bench. Six carpenters can
make 36 benches and 5 cupboards in 12 days. How many days will 10 carpenters require to make 61 benches and 8
88)A does half as much as work as B and C does half as much work as A and B together. If C alone can finish the work in
40 days, then together all will finish the work in how many days?
89)A tradeswoman by means of a false balance defrauds to the extent of 9% in buying goods and also defrauds to 9% in
selling. Her gain percent is:
90)A and B working alone can do a work in 9 and 12 days respectively, If a work together for a day alternately, A
beginning, in how many days the work will completed?
91) Machines A and B produce 8000 clips in 4 and 6 hours respectively. If they work alternately for 1 hour, a starting first,
then 8000 clips will be produced in how many hours?
92)Babor can do a piece of work in 8 days which Tipu can finish in 12 days. If they work at it on alternate days with
Barbor beginning, in how many days, the work will be finished?
93) If the price of cod fish currently $100 per kg and the price triples every 6months, how long will it be until the price of
cod is $8100/kg?
94) The tournament rules are such that each match results in a winner and a loser with no possibility of a tie. In the first
stage a team earns one point for each win and no point for a loss. At the end of the first stage ties are resolved by a series
of complex tie- breaking rules so that exactly four teams from each group advance to the next stage. What is the total
number of match played in the tournament . . . ??
95) A does 80% of a work in 20 days. He then calls in B and they together finish the remaining work in 3 days. How long B
alone would take to do the whole work?
96)If 6men and 8 boys can do a piece of work in 10 days while 26 men and 48 boys can do the same in 2 days, the time
taken by 15 men and 20 boys in doing the same type of work will be:
97) Two sets of 4 consecutive positive integers have exactly one integer in common. The sum of the integers in the set
with greater numbers is how much greater than the sum of the integers in the other set? A. 4 B. 7 C. 8 D. 12
98) A jogger running at 9 km/hr alongside a railway track is 240 meters ahead of the engine of a 120 meters long train
running at 45 km/hr in the same direction. In how much time will the train pass the jogger?
99) By selling an article at 80% of its marked price, a merchant makes a loss of 12%.What will be the % of profit made by
the merchant if he sells the article at95% of its market price?
100) a reduction of 21% in the price of wheat enables a person to buy 10.5 kg more fortk.100.What is the reduced price
per kg?
101)a train which travels at a uniform speed due to some mechanical fault after traveling for an hour goes at 3/5th of the
original speed and reach the destination 2 hours late. If the fault has occurred after traveling another 50miles, the train
would have reached 40 minutes earlier. What is distance between two stations?

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Antidote of Math Phobia Version:1

103)Two years ago, Tim was three times as old as Susie. Today he is twice as old as Susie. How old is Tim today?
104)If the average of 9 consecutive inters is 0, what is the averaged of the last 4 of these integers?
105) If 40% of all women are voters and 52% of the population are women, what percent of the population are women
106) Murad bought equal numbers of 20paisa and 30paisa stamps. If the total cost of the stamps was Tk. 10, what was
the total number of stamps bought?
107) Three workers w, t, p are paid a total of taka 5500 for a particular job. W is paid133.33% of the amount paid to t and t
is paid 75% of the amount paid top. How much is paid to p?
108) Abandon climbed down from a tail tree of height 100 feet and went to a pond 200ft away. Another bndr jumped
up a little distance and then jumped down diagonally and reached the same pond. If both bndr travelled the same
distance, tell me the height to which the second bndr jumped?
109) Grass in lawn grows equally thick and in a uniform rate. It takes 24 days for 70gOATs and 60 days or 30 goats to eat
the whole of the grass. How many goats are needed to eat the grass in 96 days?
110)A h is sitting on the top of a pillar of height 9 feet. An ant hill exists at the base of the pillar. To hide itself from the
attack of hen, a cobra is approaching the ant hill from a distance three times the height of the pillar. Seeing the cobra
approaching the ant hill, hen flies down to catch the cobra. If both cobra and hen travel at the same speed, find the
distance from ant hill at which hen catches the cobra.
111) Liza collects cigarette stubs and makes one full cigarette with every 8 stubs. If she gets sixty four stubs how many
full cigarettes can Liza smoke?
112) By selling an article at 80% of its marked price, a merchant makes a loss of 12%.What will be the % of profit made
by the merchant if he sells the article at95% of its market price?
113) A reduction of 21% in the price of wheat enables a person to buy 10.5 kg more fortk.100.What is the reduced price
per kg?
114) 3missionaries and 3 obedient but hungry cannibals have to cross a river using a2-man rowing boat. If on either bank
cannibals outnumber missionaries the missionaries will be eaten. How can very one cross safely?
115)2menand 2boys need to cross a river in a boat big enough for 1man or 2boys. How do they do it?
116) A man has to take a hen, a fox, and some corn across a river. He can only take one thing across at a time. Unless
the man is present the fox will eat the hen and the hen eats the corn. How is it done?
117) a closed wooden box with external dimensions 80cm x 60 cm x 40 cm is made of 2 cm thick wood. If 1cm^3 of wood
weighs 10 gms , find the weight of the EMPTY BOX.
118) the population of a town was 1, 60,000 three years ago. If it increased by 3%, 2.5%and 5% respectively in the last
three years, then the present population of the town is
119) A well with 14m inside diameter is dug 10m deep. Earth taken out of it has been evenly spread all around it to a
width of 21 m to form an embankment. The height of the EMBANKMENT is ?

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Antidote of Math Phobia Version:1

120) 40%of the employees in a factory are workers. All the remaining employees are executives. The annual income of
each worker is $390. The annual income of each executive is $420. What is the average annual income of all the
employees in the factory together?
121) There are 5 packers A, B, C, D, and E in a company. The five packers A, B, C, D and E charge $66, $52, $46, $32,
and $28, respectively, to pack each item. The time taken by the packers to pack one item is 20 minutes, 24 minutes, 30
minutes, 40minutes and 48 minutes, respectively. All the items are sold at the end of the day. Each item earns a profit of
100 dollars, and the packers are paid from this profit. If each packer works 8 hours a day, which packer contributes the
most to the net profit of the company?
122) In Bangladesh, 60% of the male citizen and 70% of the female citizen are eligible to vote. 70% of male citizens
eligible to vote voted, and 60% of female citizens eligible to vote voted. What fraction of the citizens voted during the
123) Distance between two poles is 50 meters. A train goes by 48 at a speed of kmph. In one minute how many poles will
be crossed by the train?
124) A picnic was attended by 240 persons. There were 20more men than women and 20moreadults than children. How
many men were there?
125) X is west of Y and Y is north of Z; M is south of X, which direction is M to Z?
126) how many lines can be drawn passing through two distinct points?
127) If k is the sum of the digits of integer m, and m=18n, where n is an integer, which of the following must be true? A.
The sum of the digits of m is 9 B. The sum of the digits of k is 9 C. m is a multiple of 2k D. k is a multiple of 9 E. k is a
multiple of 6
128) a certain number of men complete a piece of work in 60 days. If there were 8 men more, the work can be finished in
10 days less. How many men were originally there?
129) And B together can do a piece of work in 12 days, which B and C can do in 16days. After A has been working at it for
5 days and B for 7 days C finishes in13 days. In how many days C alone will do the work?
130) A man owns 2/3 of the market research be auro business and sells 3/4 of his shares for $.75000. What is the value
of Business?
131 ) Ronald and Messia have two children. The probability that the first child is a girl,is 50%. The probability that the
second child is a girl, is also 50%. Ronald and Messia tell you that they have a daughter. What is the probability that their
other child is also a girl?
132) Average age of students of an adult school is 40 years. 120 new students whose average age is 32 years joined the
school. As a result the average age is decreased by4 years. Find the number of students of the school after joining of the
new students ?
133 ) After allowing a discount of 11.11% ,a trader still makes a gain of 14.28 % .at how many percent above the cost
price does he mark his goods?
134 ) on sports day, if 30 children were made to stand in a column, 16 columns could be formed. If 24 children were made
to stand in a column, how many columns could be formed?
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Antidote of Math Phobia Version:1

135) x% of y is y% of ?
136) Ifx=y=2z and xyz=256 then what is the value of x?
137) 2hours after a freight train leaves Delhi a passenger train leaves the same station travelling in the same direction at
an average speed of 16 km/hr. After travelling 4 hrs the passenger train overtakes the freight train. The average speed of
the freight train was?
138) A cow is tethered in the middle of a field with a 14 feet long rope. If the cow grazes 100 sq. ft. per day, then
approximately what time will be taken by the cow to graze the whole field ?
139) At what time after 4.00 p.m. is the minutes hand of a clock exactly aligned with the hour hand?
140) A piece of cloth cost Rs 35. if the length of the piece would have been 4m longer and each meter cost Re 1 less , the
cost would have remained unchanged. how long is the piece?
141) If the hour hand on a clock moves 1/60th of a degree every minute then how many degrees will the hour hand move
in one hour?
142) If 9 engines consume 24 metric tons of coal, when each is working 8 hours a day; how much coal will be required for
8 engines, each running 13 hours a day, it being given that 3 engines of the former type consume as much as 4 engines
of latter type.
143) A clock is set right at 8 a.m. The clock gains 10 minutes in 24 hours. What will be the true time when the clock
indicates 1 p.m. on the following day?
144) If a light flashes every 6 seconds, how many times will it flash in of an hour?
145) Super heroes Liza and Tamar leave the same camp and run in opposite directions. Liza runs 1mile per second (mps)
and Tamar runs 2 mps. How far apart are they in miles after 1 hour?
146) There are 20 poles with a constant distance between each pole. A car takes 24 second to reach the 12th pole. How
much will it take to reach the last pole?
147) It costs 10c a kilometer to fly and 12c a kilometer to drive. If you travel 200kilometers, flying w kilometers of the
distance and driving the rest ; then the cost of the trip in dollars is?
148) Find the number of positive integers not exceeding 200 that are completely divisible by 7 but not by 2 nor by 3?
149)Last year Hers chelle Gibbs sold a painting for $ 2000. If he made a profit of 25% on the cost how much did he pay in
$ for the painting?
150) The sum of 5 consecutive integers is 35. How many of the five consecutive integers are prime numbers?
151) What percentage of the numbers from 1 to 50 have squares that end in the digit 1?
152) It takes Messi 18 Minutes to inspect a car. Ronaldo only needs 20 Minutes to inspect a car. If they both start
inspecting cars at 9:00 p.m., what is the first time they will finish inspecting a car at the same time?
153) The average of 7 numbers is 12. After discarding one number, the average becomes11. Whats the discarded
154) Every Sunday Tom jogs 3miles. For the rest of the week, each day he jogs 1mile more than the previous day. How
many miles does he jog in 2 weeks?

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155) A can do a job in 20 days 30 days & C in 60 days. Starting from the 1st days B assists A in every 3rd days & C
assists A in every 4th days. I how many days ,the work will be finished?
156) in a cold storage, the length is increased by 30 percent, the breath is increased by 50 percent and the height is
reduced by 20 percent. what is the net increase in the volume of the cold storage ?
157) the income of a broker remains unchanged though the rate of commission is increased from 4 percent to 5 percent.
the percentage of slump in business is....
158)A does half as much work as B and C does half as much work as A and B together. If C alone can finish the work in
40 days, then together all will finish the work in?
159) The average weight of 8 person's increases by 2.5 kg when a new person comes in place of one of them weighing
65 kg. What might be the weight of the new person?
160)In24 hours, how many times do the two hands of a clock coincide?
170) Shafiq can do a piece of work in 8 days, Which Karim can finish in 12 days. If they work at it on alternate days with
Shafiq beginning, in how many days, the work will be finished... I need easy explanation... so extend ur helping
hands.(ans is: 9.5 days)
171)The average of 20 numbers is zero. Of them, at the most, how many may be greater than zero?
172)which of the following must be an integer if x is a positive integer and(4/x+5/X+6/X) is also an integer?
173)A figure was reached by first multiplying a number by 4 and then dividing the product by 100. The figure can be
obtained by dividing the original number by__?
174) A is twice as good a worker as B and together they complete a work in 15 days. In how many days can B alone
complete the work.....?
175)The rain fall in January and February was 2.5 inches and 4 inches respectively. What was the increase % in rainfall in
176) what is the number of integers between 101 and 199 which are exactly divisible by 5or 7?
177)If the product of four consecutive integers is equal to one of them, what is the largest possible value of one of the
178) 2pipes A & b would fill a tank in 20 & 30 minutes respectively. Both pipes being open, find when A must be turned off
so that the tank may be just filled in 15 minutes?
179)In a club 50% of the male voters & 80% of the female voters voted for candidate A. If candidate A received 70% of
the total votes, What is the ratio of male to female voters?
180) Tom can complete a job in 12hrs and Pom can complete the same job in 8hrs. Tom starts the job at 9am and stops
working at 3pm. If Pom starts working at 4pm to complete the remaining job, at what time is the job finished?
181)Per day wage rate of workers is reduced 50% due to economic slowdown. After one year, the wage rate is increased
by 60%. If the per day wage rate before the decrease was tk 100, then what is the per day wage rate now?
182) Karim deposited tk 800 in a bank at 15% annual compound interest rate. At the end of the second year, the total
amount including the interest will be .... ?

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183) A pen was sold at 15% loss. If the selling price was tk 8 more, then the seller could have made a profit of 10%. What
was the purchase price of pen?
184) Out of total profit, A gets 40%, B 25%, C 20%, D 10% and E 5%. What percentage of A's profit is that of B?
185) 20men can finish a work in 30 days .After how many days should 5 men leave the work so that the work may be
finished in 35 days?
186) A& B together can do a piece of work in 12 days ,which B & C together can do in 16 days .After A has been working
at it for 5 days & B for 7 days C finishes it 13 days. In how many days C alone will do the work?
187) Mr X pays 10% tax on all income over tk 60,000 but he does not pay any tax on interest on postal savings account.
In 2000, he paid tk 7,500 as tax and he earned tk 12,000 as interest on postal savings. What was his net income in2000?
188) Half of the students of a school play football and one third of the rest play cricket. The remaining 300 students do not
play either of the games. How many students are there in the school?
189) There are 20 members on a football squad. In electing a captain and a co-captain, how many different outcomes of
the election is possible?
190) Two alloys A & B are composed of two basic elements. The ratios of the compositions of the two basic elements in
the two alloys are 5:3 & 1:2,respectively. A new alloy X is formed by mixing the two alloys A & B in the ratio 4:3. What is
the ratio of the composition of the two basic elements in alloy X?
191) Three typist can type a book in 12 days. Two of them type twice as fast as the third. How long would it take one of
the fastest typists to do the job himself?
191)Aman has to go 10 km to catch a bus. He walks part of the way at 7 km/hr and runs the rest of the way at 12 km/hr. If
he takes 1 hour 15 minutes to complete his journey, find how far he walked.
192)One-fifth of the products made by a company is defective. Four-fifth of the defectives are rejected and 1/20 of the
good products are rejected by mistake. If all the products not rejected are sold, what percent of the products sold by the
company defective?
193) Ina stream running at 2km/hr ,a motor boat goes 10 km upstream & back again to the starting point in 55 minutes
.Find the speed of the motor boat in still water?
194) in a class of 120 students ,70% can speak benglali,& the rest can speak only english. if 25% of those in the class
who can speak english can also speak bengali, How many of the students in the class can speak bengali?
195) A train which travels at a uniform speed due to some mechanical fault after traveling for an hour goes at 3/5th of the
original speed and reached the destination 2 hours late. If the fault had occurred after travelling another 50miles, the train
would have reached 40 minutes earlier. What is the distance between the two stations?
196) four litres of milk are to be poured into a 2 liter bottle and a 4 liter bottle. if each bottle is to be filled to the same
fraction of its capacity, how many liters of milk should be poured into 4 litre bottle.
197) The average weight of a group of 30 friends increase by 1 kg when the weight of their football coach was added . if
average weight of the group after including the weight of the football coach in kgs?
198) a wrist watch was sold at 10% profit .if the cost was 15% less & the selling price was tk 20 less, then the trader
would have made a profit of 20%.what was the cost of the wristwatch ?
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199) 200children came to the park last Sunday. All of the older children rode bicycles into the park and all of the younger
children came on tricycles. 480 wheels rode into the park that day, all of them functioning on the children's bicycles or
tricycles. How many younger children came to the last Sunday.
200) A survey of gulshan found an average 3.2 people per thousand & a mean of 1.2cars per thousand .if 48000 people
live in gulshan ,how many car r there in gulshan?
201) Gold is 19 times as heavy as water & copper 9 times as heavy as water. the ratio in which these two metals be
mixed so that the mixture is 15 times as heavy as water?
202) a salesman usually makes 45% profit on every tv he sells. during a sale, he reduce his margin of profit to 40% & his
sales increased by 10%. what is the ratio of his new profit to his usual profit ?
203) a solution that contains 20% sugar by weight is made sweeter by doubling the amount of sugar .the percent of sugar
,by weight ,in the new solution is204)A total of 50 employees work in a bank branch. Of these, 22 have taken an accounting course, 15 have taken a
finance course and 14 have taken a marketing course. 9 of the employees have taken exactly two of the courses and one
employee has taken all three courses. How many of the 50 employees have taken one of the courses?
205) when tossed, a coin has equal probability of landing on either side. if the coin is tossed 3 times, what is the
probability that it will land on the same side each time?
206) A:B=1:2,B:C=4:3 and A+B+C=150. what is value of B?
207) The area of rectangular plot is 323 square meters. Its perimeter is 72 meters. Find the length and breadth of the
208) the train leaves dhaka @ 10 am and travels east @ a constant speed of x mph. if another train Y leaves dhaka @
11:30 am and travels east along the same 4xtracks @ 4x/3 , then at what time will train Y catch train X?
209) in a set of three numbers , the average of first two numbers is 2, the average of the last two numbers is 3 & the
average of the first and last number is 4.what is the average of three number?
210) A person wishes to accumulate tk 5,00,000 by the end of 15 years by making equal half-yearly deposits over the
next 15 years. If she earns 10% on the investment, how much must she deposit at the end of each half-year?
211) A trader, while selling a book, was asking for a price that ll enable him to offer a 25%discount and still makes a profit
of 20% on cost. If the asking price for the book was tk 80,what was the cost of the book? plz do in details.
212) the total income of rahim in the year 2003,2004,2005, was tk 36400.his income increased by 20%each year. what
was his income in 2005.?
213) the sum of ages of 5 children born at intervals of 3 years each is 50 years. what is the age of the youngest child?
214) how much salt must we add to 10 grams of a 20% salt solution to strengthen it into a 50% solution?
215) If a truck travels at 60mph then it takes 30% more gasoline than it goes at50mph.when it travels 50mph 20 miles
covers by a liter gasoline. It stopped after 20 min, when it was 160 miles away from the destination. How long does it take
to reach the final destination if it goes at 60mph?
216) One hundred business people have gathered at a meeting 85 of them carrying a cellular phone each,80 of then have
a beeper each,75 of them speak at least two languages and 70 of them wear a suit. Therefore ,a certain number of them
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have all of the above :a cell phone and a beeper and speak at least 2languages and wear a suit .Out of these
100business people, what is the least possible number who have all of the above?
217) Three workers can do a job in 12days. Two of the workers work twice east as the third. How long would it take one of
the faster workers to do the job himself?
218) At8:00 am a car started from Dhaka towards Cox's bazar at a speed of 50km per hour. After one hour, another car
started from Dhaka towards Cox's bazar at a speed of 60km per hour. After how much time and at what distance from
Dhaka the second car will overtake the first car?
219) A coin that is tossed will land heads or tails, and each outcome has equal probability. What is the probability that the
coin will land heads at least once on two tosses?
220) If the total cost C=1000+0.2s, where 's' is the sales volume, the variable cost on sales of tk 1000 will be taka what??
221) the compound interest on tk 10,000 for 4years @ 5% per annum will approximately__??
222) How much interest will tk 1000 earn in one year at an annual interest rate of 20%if interest rate is compounded every
6 months?
223) If tk 1000 is invested in an account paying 10% compounded monthly, how much would-be the nearest ending
balance at the end of 10 years?
223)A salesman usually makes 25 percent profit on every radio he sells. During a sale ,he reduces his profit margin to 20
percent, while his sales increase by10 percent. What is the ratio of his new profit to his usual profit?
224) an instrument store gives a 10 percent discount to all students of the original cost of an instrument. During a school
sale an addition 15 percent is taken off the discount price.Rahim, a student at the local high school, purchases a flute for
tk.306.How much did it originally cost??
225) 750firms offer their employee health insurance, 640 firms offer dental insurance and 280 offer health insurance and
dental insurance. How many firms offer their employees health insurance or dental insurance?
226) Mrs.M pays 10% tax on income earned over tk 60,000 but he does not pay any tax on interest on savings
certificates. In 2013, he paid tk 7,500 as tax and earned tk 12,000 as interest on savings certificates. What was his total
income in2013?
227) From6 boys and 4 girls, 5 are to be selected for admission for a particular course. In who many ways can this be
done. If there must be exactly 2 girls? a) 60 b)30 c) 90 d) 120 e) 15
228) An examinee has to answer 6 out of 12 questions. In how many ways 6 questions can be answered where 4
questions have to be selected from first 5? a) 100 b) 105c) 110 d) 220 e) none
229)when a meeting of a committee was over, every member shook hands with another and total number of handshakes
were 6. How many members were there in the meeting? a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5 e) 6
230) a toy store regularly sells all at a discount of 20 percent to 40 percent. If an additional 2.5 percent were deducted
from the discount price during a special sale, what would be the lowest possible price of a toy costing 16 before any
231) If 1/2 of the air in a tank is removed with each stroke of vacuum pump, what fraction of the original amount of air has
been removed after four strokes?
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232) When a positive integer k is divided by 6,the remainder is 3.What is the remainder when the valve of (z-y)? Ans.a)3
b)2 c)1 d )0 e)none of this.
234) For some value of x,5(x+2)=y.After the value of x is increased by 3,5(x+2)=z. what is the value of (z-y)? Ans.a)18
b)12 c)15d)10 e)none of this.
235) (x-a)(x-b)(x-c)(x-d)...........(x-z)=
236) City B is 5 miles east of city A. City C is 10 miles southeast of city B. Which of the following is the closest to the
distance from city A to city C?
237) when a student weighing 45kgs left a class, the average weight of the remaining 59students increased by 200g.
What is the average weight of the remaining 59students?
238) A man travels 4miles north, 12miles east and then 12miles north. How far (to the nearest mile) is he from the starting
point? a.17 b. 20 c. 21 d. 24 e. 30
239) A train travels 300miles from city x to city y at an average speed of 80miles per hours. At what speed did the train
travel on the way back if its average speed for the whole (both ways) trip was 100mph?
240) Among the 120 students of a class, numbered 1 to 120, all even numbered student are opt for bangla, whose
numbers are divisible by 5 opt for english and those whose numbers are divisible by 7 opt for math. How many opt for
none of the three subjects?
241) If p and q are positive integers, each greater than 1,and if 21(p+1)=29(q+1),what is the least possible value of (p+q)?
Ans.a)48 b)50 c)51 d)53 e)none of these.
242) One-fourth of the students in a a school have no brothers or sisters. Of the remainingstudents,40% have one brother
or sister. what percentage of all students has more than one brother or sister?
243) Rahim gave half of his stamps to karim. karim gave half of his stamps to fatima. Fatima gave 1/4 of the stamp given
to her to tonmoy and kept the remaining many stamps did rahim start with?
245) Rina and shila entered into a partnership with their capitals in the ratio 5:6. At the end of 8months; Rina withdraws
her capital. If they receive the profit in the ratio 5:9. Find how long Shila's capital was used?
246) What is the probability that the product of two integers(not necessarily different integers) randomly selected from the
numbers 1 through 20; inclusive; is odd
247) A tailor had a no of shirt pieces to cut from some large pieces of fabric .He cut each large piece into 10 smaller
pieces .he cut at the rate of 45 cuts per minute. how many large pieces would be cut in 24 min? a)32b)54c)108d)120
248) A researcher computed the mean, median and standard deviation for a set of performance score. If 5 were to be
added to each score, which of these three statistics would change?
249) A police man spots a mugger from a distance of 200meters. As the police man starts chasing the mugger; the
mugger also starts running. Given that the speed of the mugger is 10km/h and that of the police man is 12 km/h; how far
would have the mugger run before he is caught ? a)3km b)4km c)2km d)1km
250)At a collage ; there are from2 to 5 introductory English classes each of these classes has 20 to 30 students enrolled.
If in one semester 12% of students enrolled in introductory English failed; what is the greatest possible number of
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students who failed?
251) In a certain country ; a person is born in every 4secound and a person dies every10 seconds; Theretofore; the birth
and death rates account for a population growth rate of one person every _____ seconds .
252) What is the maximum percentage discount that T can offer on her Marked Price so that she ends up selling at no
profit or loss, if she had initially marked her goods up by 50%?
253)Price of the sugar increases by 32%. A family reduces its consumption so that the expenditure of the sugar is up by
10%. if the total consumption of sugar before the price rise was 10 kg per month, then the consumption of sugar per
month at present.... need explanation (ans is.... 8.33)
254)Jason has 1 boy and 2 daughters (twins). The product of the ages of these children72.The sum of their ages give the
house number of Jason that is 14. Boy is elder of three. Can you tell the ages of all the three?
255)If 80% W is equal to 120% of V; find (W+V )=?
256) L started work 2 years ago. Her starting salary was .5 of M's salary at that time. Each year since then L has received
a raise of 5% in her salary and M has received a raise of 10% in his salary. What percentage (to the nearest percent)of
M's current salary is L's current salary?
257) A rectangular area of 16 meters by 12 meters, is surrounded by a road 3 meters wide, the area of the road is ?
257) in a container there are 2 green and 2 red marbles. u randomly pick two marbles. what is the probability that both of
them are green?
"Welcome to our consciousness - welcome to our race"
(Follow serial number and solve/ practice yourself)
1. In measuring the side of a square, an error of 13% in excess in made. The error per cent in the calculated area is:
2. 7/11 part of the population in Khulna are males. If 40% of the
males are married, the percentage of unmarried females in the total population is:
3. A man sells article at a profit of 20%. If he had bought it at 20% less & sold it for $ 5 less, he would have gained 25%.
Find the cost price of the article.
4. By selling 8 dozen of pencils, Raka gains the selling price of one dozen pencils. Her gain percent is:
5. Rich sold her skis for $160 & her skis boots for $96. She made a profit of 20% on her boots and took a 10% loss on her
skis. She ended up with a...?
6. Ms, Jones has twice as much invested in stocks as bonds. Last year, the stock investments paid 7.5% of their value
while the bonds paid 10% of their value. If the total that both investments paid last year was $1000, how much did Ms.
Jones have invested in stocks?
7. In Motor city 90% of the population own a car, 15% own a motorcycle, and everybody owns one or the other or both.
What is the percentage of motorcycle owners who own cars?

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8. 4 milkmen rented a pasture, Herschelle grazed 18 cows for 4 months, Brette 25 cows for 2 months, Afridi grazed 28
cows for 5 months and Tendulkar grazed 21 cows for 3 months. If Herschelles share of rent is $ 360, the total rent of the
field is?
9. Nasim and Mim invest in a business in the ratio 5: 7. If 6% of the total profit goes to charity and Nasims share is $ 752,
total profit is?
10. Farzana can do a job in 23 minutes and her sister Tumpa takes three times as long to do the same job. If they work
together, how long will it take to complete the job?
11. A piece of work can be done by 6 men and 5 women in 6 days or 3 men and 4 women in ten days. It can be done by
15 women and 9 men in how many days?
12. A worker is paid $ 40 per hour for the first eight hours & then $ 52 for each additional hour. If on a certain day, her
average pay was $ 44/hour, how many hours did she work on that day?
13. A cricketer has a certain average for 12 innings. In the 13th innings she scores 11 runs, thus decreasing her average
by 2 runs. Her new average is?
14. If the official exchange ratio of Lempira {currency of Honduras} to Ngultrum {currency of Bhutan} is 350:1 and the free
exchange ratio is 400:1, how much profit would a man if he could convert 70 Ngultrum to Lempira at the free rate and then
convert these back to Ngultrum at the official rate?
15. In a box, the number of pen drives is more than the number of processors by 20% of the total items. The ratio of pen
drives to processors is?
16. If the Interest on taka 1200 be more than the interest on taka 1000 by taka 50 in 3 years, the rate per cent is?
17. A man invested 1/3 of his capital at 7%; at 8% and remained at 10%. If his annual income is taka 561, the capital
18. A man deposits taka 600 in a Bank at 10% interest rate compounded annually. At the end of the second year, the total
amount including interest will become?
19. A certain sum of money at simple interest amounts to taka 1260 in 2 years & to taka 1350 in 5 years. The rate per
cent is?
20. A sum of taka 2540 is lent out into two parts, one at 12% & another one at 12.50%. If the total annual income is taka
311.60, his money lent 12% is?
21. 4 men and 6 women finish a job in 8 days, while 3 men and 7 women finish in 10 days. In how many days will 10
women working together finish it?22. A is twice as good a workman as B and together they finish a piece of work in 14 days. The number of days taken by
an alone to finish the work, is?23. A, B, C together earn tk. 300 per day, while A and C together earn tk. 188 and B and C together earn tk. 152. The
daily earning of C is?24. 45 men can complete a work in 16 days. 6 days after they started working, 30 more men joined them. How many days
will they now take to complete the remaining work? -

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25. If A,B,C together can finish a piece of work in 4 days, A alone can do it in 12 days and B in 18 days, then C alone can
do it in?26. If an egg takes three minutes to boil, how much time will it take to boil six eggs together?
27. If some electric poles stand in a straight row, 60 yard apart, what is the distance from the first to 10th?
28. The greatest number of five digits beginning with five and ending with seven is
(A) 53397 (B) 57897 (C) 58987 (D) 59997 (E) None
29. After five years, Kamal will be ten years older than Alam. Find the difference between their ages at present.
30. The ice compartment in a refrigerator is 10 inches deep, 5 inches height and 4 inches wide. How many ice cubes will it
hold if each cube is 2 inches on an edge?
31. What fraction is 50 paisa of taka 100?
(A) (B) 1/200 (C) 1/20 (D) 200 (E) None
32. To a number 8 is added. The sum is multiplied 3. Then the product is divided by 2 and 7 is subtracted from the
quotient. The remainder left is 50. The number is
33. A sequence of numbers begins 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3 and then repeats this pattern forever. What is the sum of the 135th,
136th and 137th numbers in the sequence?
(A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 6 (E) 7
34. What is the next number in the following series;
1, 5, 9, 13 ?.
Series Problems:
35. Which of the following is the next number in series?
3, 6, 9, 4, 9, 5, 12, 6,
(A) 7 (B) 9 (C) 12 (D) 15 (E) 24
36. At 3:00 A.M. the temperature was 130 below zero. By noon it has risen to 320. What was the average hourly increase
in temperature?
37. For all numbers x and y, if x * y = xy + x, then 4 * 5 = ?
38. If r ^ s = r (r s) for all integers r and s, then 4 ^(3 ^ 5) equals
39. If a^ means to multiply a by 3 and a * means to divide a by 2, what is the value of [(8*)^)]*?
40. If X, y and z are consecutive positive integer greater than 1, not necessarily in that order, then which of the following is
(are) true?
(I) x > z (II) x + y > z (III) yz > xz (IV) xy > y + z
(A) I (B) II (C) II &III (D) III & IV (E) II & IV
41. It takes 6 technicians 10 hours to build and program a new server from Direct Computer, with each working at the
same rate. If six technicians start to build the server at 11:00 AM, and one technician per hour is added beginning at 5:00
PM, at what time will the server be complete?
to be continue
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