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In The Ring

By: Mackenzie Cole 6s

I sat in the cold chair staring blankly into the distance. Why was I here? Why? Then it hit
me…to make money, but not out of my own greed out of my own brother’s disappearance.
Anger and hatred welled inside me; I barely managed to restrain myself as a tumble of
depression hit me hard in the face. It was my fault he was gone and it was my fault he left. I had
been so stupid. I cleared my mind I had other more important things to worry about. A loud
voice echoed through the dust as a dark shadow emerged.

I began to gradually approach my opponent. I was highly intimidated, as I tried hard not
to show it. His size was large enough to supply a tiger food for weeks, I stood no chance. My
hair was drenched in sweat as I smoothed it back smoothly, if I was lucky he’d be intimidated.
Generally I wasn’t scared of my opponents, however he was different. Physically he would
wipe me off the face of the earth, but mentally I had the advantage. Particularly when it came
down to dodging, I had defeated many by being a good dodger. Most importantly I had to be
quick or it was all over. I knew I was a perfectly good fighter, but never had I battled such an
advanced fighter. A bell sounded in the back of my head, everything seemed to be put into slow
motion, a second bell sounded and I wobbled to my feet. This was going to be extremely

Slowly he edged towards me, my eyes symmetrical with his, I began to try to stare him
down. It wasn’t till then that I realized a large tattoo on his chest that read:
Maybe not today, but certainly tomorrow
It was the exact tattoo my brother had gotten the day before he ran away.

“Peter,” I asked, “ i-is that you?”

His face was brightened to a smile as the words dived off my mouth. No words could describe
how I had felt. We straightened our bodies as we tightened into a hug. Not only was it his
tremendous strength that made me cry it was his return. Peter was home again.

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