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7th International Symposium on the Contributions of Psychology to Peace

Ateneo de Manila University, July 16 to 22, 2001

Schedule of Activities

July 16
5:30-8:00 pm
July 17
8:30-12:00 nn
12:00-1:30 pm
1:30-3:00 pm

3:00-3:20 pm
3:20-5:00 pm

July 18
9:00-11:00 am

11:00-12:00 nn
1:30-4:30 pm

6:00-8:00 pm

Registration & Welcome Dinner hosted by Ateneo de Manila University

Opening Ceremonies
Keynote Speaker: Former Philippine President, Corazon C. Aquino
Symposium 1: People Power 2
Chair: Augusto Legaspi

The 1986 and 2001 People Power Revolutions: The Philippines style of nonviolent political
Ma. Elizabeth J. Macapagal (Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines)

Revolutionary text: The use of cellphone texting to mobilize collectives for peaceful political
Cristina J. Montiel (Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines)

People Power II in the Philippines: A demonstration of the efficacy of nonviolent methods of

protest and persuasion
Jasmin N. Galace (Center for Peace Education, Miriam College, Philippines)
Symposium 2: Peace and Development
Chair: Andy Dawes

Earth Matters: Conflict resolution in environmental planning

Deborah Du Nann Winter (Whitman College, USA)

Peace psychology and the problems of socio-economic development: New perspectives on

the peaceful conflict resolution in the developing world
Ruben Ardila (National University of Colombia, Colombia)

A peaceful conflict resolution experience by the Talaandig tribe in Bukidnon, Southern

Josephine Perez (Gaston Z. Ortigas Peace Institute, Philippines)

Conflict resolution in the context of globalization: Preserving the intangible heritage in

Yung Le (UNESCO, Vietnam)
Symposium 3: Intercultural Reconciliation/ Ethnic Conflict
Chair: Daniel J. Christie

Peace and reconciliation: Exploring the psycho-social dynamics of Hindu-Christian

violence in India
Anthony Da Silva, S.J. (De Nobili College, India)

Reconciliation between Jews and Germans

Wolfgang Frindte (Friedrich Schiller University, Germany)

Multiculturalism, self and peace in Southeast Asia

Weining C. Chang (National University of Singapore, Singapore)

Finding beauty in the ashes: a journey towards trauma healing and reconciliation
Al Fuertes (Silliman University, Philippines)

Peace-building in Cambodia
Nhem Kim Teng (Santi Sena, Cambodia)
Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) Afternoon, sponsored by the Human Rights Womens Desk
& Psychology Department
Symposium 4: Culture of Peace
Chair: Flora Arellano

Some contributions of Psychology to policies promoting cultures of peace

Anne Anderson (Psychologists for Social Responsibility, USA)

Culture of Peace News Network

Diane Bretherton (International Conflict Resolution Centre, University of Melbourne, Australia)

Emotional climates and culture of peace in Japanese students

Takehiko Ito (Wako University, Japan)
Dinner Hosted by De La Salle University

July 19
9:00-12:00 nn

12:00-1:30 pm
1:30-5:00 pm
6:00-8:00 pm
July 20
9:00-12:00 nn

12:00-1:30 pm
1:30-4:00 pm
4:00-4:30 pm
5:00-5:30 pm
6:00-8:00 pm
July 21
9:00-12:00 nn

12:00-1:30 pm
1:30-5:30 pm
6:00-8:00 pm

Symposium 5: The Socialization of Peacemaking

Chair: Weining C. Chang

Curriculum and peace education

Zha Youliang (Sichuan Academy of Social Sciences, China)

Peace knowledge as ideas, values and actions: On childrens construction of meanings of

peace in Northern Europe
Solveig Hagglund (Goteborg University, Sweden)

Areas of peace work in religious communities

Augusto Legaspi (University of the Philippines, Philippines)

Preventive interventions around childhood violence: the COPES project

Andy Dawes (Childrens Institute, University of Cape Town, South Africa)

CCFs experiences in empowering children as peace advocates

Ma.Saturnina N. Hamili (Christian Childrens Fund, Philippines)

Transitions: Intersections of development and history

Judy Van Hoorn (University of the Pacific, USA)

Children of rebels: Seeking a path to a peaceful future

Charlie M. Inzon (Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines)
Dialogue among participants: Facilitated by the Committee for the Psychological Study of Peace (CPSP)
Dinner hosted by Miriam College
Symposium 6: Towards the Development of Models for Peace Psychology
Chair: Anthony Da Silva

A conceptual framework for peace psychology

Daniel Christie (Ohio State University, USA)

Peace building and social cognition

Wilhelm Kempf (University of Konstanz, Germany)

The indigenous psychology of conflict and conflict management

Madelene Sta. Maria (De La Salle University, Philippines)

The increasing delineation of group process effects related to conflict resolution

Herbert Blumberg (Goldsmiths College, University of London, England)

Culture-centered conflict-management: A study of Chinese conflict resolution

Siew Fang Law (International Conflict Resolution Centre, University of Melbourne, Australia)

A Filipino perspective to mediation

Brenda Batistiana (Mediators Network for Sustainable Peace, Philippines)

Designing dispute resolution systems in educational institutions

Patricia Marshall (International Conflict Resolution Centre, University of Melbourne, Australia)
Dialogue with NGO Peace Advocates/Practitioners
Stop-over at the EDSA Shrine, commemorative site of the 1986 People Power
Dinner-Dialogue on the Philippine Comprehensive Peace Process Hosted by the Office of the Presidential
Adviser on the Peace Process (OPAPP)
Symposium 7: Peacebuilding/ Psychosocial Interventions in East Timor
Chair: Diane Bretherton

Psycho-social assistance in East Timor following September, 1999: Priorities, strategies

and challenges
Michael Wessells (Randolph-Macon College & Childrens Christian Fund, USA)

Implementing community based, psychosical interventions for children in crisis situations:

the case of East Timor
Kathleen Kostelny (Erikson Institute, USA)

Peace building in East Timor

Abilio F. Belo (East Timor University, East Timor)

The role of external consultants in a post-conflict situation in East Timor

Ann Sanson (Australian Institute of Family Studies, Australia)

Response to prolonged East Timor refugees situation in West Timor

Tri Budiardjo (Christian Childrens Fund, Indonesia)
Planning for the next Symposium & Collaborative Work/Researches
Farewell Dinner Hosted by the Ateneo de Manila University

July 22
Optional Tour: Old Manila Historic Tour

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