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AndEngine is a set of libraries, made by Nicolas Gramlich, made to program 2D videogames for android

devices through the OpenGL ES 2.0 technology. It is easy to use, has multiple features and is open

1. Core terminology
The Engine make the game proceed in small discrete steps of time. The Engine
manages to synchronize a periodic drawing and updating of the Scene, which
contains all the content that your game is currently handling actively.
RSAndEngine has 4 events:
_EngineOptionsCreated (Options As Object)
_SceneCreated (s As Object)

A Camera defines the rectangle of the scene that is drawn on the screen, as not the
whole scene is visible all the time. Usually there is one Camera per Scene.
BoundCamera - you might specify bounds for your scene.
ZoomCamera - you might enable zooming, pinch zoom, and scrolling camera.
(Will be supported later)

The Scene class is the root container for all objects to be drawn on the screen. A
Scene has a specific amount of Layers, which themselves can contain a (fixed or
dynamic) amount of Entities.

AndScene has 2 events that needs to be registered

_SceneTouched (Scen As Object, Action As Int)
_AreaTouched (Action As Int, LocalX As Float, LocalY As Float)

AndSprite is an object that can be drawn. An Sprite has a
TiledSprite - entity with tiled texture, you may switch between tiles.
AnimatedSprite - extension of the TiledSprite, you may animate tiles in
specified intervals.
_AreaTouched (Action As Int, SceneX As Float, SceneY As Float,
LocalX As Float, LocalY As Float, Tag As Object)

_ManagedUpdate (SecondsElapsed As Float)

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