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Urgent warning for arthritis sufferers

August 5, 2010 By Christine O'Brien 5 Comments






Without them, the pain would be unbearable. The simplest tasks buttoning a shirt, buying
groceries would be nearly impossible.
Millions of arthritis sufferers depend upon a host of drugs every day just to feel close to normal.
But what happens when the drug you depend upon to have a normal life could kill you?

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Last week, the FDA added new information to the black box warning on the label of the
rheumatoid arthritis drug le unomide (Arava). It warns of possible fatal liver damage.
This addition comes after the FDA received 49 adverse event reports. The reports came in
between August 2002 and May 2009. Of those 49 cases, a staggering 36 resulted in
Most of the reports came within the rst six to twelve months of treatment with the drug.
The label cautions doctors to monitor liver enzymes monthly for three months after treatment
with Arava is started.
I dont know about you, but I dont nd three months of monitoring to be much comfort when a
drug could contribute to death from liver damage.
Of course, I have a personal interest in keeping an eye on arthritis drugs. Last year, I told you
about a good friend of mine, who started struggling with RA when she was a teenager (Arthritis
drugs increase cancer risk in children, 8/13/2009).
Shes since been able to ditch most of her meds thanks to natural treatments, but news of risks
associated with these drugs still makes me worry. Especially since her mothers been hospitalized
several times as a result of life-threatening side effects from RA drugs.
Of course, one of the reasons my friend was able to ditch the meds was because she did her
research and found other options but not everyone has the resources to do so. So many people
depend on their doctors to steer them in the right direction like my friends mother.

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When she nally raised the topic of her daughters research on natural arthritis treatments to her
doctor, his answer was Oh, yeah, I heard that can sometimes work for people. Why didnt he
bring up natural options, if hed heard good things about them? Why instead did he push drugs
that landed this woman in the hospital?
I think we all know the answer to that one.
How many people will actually be made aware of the new information thats been added to the
Arava black box warning? You know the drug makers arent interested in broadcasting this kind of
Its another illustration of why we must remain ever vigilant about our health. Just by reading and
sharing these daily e-mails, you are doing so much to protect yourself and your family. Together,
we can spread the word about dangerous patent drugs and the good news about natural
alternatives no matter how much the mainstream tries to cover them.

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Pamela Mainwaring says

August 5, 2010 at 2:05 pm

Ive suffered with arthritis for years, really painfully especially in winter when its
cold and damp, and had been prescribed ant-in ammatory drugs by my doctor.
However, through a bit of research I read that Devils Claw, a herb, could be
bene cial in aiding arthritis.
I decided I had nothing to lose, and have been taking Devils Claw for about a year
now, and am happy to report that I dont have any trouble with my arthritis at all,
and no need to take those anti-in ammatory drugs.
Perhaps this may help some of you to alleviate your arthritic pain without the need
of harmful doctors prescriptions.

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Anonymous says
August 5, 2010 at 10:13 pm

I have had R/A for 10 years and now no longer take ANY drugs and have no pain,
thanks to a combination of Omega 3s, Systemic proteolytic enzymes, 6000iu VitD,
and a Glutathione product.

Margaret Forth says

August 5, 2010 at 10:37 pm

Whenever there is any change whatsoever in a prescription medication I take, the

pharmacist always takes a moment to point it out to me. I really appreciate that
attention to my welfare.

Steve says
August 5, 2010 at 11:03 pm

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My father uses Devils Claw, White Willow Bark, and Yucca. As well as vitamins and
supplements. He is 87 and at the moment is working in the back yard!!!!!
My Martial Arts instructor had Rheumatoid arthritis when he was in his mid
twenties. He was going to the Doctors who of course told him there is no cure. Mid
1970s. The treatments were painful, so he just stopped going as he was never going
to be better, so why bother. He was on Crutches for two years. He worked as a
His whole family died of cancer. They were all big meat and potato eaters.
He changed his whole diet to vegetarian, and used herbs that he learned from one of
his Martial arts instructors and his R.A. went away!!! He went back to work as a
We eat such impure food that those impurities get in our system and accumulate in
places, be it an organ or joint, causing in ammation, or other problems. Also we eat
a DEFICIENT DIET!!!!!! Denaturized, processed foods, with less nutritional value.
Devitalized. With proper diet, herbs, and natural supplements, you can reduce if not
get rid of most of your problems. Some things are SOOOOO simple. Scurvy was
taken care of with just vitamin C in limes!!!!!!!!!!
In the 1930s Pelagra was a disease in the Southern US. It was a Vitamin B
de ciency. After fortifying foods, it went away.
What if Cancer is just some combination of vitamin de ciencies???? Would that not
be a hoot???? Cancer can have many causes. Toxins that attack cells, or de ciencies
that STARVE Cells
You need to not only feed the bellybut your CELLS!!!! That is what LIFE IS..CELLS.
That is what you arean organized, organization of organs.Made by
CELLSfeed them!!!!
Be well and happy.

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RA says
August 7, 2010 at 9:46 am

Every drug brings a side reaction with it.But it our duty to avoid it and go in a natural
path.Recently,I tried yoga exercises for arthritis.It proves to be very effective and
keeps my mind peaceful.

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