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Chapter 10 Pretest

Name _______________________________________________

MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the one answer that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1. ________________ memory refers to a vivid, detailed recollection of an emotional event.

A. Flashbulb

B. Semantic

C. Declarative

D. Episodic

2. The inability to distinguish an actual memory of an event from information you learned about the event
elsewhere is __________________.
A. repression

B. source confusion C. confabulation

D. false memory

3. Which of the following is NOT a circumstance that contribute to confabulation?


The event is easy to imagine.

You focus on your emotional reactions to the event rather than on the event itself.
You have thought about the event many times.
The image of the event contains few details.

4. Which of the following tests for recall?

A. matching questions
C. multiple-choice questions

B. essay questions
D. true-false questions

5. In the three-box model of memory, ________ holds information temporarily for up to about 30 seconds.
A. long-term memory
C. short-term memory

B. the sensory register

D. working memory

6. The _________ model represents the contents of memory as connections among a huge number of
interacting processing units.
A. three-box

B. sequential


D. parallel

7. Most, though not all, researchers believe that ___________ is the process underlying many, if not all,
forms of learning and memory.
A. long-term potentiation
C. parallel processing

B. sequential processing
D. consolidation

8. _________ memory refers to recollection of a personally experienced event and the context in which it
A. Semantic

B. Flashbulb

C. Declarative

D. Episodic

Chapter 10 Pretest
Name _______________________________________________

9. Confusion of an event that happened to someone else with one that happened to you, or a belief that you
remember something when it never actually happened is _______________.
A. source confusion B. repression

C. false memory

D. confabulation

10. The ________ theory of forgetting proposes that memory fades with time and lack of use.
A. interference

B. cue-dependent

C. decay

D. replacement

11. In work with rabbits, Richard Thompson showed that one type of procedural memory, classical
conditioning of an eye blink response, depends on activity in the ___________.
A. hippocampus

B. amygdala

C. cerebellum

D. frontal lobes

12. Which of the following is NOT a type of long-term memory?

A. working memory
C. procedural memory

B. semantic memory
D. episodic memory

13. The ____________ model represents information as flowing from one system to another.
A. connectionist

B. three-box


D. consolidation

14. In the three-box model of memory, ___________ has a capacity of seven plus or minus two chunks of
A. short-term memory
C. long-term memory

B. the sensory register

D. working memory

15. ____________ is defined as conscious, intentional recollection of an event or an item of information.

A. Explicit memory B. Implicit memory C. Recall

D. Recognition

16. The ___________ theory of forgetting proposes the idea that new information entering memory can
cause older information to be erased.
A. cue-dependent

B. replacement

C. interference

D. decay

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