Design For Torsion in Steel (To NZS 3404) PDF

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SECTION 8 8.1 DESIGN FOR TORSION 8.1 General Background 8.1.1 Scope of Section 8 Section 8 gives a brief overview of design for torsion, to the extent needed for typical design applications. This scope is mostly unchanged from that covered in the previous edition of these design guides, however the ‘material herein is presented in limit state format for use in conjunction with NZS 3404:1992 [8.1]. This section looks briefly at the two types of torsion, primary and secondary, then at the design of commonly used structural sections to resist applied torsion. It concludes with two design examples. When the 1986 edition of these design guides was produced, the NZS 3404 edition in use at that time did not cover design for torsion, The current edition [8.1] still does not cover design for torsion in the Standard [Part 1, 8.1a], however Commentary Clause C8.5 [8.1b] does present an overview of this topic. This section of the design guides is written for use in conjunction with Commentary Clause C8.5 of (8.1b] and details of this interaction are given in section 8.1.2. The general background to design for torsion concludes, in section 8.1.3, with a look at the difference between the treatment of primary and secondary torsion in design. 8.1.2 Interface with NZS 3404:Part 2:¢8.5 Commentary Clause C8.5 of [8.1b] deals with the occurrence of pure torsion and of combined bending and torsion. It briefly covers torsion actions, analysis of member resistance to these actions and determination of member capacity. This section of the design guides amplifies the scope and content of Commentary Clause C8.5 [8.1b]. The two sections are intended to be used together and information in [8.1b] which is directly relevant to this section is cross-referenced from herein, rather than repeated. This is especially relevant to the diagrams and illustrations. 8.1.3 Primary and Secondary Torsion Torsion may arise as a result of primary or secondary actions. The case of primary torsion occurs when the external load has no alternative to being resisted by torsion. In such situations, the torsion required to maintain static equlliorium can be uniquely determined. This case may also be referred to as equilibrium torsion. itis primarily a strength problem because the structure, or {ts component, will collapse if the torsional resistance cannot be supplied. The example shown in Fig. C8.5.2(2)(d) of NZS 3404:Part 2 is such an example. In that case, the point load on cantilever member BC produces a ‘moment at point C which must be resisted by primary torsion within member DE, 't, however, a support is placed at the end of the cantilever member shown in that figure and the member is loaded within its span so as to again produce a Moment at its connection to member DE, then secondary torsion is Produced in member DE. This is the situation shown in Fig. C8.5.2(2)(a) of [8.10]. In this instance, the member DE is not required to resist the torsion in Order to maintain sub-assemblage stability, although it will be subject to an imposed torsion, due to the required compatibility of deformations at the joint between the two members DE and AC. This assemblage is statically indeterminate and the torsion has arisen as a secondary action from the 8.2 8.2.4 8.2 requirements of continuity. A more common example is that shown in Fig. C8.5.2(1) of [8.1b]. Disregard for secondary torsion due to compatibility of deformation requirements in design may lead to minor overstressing in beams and cracking of concrete in composite structures, but need not have more serious consequences. It will not, typically, lower the ultimate strength of al sub-assemblage. Secondary torsional effects are common in structural systems; for example, in a rigid jointed structure, itis hardly possible to avoid torsional effects arising from compatibility of deformations. Designers usually intuitively neglect these secondary torsional effects. When they are designing assemblages comprising thin-walled open sections, they are supported in this approach by the very low torsional stiffness of such sections (eg. I-sections, channel sections). This high flexibility (the inverse of low stiffness) allows these members to undergo the deformations due to secondary torsional effects without generating significant internal torsional stresses. This high flexibility becomes a disadvantage when primary torsion is to be resisted, as unacceptably large deformations are likely to be generated by relatively low design torsion. In this instance, a thin-walled closed cross section should be used to resist the primary torsion, as such a section is very torsionally stiff and efficient in its method of resisting the applied action (see Fig. C8.5.3.1(c) of [8.1b)). Torsion on Structural Sections Introduction Constant torque ‘ends free to wrap The resistance of structural members to torsional loading may be considered to be the sum of two components. When the rate of change of the angle of twist is constant along the member (see Fig. 8.1(a) herein), itis in a state of uniform torsion and the longitudinal warping deflections are also constant along the member. In this case, the torque acting at any distance along the member Is resisted by a set of shear stresses distributed around the cross section. The ratio of the torque acting to the twist per unit length is defined as the torsional rigidity, Gu, of the member (G = shear modulus of elasticity, J = torsion constant). ‘The second component of the resistance to torsional loading may act when the angle of twist varies along the member (see Figs. 8.1(b) and (c)), so that it is ina state of non-uniform torsion. in this case, the warping deflections vary along the member, and an additional set of stresses may act in conjunction with those due to uniform torsion, to resist the applied torsion. The stiffness of the member associated with these additional shear stresses Proportional to the warping rigidity, Ely (E = Young's modulus of elasticity, ly = warping constant) ‘Varying torque End warping prevented Fig. 8.1 (a) Uniform torsion ) c Non-unitem torsion Non-uniteGyn torsion Uniform and Non-Uniform Torsion on an I-Section Member (fram [8.2)) Uniform torsion applied to a member will not necessarily produce uniform torsional stresses within the member. It will depend on the way in which the 83 member resists the applied torsion and on the support conditions. A good description of the way in which different types of members resist torsion is 7 given in Commentary Clause C8.5.3 of [8.1b]. This behaviour is represented mathematically by the flexural-torsional buckling constant, K, given by: #°E\ Ks at (Eq. H4.3 of [8.14] or (8.1)) The effect of cross section on torsional behaviour is illustrated in Fig. 8.2. Very thin walled Closed Hot oted sections orwelded T oe Fetes humans sections ee ns Uniform j_Non-uniform _T°torsion tol te ‘torsion ost zt (Warping torque /total torque) at midspan or t i ‘Trsion parameter Kstw2ET, /G/L2) Fig. 8.2 Effect of Cross Section on Torsional Behaviour (from [8.2]) Most hot-rolled or welded I-sections resist applied torsion by a combination of uniform and warping torsion and the beam is therefore in the general state of non-uniform torsion. This corresponds to intermediate values of K, 2s shown in Fig. 8.2. When K is high, then warping torsion predominates, such as for very thin-walled open cross sections, where J is very low. When K is low, then uniform torsion predominates, such as for thin-wallled closed cross sections, where Jis very high. Whether a member is in a state of uniform or non-uniform torsion also depends on the loading arrangements and the warping restraints. If the torque resisted is constant along the member and warping is unrestrained (as in Fig. 8.1(a)), then the member will be In uniform torsion, even if the torsional rigidity is very small. If, however, the torque resisted varies along the length of the member (Fig. 8.1(b)), or if the warping displacements are restrained in any way (Fig. 8.1(c)), the rate of change of the angle of twist will vary, and the member will be in non-uniform torsion. In general, these variations must be accounted for, but in some cases they can be ignored, and the member analysed as if it were in uniform torsion. This is the case for members of very low warping rigidity and for members of very high torsional rigidity, for which the rate of change of the angle of twist varies only locally at the points of applied torque and warping restraint. This simple method of analysis usually leads to satisfactory predictions of the angles of twist, but may underestimate the local stresses. Structural members are, however, rarely used to resist torsion alone, and itis much more common for torsion to occur in conjunction with bending and other actions. 8.4 Anin-depth coverage of torsion effects on steel members is given by Trahair and Bradford in [8.2]. This covers the elastic and inelastic internal actions generated by applied torsion in much greater detail than that given herein. 8.2.2 Section Properties, Nominal Capacities and Design Deformation Limits 's of commonly used sections In order to undertake a design for torsion, the torsion constant, J, and warping constant, ly, for the oross section must be calculated. These are given in manufacturer's section property tables, eg. [8.3, 8.4] and in Published design tables, eg. [8.5]. The general formulae for ly and J, as appropriate, for I-sections, channel sections and closed hollow sections are given in Clause H4 of NZS 3404:Part 4 (8.1a]. Formulae for other cross sections are given in Table 21 of Formulas for Stress and Strain {8.6}. (Note carefully the different notation used therein to that given above and in NZS 3404). Design for strength In the strength design of steel members subject to torsion, consideration must be given to both yielding and local buckling. The design of members composed of stocky plate elements will be governed by yielding, while local buckling may be important for more slender elements. Design limits for ultimate limit state design are best given by stresses, due to the nature of torsion resistance. These limits are given in Commentary Clause C8.5.5 of [8.1b}. Commentary Clause C8.5.5.1(a) comments that slender closed cross sections may be subject to significant local distortions of the cross section under uniform torsion. In such instances, the shear stress should be limited to that given for the appropriate web slendemess from NZS 3404 Clause 5.11. This will involve converting the provisions of Clause 5.11 back to a stress format, ie. for an unstiffened element of a closed cross section with a slendemess ratio exceeding 82, the design uniform shear stress, zy", should comply with equation 8.2. wos 6 0y(0.6t,) (8.2) where ee 0.9 Gy = shear buckling coefficient, given by Clause of [8.14] For very slender elements, a more detailed analysis for local buckling effects should be made. This is only likely to occur in box girder design, where specialist design guidance is available, eg. (reference (5.25) from (8.1b)]. Commentary Clause of (8.1b] gives guidance for combining the effects of coincident normal stresses due to bending and warping torsion or the effects of coincident shear stresses from bending and uniform torsion. This requires a knowledge of where, along the length of a member in non- uniform torsion, which type of torsion action predominates. Section herein provides these details. The intemal stresses generated in a member by uniform and by warping torsion are described in Commentary Clause C8.5.3 and Figs. C8.5.3.1 and € of [8.16]. Fig. 8.3 85 Uniform torsion produces a shear stress, ty, which varies through the cross section of an open section, as shown in Fig. C8.5.3.1(b) of [8.1] and is constant around a closed cross section, as shown in Fig. C8.5.3.1(c). Warping torsion produces principally normal stresses due to flange bending. ‘The pattern of flange bending in an I-section is show € of [8.10] and the warping normal stresses Induced are shown in Fig. 8.3 below. These warping normal stresses are normally much larger than the corresponding warping shear stresses, ty", shown in Fig. C8.5.3.2(b) of [8.1b]. Tension Compression Warping Normal Stresses in I-Section Flanges 8.2.3 Design deformation limits These must be limited to the same requirements as for member deformations due to other applied forces, for example as given by Table C2.4.1 of NZS 4203:Part 2 [8.9]. Usually the angles of twist of thin- walled closed sections are very small and can be ignored, although section distortions can become quite large (as discussed in more detail in [8.2]). On the other hand, thin-walled open section members are comparatively flexible, and special measures may be required to limit their deformations, ot only for stiffness reasons, but also because large angles of twist may seriously magnify secondary stresses which have been neglected in the analysis, as covered by NZS 3404 Commentary Clause C8.5.4.2(b) and illustrated in design example number 8.1, section (6) herein. Torsion on Solid Rectangular Cross Sections ‘The critical stresses due to torsion on solid cross sections are those due to uniform torsion. The maximum average torsion-induced shear stress on thin-walled rectangular sections with b’t > 10 is given by equation 8.3, woe Met (83) Mz = — applied torque t = member thickness J = torsion constant = bt* / 3forb /t > 10 The stress distribution is as shown in Fig. C8.6.3.1(b) of [8.1b]. Fig. 8.4 8.6 For members with b/t<10, the torsion constant and maximum stress variation with bit is shown in Fig. 8.4. 30 10 i 4g & oe iy £ 2 20 4 dos 3 4 (om : z te peyro7 3 e 3 Ev loz 8 3 O55 2 @ . e 7° Width-thickness ratio 2/¢ Torsion Properties of Solid Rectangular Cross'Sections (from (8.2) Fig. 8.5 Angle sections resist torsional loading by uniform torsion (refer to section 8.2.1 herein and to Commentary Clause C8.5.3.2 of [8.1b]). Thus the maximum torsional stresses in an angle can be obtained from the above Information with J = 5 (J for each leg). However, stress concentrations will ‘occur at the re-entrant comers. These depend on the leg thickness and root radius and the magnitude of stress concentration can be determined from, Fig. 8.5. ‘These stress concentrations are not a problem for static loading or low cycle Inelastic loading but can cause fatigue failure for high cycle dynamic loading. ‘The typical Rit ratio for most rolled sections is around 1.0, hence the stress concentration in rolled sections is not too large. More details are given in (8.2) 29 as Equal angle section te crowding of ° 2 with large o7¢ rato contours at reentrant corner, corresponding to stress concentration 20| Rotio actual stress /nominol stress bel ec omroximation 19, gg otis A/e (c) Membrane contours cte-entront corner ‘(eV Inrecsed shear stresses Stress Concentrations at Re-entrant Comers of Open Cross Sections (from [8.21) 8.2.4 a7 Torsion on Closed Thin-Walled Cross Sections Stresses induced by torsion Referring to Fig. 8.2 in section 8.2.1 herein, it can be seen that these types of section also resist applied torque by uniform torsion. This is because their torsional rigidity is so high relative to thelr warping rigidity. The uniform torsional shear stress, which is constant across the wall thickness, is given by equation 8.4. My, ee 7 2Agt 64) where: Mz; = applied torque Ae area enclosed by the centreline of the hollow section = (b-1) (d- t) for a rectangular hollow section of width, b, and depth, d t = wall thickness The torsion constant is given by equ: Chapter 8 of [8.2] 8.5 and its derivation is given in 4A? E(b/t) (8.5) where: , tare the length, thickness of the component walls around the periphery of the section. Equations 8.4 and 8.5 are valid only for closed sections such as tubes and box sections, because their sections after twisting remain in the same plane, within the practical limits of accuracy, and the torsional resistance contributed by each part of the cross section is therefore proportional to its distance from the centre of twist, The nature of the torsional shear stress is shown in Fig. € of [8.16]. When an open-section, such as an I-section, is subjected to twisting, its elements (flanges for example) distort and tilt out of their plane and the above assumption is no longer valid. Unless such tilting (warping) is restrained, the torsional resistance contributed by each part of the cross section is independent of its position from the centre of twist. This makes open sections substantially less rigid torsionally than box sections of the same overall dimensions and thickness. Analysis of closed thin-walled cross sections for torsion Design example 8.2, section 8.2.7, covers the checking of an RHS section for combined major axis bending and torsion and the design example should be referred to while reading through this section. The uniform torsion shear stress, 15, is calculated from equation 8.4 and must be added to the design shear on the webs, in the manner given by NZS 3404 Commentary Clause C8.5.5.2, to give the equivalent shear, V,. ‘The shear stress in the flange due to torsion, tj, also interacts with the longitudinal (normal) flange stresses due to in-plane bending. This 8.8 interaction will seldom be critical and may be checked by a circular interaction curve. Finally the angle of twist occurring in the section under the applied torsion can be obtained from Fig. 8.7.1 or 8.7.2 herein. Closed thin-walled sections resist applied torsion through uniform torsion action, with warping torsion being negligible. Because of this, the torsion bending constant, a, as given by equation 8.6 and defined in section 8.2.5 (but equally applicable to closed thin-walled sections) will be very small. Thus the ratio (L/a) will be considerably greater than 10 and hence the appropriate value of $; can be chosen from Figs. 8.7. The design example 8.2 herein illustrates this clearly. 8,2.5 Torsion on I-Section, Channel and Z-Section Members General background Torsion on I-section members is usually a combination of uniform and warping torsion, as described in section 8.2.1. Thus an I-section beam with the ends constrained in the vertical plane, but flanges free to warp (Fig. 8.1(b) herein and a common design situation) carries torsion in a non- uniform manner, with the exact combination of uniform and warping torsion depending on the section properties, member length, support conditions and nature of applied torque. Thus each case must be treated separately, and Fig. 8.7 lists the relevant information necessary for design of I-sections under common occurrences of torsion. Torsion on channel sections and Z-sections is also a combination of uniform and warping torsion, until the section walls become very thin, when the Predominant action becomes warping torsion (refer to Fig. 8.2). The method of analysis and stress distributions covered in section 8.2.5 are equally applicable to I-, channel or Z-sections and hence for I-section in section 8.2.5 read I-, channel or Z-section as appropriate. For an I-section member under uniform torsion, such that flange warping is unrestrained, the uniform shear stress distribution takes the form shown in Fig. C8.5.3.1(b) of [8.16] ‘When warping of the flanges is prevented, the warping shear stress through the thickness of the flange is practically constant and takes on the distribution over the width of the flange, by, as shown in Fig. 8.6(b). Under these conditions, each flange is subjected to a shear like that in an ordinary rectangular beam carrying a horizontal transverse load. Unlike uniform torsion-induced stresses, the flanges are subjected to a normal bending stress in addition to the shear stress. This bending stress is known as the warping normal stress, fy, and is also shown in Fig. 8.6(b). In an I-section with the flanges prevented from warping, the warping normal and warping shear stresses are in the same proportion as they are in a rectangular beam under shear and bending - (ie. the normal stresses predominate). The influence of warping torsion is at a maximum where the flanges are restrained from warping (ie. they are rotationally restrained). This may be at a rigid cantilever support, eg. as shown in Fig. 8.1(c) herein, or it may be at mid- span of an I-section member with the ends prevented from twisting but the flanges free to rotate in plan, eg. as shown in Fig. 8.1(b) herein. This latter condition corresponds to fully restrained ends in accordance with NZS 3404 Clause, but flanges not rotationally restrained at the ends. The deformed shape in this latter case means, however, that the flanges are rotationally restrained at midspan, as shown in Fig. 8.1(b), where the situation shown in Fig. 8.6(a) + (b) prevails. warping normal srossos fy Bimoment My Se we cs Se (©) 8imoment ond warping stresses 4 | ‘01 Rotation of y cross-section Fig. 8.6 Warping Stresses and Bimoment in an I-Section Member ({rom [8.2)) In Fig, 8.6 My. = bending moment about the section minor principal y-axis of one flange ot = distance between the flange centroids ‘Away from the point where the flanges are restrained from warping (ie. from rotation in their own plane), the warping torsion influence decreases. The further the cross section under consideration is away from a location of warping restraint, the more the torsion stress distribution approaches that of uniform stress (Fig. C8.5.3.1(b) of [8.1b]). The torsion bending constant, a, is a parameter which indicates the length along a beam away from a position of flange warping restraint over which the member resists the applied torsion in a warping torsion mode. This constant is given by equation 8.6. See (3) (a6) The torsion bending constant, a, is combined with the span, L, into a dimensionless parameter for design of I-sections under torsion that is given in Figs. 8.7.1 and 8.7.2, These are taken from [8.7]. Figs. 8.7 include simple approximate expressions for the maximum flange Moment, My, due to flange warping restraint and the maximum angle of twist, $1, for some common cases of torsional loading. Short and long beams are covered directly by the formulae quoted, while beams of intermediate length require the use of coefficients which may be linearly interpolated. ‘The above information covers the various types of stresses acting on an -, channel or Z-section in torsion. However the designer needs to know the magnitude and location of these stresses along the beam so that they can be combined in the correct manner with the appropriate stresses from in- plane bending and shear. This is covered in section 1. Cantilever N j= -ej-+j0 My k2 0.040 0.287 0.566 1.000 2. Simple beam a tosts4o a a Nea ou Ske ‘ ee My: 20 25 30 35 40 0.50 0.62 0.75 0.85 0.92 0.96 1.00 oe k2 0.040 0.121 0.237 0.389 0.570 0.786 1.00 3. Continuous ‘spans equal length equally loaded Ls ky 050 082 075 085 092 096 1.00 * k2 0,040 0.121 0.237 0,987 0.570 0.786 1.000 Fig. 8.7.1 Approximate flange bending moment, Miy, about y-axis of one flange and total angle of twist, @,, of beam, for concentrated loads applied at an eccentricity, @, to the shear centre axis. Beams are fully restrained against twist at supports, Ne = M, (applied torque). These details are taken from [8.7]. 8.14 4, Cantilever wrwm “{ z job -peye 7 My % a saneMet[L] ky 024 040 ose 062 087 070 Gy este eee eee eee ke 0014 0.092 0.214 0.979 0587 0.893 SSimpebem Lego 1osk seo Leo — cs wlea Oe w kN/m_ é Gs we L 49 20 30 40 50 60 | oe rr 2k, O48 017 048 018 019 0.19 wea [LP Ki 048 0.47 048 0.18 0.419 0. sel tara (Lee OL Jee My ey = 0.00 Lt 7 k2 0.011 0.082 0.178 0.300 0.448 0.548 Sconwom E20 aost

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