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McGill Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology Departement de psychopedagogie et de counseling Faculty of Education Facuke des scionces de education (614) 398-4241 MeGit Unversity Universite MeGit FacsimdeyTélécopieur 3700 McTavish Street 13100, ue MeTavsh (14) 398-6968 Montreal, Quebec ‘Montréal, (Québec) Canada HAA 12 Canada HA 1Y2 EdUS Office Education, Rm B-179 March 18, 2010 Dear EdUS Scholarships committee, Please accept this letter as my official support for Julie Pothier. I have had the immense pleasure of having Ms. Pothier in my course, Instruction in Inclusive Schools offered through the department of Educational and Counselling Psychology at McGill University. Thave taught approximately sixty credits at the undergraduate level, and Julie is one of the best students that I have taught to date. Julie is a very active participant in class and is very skilled at finding the connections between the theoretical and practical aspects of the course content. Julie also purposefully sought out relevant experience in educational settings and uses this experience to anchor her comments in exchanges with peers. She distinguishes herself as a clear leader in assigned group work. Julie is extremely conscientious and she displays a sophistication of thought that is extremely rare among undergraduates. This eloquence is also apparent in her writing. Julie’s written work stands out in a class of sixty students and belies her rank as an undergraduate. In fact, she consistently received top marks in the class, She also sets herself apart from the rest of the class through her maturity and strong work ethic, and through her dedication to increasing her pedagogical skills within the prevalent framework of inclusion. In my opinion, she contributes significantly to the lives of children and to the field of Education and is a perfect fit for the Leadership in Education Scholarship from EdUS. Julie is currently taking five classes at McGill and manages to volunteer 11 hours a week in a variety of settings with children who have disabilities. Further, she is also taking classes to learn American Sign Language. Julie talks about these extra-curricular hours as both hard work and as the highlights of her long week. It is clear to me that Julie is an ideal candidate for the Leadership in Education Scholarship from the EdUS. She is flexible, creative, reliable, and is also one of the most passionate and driven students that Thave met, I recommend Julie whole-heartedly. Please feel free to contact me at (514) 398-3441 or at tara. es ca if you have further questions. pad Loa Rr yon wale Flanagan, Ph.D., Keon Professor, McGill University

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