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Evaluation of Sources

McKayla Horton
1. Wolf, Joan. Is Breast Best?: Taking on the Breastfeeding Experts and the New
High Stakes of Motherhood. New York: New York University Press, 2011. Print.

This book was published in 2011 and since it is a book, this has not been revised.
However, after reading some of it and thinking about the world today, this idea that breastfeeding
is best still exists today and this book does not need revising. My topic on breastfeeding and
breast milk versus bottle feeding and formula could use both older and newer sources I believe.
Older sources could be used as proof for events happening in todays world and also throw in
some history on the subject. New sources can verify these events too and help us learn new
things that we never knew in the past.

This information is relevant to the point I am trying to get across for my paper. This book
has the same point as me that I am trying to prove. The audience for this book would be
expectant mothers who are preparing for the birth of their child and dont know what is best for
them and the baby. This book is appropriate for the audience and even scholars that are interested
in child development and nutrition research. I did look at a couple more books before I chose this
one, but this was the best book to be chosen and I would feel very comfortable to use it for my

This book called Is Breast Best? is by Joan Wolf. Joan is a professor of Womens
Studies at Texas A&M University and describes in this book how there isnt really any proof of
breastfeeding or breast milk being any better than formula and bottle feeding. She also tries to
answer the question about why people in medical fields, governments, scientists and most
importantly, mothers, are so set on breastfeeding a child and how its the best. In her book, Joan
also seeks expert advice from the National Breastfeeding Awareness Campaign and concludes
the book by making mothers feel alright with choosing breastfeeding or bottle. I feel she is
qualified to write a book about this. The publisher is the New York University Press and they do
give their website in the book.

The information in this book came from websites found in a catalog called, Library of
Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data. Also, she got more information from other books on
breastfeeding and not to mention an expert's advice from the National Breastfeeding Awareness
Campaign. This information is supported by evidence using government campaigns in the past,
studies from scientists and more. This information has been reviewed by the New York
University Press and these experiments and information can be proven by other books and
websites. Lastly, this book is not biased and has no errors of what I read.


The purpose of this book is to inform mothers about breastfeeding and bottle feeding and
how one is not better than the other. The author made her purpose clear and made her point a
fact. This book is objective with no biases. Overall, I give this book a 5 for excellent.

2. li, Juan, Roscoe A. Dykman , Hongkui Jing , Janet M. Gilchrist , Thomas M. Badger , R. T.
Pivik. Cortical Responses to Speech Sounds in 3- and 6-Month-Old Infants Fed Breast Milk, Milk
Formula, or Soy Formula. Developmental Neuropsychology

35.6 (2010): 762-784. Print.

This information was published in 2010 and has not been revised. This was an
experiment that was actually tested so it does not need revising. I think it would be a good article
to be used in my paper because the results of this is another indication that breast milk and bottle
feeding does not have a big difference. I could use this as proof in my paper. Lastly, since this is
a print, there are no links.

As I mentioned earlier, I feel that I could use this article as proof for things I will say in
my paper to show that there isnt a big difference in breast milk and formula. The audience who
would read this would be scholars that are interested in child development and nutrition as a
career. Mothers would probably not read this I believe because it comes from volumes of
neuropsychology books. I looked at other sources and experiments before picking this and I felt
this had more to do with my topic than anything else. I think it would be a good edition to my
research paper and its on a academic level.

There are many authors that helped with the making of this edition and issue and I
believe that these people have qualifications of writing on this subject. Since their editions have
to do with development of children, they have experience with performing experiments to
answer difficult questions. They do provide contact information in these editions and the
information is reliable.

I received this article from a database called American Journal of Health Education.
This database covers a variety of subjects in health education. This piece of information that I
found does use some facts from how bodies work in developing children and uses it to prove
their point. This information has also been reviewed and I also found another experiment that
was a little like this and it ended with the same results as this. Since this information uses an
experiment, it would not be biased and I did not see any grammar errors.

This information is to inform the reader that there isnt a big difference in behavioral
development and responses to speech sounds with kids that were breast milk fed versus
formula.This experiment seems very clear to me with facts that have been proven for years and
are found in school textbooks. The point of view is objective with no personal biases since there
was experimenting involved in this. This experiment is important in understanding if there are
any differences in development based on what children are giving in milk as a baby. I give this
information a 4.

3. Zhang, Ke, Li Tang , Hong Wang , Li-Qian Qiu, Colin W. Binns and Andy H.
Lee. Why Do Mothers of Young Infants Choose to Formula Feed in China?:
Perceptions of Mothers and Hospital Staff. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. Spec.
issue of Breastfeeding and Infant Health 12.5 (2015): 4520-4532. Print.

This information made its appearance earlier this year and was revised before it was
published. Like I have been explaining before, my information could use old and new
information and this is a piece of new information that I think would be helpful to have as a
source. Since this is also in print, there are no links besides through the database where you can
access it in full text. Using this in a paper can show how the world's mothers today are choosing
to raise their children in other countries. Also, it gives great words on bottle feeding and formula.

As mentioned above, this article lists great things about formula being used and is a great
example on how one thing isnt any better than the other. Also, it can be used to compare how
mothers take care of children in other countries versus the United States. The intended audience
that would be interested in this would be more scholars. People interested into the fields on
different cultures and child care. I believe this source would be a great one to include in my
research paper and is at a great level. Again, I did look in other places for other articles before
choosing this one, but it was the best.


This source also has a variety of authors and was published by a Public Health journal.
This article was also a special edition called Breastfeeding and Public Health. According to the
name of the edition, it seems that the authors and the publisher had the credentials to write an
article on this subject. Also, these authors were professors of child development departments at
universities, so they were also qualified. There are email addresses available for anyone who
reads this article and has questions. Lastly, there is not a website besides from the database where
I found this article.

This information came from a database the International Journal of Environmental and
Public Health. There is evidence in this article that supports their topic. Information was
reviewed before being published and I did find more information on my own that would back the
article's topic and points. There is no biases in this either and no grammar errors. According to
my reviews of this article, I believe that it is very accurate.

The purpose of this article was to inform people about why most mothers in china decide
to bottle feed their children compared to breastfeeding. I lightly read this article, but overall I
think the article had its purposes explained clearly. This information is based off of facts because
it has statistics and interviews from various organizations. The point of view is objective and

even ends by saying that we need to make the workplace more breast friendly environment and
bottle feeding environment. I give this article an overall 4.

4. Stoppler, Melissa. "Breastfeeding and Formula Feeding: Get Helpful Tips."

MedicineNet. Ed. William Shiel Jr. MedicineNet, Inc., 1 Feb. 2005. Web. 23 Sept. 2015.

This information is not very current, but it is always being updated. There are functional
links on all parts of the website where I got this information. This website was developed by
webmd and provides medical articles from real and qualified doctors. Each article is also
reviewed by doctors all the time. It seems very well kept up on new information and is

This information is all about my topic. It includes over 10 pages of information on the
subject of breast and bottle feeding. These pages of information has anything from history,
disadvantages to bottle feeding and breastfeeding, techniques to feeding and so much more. The
audience for this article would be mostly expectant mothers wanting to know more information
on breast and bottle feeding. Since doctors review these articles, they would be part of this
audience too. It is at an appropriate level and I would like to use this in my paper.

The author of this article is from a qualified medical doctor named Melissa Stoppler. This
is obvious that she does have qualifications to write on this subject. The publisher is

MedicineNet Inc. which is all about medical subjects. This means they are also qualified. I know
the url has .com in it and that could mean that this website is not reliable. However, I did look at
another website that proved to back this article up. Also, I did not see this website trying to sell
any products.

I obtained this information from the world wide web and as I read this article, it did not
seem to have evidence in it. However, since the author is a doctor, I wouldnt think they would
need any evidence because they should be knowledgeable on this subject. Also, this article is not
really proving a point. It is mostly just trying to inform people on breastfeeding and bottle
feeding. This article was also reviewed by another doctor recently. I did find other information
from another source to back up this article and found no biases or grammar errors.

The purpose of this information is to inform mothers on breastfeeding and bottle feeding
and help them prepare for the birth of their child. The author seems to make her purpose clear
and was explained thoroughly. I also believe that the information provided in this article was
facts with no biases. I give this article a 4.

5. McMillen, Sally. "Infant Feeding." - Early American Feeding Practices, Advances in

Artificial Baby Foods. Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood in History and Society 2008. Web. 23
Sept. 2015.


This information was created in 2008 and has not been revised. The reason it has not been
revised though is because this article is about the history of breastfeeding and how formula came
about. You cant revise history. Using this in my paper would be great to use because it gives
people knowledge about the purpose of bringing the invention of formula to the world and show
that breastfeeding was not the same back then as it is today. There was even something else used
before breastfeeding. The links in this website are functional.

As I mentioned above, this information will be relevant to my topic to show people what
was used back then and why there was a need for formula after breastfeeding became less
wanted. The intended audience that would read this history article would be people in the
medical field I believe. I think this information is at my academic level and I would feel
comfortable using it in my paper. Lastly, I did look at other sources before choosing this. History
was the same, but it was harder to find authors on them.

The author of this article is Sally McMillen. She is involved in the subject of childhood in
history and society. Which means, she would be qualified to write this article. However, I did not
see any contact information around this article. Lastly, the URL ends in .org. This means that this
website could be ran by a non profit organization. However, profit organizations could have this
type of ending. I did not see any items that they were trying to sell though.


This information came from the Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood in History and
Society. It uses evidence to back up this history and it was reviewed. I also looked at two other
websites that stated the same history as this one. Encyclopedias are supposed to be accurate so I
would believe any information found in this. The language is not biased and has no grammar
errors also.

The purpose of this article was to inform the reader about the history of breastfeeding and
bottle feeding. The purpose is clear and the history is explained thoroughly. Since this is a history
article, it will be based off of facts and be objective. Also, this article has no biases. Overall, I
give this article a 5.

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