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Summary and artifact

List 1
1. Early Atmosphere- CO2, CO, CH4, NH4, N2, H2
2. Add O2
3. Monomers- monosaccharides, fatty acid, amino acid, nucleotide
4. Polymers- Carbohydrates, Protein, Nucleic Acids (lipid- not true polymers)
5. Proteinoids/ Protobionts- pre-cells
6. Self-Replicating Molecule- RNA
7. DNA
List 2
1. Prokaryotes in stromatolites
2. Cyanobacteria
3. Multicellular Eukaryotes
4. Land Colonization- plants
5. Animal Diversity increases

1.C.1: b
1.D.2:a1-2, b1-2

The most important thing I learned was all of it. The history of life teaches us about what
organisms came first and the things that happened in order for the others to come after. It
teaches us about what we are made of and also about other organisms. It also teaches us
about speciation and how species colonize in an area that works for them and how populations
work together. I would like to learn about RNA and DNA more. The thing I struggle with the most
is Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic bacteria.

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