Internship Weekly Report Format

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Weekly Report - 1

Name of the Student: Ravi Vaghanani

Internship Organisation:
SIP Title: Business Development Internship
Report for the period: 01/04/2015 to 31/05/2015

PGDM No.:14117
Location: Ahmedabad

Went through a few training sessions over the

phone on how to pitch the service to the
restaurant/banquet owners.

Created a Master Data base comprising of details of

all the banquets and restaurants in my area.

Approached 6 banquet owners in person and more

over the phone.

Converted one restaurant cum banquet Rangan

Restaurant and Banquet for our collaboration.

This Week

Cumulative from
beginning till
end of this

Activities Planned for next


Learnings from start of

internship till date


To approach all the banquets in a specified area and

move on to the next area.

To get the business cards printed.

To make sure that each and every matter is

discussed with the corporate guide (Mr. Deep Patel)

How to negotiate on the given deal?

How to pitch your product or service?
How to approach the potential customers in a way
that they look forward to meeting you again?

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