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Jennifer Doering
Thomas Burke
Childrens Literature
16 April 2015
Changing Perspectives Through Historical Fiction: Esperanza Rising
Esperanza Rising by Pam Muoz Ryan tells a story that transcends culture, class, and
time. Its message of perseverance through the difficult challenges of life is one that can be
appreciated by everyone, in every time and culture. The young adult novel tells the story of
Esperanza, a young girl whose life is changed dramatically when her father dies unexpectedly.
She begins the novel as a privileged girl living a charmed life on her fathers ranch in Mexico.
However, after his death, she and her mother are forced to cross the border into the United States
to work as peasants in the agricultural fields of California because they no longer have any
money. Esperanza finds it difficult to learn how to sweep, cook, and take care of babies in her
new role and becomes frustrated easily (Ryan 104-120). She faces the struggle of her mother
becoming deathly ill from Valley Fever (Ryan 154-164). She needs money to pay for her
mothers medical bills and to send for her Abuelita back in Mexico (Ryan 165). But throughout
all her struggles, Esperanza is able to find solutions and persevere. She makes an ally of her new
friend Isabel and trades stories of her previous life for instruction in household chores (Ryan
120). She takes a job in the fields to make money for her mother and Abuelita (Ryan 166-196).
Even though she is placed in a new situation and forced to find her way on her own, she
perseveres and flourishes in her new life. This relatable success story is a mark of a fine
historical fiction novel, according to Stoodt-Hill: By reading historical fiction books, readers

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have the chance to create new schemas and to develop new understanding of the world as it
was, as it is now, and as it may be in the future (146). Esperanzas story reminds us that
everyone, in every class, culture, and time, has needed to overcome terrible struggles and
tragedies. Each person is unique, but we have our similarities as well.
Not only does this novel carry the capacity to change students perspectives of the past, it
is also excellently describes multiple sides of a historical conflict from that time period: the
workers strike. Stood-Hill states that one of the requirements of historical fiction is descriptions
of, or references to, historical events that are documented or events that could have occurred in
the time period (146). Ryan describes one such event, but in such a way that readers are also
given new insight into the minds of real people involved in such events. Characters such as
Marta argue passionately about workers rights and expose the unequal treatment given to
different groups of migrant workers (Ryan 98). On the other hand, characters such as Esperanza
just wanted to pay their bills and continue to work (Ryan 200). Ryan was able to describe the
benefits of both sides of the conflict in this historically accurate, thought-provoking young adult
novel. Esperanza Rising was an excellent read that changed my perspective of quite a few
aspects of life, both in the past and present.

Works Cited
Ryan, Pam Muoz. Esperanza Rising. New York: Scholastic Press, 2000. Print.
Stoodt-Hill, Barbara D., and Linda B. Amspaugh-Corson. Childrens Literature: Discovery for a
Lifetime. Boston: Pearson, 2009. Print.

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