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History Social Science

As a future educator, history-social science content-knowledge is essential to
understand in order for teachers to connect with subjects such as California, U.S. and
World History, as well as other disciplines such as anthropology, humanities, psychology,
geography and political science. Most importantly, I would like to enrich student learning
by integrating classroom activities and technology. Since history shows us models of
good and responsible citizenship, I would like to help my students to learn about their
rights and responsibilities as American citizens.
My history classes have played an integral role in allowing me to develop
historical skills and understanding the content of history. My History 301 and LBS 375
classes have taught me about people, events, and places of historical significance. In my
history classes, I have learned the significance of historical events like the Great
Depression and the Civil Rights Movement and Womens Rights. Most importantly, I
learned how these events played an important role in the history of the United States. For
example, The Great Depression showed the important roles that money, banks and the
stock market played in our economy. Through my years of research, writing and
classroom discussion, I have learned to communicate my point of view, which can be
backed up with supporting arguments. Remembering the exact years of an event is my
weakest area in history. To improve I would find different strategies that would help me
remember special dates in history like breaking down the facts and memorizing them into

smaller categories. My greatest strength in history is knowing important historical terms

like Communism, Cold War and Totalitarianism.
My artifact is a family history book that I created in my History 301: Individual,
Family, and Community class. The family history book consisted of various parts, but I
chose to construct an illustrative historic personal timeline. In the personal timeline I had
to list historic significant events that happened in my personal life. This timeline
demonstrates my understanding about time periods, places and people which connect to
the grades K-5th history social- science grade standards. By creating my personal
timeline, I learned how to teach all students about how to understand the chronology of
historic events which allows them to recognize how historic events, and topics overlap in
time. Also, a timeline can help the students to develop a long-range understanding of
historic chronology.

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