Internal Shrinkage Porosity

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Technical Information 34

Internal Shrinkage Porosity

Shrinkage porosity in grey and ductile irons are typically present as internal cavities of
varying size and shape- from large isolated holes to more scattered and smaller porosity
only visible under the microscope. Very often a characteristic dendritic sub-structure is
revealed inside the porosities. The defect normally occurs due to contraction in the last
liquid metal to solidify and is thus often associated with heavier sections, changes in
section thickness or hot-spots in a complex casting geometry. These same locations are
also prone to release certain gas related porosity and thus it is often difficult to distinguish
between gas and shrinkage related defects.

Overview of a sample with internal shrinkage. Close-up of typical shrinkage porosity in grey

Possible causes: Possible cures:

• Soft moulds or not properly cured binder. • Improve mould rigidity.
• Insufficient clamping or weighing. • Clamp or weight the moulds adequately.
• Excessive pouring temperature. • Avoid unnecessarily high pouring temperatures.
• Excessive inoculation giving pronounced • Avoid over-inoculation.
graphite expansion early in solidification • Adjust carbon content or carbon equivalent.
and thus mould wall dilatation.
• Provide adequate feed metal by proper gating
• No inoculation or under-inoculation. and risering. Use solidification simulation if
• Insufficient or excessive (>3.8%) carbon necessary.
content or inadequate carbon equivalent. • Minimise hotspots by improving casting and
• Hot spots resulting from poorly designed gating design. Avoid sharp radii.
gates and risering systems. • Use internal or external chills to avoid hot-spots.
• Poor casting design causing unnecessary • Use inoculant designed to minimise shrinkage
changes in casting section sizes. effects.
• High percentage of steel scrap in charge • Reduce concentration of alloying or trace
or excessive alloying or trace elements. elements.

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