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Angela Evans

Week 6 Plans

October 19-23

Monday, October 19 (AP Day)

Students will be turning in Chapter 4 notecards

Students will take Chapter 4 Exam
Once exam is completed, students will complete their test corrections

Tuesday, October 20

Students will take Chapter 10-2 Exam

Once exam is complete, students will complete their test corrections, using their notes
The duration of class will be spent watching Brain Games which gives students more
visual aids based on memory

Wednesday, October 21 (AP Day)

Students will turn in homework for pages 84-92

Start the whole-group discussion on Consciousness unit
o Brain States and Consciousness and Selective Attention
Remind students they will be having a quiz the next class block

Thursday, October 22

Students will begin learning information from Chapter 1, including critical thinking and
empirical research, and complete the study guide on those topics
Students will complete notes on the history of psychology, focusing on different theories
and theorists

Friday, October 23 (AP Day)

Students will turn in homework for pages 92-108

Continue discussion on Consciousness unit
o Sleep and Dreams: Biological Rhythms, Sleep Theories, Sleep Deprivation and
Disorders, Dreams
Remind students they will be having a quiz the next class block

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