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Angela Evans

Week 7 Plans

Week of Nov 2-Nov 6

Monday, November 2
AP Psychology
o Begin class by collecting homework that reviews reading for the current class
(pgs. 216-230)
o Start discussion on the Sensation and Perception unit, leading up through
approximately the first half of the chapter, using supplemental resources of videos
and power points
Principles of Sensation and Perception: Thresholds, Sensory Adaption,
Perceptual Sets, Context Effects
Vision: Light Energy, The Eye,
o Remind students they will be having a quiz the next class block
Tuesday, November 3
Professional Development Day --- No School for Students
Wednesday, November 4 (Had technological issues previous week, so test was pushed back 1
class block)
o Students will complete their test on Chapter 1
Students will complete test corrections on incorrect answers
o Once students are finished, they will begin completing Chapter 2 vocabulary
terms, simply writing the definitions from the textbook
Thursday, November 5
AP Psychology
o Begin class by collecting homework that reviews reading for current class (pgs.
o Students will be taking a quiz on the previous nights readings
o After the quiz, the class will have a whole-group discussion on information from
previous nights readings, continuing the unit of sensation and perception
Students will be taking any extra notes as the topics are discussed
Continuation of Vision: Visual Information Processing, Color
Vision, Visual Organization, Visual Interpretation
Hearing: Sound Waves, The Ear
o Remind students they will have a quiz the next class block
Friday, November 6
o Students will continue completing Chapter 2 vocabulary
o With leftover class time, we will supplement with Brain Games videos

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