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Classroom Management

Signature Assignment
By Samantha Weller
Pirrone TEL 311
Fall 2015

Table of Contents
Self Introduction........................................................................................................3
Classroom Layout......................................................................................................4
Classroom Procedures
Beginning of Class..........................................................................................8
Ending of Class...............................................................................................8
Collecting Homework.....................................................................................9
Handing-Back Work.......................................................................................9
Material Distribution.......................................................................................9
Student Absences............................................................................................9
Late Work......................................................................................................10
Grading Policy...............................................................................................10
Parent Communication..................................................................................10
Consideration for Diverse Learners..............................................................11
Rules and Consequences.........................................................................................12

Self Introduction
My name is Samantha Weller and I am currently a student at Arizona State University. I
have nearly completed my Bachelors degree in Biology and I am also in the Mary Lou Fulton
Teachers college for a Secondary Education teaching certificate. I have an Associate of Science
degree and an Associate of Arts degree from Glendale Community College where I graduated
with Honors. I currently have a teaching internship at Deer Valley Middle School where I have
been able to observe and learn about the classroom environment. I am currently only in the first
term of my teaching program however, I am a hard-working and enthusiastic individual who
strives to perform to the best of my abilities in everything I do.
Teaching appealed to me as career choice because I have always enjoyed learning new
things. There have also been many people in my school life who have inspired me in many
different ways and for different reasons. Sometimes it was just a small encouragement on a
project or a comforting smile cast my way during a lecture; while other times it may have been
an inspiring pep talk by my band director just before a marching band completion. Even the bad
experiences that I have had with certain teachers have inspired me to continue on to rectify the
mistakes that I have previously witnessed in the classroom. I want to be a teacher because I feel
like I have something to give to the world. I want to be challenged in my career while also being
able to challenge my students to rise to the highest expectations that they can reach.
Based on the research of Madeline Hunter, Dr. Fred Jones and Dr. Harry Wong, it is my
belief that all students are entitled to a quality education regardless of race, gender, English
proficiency, religion, and culture. Each student has a unique background with different levels of
abilities and it is my duty as a teacher to provide the appropriate accommodations for each child
based on their needs. Each student is important and should be treated with the proper respect and
rights as any other member of society. Every child deserves the chance to learn and it is my
privilege to serve them the best education possible.

Classroom Layout:
Front of Room

Teacher Desks
Material Cabinets




Homework Station


Overhead Projector

Extra Table

Teachers locked
Filing Cabinets


White Boards

Bulletin Board

Student Desks

Trash Cans

Mounted Projector

Lab Desk


The door to the classroom is located in the top left of the room. It was placed in
the corner so that when the students enter they will not crowd the center of the
room and create a traffic jam.
Student Desks
The 30 student desks are arranged in 6 different groups. The group closest to the
door has 4 regular desks arranged to form a square. The fifth desk of the first
group is a larger desk to accommodate a student who might need more room. The
other groups of desks are arranged in rows of either 2 or 3 with 4 wide aisles back
to front and 3 aisles side to side. This design is meant to maximize mobility and
proximity. The desks are also arranged so that they can easily be turned around to
face their partners when working in pairs. This follows the research done by Fred
Jones. The students sitting in the first row in the first group of desks beside the
door will work in a triad when participating in group activities. The students will
place their backpacks in front of their seats and away from the aisles.
Extra Table
The extra table is placed in the first group of desks closest to the door so that any
student who might need more space for any reason might be able to get to their
seat without having to fight their way across the entire classroom. They will also
be in the front row near the center of the room so that they will always be able to
see and hear everything that is going on. The student in this desk will also feel
like they are still part of the classroom even though they are in a different-looking
Lab Desks
The 6 lab desks are placed in the back of the room facing the whiteboard and
material cabinets in the back of the room. This is so that I can have the students
sit at their assigned lab desks while I teach the lab in the back of the room. Each
lab table will be labeled with a certain name and each student will be assigned
their lab table according to their lab group. Backpacks will be left at their desks
while the students are working at their lab stations. The lab tables are arranged
with plenty of walking space in between each table so that I can easily maneuver
myself between lab stations.
Homework Station
The homework station is placed in the far right corner of the room so that the
students will not bunch up at the door when they first come in the classroom to
turn in their homework. They will have to walk across the room, place their

homework in the bin, grab their folders for class, and then make their way to their
There are 3 whiteboards throughout the entire room. Two of them are in the front
of the classroom and rest with the SmartBoard in between them. One of the
whiteboards will always display the days schedule, the weeks agenda, and the
objective for the day. The other will be used for writing notes and teaching in the
event that the SmartBoard fails to turn on or breaks for some reason. The
whiteboard in the back of the room will be used when I am discussing and
teaching labs. The students will be in their lab desks and will pay attention to me
as I model the lab and show them what they have to do.
The SmartBoard is situated in the front of the classroom and will be my main way
of teaching. I have placed it in the center so that each student will be able to see it
no matter where they are sitting in the room.
Mounted Projector
The mounted projector is hanging from the ceiling in the direct line of sight of the
SmartBoard. This way I can use the SmartBoard as my screen to show any sort of
video or PowerPoint. Again, I have positioned the projector in the center of the
room with the SmartBoard so that every student in the room will be able to see it.
I have placed my screen above the second whiteboard right next to the
SmartBoard so that I can use it in an emergency if anything ever happens to the
SmartBoard. The projector will be able to change angles enough that I could still
use it on the screen if I have too.
Overhead Projector
The overhead projector is placed right next to the document camera and in front
of the whiteboard with the screen in case I ever need to use it. It is placed so that
it does not block the walkway.
Document Camera
The document camera is placed right next to the overhead projector and in front
of the whiteboard with the screen in case I ever need to use it. It is placed so that
it does not block the walkway.
The TV will be mounted up in the front right corner of the room to display the
schools announcement. From this position, everyone in the room will be able to
see it when they need too.
Bulletin Board
The bulletin board is placed on the right wall of the classroom near the front of
the class. This will ensure that there will be no traffic jams caused when students
get up to look at what is on the bulletin board. There will be plenty of space for
students to read the board without blocking any aisle or walkways.

Teachers Desk
My desk is in the back right corner of the room so that I can easily see every
student from where I am sitting. I will be able to tell if students are working or
not from this position. My desk is also out of the way and does not block any
walkways or fields of vision from this angle. I can also see the lab desks when
setting at my desk in this position.
Teachers Locked Cabinet
My locked cabinet is located behind my desk in the corner. It is out of the
walkway and in the protected space behind my desks. It will also be convenient
for me to access when I need it in this position.
Filing Cabinets
My two filing cabinets are located behind my desk and next to the wall. They are
out of the walkway and will be easy for me to access when I need them.
Computer Station
My computer station will be at my desk so that I can work on what I need to on
my computer. It will be convenient to have my computer at my desk. The
children will also not have easy access to it since it is in my space.
Material Cabinets
I have 3 material cabinets in the back of the room near the lab tables. These will
hold all the materials needed for all my science labs and will be used to store extra
supplies. These cabinets are against the way and out of the way of any walkways.
This will make it easy for people to get to the supplies they need without causing
a traffic jam.
I have 2 bookshelves. One is behind my desk and against the wall. It will hold
any books or binders that I need for my use only. The second bookshelf is against
the left wall near the lab desks. It will hold the class textbooks, lab manuals, and
other readings. The class bookshelf is placed in this area so that the students will
be able to get to the books quickly when we are working on a lab.
Trash Cans
I have 3 trashcans in the entire room. One is located beside my desk for my
personal use. Another is located beside the door so that when students are either
coming in or out they will be able to throw things away instead of throwing things
on the floor. The third trashcan is in the lab section between the whiteboard and
material cabinets. This trashcan is there so that students can throw away any lab
waste without having to leave the lab area.

Classroom Procedures
Beginning class:

The teacher will greet the students at the door and address any problems that might occur
during class that include but are not limited too; conduct code violations, dress code
violations, and the use of unauthorized electronic devices.
Students will pick up their individual class folders and any extra materials for the days
lesson from the side table.
Students will then place their homework from the previous day into the homework bin.
Students will then be expected to sit in their assigned seats according to the seating chart.
Students will place their backpacks in front of their legs and away from any aisles
Students will open their class folders, get out a pencil, and work on the days bellwork
posted on the SmartBoard.
Students will work on the bellwork for 3 minutes while the teacher takes attendance and
collects the homework from the homework bin.
After three minutes, the teacher will go over the bellwork question and then call on
students using Popsicle sticks to see what everyone has written.
After discussing the bellwork, the class will read the days learning objective together.

Ending class:

The students will work from bell to bell.

When there are 4 minutes left of class, the teacher will let the students know they have 1
minute to pack up their belongings but will instruct them to keep a pencil and a half sheet
of paper out on their desks.
Closure will be displayed on the SmartBoard and students must complete it on their half
sheets as a ticket out the door.
Teacher will then dismiss the students when the bell has rung and they have completely
cleaned up their work stations and handed me their tickets out the door.

Transitions between activities:

When students are about to begin an activity, the teacher will give specific instructions
for the students to follow.
Students will have 30 seconds to get into pairs and/or triads.
The teacher will then model the activity for the class to watch and observe first.
The teacher will then check for student understanding before continuing while having the
activitys instructions displayed on the board.
The teacher will then explain how to get the materials for the activity and set a timer to
minimize waste time.

The students will be given an auditory signal to grab their attention so that they know to
stop what they are doing and turn attention towards the teacher when they hear it.
The teacher will give the students a certain amount of time to complete the activity.
When the time limit is up, the teacher will use the auditory signal and give the students
instructions on how to put all the materials away.
The teacher will give the students 1 minute to clean up their materials and return to their
original seats.
Students should be in their assigned seats before the teacher moves on to the next part of
the lesson.
Students who finish activities early will remain seated and quietly work on other
homework or read a book.

Collecting homework:

Homework will be placed in the homework bin at the beginning of class by the students.
The teacher will then collect the days homework after attendances has been taken.
The teacher will then place the homework in a filing cabinet to await grading.

Handing work back:

At the beginning of class while the teacher is greeting students at the door, she will hand
back students assignments and give them small comments about their performance on
the assignment.
If students have any questions about their grades they will need to meet with the teacher
before/after class.

Handing out materials for a lesson:

Students will collect whatever lesson materials they need at the beginning of class when
they walk in the room.
If books or any other materials are needed then certain assigned students will be selected
to collect materials for their groups.

Student Absences:

When a student is absent, they will be responsible for making up any assignments they
missed while they were gone.
Any make-up work will already be placed inside their student folders for the class.
The students will have 1 day for each day they are absent to make up their missed work.

Late work:

Unless there are extenuating circumstances, late work will not be accepted any day after
the due date.
Students can notify the teacher via email and present their reason for why they are unable
to turn in their work on time
The teacher reserves the right to accept or deny the students reason on a case-by-case
basis however, the circumstances must be valid and provable.
If the students do not have their homework by the beginning of class then they may turn
it in by the end of the day for a 10% penalty on their final grade.
Students must have this homework time-stamped by the office and placed in my
collection box.

Grading and recording student work:

The teacher will have homework graded, recorded, and handed back the next day.
The teacher will have quizzes, tests, and short assignments graded, recorded, and handed
back within 2 days.
The teacher will have lab reports and essays graded, recorded, and handed back within 1
Students grades will be recorded into the grading book and then sent to the schools
online grading book.
The teacher will give written feedback on their assignments in class when their work is
handed back to them.
If the students are unsatisfied with their grades then they will be able to retake any
quizzes or tests and the higher grades will be put into the grade book.
Labs will not be available for retakes.

Communicating with parents:

Parents questions/concerns sent to me through phone or email will be responded to

within 24 hours.
The teacher will contact parents if students are not following classroom rules and/or they
are having trouble with their work.
The teacher will also contact parents if their child has an exceptional day and will let
them know how well the student preformed that day.
Parents may reach the teacher through email but the teacher will primarily contact parents
by phone unless another method is specifically requested.
If any questions/concerns cannot be answered by phone or email, then
conferences/meetings may be scheduled.

Consideration of diverse learners:


Teaching and following procedures is the most effective way to help diverse learners
experience classroom lessons.
According the research of Dr. Wong, procedures need to be explained, repeated, and
Classroom procedures will be practiced with the students and reinforced through the
school year.
Classroom procedures will be re-taught if necessary.
According to the research of Dr. Richard Lavoie, students with disabilities need time and
patience when learning in the classroom environment.
Diverse learners will learn the classroom procedures because they will be consistently
modeled and practiced so that every student will have the chance to get used to them.
Fred Jones insists that the moments in the classroom are what either makes or breaks a
This is why having good classroom procedures is so important for both the teacher and
the students.
Having consistent classroom procedures provides needed structure for the students and
helps save time in the long run.
Classroom procedures will be posted inside the classroom every day.
IEPs and 504 Plans will always be accommodated and followed by the teacher.


Rules and Consequences

To wrap up my ideal classroom, rules and consequences need to be implemented to make
my room an ideal environment for learning. From the research of Dr. Harry Wong, Dr. Fred
Jones, and Dr. Richard Lavoie, I have learned how to effectively introduce my classroom rules to
students. My rules will benefit every student no matter the type of learner they are. I will teach
these five rules to every student on the first day of school and we will continue to follow them
throughout the rest of the year. I will also post a list of the rules and consequences inside my
classroom so that everyone will always beware of what they should be doing. I believe every
student is entitled to a quality education and that each student is capable of reaching their
academic goals. By establishing these rules and regulations, the students will enjoy a classroom
that is a safe and effective learning environment.
The 5 classroom rules are:
1. Arrive on time and prepared to begin when the bell rings.
2. Only one person talks at a time.
3. Eating, drinking (aside from water) and chewing gum are done outside the
4. Everyone will wear appropriate dress (lab coats, closed-toed shoes, protective
glasses, gloves, etc.) for lab activities unless otherwise directed by the teacher.
5. Only the teacher dismisses the class.
These rules follow district guidelines and are here to protect the students from distracting/or
possibly dangerous behavior. The consequences for violating these rules will follow due process
and be consistent, enforceable, and simple. If a student has an Individualized Education Program
(IEP), then additional considerations will be given based on each students accommodations.
The consequences in order of offense are as follows:

First Offense- Warning/Conference

Second Offense- Detention
Third Offense- Call Home
Fourth Offense- Administrative Referral

** The teacher reserves the right to skip steps based upon the severity of the violation**


In conclusion, my classroom will be an environment where my students can shine and
flourish. Every student deserves the best education possible and I believe that I can provide this
education through a safe and structured class. Teaching is a great passion of mine and I love
being able to make a difference in the lives of my students. This will be the driving force behind
my teaching procedures and activities. I will do my best to serve my students the quality
education they deserve!


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