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NGSS Lesson Planning Template

Grade/ Grade Band:

grate 2

Topic: Plants and


Lesson# animal

Brief Lesson Description:

First I will play with children searching cards game to motivate and
attract them to the lesson. Then, Students will classify some kinds of
animals into a specific groups by touching a plastic animals and discuss
with their group to know what are some similar and differences between
animals, after that I will give them more examples through using power
points to build their knowledge. In the next step, I will let them to make
a sticks as a pair and using flash cards of the animals and matching
them, then they will complete their worksheet and come to present
sticks in front of the class.
Performance Expectation(s):
Students will be able to sort different kinds of animals into groups. They
will be able to know of each animals habitats and some characteristics
such as their color, size and shape. So, they will be able to indentify
some similar and differences between them.
Specific Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the lesson, Students will be able to :
Sort animals into groups by how they look or act, where they live ,their
body parts and if they have backbones or not.
Describe how animals groups are alike and different .
Narrative / Background Information
Prior Student Knowledge:
They already know where animals live, their body part. They know
animals with backbones and animals without backbones.

Science &
Asking questions
and defining
Developing and
using models.
evaluating and

Disciplinary Core
interactions, energy
and dynamics.
-Biological evolution
:unity and diversity.

Systems and
system models
Cause and effect

Possible Preconceptions/Misconceptions:
They may mixed up between some share characteristics among animals
such as color or kind.
ENGAGE: Opening Activity Access Prior Learning / Stimulate
Interest / Generate Questions:
Greeting students- good morning, good morning, good morning kids..
how are you my kids.
Write the date, day ,subject and objectives on the board.
I will play with students a game. First, I will ask them would you like to
play, they all of course respond yeeees. I will tell them that, I have a
game for you called "searching cards" I hide six cards somewhere in the
class and I want all of you to look under your chair, table or anywhere
and figure out the cards and quickly come and stick the cards on the
board to discover the title of our today lesson.
The title will be on the board (animal groups).
Then, show children a container filled with different items, such as
buttons, coins, cotton and crayons. Tell students to organize the objects
based on their similarities as a group. work with children to group the
items. Then, tell them that in a similar way, scientists group the kinds of
animals to sort them.

EXPLORE: Lesson Description Materials Needed / Probing or

Clarifying Questions:
I have five groups in the class, I will bring plastic animals and hide them
in the bowl which full of small balls , then give each group bowl which
has a different kinds of animals. First, I will tell children that sort means"
put similar objects together into groups" because they are children in
grate two, so when I tell them the meaning of sort, it will be like a key to
help them to understand what they have to do in this activity . then, let
children to put their hands in the bowls and get out the animals.
Children will touch plastic animals in the group and discuss with their
group what it is. I will give them two minute for discussion and while
they discuss with their group, I will go to each group to listen their
answer about what the kinds of animal they have to check if they know
these animals or not. after they know what kind of animal they have,
then I will ask them to describe these animals such as color, size and
shape . And I will emphasize that sort means similar because they are
children and they need to give them examples to understand . I will give
them five minute to do this activity as a group.
Children may describe the animals by kind, size, color ,or number of
EXPLAIN: Concepts Explained and Vocabulary Defined:
I will go to each group and take some animals which they sort into group
and use them to explain for example, I have white horse and dog, I will
ask them why you put these two animals together, they may said
because they have four legs or some of them said because they are
mammals. Then I will ask them what is the different between them, they
may answer horse has a white color and dog has a brown.
Then, I will present PowerPoint which includes two kinds of animals in
each slide and
Explain how these animals alike and different because when I will give
them a lot of examples of similarities and difference between animals,
they will understand the lesson more, then they can be able to give me
more example by themselves.
ELABORATE: Applications and Extensions:
This activity called (matching animals), in this activity I will let students
to work with his partner as a pair and each pair has a envelope which
includes flashcards of different kinds of animals and give them a
worksheet . Then, let them to work with their partner and match each
animal in the envelope with his similar animal whether in color, habitat,

number of legs or size and glue them on the sticks. Then, let them to
complete the table and glue next to each row. I will show them a model
to understand how they have to do because they are still younger .

After all students have finished their sticks, I will let each pair to come and present
their sticks in front of their classmates and I will ask them some questions
Why are you match this animal with this one ? what is the similar between them ?
now give me one difference between them ?
Let students to clap their hands for their pairs to encourage them.
So , this way help me to check students' level of understanding the lesson.

Elaborate Further / Reflect: Enrichment:

Homework: I will give them a worksheet to drew any two animals have
some similar between them and identify with a different between them,
then color it.

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