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Phases of the Moon

Emily Vonderheide

Science Concept/Content: Earth Science- Astronomy

Overarching Concept/Big Idea: Moon Phases
Grade Level: Second Grade
Supporting Concepts: Astronomy- Moon features, moon phases, physical changes
Enduring Understanding: The moon changes shape over a period of a month.
Essential Questions:
1. Does the moon change the physical shape?
2. How does the moon change its shape?
3. How many days does it take to change through each phase?
Standards: Science 2.2.9, Writing 2.W.3.2, Vocabulary: 2.RV.3.2
Other Content Areas: Reading/Language Arts

****During the previous week, the students were informed that they need to begin
observing the moon in their journals on Sunday night. I explained this is a week long
project. The students were given the statement, Describe what the moon light. Use
complete sentences to use describe..

Day 1- Introduction to the Moon

Standard: Science- 2.2.9 Investigate how the shape of the moon changes from day to day in a repeating
cycle that lasts about a month. Writing- 2.W.3.2 Write a paragraph or paragraphs on a topic that introduce
a topic, provide facts and details about the topic, and provide a concluding statement.
Objective: Students will be able to describe moon features.
Instruction: Engage- Begin by reading The Moon Seems to Change to the students. Ask the students What
they observed about the moon last night?, What color was it?, and What shape did it have?. Give
students construction paper and white chalk. Have them draw the shape of the moon. Have them post
their drawing to the front of the room. Ask the students, Are all drawings the same?. Group them by
similarity and then ask students, How can we observe if the moon changes shape?. Explore- Students
will take home a phase calendar and draw what the moon looks like. The remaining week they will
complete this and discuss each day. Explain- I will explain to students that the moon changes the shape
each night. We will compare the night before last night and last night. Students will explain how it
changed. Elaborate- I will have the predict what they think the moon will look like for the next night using
their Moon Journals. Evaluate- (CFU) Students will explain how they think the moon changes shape.
Multiple Intelligences: Verbal-Linguistic: Students are creating a discussion of what they have seen.
Naturalist- Students are questioning how the moon moves. Intrapersonal- Students are working on their
own in their Moon Journals.
CFU: Quick Write: Students have 30 seconds to answer; Students will explain how they think the moon
changes shape.
Other Content Area(s): Reading/Language Arts (Writing)

Day 2- Moon Phases

Standard: Science- 2.2.9 Investigate how the shape of the moon changes from day to day in a repeating
cycle that lasts about a month. Writing- 2.W.3.2 Write a paragraph or paragraphs on a topic that introduce
a topic, provide facts and details about the topic, and provide a concluding statement. Vocabulary- 2.RV.3.2
Determine the meanings of words and phrases in a nonfiction text relevant to a second grade topic or
subject area.
Objective: Students will be able to classify the shapes of the moon with their correct terms.
Instruction: A.S.- I will have students watch the BrainPop video called Moon Phases. I will then ask the
students to briefly share what their thoughts were about the moons physical shape changing every day.
Instructional Input: I will introduce the eight moon phases. (First-Quarter, waxing crescent, new moon,
waning crescent, third-quarter, waning gibbous, full moon, waxing gibbous). I will give students the sheet
that contains the pictures of each moon phase. I will then explain to the students that the physical shape
does not change. It is the way it rotates around the Earth while both are rotating around the Sun. Guided
Practice- Students will have a piece of construction paper that has already been cut to the correct foldable
format. We will go through each phase of the moon by drawing them on each flap. Then placing the
description under the flap. This is done as a class. CFU. Model- I will show students the Moon Phase
Calendar. I will show them that we will be collecting the data over a week to see how the moon changes. I
will fill out Sunday and Monday nights moon phase. The students will be collecting the rest of the data for
the remaining time period. Independent Practice- Students will write all eight phases of the moon with an
illustration of the moon phase. They must have their paragraph written for Wednesday. (Topic is the moon
phase for Tuesday night)
Multiple Intelligences: Verbal-Linguistic: Students are sharing their thoughts about the moon phase from
the night before. Visual-Spatial: Students are illustrating the phases in their Moon Journals. Naturalist:
Students are observing how the moon changes. Intrapersonal- They will be working on their Moon Journals
by themselves and share their thoughts in their journal.

CFU: Word Sort- Students are sorting the vocabulary words into the correct order in which the phases
Differentiation(Process): Below-Level- Students will be given the words and descriptions typed out. OnLevel- Complete the foldable with the instructor as done on the board. Above-Level- Students will also
illustrate what the phase looks like.
Other Content Area(s): Reading/Language Arts (Writing and Vocabulary)
Day 3- Moon Phase Illustrations
Standards: Science- 2.2.9 Investigate how the shape of the moon changes from day to day in a repeating
cycle that lasts about a month. Writing- 2.W.3.2 Write a paragraph or paragraphs on a topic that introduce
a topic, provide facts and details about the topic, and provide a concluding statement.
Objective: Students will be able to illustrate the moon phases.
Instruction: A.S.- I will begin by reading The Moon Book. I will have the students do the beach ball activity
using the vocab words for moon phases. (waning, waxing, crescent, gibbous, full, new moon, quartermoon, and third-quarter). I will have students share what moon features they saw the night before.
Instructional Input- I will begin to explain in detail how the moon changes the shape. I will show students a
video about how the moon shape changes and if it actually physically changes shape. Guided PracticeStudents will have a circle taped to their desk. They will receive shaving cream inside the circle and will
need to cover the inside of the circle. I will ask students to illustrate each phase of the moon as a name
them off. I will have the students discuss with their group to make sure they all have the correct answer.
Once the table group think they have the correct phase, they may raise their hands. I will choose one
group to explain it to the other students. We will go through each phase. Independent Practice- Students
will make sure their data calendar is filled out and then describe what they saw last night in their Moon
Journal. CFU
Multiple Intelligences: Verbal-Linguistic- Students will be sharing what they saw the night before with their
peers. Intrapersonal- They will be working on their Moon Journals by themselves and share their thoughts

in their journal. Interpersonal- Students are working with table groups to create the moon phases in
shaving cream. Visual-Spatial- Students are creating the moon phases through shaving cream.
CFU: Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down- Students will complete this multiple times.
Other Content Area(s): Reading/Language Arts (Writing)

Day 4- Shape Changes

Standard: Science- 2.2.9 Investigate how the shape of the moon changes from day to day in a repeating
cycle that lasts about a month. Writing- 2.W.3.2 Write a paragraph or paragraphs on a topic that introduce
a topic, provide facts and details about the topic, and provide a concluding statement.
Objective: Students will be able to describe how the moon changes shape.
Instruction: A.S.- I will show students the video of how the moon changes shape. Instructional Input- I will
tell students that the moon does not physically change. I will show the students that the sun is the center
and the Earth moves around the sun. While the Earth moves around the sun, the moon is moving around
the Earth. I will demonstrate this by having students help me. I will show students the Moon Phase
Transporter. I will explain that this piece of cardboard has the moon phases on them. There is a hole where
they will stick their head to look at eye level, to see the what the moon looks like from Earth. Students will
move the cardboard in a circle motion to understand that the moon moves. Each student will have the
opportunity to look through this. Guided Practice- Students will work with small groups to create one
question they still have about how the moon changes. When each group has their question, I will have
them write it on the board. As a class, we will discuss each question through a whole class discussion.
Model- I will tell students that they will be filling out their Moon Journals. I will ask the students the
question, How does the moon change shape? Does it physically change?. I will again model for the

students that the moon does not physically change. Independent Practice- Students will answer the
question asked above in their Moon Journals. CFU.
Multiple Intelligences: Verbal-Linguistic- Students are working with their groups and stating their questions
and concerns. Visual-Spatial- Students are using the moon transporter to think in a 3-D way. BodilyKinesthetic- Students are using their bodies to model how the moon moves around the Earth as the Earth
moves around the sun. Naturalist- Students are learning how the moons shapes changes.
CFU- Exit Slip (3-2-1)- 3 of the moon phases, 2 illustrations, 1 way the moon changes shape.
Multicultural Goal: Build Social Action Skills- Students are working with their groups to generate questions.
Other Content Area(s): Reading/Language Arts (Writing)
Day 5- Oreo Moon Phases
Standard: Science- 2.2.9 Investigate how the shape of the moon changes from day to day in a repeating
cycle that lasts about a month. Writing- 2.W.3.2 Write a paragraph or paragraphs on a topic that introduce
a topic, provide facts and details about the topic, and provide a concluding statement. Vocabulary- 2.RV.3.2
Determine the meanings of words and phrases in a nonfiction text relevant to a second grade topic or
subject area.
Objective: Students will be able to identify the moon phases.
Instruction: A.S.- I will read Next Time You See the Moon. I will have students take their phase calendar out.
I will ask, What pattern do you seen? Has it changed through more than one phase? Students will create
a discussion with their peers about how the moon changes a little each day. Instructional Input- I will tell
students how the moon does not change shape drastically. It looks the same to us for a couple days but it
is slowly changing to the next phase. I will walk around the room to help students if needed. Model- I will
model on the board how the phases change slowly by drawing the phase and shading small amounts until
it begins to look like the next phase. Guided Practice- Students will receive an Oreo moon phase
worksheet. Students will receive eight Oreo cookies. I will explain that they need to recreate each moon
phase using the icing in the middle. I will model the first moon phase for the students. As students finish,
they will glue the Oreos to the worksheet. CFU. Independent Practice- Students will work in their Moon

Journals. They will be describing how the moon does not change the shape quickly and that it changes
over a period of a couple days. They will also be naming the moon phases with descriptions.
Multiple Intelligences: Naturalist- Students are questioning why the phases do not change quickly. VisualSpatialStudents are creating Oreo moon phases. Intrapersonal- Students are working alone to create the
moon phases with the help of the instructor.
CFU: Index Question- Students will write down one question they still have about moon phases.
Other Content Area(s): Reading/Language Arts (Writing and Vocabulary)

Day 6- Performance Based Assessment

Standard: Science- 2.2.9 Investigate how the shape of the moon changes from day to day in a repeating
cycle that lasts about a month. Writing- 2.W.3.2 Write a paragraph or paragraphs on a topic that introduce
a topic, provide facts and details about the topic, and provide a concluding statement. Vocabulary- 2.RV.3.2
Determine the meanings of words and phrases in a nonfiction text relevant to a second grade topic or
subject area.
Objective: Students will be able to generate their thoughts using a journal.
PBA- Students will be turning in their Moon Journals as their assessment. There is a checklist being
provided to show that they have every component needed.

TRADE BOOKS USED: The Moon Seems to Change by Franklyn Branley, The Moon Book by Gail Gibbons,
and Next Time You See the Moon by Emily Morgan.

Planets for Kids

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