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Titrate/Analyte/titrand = it is a substance which is to be analysed of

known volume.
Titrant = it is a standard solution with known concentration volume to be
known(taken in burette).
Titration = the process of finding volume of titrant req to react completely
with a known volume of solution under analysis .
Equivalence point = equivalence point is known as end point the rea'n b/w
titrate & titrant gets completed.
Indicator = indicator is a auxillary substance which is used to determine the
end point.
Qualitaive analysis (volumetric analysis) = volumetric analysis is a
made of qualitaive analysis which is based on determination of volume of
substance of known concentration req to react with a sol'n of substance to be
Types of titr'n
Clasific'n of titr'n
Acid base/neutralisation
Non aqueos
DIazo tisation
Acid base concept
Acid = it is mainly defined as any substance which has a soar taste its
aqueous sol'n turns blue litmus to red.
Base = it is mainly defined as any substance which has a bitter taste and its

aqueos sol'n turns red litmus to blue

Arrhenius concept
acc to arhenius acid may be defined as a substance containing hydrogen
which gives H+ ion in aqs. sol'n
a base may be defined as a substance containing hydroxyl group which gives
a hydroxide ion (OH-) in aq. sol'n.
Bronsted Lowry theory
acc to BL acid may be defined as any hydrogen containing subs(molecules)
or anions or cations. that is capable of donating a proton [H+] to any other
base may be defined as any substance that can accept a proton frm any
other substance
Lewis concept
acc to lewis acid may be defined as a substance that can be accept an e- pair
frm a coordinate bond.
base is defined as a substance that can donate an e- pair to form a
coordinate bond.acc to lewis the neutralisation processs is the form'n of
coordinate bond b/w acid & base.
Acidimetry = in acidimetry a known volume of alkaline substance or a base
is taken into a conical flask, and then the sol'n is titrated against the standard
sol'n of acid taken in a burette till equivalent quantity of acid is added to the
Alkalimetry = in alkalimetry a known volume of acidic substance is taken in
to a conical flask this sol;n is titrated against a std sol'n of alkali taken in
burette till equal quantity pf base is added to acid.
pH = it is defined as the -ve logarithm [to base 10] of the hydrogen ion
concentration in a solution.
Qualitative analysis = to identify the functional group or the compound
present in the given sample.
Quantitative analysis = to estimate the amount of substance present in
the given sample sol'n
Limit test = this test is used to identifly the impurities present in the given

organic compund by observing the turbidity of test sample by comparing it

with the std sol'n containing known amt of concentra'n.
Molarity = the no. of moles of a solute present per litre of the solution is
defined as the molarity.
if n moles of solute are dissolved in V liters of sol'n then molarity of the sol'n
M = n/V
n = weight of the solute(G)/gram molecular wt of the solute(GMW)
if n = 1 and V = 1000ml the molarity of the sol'n is equal to 1 the sol'n is
known as 1 molar sol'n/1M solution.
Normality = the no. of gram eq. wts of the solute present in one litre of the
solution is known as normality N
N = n/V
n = wt of the solute (G)/gram equivalent wt of the solute
if n = 1 & V = 1000ml then normality of the sol'n is known as decinormal of
0.1N sol'n.
Equivalent wt of an acid is given by the formula
the no. of displaceable H's in the formula of acid is bascicity.
Mole fraction = the ratio b/w the no. of moles of a component of the sol'n
to the total no. of moles of all components of the solution is called mole
fraction of that component
Molality = the molality of a given solution (m) is defined as the no. of moles
of the solute present per kg./1000g of the solvent.
molality is independent of temperature.
Boiling point = the temperature at which the vapour pressure of a liquid
becomes equal to the atmospheric pressure is called the boiling point of the
Melting point = the m.p. of a substance is the temperature at which it just
changes frm the solid state to liquid state.
The amt of the solute present in the definite volume of the solution is known
as strength of asolution


The substance whose standard sol'n can be prepared by direct weighing is
known as a primary standard.

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