Install Using SQL Server 2000

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Quick walk-through to install OpenwikiNG using SQL Server

1) Install SQL Server 2000
2) Make a new database dbopenwiking
a. Data size 20MB
b. Log size 2MB
3) Make a new login with dbo access to the new database
4) Make a system DSN:
a. Name: openwiking
b. Database: dbopenwiking
c. Windows authentication or use your new SQL login
5) Copy over the openwiking files
6) In SQL Query Analyser run the \openwiking\data\ OpenWiki-SqlServer.sql
file. This will initialise the new tables
7) Make a virtual directory in IIS:
a. Path = <installation folder>\openwiking\owbase
b. Default document=ow.asp
c. Allow parent paths=yes
d. Anonymous access using a valid SQL Server login or NT
8) Edit <installation folder>\openwiking\owbase\ow and uncomment the lines
(remove the beginning apostrophe):
a. OPENWIKI_DB = "openwiking"
9) Go to your website and fire up the /openwiking URL
Though there is no initial data in the database, the system pages are generated
automatically by openwikiNG, and require you to edit and save them ad-hoc.
1) Go to http://<yoururl>/ow/plugins/importmacrohelp.asp
a. Use the password adminpw

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