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Miss Thielens Classroom Management Plan

PSIII Classroom Management Plan

Lara Thielen
School: Father Leonard Van Tighem
Consultant: Ed Wasiak

Teacher Associate: Lyle Parr


A. Organizational Checklist
Curriculum Planning
Long-range planning
Unit planning
Lesson planning
Assessment plans
Learning Students Names, Other Information
Request class lists
Inquire about learning/behaviour needs and available supports
Letter to the students
Students letter to teacher
Learning styles quiz
Classroom Rules and Procedures
Follow FLVT school rules and procedures
Be prompt
Be prepared
Be positive
Be productive
Be polite
School Facilities and Equipment
1 Gym and all equipment
Various outdoors spaces and outdoor equipment (i.e. snow shoes, bikes, etc.)
Teacher workroom
Various classrooms that I will move to
School Policies and Procedures
Fire drill fire evacuation routes and procedures are posted in every room of the
school. At the sound of the fire alarm, please follow the steps outlined. Be sure to
take the RED folder with you when you leave the room.
Lockdown in the event of the announcement lockdown, please vacate
hallways and open areas. Lock your students and yourself in your classroom. Close
all blinds and turn off the lights. Instruct students to sit quietly on the floor, hidden
from outdoor sightlines. Do not leave the students unattended. Do not open the
classroom door until the principal or police announce the end of the lockdown.
Accidents/Medical Treatment Students who become ill at school will go to the
infirmary at the office. Phone the office immediately and advise them of the student
coming. In the case of a serious injury, remain with the student. Call for help or send
a student to the office for assistance. Fill out an accident report.

Miss Thielens Classroom Management Plan

Organizing Classroom, Materials and Supplies

I will be working in many different classrooms throughout the school
Visit each of these classrooms
Observe the layout (space, desks)
Check for whiteboards, chalkboards, or Smartboards
Ask the homeroom teacher about how their classroom works

B. Relationships & Community Building Plan

Strategies for Building Positive Relationships
1. Greet the students at the door/hallway
2. Learn the students names FAST
3. Introduce myself to the students (make myself relatable)
4. Students write a letter to their teacher respond to each letter commenting on
their interests/passions
5. Student Inventory (passions, family, activities, academics, food & drink, physical,
skills, other)
6. Participate in co-curricular activities
7. Be respectful and compassionate
Strategies for Building Classroom Community
1. Get to know one another through breaking the ice activities
2. Arrange group work with various different groupings
3. Post a daily class agenda
4. Have students give one another positive, yet helpful feedback
5. Follow up on classroom expectations

C. Rules and Procedures Plan

Classroom Rules



Explanation of Classroom Rules (and how they will be introduced):

Class rules will be introduced during the first class. Daily routines and procedures
are established early and practiced. FLVT staff give children a framework to
evaluate their own behaviour and then make appropriate choices.

Classroom Procedures
1. Attention-Getting Procedure
1 minute warning that class will be starting
Silent finger count down
Engage students in each lesson in a meaningful way
2. Start-of-Class Procedure

Miss Thielens Classroom Management Plan

Attention grabber
Assessment of prior knowledge
Expectations for learning and behaviour
Daily Agenda written

3. End-of-Class Procedure
Assessment of learning
Feedback from students
Feedback to students
Transition to next lesson
4. Question-Answering Procedure
Raise hands and take turns
Listen respectfully to others
5. Safety Procedures
Fire drill/lockdown procedures
Safety in the gym (following the rules)
6. Other Procedures:
Homework as see fit
Electronic devices allowed - turned on only when instructed
Explanation of Class Procedures (and how they will be taught and
Class procedures are simple. Students are encouraged to share their learning at
various stages throughout each class. Students are expected to respect their
classmates and teacher. Class procedures will be reinforced through practicing daily
routines and giving students fair warnings.

D. Intervention Plan
Strategies for Responding to Misbehaviour:
Minor Strategies
1. Move closer to the student or students
2. Engage in eye contact with the student
3. Say the student or students name(s)
Major Strategies
1. Calmly request that the student or students to remain after class to address the
issue (if urgent, ask to speak with them now)
2. After students have been talked to after class at least two times over the same
issue, address the issue with my TA
Justification/Explanation of Strategies:
Both minor and major strategies are in place and can be used to respond to
different levels of misbehavior. If students are simply talking out of turn, minor
strategies can be employed to stop their behavior.

Miss Thielens Classroom Management Plan

Relation of Strategies to School Policies and Procedures:

Discipline is a learning process and not simply an event where consequences are
applied. Discipline is about preparing children for all the choices they will be making
and ensuring they are ready to handle them. Addressing the students after class,
allows them the opportunity to explain their behaviour and its appropriateness in
class. This puts students at the center of problem-solving their behaviour.

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