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Table 12:

MCT Observation

RAKWC B Ed EPR Practicum 3b: MCT/MST Assessment Report

EPR Student Assessment Criteria:
This report is to be completed by the Mentoring School Teacher in
consultation with the Mentoring College Teacher and refers to teaching
competencies in the High School.

Date: 02/11/2015
Name of Student: Mouza Ali
Garnel Desravins

Name of MST:
Name of MCT:

Please add specific comments about the student teachers observed strengths
during this teaching practicum and identify areas in which you feel further
development is necessary.
Observed Strengths:

Areas in which further development is needed:

First Observation
*Great command of the class and appear very
comfortable introducing the topic of the lesson.
*Very creative way of introducing the digestive
system by allowing the students to eat the
biscuit followed by discussion.
*The elaborate portion of the lesson allowed
the students to explore the digesting system
and therefore should have been the EXPLORE
of your lesson plan.
*Very good classroom management.
The One Sentence Summary is a very good
way to evaluate students understanding of the
Students were able to show their
understanding of the lesson in various ways:
Groups and individuals.
Second Observation
1.Students were given more time to explore
2.More student centered versus last
3.Variety of activities were used throughout the
4.The musical box is a very creative way to
conclude the lesson. Students enjoyed it while

First Observation
*Improve probing questions: What did you see? Is very
*Students must be allowed to explore the concept on
their own.
*Lesson must be more student centered versus teacher
Students appear to have a very good understanding of
Digestive system. Differentiating the lesson would have
You to work closely with students who are having
difficulties and
Provide the others with something more challenging.
Second Observation
1. You asked the same question: What did you see?
2.The questions listed in the engagement were not
3. Provide images with the terms during your power
4. Groups were too large, but I understand you had thre
5. Fully complete your lesson plan by being as
descriptive as possible
including all materials
needed for the lesson.

General Comments: Some improvements have been made in the areas needed for developments.
However, the questioning techniques is an area in needs of further development. Students were given
more time to explore the concept of the lesson.
However the groups were too large. We must do
everything possible to keep the groups to a maximum of four. The ideal
number would be three.

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