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Link and Description


Kahoot Quiz

Kahoot is a quiz making app that allows for the educator

to incorporate digital tools into the classroom. I believe
that I will use this app in my class as much as possible.
This allows for me to get immediate results as the quiz is
being taken as well as at the end. This Kahoot quiz was
created by my groupmates and myself that we ended up
using in our placement educators, Mrs. McKinneys, 6 th
grade Science class as a review for her unit chapter


In a health classroom environment I feel that this

app/website can be used throughout the entirety of my
course. This is a nutrition and activity tracking app that
students can download on their phone or on their
computers. It allows for students to become active
participants in their own educational goals and allows
them to manage their own progress throughout. The
picture below shows a data base chart that is filled out
by the student throughout the day of their diet.


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