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Pollution: Effects on Marine Life

______ Read the Problem
______ Take on the Learning Challenge
______ Review the Action Plan
______ Explore the Individual Activities (record your findings below)
______ Tackle the Team Activities
______ Plan and prepare your Presentation

Individual Activities.

On your own, choose at least 4 of the resources provided under the

individual activities on the WebQuest to explore. You may explore
more than 4 resources if you wish. After all, the more you can learn,
the better you will be able to help protect the marine animals. As you
research using the resources, record anything you learn that can help
to answer the following questions:

What are common issues or struggles we see marine life face

because of human pollution?

Which forms of human pollution cause the biggest problems for

marine life? Why?

Why don't the marine animals avoid our pollution?

How can we reduce our pollution impacting marine life?

How can we help fix the effects of our pollution that marine
animals are already facing?

Which organizations are working to make a difference and

protect marine life from human pollution?

On the lines, list the resources you explored. You should have explored
at least 4, but could have explored more!
1. _____________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________________________

Team Activities.
1. What was your teams eco footprint result?
2. How could your team reduce your footprint size? You should write
down at least 8 ideas your group has come up with. This can help
you to think about suggestions for how all people can change
their lifestyles to protect marine life better.

3. 3. TIME TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!! Your team is forming a

new organization whose goal is to be the change that will protect
marine life from human pollution. There are two steps to this:
First, you will have to decide with your group if you are
working to clean up the pollution and problems already
existing that are hurting marine life, or if you are working to
prevent further damage caused by future human pollution.
Next, you have an option as to how you want to spread the
word about your organization and what they are doing! This
can be done through a brochure you could hand out to gain
more members or get donations for your organization,
through a website people could visit to learn about your
organization, or through a Prezi, digital poster, or video you
could share with a crowd of people who wish to learn about
your organization. (This is what your teams 5-minute
presentation will be on).

Your team is forming a new organization whose goal is to be the
change that will protect marine life from human pollution.
There are two steps to this:
First, you will have to decide with your group if you are working
to clean up the pollution and problems already existing that are
hurting marine life, or if you are working to prevent further
damage caused by future human pollution. Will you be working
to clean up the past mistakes or prevent future mistakes from
Next, you have an option as to how you want to spread the word
about your organization and what they are doing! This can be
done through a brochure you could hand out to gain more
members or get donations for your organization, through a
website people could visit to learn about your organization, or
through a Prezi, digital poster, or video you could share with
a crowd of people who wish to learn about your organization.
You will teach the class about your team's new organization in a 5minute presentation. Your goal is to act as if you are trying to
persuade your classmates to either join your organization or donate to
your organization! These marine animals need all the help they can
get, so you'll need to be convincing!

Presentation Checklist
Group Members
______ Title/Name of Organization (1 pt)
______ Addresses common issues/struggles we see marine life face because of human
pollution (5 pts)
______ Addresses which forms of pollution cause the biggest problems for marine life
and why (5 pts)
______ Addresses why marine animals do not avoid our pollution (3 pts)
______ Addresses how we can reduce our pollution impacting marine life in the future
OR fix the effects of our pollution that marine animals are already facing (8
______ Addresses at least three main goals of the organization (3 pts)
______ Identifies at least three other organizations it works closely with or is similar to
(3 pts)
______ States what it asks of people/society (i.e. asking people to join, donate,
recycle, etc.) (2 pt)
______ Clear and neat presentation (1 pt)
______ Correct spelling and grammar (1 pt)




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