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written by:
Agus Dian Pratama
Picture 1
Picture 2
Picture 3
Picture 4
Picture 5
Picture 6
Picture 7
One morning, in the middle of Araskin city, there was a man crying in the
one of the streets. He brought a bowl on his hand. He was a famous beggar in
Araskin city. All people there knew, his name was Lorsan.
Four hours later, not far from beggar's place, there were a man and a dog.
They seemed rich. This man and a dog came to beggar's place. The beggar
thought, " Yes, I know that, they must be give me some pound sterling!". Then,
they came to him, "Klinting ... ting ... ting ... srek...",
"Oh young man, you're a good man who I've been looking for, thanks a lot. I
hope you'll be a success man, and this is yours ? (with pointed his hand to a
"Yes, he is mine. He is my kind dog. His name is Noras. Don't worry about
that, he knows everything what you want! Noras cares, I hope Noras gives you
something....", young man answered.
"I hope so ... a lucky day! Thank you!," the beggar said. "You're welcome",
young man answered.
Then, the young man went away from beggar's place. The dog followed.
Suddenly, "cur...cur...cur...". The beggar surprised.
"Oh no! the damn dog!!", The beggar said
"Oh ... my dog, Noras!", the young man asked
"This dog pee in my bowl", the beggar said
"Hey must be grateful to Noras", the young man answered
"Ha! you're stupid man, he pee in my bowl!!", the beggar shouted with full of
"You beggar... You must give thanks to Noras! he give you avocado juice
and milk," the young man asked.
"Ha???", the beggar depressed.

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