Legislative Branch Quiz Study Guide

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Legislative Branch Quiz Study Guide

Describe the structure of the Legislative Branch

Congress is a bicameral legislature and it is made up of the

Senate and the House of Representatives
Compare the two houses of congress in terms of their powers,
organization, membership, and privileges
House of Representatives- Introduces financial bills and impeaches officials, less
formal rules for debate, 435 members based off of the population of the states, the
term is 2 years, and the leader is the speaker of the house.
Senate- Tries and impeaches officials and approves of Presidential appointments
and treaties, complicated and more formal rules of debate, 100 members 2 from
each state, term is 6 years, the leader is the president pro tempore but actually the
majority leader. Standing committees are the main committees.
Describe how congressional representation is determined

House of Representatives is based on the

population in each state
Senate takes 2 representatives from each state

Identify the powers of the Legislative Branch

Expressed Powers- specifically stated in the constitution
Implied Powers- Used to carry out expressed powers
The jobs of the legislative branch are to
o Make Laws
o Approve of Budget
o Confirms Presidential appointments
o Raises revenue through taxes and other levies
o Regulates interstate and foreign trades
o Declares War
Identify the key steps in the legislative process
-Writing the Bill
-Introduction of Bill by senator or representative, referral to committee
-Standing committee collects information
-Standing committee reports to full chamber
-Debating of the bill on floor
-Voting on the Bill
-Process repeated in other chamber
-Bill sent to conference committee
-Presentation to President
-President signs Bill into a law
Describe the roll of the Legislative Branch in the system of checks and

-To the Executive Branch, the Legislative Branch can override a presidential
veto, can impeach and convict and president, and reject presidential
-To the Judicial Branch, the Legislative Branch can impeach and convict
judges and propose constitutional amendments.
Describe how the system of checks and balances limits the power of the
legislative branch
-The Executive Branch can propose or veto laws, they prepare the

budget, and they can call special sessions of congress

-The Judicial Branch can declare the acts of Congress

Describe the role of Individuals and interest groups in the legislative

-Lobbying is seeking to influence legislators to introduce of vote for or
against a bill
-Identifying Issues
-Making Political Contributions

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