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Sally B.


Public Relations/ Campaign Plan



Sally B. Wyatt

Public Relations/ Campaign Plan

Section 1: Situation Analysis

Client Research
Contact Information:
Company Name:

Ten Thousand Villages


Jefferson Village Shopping Center

1564A Highwoods Blvd.
Greensboro, NC, 27410

Phone: 336.834.4606
Hours of Operation:

Monday-Saturday 10AM-6PM
Sunday 1-5PM

Description of Services:
Ten Thousand Villages is an independent, non-profit, charitable organization founded in
1946. It is one of the worlds largest and oldest fair-trade retailers in the world. The
Greensboro location is one of over 390 stores in the United States. Each store
specializes in marketing hand-made crafts from artisans in Asia, Africa, Latin America,
and the Middle East. The organization works to improve the livelihood of tens of
thousands of artisans in over 38 countries by establishing a sustainable market for
hand-made products in North America, through long-term buying relationships that
provide a stable income for artisans. The business ensures that all products are made
with environmentally friendly processes, sustainable natural resources, and recycled
materials so each product has been crafted responsibly.
Mission Statement:

Sally B. Wyatt

Public Relations/ Campaign Plan

Ten Thousand Villages mission is to create opportunities for artisans in developing

countries to earn income by bringing their products and stories to our markets through
long-term fair-trading relationship

Administrative Staff:
Pam Raffensberger
Corporate CEO
Phone: 877.883.8341

Joelle Nealy
Executive Director

Jennifer Daw
Assisstant Manager

Andrew Sabol
Inventory Manager

Short Term Goals:

To expand social media presence and increase number of interactive followers

on social media by at least 10%
To increase mission awareness
To create a newer base of younger, more trendy customers and volunteers
through the use of mutually beneficial communication outlets

Long Term Goals:

To increase sales by at least 20%

To increase volunteer employees by at least 20% (currently have 63 volunteers)
To market the organization towards a more diverse public audience in order to
expand consumer and volunteer base

Sally B. Wyatt

Public Relations/ Campaign Plan

To magnify consciousness of the mission behind the retail services of the


Sally B. Wyatt

Public Relations/ Campaign Plan

Strengths of the Organization:

Ten Thousand Villages is one of the largest and oldest fair-trade retailers in the world
and a founding member of the World Fair Trade Organization. With this position in the
industry, Ten Thousand Villages has created a credible, dependable, and dominant
image for themselves amongst the general public they are able to reach. As a non-profit
retail outlet, the stores provide consumers the opportunity to benefit themselves while
benefitting others. In addition to this, customers can be assured that they are
participating in environmentally sound practices and socially conscious consumerism
through the regulation of fair-trade agreements. All products marketed within stores are
unique, handmade, and accompanied with the story and passion of the artists behind
the craft.

Challenges of the Organization:

Being the largest and oldest fair-trade retail organization presents itself as a challenge
as well as a strength. This position forces stores to report to a corporate office and limits
creative marketing freedom within the network of individual outlets. With the image of a
more historical and traditional organization, much of the customer and volunteer base is
limited to an older, educated generation. This traditional image has lost some of its
appeal through competing for customers and volunteers with other emerging
businesses in the industry that have a more trendy and vibrant appeals to younger
publics. The Ten Thousand Village traditional image differs from newer competition that
may have a more exciting and intriguing image. The location of the store is also a
challenge. Unlike much of their competition, the Greensboro Ten Thousand Villages
store is not in close vicinity of the most college campuses in the area. One of the main
challenges within the organization is finding a balance of promoting the mission of Ten
Thousand Villages without alienating customers. It is important the business finds this
balance in order to communicate the meaning and mission statement of the store and
its products, while maintaining an enjoyable and inviting retail atmosphere. An
overlapping challenge that presents itself is generating sales and diversifying the market
and volunteer base to be more inclusive of the younger generation.

Sally B. Wyatt

Public Relations/ Campaign Plan

Existing Competitors:
Sisters Jewelrey & Gifts Inc.
330 Tate St, Greensboro, NC, 27403

Just Be
352 S. Elm St, Greensboro, NC, 27401

Fleet-Plummer From Jewelry to Grills

2437 Battleground Ave, Greensboro, NC

Pier 1 Imports
3116 Northline Ave, Greensboro, NC
1210 Bridford Pkwy, Greensboro, NC

Evys Gifts
1564 Highland Ave, Greensboro, NC

1804 Pembroke Rd, Greensboro, NC

300 S. Elm St, Greensboro, NC

Sally B. Wyatt

Public Relations/ Campaign Plan

Government & Regulatory Agencies

Ten Thousand Villages Corporate Headquarters
P.O. Box 307
704 Main St.
Akron, PA, 17501-0307
Phone: 877.883.8341

Internal Revenue Services (State)

4905 Koger Blvd
Greensboro, NC, 27407
Phone: 336.574.6024

Internal Revenue Services (Federal)

P.O. Box 931000
Louisville, KY, 40293-100
Phone: 1.800.829.4833

Reference Publications:
The executive director stated that there were no applicable reference publications used
by the organization.

Sally B. Wyatt

Public Relations/ Campaign Plan

Channels of Communication:



Face to Face: Community Events and Word of Mouth

Client Publics:




Future Customers



Reason to Exist
Reason to Exist
Reason to Exist
Provide Products
Store Coordination
Corporate Entity
Future Volunteers Potential Workforce
Other Non-Profits Competition
Similar Retailers
Social Media Users Potential Customers
Potential Workforce


Potential Marketing

Opportunity/Problem Client Statement

Ten Thousand Villages in unique to its competition because of the history and
magnitude of its presence within the market. The business strives to reach as many
customers and volunteers as possible, not only to increase sales and volunteer
numbers, but also to spread awareness of the mission that motivates the organization.
The commitment its mission statement as a fair-trade non-profit organization, and to the

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Public Relations/ Campaign Plan

provision of unique and meaningful products that bring the customer both satisfaction
and the fulfillment of benevolence is what has boosted this organization to its current
However, with numerous, novel, similar, retail stores arising, only 3 paid employees and
a repetitive cycle of a like customer base, the organization struggles to compete and
expand its voice to encourage volunteer workforce and increase sales amongst a
diverse market demographic. Being an extension of a corporate entity, the store is
limited in its creative freedom and marketing/advertising opportunities and financing.
An opportunity exists to broaden the relevant market to a fresh public, through the use
of social media outlets and other accessible communication outlets at low or no cost.
Enhancing the use of social media has the ability to extend the conceptual mission of
Ten Thousand Villages, while also facilitating potential customers and volunteers for the
future. In addition to bolstering a social media presence, an increase of participation and
partnership with other community events, organizations, and new media/communication
outlets, especially focused on those geared towards students, also presents great
opportunity to amplify awareness of the organization and facilitate future sales and

Target Public Description and Defense:

This public relations plan will target a public of women ages 18-25 within the local area
of Greensboro. The target public of young women will be social media users who are
educated, as well as culturally and globally interested. These women are civically
involved, environmentally concerned, and intrigued by socially conscious consumerism.
They are trendy, funky, stylish, and appreciate arts and crafts.

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Public Relations/ Campaign Plan

The majority of the current public consists of older women, ages 45-62, who are
intelligent with a college degree or above, who belong to the upper middle class and
have disposable income. The goal of this plan is to expand this public to reach those
with similar interests, but who can also provide fresh and more modern perspective and
contributions the organization and its mission. Thus, we will target a younger public,
specifically those in or newly graduated from undergraduate studies. The interests of
these young women must still be relevant to the organization and its mission. Using
communication outlets that are free or low cost will involve putting to work social media,
student media, and community/student events; hence, the need for the ladies to be
active on social media and also civically involved in the community and campus.
Women were specifically chosen as the target public because previous customer base
has shown that the products and services offered by Ten Thousand Villages hold much
greater feminine appeal, than masculine.

Target Public Demographics:

The target public will be females between the ages of 18-25 who are currently pursuing
or finishing a college education, in the local area of Greensboro. These women should
be middle-class or financially sound enough to have some amount of disposable or
recreational income, but are not expected to be in the upper class. They will most likely
be single, but marital status is not limited to single women. These women are socially
involved and likely work, at-least part time.
The size of the target public includes approximately 2000 individuals (Facebook and
Twitter combined). This number would also be combined with the likely number of
individuals within the target public that would be reachable through student
communication outlets, which includes at least another 5000 people from all of the

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Public Relations/ Campaign Plan

campuses combined. Combining these numbers with the potential social media users
that arent currently connected with the organizations social media pages and those
who fall under the target public but arent accounted for in school census data, puts the
demographic number at around 8,000.


Sally B. Wyatt

Public Relations/ Campaign Plan

Target Public Psychographics:

Innovators are always taking in information and are the most receptive to new ideas and
technologies. They believe that research and data are credible. They make the highest
number of financial transactions, but are self-directed consumers and are skeptical
about advertising. Innovators have international exposure, a wide variety of interests
and activities, and are confident enough to experiment new things. These people enjoy
the challenge of problem solving and are future oriented.
The target public for this plan would be considered innovators because their
appreciation for information and new ideas would be present among and educated
public and would facilitate deeper understanding of the Ten Thousand Villages mission
statement. They would be more likely to be socially conscious and environmentally
friendly. They would easily be able to research and collect data regarding the history
and credibility of the organization, thanks to its age and magnitude as a fair-trade
retailer. Innovators high number of financial transactions would contribute to adding to
sales purchases. Since they are self-directed consumers, these people would enjoy the
opportunity to make a mutually beneficial purchase, which both boosts their ego (by
helping others) and satisfies them tangibly. The plan appeals to this groups skepticism
about advertising by using unconventional and more authentic forms of marketing, like
personally run social media and face to face interactions. The cultural and global
appreciation and interest of the target public would stem from innovators international
exposure. Their wide variety of interests and activities would ensure that they would find
something that pleases them amongst the products offered by Ten Thousand Villages.
Innovators confidence to experiment with new things would motivate them to visit the
store as newcomers. As a fair-trade retailer, Ten Thousand Villages is part of a
progressive movement that works to improve the future, and would appeal to futureoriented innovators. They would be eager to work with Ten Thousand Villages to solve
social and international problems.
Target Public Psychographics (continued):


Sally B. Wyatt

Public Relations/ Campaign Plan

Experiencers have a desire for just about everything and are spontaneous in their
actions. They are up to date with the latest trends and fashions and tend to go against
the current mainstream. These people love physical activity or anything that satisfies
their sensation seeking minds. Experiencers have an especially heightened sense of
visual stimulation. They believe that friends are very important and see themselves as
especially sociable.
The spontaneity of experiencers and their broad span of desires would motivate them to
make purchases and become a part of the Ten Thousand Villages mission. Since these
people are trendy and fashionable, this group falls applies to the modern females that
would fall into the target public this plan intends to appeal to. The unique and funky
aesthetic of Ten Thousand Villages would appeal to those outside of the mainstream.
Experiencers could satisfy their love for physical activity through volunteering their labor
and they would also find sensation stimulation and visual stimulation in the artistic
atmosphere of Ten Thousand Villages. Since experiencers value friendship and social
interaction, a trait of many women in the target age group, they would be likely to buy
gifts for their friends and have a need for the products that the store offers. People who
are social and friendly are also more likely to be benevolent to those in need and to be
civically and campus involved.


Sally B. Wyatt

Public Relations/ Campaign Plan

Strategic Research Design:

In order to collect the necessary data from the target public, the research methods
would parallel the communication channels that the plan intends to use. If the size of the
researched target public demographic is determined by the number of social media
followers, then it includes approximately 2000 individuals (Facebook and Twitter
combined). This number would also be combined with the likely number of individuals
within the target public that would be reachable through student communication outlets,
which includes at least another 5000 people from all of the campuses combined.
Combining these numbers with the potential social media users that arent currently
connected with the social media pages and those who fall under the target public but
arent accounted for in school census data, puts the demographic number at around
8,000. It would be unrealistic to inquire from the total target public demographic. So
then, a sample size of around 4000 is adequate for feedback data. Mainly qualitative,
information could be gathered from survey and trivia questions inquired informally via
social media and student communication outlets (i.e. campus radio, school
news/magazines/publications, and face to face and community or campus events). In
order to get the most accurate feedback from this informal research, the organization
would need to bolster its social media following to reach more people. Before surveying,
members of the target public should be specifically searched and connected with and
there should be promotion of the pages to maximize feedback through this channel.
Campus outlets would be easily accessible to students in the target publics and the
informal inquiry of the research would invite various contemporary publics, especially
target. By also incorporating trivia questions, data about the knowledge and awareness
of the public is acquired, while also promoting the Ten Thousand Villages image and
mission. If prizes are awarded to the trivia winners, this could also draw in customers
and volunteers. Those most likely to respond to the research acquisition through these
channels, would also be the most likely to fall into the target public. Quantitative data
could be collected from how many people respond (answer, like, comment, share) and
participate in the questionnaires, as well as the unpredictable, specific answers of some


Sally B. Wyatt

Public Relations/ Campaign Plan

Strategic Research Design (continued):

Sample Qualitative Questions:
What do you know about the fair-trade movement? What foreign culture interests you
the most and why? What does it mean to be a socially-conscious consumer, and why is
it important in modern society? How important is it that your money is spent on products
that are made responsibly? What communication outlet do you use most? Where are
you most likely to find volunteer opportunities? What appeals to you when searching for
a place to volunteer? Would you be less inclined to shop at a store where employees
promote a social message in addition to customer service? Does the amount of money
you are willing to spend on a product increase if it benefits someone other than yourself/
How much? What do you look for when finding a gift? How many hours do you have
available to volunteer work? What is your opinion on [this product]? Whats your opinion
on [this social issue]? Where do you do most of your recreational shopping? What
would make you more inclined to spread the word about a non-profit retailer/ volunteer
opportunity? What intrigues you most regarding businesses/organizations on social
media? What campus communication outlet do you use most? Where do you find your
home dcor? When/where is the last time that you made an artistic and humanistic
retail purchase simultaneously? Would you be more likely to purchase products from a
booth at an event or from making a trip to the store? What aspects of global aesthetics
interest you? What sets apart a non-profit organization from others? What contemporary
approaches to the fair-trade movement are most appealing to you?
Sample Trivia Questions:
Quiz about facts and statistics regarding company history, products, mission, services,
countries/artisan communities that are a part of Ten Thousand Villages, fair-trade
movement, responsible production, environmental and social concerns

Budget Information:
Ten Thousand Villages is limited to spending $50 per month on public relations and
promotion. Since this allowance is meager, this plan will focus of using little to no cost
communication outlets.


Sally B. Wyatt

Public Relations/ Campaign Plan

Section 2:
Strategic Planning Detail


Sally B. Wyatt

Public Relations/ Campaign Plan

Communication Objectives

To reach out immediately, but progressively, to a minimum total of 300 new,

potential customers or volunteers using social media communication outlets.

To gradually extend awareness and knowledge of the mission behind the retail
aspect of 10,000 Villages to these potential participants using a variety of

communication outlets, deemed most accessible to the target public. (Attitudinal)

To progressively facilitate a 20% increase of a younger, trendier customer and
volunteer base by peaking interest and involvement in the 10,000 Villages
mission statement. (Behavioral)

The communication objectives described above, are directed specifically towards the
target public and work cohesively to achieve long-term goals across a one-year
timeline. The informational objective uses social media communication to immediately
inform the target public about the existing business and the motivation behind it and will
increase its reach over the 12-month period. This objective leads to the second,
attitudinal, objective where the plan will use their projected information about the
organizations mission and the means of communication to shift the perceptions of the
target public, so that 10,000 Villages is understood as a meaningful endeavor, which
takes into consideration contemporary trends while working for a greater, timeless
cause. This objective will be observable only after the informational aspect has time to
resonate with the target public, so will likely take place during and following the third
month of the plan. Finally, the behavioral objective is motivated by its informational and
attitudinal counterparts, to encourage active participation in the movement that they
have been educated on. This objective will be most accurately observable within the last
month of the plan. Together, these communication objectives will assist the progress in
reaching the plans long-term goals of increasing sales and volunteers by 20%,
marketing towards a more diverse public, and magnifying the consciousness of the
mission behind the retail services provided by the organization by gradually building the
reach to and attention of the target public.


Sally B. Wyatt

Public Relations/ Campaign Plan

Communication Objectives (Continued)

The mission statement of the organization is incorporated within each communication
objective and will be ultimately understood at the conclusion of the plan.
Objective Timeline Includes:

Weekly messages communicated through social media

Monthly follower/participant/customer/volunteer counts
Bi-monthly campus communication
Six month review and short term goal evaluation- adaptions to plan accordingly

(increase/change message communication and outlets)

Nine month tracking- Evaluate how short term goals are contributing to achieving

long-term goals
Twelfth month final evaluation of overall plan success

Pre-Program Measurement
Before enacting any of the communication objectives, it is important that the current
data regarding social media following and customer and volunteer base be recorded.
The followers and participants of the organizations social media accounts must be
recorded (quantitative) and evaluated (qualitative). It is important that the number and
type of current social media followers be determined in advance, to best ensure
accurate measurement and evaluation at the conclusion of the plan. The customer base
can be tracked with brief survey questions that will be asked during check-out, or upon
entry of the store. Here, it can be inquired whether current customers and volunteers
are following the organizations social media accounts, and if not they can be
encouraged to do so by handing out cards with site information accompanied with a
sales incentive after confirmed following. Customers and purchases will be recorded,
as will the volunteers who will submit applications containing pertinent information.


Sally B. Wyatt

Public Relations/ Campaign Plan

Additional questions regarding who is buying what and the awareness of the business
and its mission and opportunities can be further inquired using social media outlets.
Post-Program Measurement
The progress of the plan can be continuously tracked using methods discussed in the
pre-program measurement section. Evaluation of the overall success of the plan will
highlight changes in data, compared chronologically. Final evaluation and measurement
can be determined using a count and evaluation of social media following and
customer/volunteer interaction using these same methods. In addition to regular
tracking to social media followers, customers, and volunteers, participation in the
organization motivated by the plan can also be determined using a type of frequent
buyer or loyalty membership cards that are given out upon entry of the store and
marked during purchase or organization events. The number of cards given out will be
recorded, and purchase details can be recorded once rewards are redeemed.

Fair-trade and artisan made- So you can shop for unique style with an impact that lasts
The target public are females age 18-24 who are both style and trend oriented,
culturally aware, and socially conscious will be intrigued by a message that addresses
all aspects. This brief message incorporates fair-trade business principles, connections
with cultural art, recreational shopping, and the impact of the organizations mission into
a single sentence. This message is intended to appeal to the innovators and
experiencers making up the target public. The impact of the informed purchases with a
social impact will appeal to the innovators with international exposure who are most
inclined to make informed transactions. This message encourages experiencers in the
target public to take spontaneous action with purchases in the store that complement
their unique place outside of the mainstream and follow trends of socially active young

Sally B. Wyatt

Public Relations/ Campaign Plan

adults. The catchy rhyme of the message will likely appeal to their sensory needs. Both
groups are encouraged by the message to take social action within the organization.

The chosen spokesperson for this public relations plan would be Joelle Nealy, the
executive director of Ten Thousand Villages. Not only does she have an expert amount
of knowledge on the organization and the mission, but she is familiar with the specific
target public that the plan is focusing on and know what will appeal most to them within
the store. Joelle has a contemporary sense of fashion and a confident public speaking
voice. As a leader within the business, she is familiar with guiding others and as a
partner in public relations planning group, she is particularly filled in with the direction of
the plan and the audience that it intends to reach. She is passionate about goals of Ten
Thousand Villages and her passion shows in the work that she puts in.


Sally B. Wyatt

Public Relations/ Campaign Plan

Spokes Entity

This spokes entity encompasses the 10,000 Villages mission statement. It illustrates the
cooperative effort of artisans, customers, and volunteers to support cultural artistic
endeavors that foster international business connections. The use of a variety of bright
colors will provide visual stimulation for experiencers amongst the target public. Unlike
clich advertisement, the promotion of sales is not apparent in this spokes entity, which
will keep the attention of Innovators who may be steered away by traditional advertising.
Instead, this spokes entity seeks to appeal to international and social engagement of
the target public, through use of a global image and cooperative human effort. It has a
unique, vibrant, and eye catching, artistic design that will appeal across the target
audience, but especially to a younger creative audience. Once edited and refined using
technology, the image will have a clean and crisp look that will appeal to a more refined


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Public Relations/ Campaign Plan

audience with disposable income. Since the image must be digested for complete
comprehension, it will appeal most to the educated members of the target audience.


Sally B. Wyatt

Public Relations/ Campaign Plan

Section 3:
Communication Tactics Detail


Sally B. Wyatt

Public Relations/ Campaign Plan

Event Description:
Ten Thousand Villages will be hosting a fashion expo for our target public that will
include: 2 fashion shows, styling sessions by professionals, interactive products shows
for shopping, food and drinks, and mingling opportunities. This event will take place at
the Ten Thousand Villages Store Location, on April 30, 2015 (a week before Mothers
Day) from 12-4pm. The show will include products from Ten Thousand Villages as well
as complementary partners Gaia Conceptions and Deep Roots Market. The expo is
intended to highlight products that will appeal most to the target public, offer style advice
for trendsetting with products, and provide informal setting for interaction with the target
public. All throughout the event there will be multiple media managers live-broadcasting
from social media accounts, asking questions and interacting with social media users
who are not in attendance. Participants will sign up for individual meetings with stylists,
with additional time granted for group sign-ups, and empty spots will be filled with walkins. They will enjoy food and beverage supplied by Deep Roots Market, to enjoy as they
shop. There will be well-informed volunteers to guide the experience and answer any
questions. The event will further inform attendees of the organizations mission and
background with a special message from the spokesperson and executive director,
Joelle Nealy to introduce the main event. This message will also brief the audience on
the partners relation to the event and services. Joelle Nealy will also narrate the shows.
First, a formal and planned fashion show will be put on, featuring models sporting
apparel and accessories for sale. At the end of this there will be a break for additional
stylist meetings, mingling, and feedback collection. Those who meet with the stylists will
be offered the opportunity to walk in the second fashion show. This fashion show will be
more informal and may include garments brought in by participants but will display how
the featured products tie into individual styles and trend setting and will illustrate the
success of the event. Following the last show, there will be a thank you session where
any final questions are answered, feedback is received, and goodie bags are
distributed. Publicity of the event will be handled by social media, local and student
newspapers, and posters distributed by volunteers.


Sally B. Wyatt

Public Relations/ Campaign Plan

Event Rationale:
The main objective of our event is to make connections with our target audience, in a
way that can be broadcasted and shared via social media for those who cannot attend.
The event will be especially enjoyable for those who come, but there will be plenty of
visually appealing and entertaining aspects made available to those who choose to
participate and provide feedback via social media. Not only does this expand the
audience of the target public, but it also provides recollection of the event that can be
easily accessed in the future. Since this event is directed towards a specific public, the
most appealing products will be hand-picked by event coordinators familiar with the
target public. The partners mission is complementary to that of Ten Thousand Villages,
without the distraction of competition. The event will take place on the Saturday a week
before Mothers Day, since that is Ten Thousand Villages 2nd biggest day for sales (other
than Christmas) and that is when the target public is most likely to be available. In
addition to providing an opportunity for increased sales, the event will allow organization
members to informally interact with the target public and provide them with specialized
information regarding Ten Thousand Villages and its mission. Participants will be
encouraged to bring in elements of contemporary personal style and see how they tie
with products for sale, proving the organizations application to the target public. The first
fashion show will display a pre-coordinated series of outfits composed of garments and
accessories from Ten Thousand Villages and partners. This will provide inspiration for
the 2nd show that allows participants to show off the success of the event with their
personal experiences with the stylists. The Fashion Expo intends to balance the equally
important aspects of our communication objectives by entertaining and intriguing
potential customers, but also providing limitless information from volunteers and
coordinators. Feedback will be inquired in person by volunteers at the event and from
our media managers using social media channels, which pertains to the social media
focus of the communication objectives.


Sally B. Wyatt

Public Relations/ Campaign Plan

Partner Rationale:
Gaia Conceptions
Andrea Crouse- Founder
No Storefront- Contact via email (only accessible through website)
This is a local business who specializes in handmade eco chic apparel for the global
nomad. Gaia Conceptions has only a handful of 8 employees inspired by the slow
clothing movement- focused on organic materials, a mindful supply of energy, and
artisan quality goods and services. This group hand-crafts garments from scratch to
embody contemporary style. As a small, local, and socially responsible organization,
this partnership correlates well with Ten Thousand Villages fair-trade, artisan mission.
Gaia Conceptions was chosen to provide clothing for the fashion show since the
Greensboro Ten Thousand Villages outlet is limited in this product department. Their
garments are eye-catching and fashion forward to appeal to the target public, but still
simple and versatile so not to draw attention away from Ten Thousand Village products
they will be paired with. Competition of sales will not be an issue with this business
partner because their garments are priced much more expensively (likely out of the
target publics budget), which will make the featured products appear even more


Sally B. Wyatt

Public Relations/ Campaign Plan

Partner Rationale:
Deep Roots Organic Market
600 N. Eugene St., Greensboro, NC
Cindy Flowers- Marketing Manager
Deep Roots is an established local grocery cooperative, located in downtown
Greensboro. The organization strives to distribute as many local goods as possible, and
provide the community with products that are all wholesome, pure and organic, and give
priority to companies and vendors who practice sustainable and ethical practices. In this
way, they complement the Ten Thousand Villages fair-trade mission. They also appeal
to contemporary mindsets of our target public. Deep Roots also has a hot-bar of foods
prepared in their kitchen, and often makes communal donations with their goods. They
could provide a variety snacks, appetizers, and beverages on a low budget, and would
see the meager spending for the event as promotional. As a cooperative organization,
they would likely be open to the publicity opportunity and would be excited about
spreading messages of good-will, interdependence, progressive thinking.


Sally B. Wyatt

Public Relations/ Campaign Plan

Event Timetable:
November 20, 2015

Contact event partners (Gaia Conceptions and Deep Roots)

to propose plan and request involvement

November 30, 2015

Confirm Partners and Location permit & begin search for

model and stylist volunteers

December 7, 2015

Partner meeting: outline event, delegation of duties

(including product supply, event planning, advertising),
expectations, begin product selection

January 1, 2015

Social media promotional debut via Ten Thousand Villages


January 2, 2015

Event coordination meeting: Confirm volunteers, design

promotional strategies (poster design/ distribution plan,
intended messages), progress check

January 11, 2015

Begin distribution of promotional posters

February 20, 2016

Event coordination meeting: finalize models, stylists, set-up

details, check progress of partner contributions, encourage
additional promotion

March 1, 2016

Accelerate promotion (social media, distribution of

brochures) begin sign-up for stylist appointments

March 30, 2015

Send pitch letter and news releases to media contacts

April 1, 2016

Event coordination meeting: progress check, volunteer

briefing, finalize product selection, concrete timeline of
event-set up and preparations

April 29, 2016

Final event coordination meeting: run-through & set up

April 30, 2016

Day of Fashion Expo

May 9, 2016

Review success of event and feedback collected


Sally B. Wyatt

Public Relations/ Campaign Plan

Day of Event Timeline Saturday, April 30, 2016:

9:00 AM

Event Coordinators and Volunteers meet at the Ten Thousand Villages

Store Location to begin prep and rehearsal (display tables, stylist
stations/schedules, runways, decorations, info materials, etc.)

11:30 AM

Expect attendee arrival, Open stylist sign-ups (1 st come 1st serve)

12-1 PM

Mingle/ Snacks/ Product show/ Stylist & Show 2 sign up

1-1:30 PM

Mission Message from spokesperson Joelle Nealy

1:30-2 PM

Fashion Show #1

2-3 PM

Break for stylist appointments/ fashion show 2 finalization/ product show/

shopping/ questionnaires/ food & beverage

3-3:30 PM

Fashion Show #2

3:30-4 PM

Thank you message/ Goodie bags to participants/ Exit mingle

4:30-5 PM

Clean up


Reflection meeting and thank you to partners, volunteers, and event


*Note: Social media posts and updates will be made throughout the day with a minimum
of 5 posts per hour by 3 different media manager volunteers


Sally B. Wyatt

Public Relations/ Campaign Plan

Media Contacts:

The Carolinian- UNCG Student Newspaper

Weekly Campus Circulation
Editor-in-Chief: Emily Bruzzo
Elliot University Center, Rm 236
University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, NC

A&T Register- A&T Student Newspaper

Weekly Campus Circulation
General Classroom Building, Rm 328
North Carolina A&T University, Greensboro, NC

The Guilfordian Guilford College Student Newspaper

Monthly Campus Circulation
Francesca Quigley
W. Friendly Ave Greensboro, NC 27410
(336) 316-2306 5800


Sally B. Wyatt

Public Relations/ Campaign Plan

Media Contacts:

1808 Greensboro Magazine

Monthly Local Circulation
Chief Editor: Tina Firesheets
200 E. Market St, Greensboro, NC 27401

OHenry Magazine
Monthly Local Circulation
Editor: Jim Dodson
1848 Banking St, Greensboro, NC, 27408


Sally B. Wyatt

Public Relations/ Campaign Plan

March 30, 2016

Contact Information:
Sally Wyatt
Emily Bruzzo, Editor in Chief, The Carolinian
Elliot University Center, Rm 236
University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, NC

Dear Emily:
I am contacting you as the Public Relations coordinator working with Ten Thousand Villages to feature an
upcoming event. Ten Thousand Villages is a fair-trade, non-profit retailer who markets artisan crafts, from
over 38 developing nations. They emphasize socially responsible consumerism and sustainable business
principles. We are looking to increase the student market by 20%. Any opportunity to increase exposure
to the student body would be greatly appreciated.
On Saturday, April 30 our organization will be hosting a Fearless, Fair-Trade Fashion Expo at the store
location in Jefferson Village Shopping Center from 12-4pm. We will have a hand-picked product offering,
professional stylists for consultation, 2 fashion shows (one open to participants), and various informational
resources. For the event, we are partnered with Gaia Conceptions and Deep Roots Market, who will
provide garments and refreshments respectively. The event will be live-broadcasted via social media and
will encourage the feed-back and active participation of attendees.
A large portion of UNCG students will find this event appealing. This event is designed specially to appeal
to educated women in the student age group who are fashion forward, socially conscious, civically
involved, and culturally interested. There will be volunteer opportunities available and the event is costfree.
I would love to cooperate with you on arranging coverage of the event. I am able to provide desired
promotional materials, photographic coverage, exclusive reporter access and answers for any further
inquiries. I will touch base during the upcoming week and will be available to contact at your earliest
Thank you for your consideration,
Sally B. Wyatt


Sally B. Wyatt

Public Relations/ Campaign Plan

News Release

March 30, 2016

Contact Information:
Sally Wyatt, Public Relations
Ten Thousand Villages Hosts Interactive Event to Encourage Socially Responsible Consumerism

GREENSBORO, N.C.- Ten Thousand Villages is partnering with local businesses to present a fashion
expo, uniquely designed for the engagement of young adults. The event will take place on April 30 th at the
store location and will provide organic refreshments while immersing attendees in contemporary style and
progressive thinking.
Ten Thousand Villages, an established fair-trade retailer, has realized a gap in their potential market and
wishes to extend involvement in its mission to the younger generation. The store will be partnering with
Gaia Conceptions and Deep Roots Market to engage and inspire local female trend-setters to make a
difference with their shopping. The event will feature fashions and products specially selected to peak
interest in contemporary scholars. There will be stylists available for personal consultation, interactive
fashion shows, organic refreshments, and insightful volunteers.
To maximize its reach to the modern audience, the event will be broadcasted live over Ten Thousand
Villages Facebook and Twitter accounts. The organization will be actively corresponding online. They
encourage those who cannot attend to follow social media accounts and provide feedback.


Sally B. Wyatt

Public Relations/ Campaign Plan

Participants can sign-up, online or in person, to meet with professional stylists for tips on incorporating
featured products with individual style. There will be 2 fashion shows, one informational and one that will
spotlight style successes inspired by the event. Guests will be treated to organic refreshments provided
by Deep Roots Market while they shop and mingle with knowledgeable volunteers.
Ten Thousand Villages, Gaia Conceptions, and Deep Roots Market are all bound by their interest in a
greater good, whether that it be local or international. They share a focus of environmentalism, social
responsibility, and the interconnectedness of communities. The intention of the event is to inspire
participants with this progressive mindset, as well as the goods and services offered.
The event strives to reclaim the attention of influential young females by demonstrating the how stylish
altruism is. As an association thats been around for 70 years, we are often overlooked by students in
favor of newer businesses that meet similar needs. We want to show that our organization relates to
modern females. That you can enjoy shopping for yourself, while making a lasting impact in the lives of
others. We want to show that humanitarianism is a timeless fashion that always adds special pizzazz to
individual style stated Joelle Nealy, the executive director of the Greensboro Ten Thousand Villages, who
has put much consideration into planning the event.
Partners are equally enthusiastic about participating in the event. Witnessing the collaboration of artisans
is always a beautiful thing, but a new level of allure is reached when that collaboration facilitates a deeper
understanding of the world around us quoted Andrea Crouse, founder of Gaia Conceptions. Cindy
Flowers, marketing director for Deep Roots Market, commented that their party is excited to contribute to
an event that connects the strength of our local community with international benevolence and hopes that
healthy, free snacks will aide in acceptance of the message.
For more information please contact Sally Wyatt at 336.834.4606 or
Ten Thousand Villages and the event partners want to connect to young adults with convenient
engagement that stimulates deeper thought in consumer choices. So take advantage of the opportunity to
be part of this movement by dropping in or logging on to the Fearless Fair-Trade Expo.


Sally B. Wyatt

Public Relations/ Campaign Plan

Electronic News Release

Ten Thousand Villages Hosts Interactive Event to Encourage Socially Responsible Consumerism
Ten Thousand Villages is striving to boost its presence amongst contemporary trend-setters. The
organization will be partnering with Gaia Conceptions and Deep Roots Market at the store location to host
a Fearless Fair-Trade Fashion Expo on April 30 that will be live-broadcasted over social media. The
event will provide cost-free involvement, entertainment and refreshments while educating attendees how
they can make a greater impact with their purchases.


Exclusive, hand-picked product selection

Professional stylist consultations on collaborating humanistic goods with personal style
Coordinated fashion show for inspiration
Fashion show featuring participants
Food and beverage free of charge


As an association that been around for 70 years, we are often overlooked by students in favor of newer
businesses. We want to show that our organization relates to modern females. That you can enjoy
shopping for yourself, while making a lasting impact in the lives of others. We want to show that
humanitarianism is a timeless fashion
-Joelle Nealy, the executive director of the Greensboro Ten Thousand Villages
Witnessing the collaboration of artisans is always a beautiful thing, but a new level of allure is reached
when that collaboration facilitates a deeper understanding of the world around us
-Andrea Crouse, founder of Gaia Conceptions
Deep Roots is excited to contribute to an event that connects the strength of our local community with
international benevolence and hopes that healthy, free snacks will aide in acceptance of the message
-Cindy Flowers




Sally B. Wyatt

Public Relations/ Campaign Plan



Social Media posts from organization accounts

Printed promotional materials- posters and brochures
Information on websites of organization and partners
Organizations coverage posted to social media during the event


Word of Mouth
Social media shares and feedback
Press release
News coverage from local media


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