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Kaitlyn Elfering

Julia Gray
Laura Petree
Lauren Short
Jessica Tiberi

Creating an Art Narrative

Grade: First
Time: Museum: 45 minutes; Classroom time: 30 minutes to finish up
Budget: For this art experience we will need to have funds for travel to and from the museum.
We will have to check with our school to find out what resources are available or if we will need
to come up with funds for travel on our own.
Objective: Students will look at a piece of artwork and write a piece about what the artwork is
communicating. They can also use other materials to express a story the piece is displaying.
Common Core
Describe characters, settings, and major events in a
story, using key details.
Use illustrations and details in a story to describe its
characters, setting, or events.
Missouri Early Learning Standards
V. Writing
1. Uses writing as a means of
Uses a variety of resources to
facilitate writing.
may ask others for
help in writing
attempts to copy
letters or words from the environment (e.g., cereal box,
names, public signs, logos, books, etc.).

National Art Standards

Visual Arts- Creating
Engage collaboratively in
exploration and imaginative play with materials.
Summary: Students will visit an art museum for the first portion of the lesson. The teacher will
lead a VTS session with the students participating in the discussion. Once the VTS session is
over the students will briefly practice taking notes on the assigned worksheet. Students will then
be able to freely observe various art pieces with open minds unaware of what they will be doing
to ensure they can benefit from the artistic experience. After the students have had a chance to
observe multiple pieces of work they will choose a piece of art to develop a narrative or
multimodal story. The students will record notes on their specific piece of artwork and will create
the story during the second portion of the lesson which will take place in the classroom.
Vocabulary/key terms: Since students are choosing their own pieces for this lesson, there will
not be a certain vocabulary words we discuss. However, as we walk around and discuss the
pieces with students we might introduce new terms. These terms could include: contrast,
emphasis, carving, canvas, etc. We want to make sure our students understand the terms artist
and museum before this lesson.

In the museum:
Out of the museum:

construction paper
any other materials the student(s) feels they need

Prior Knowledge and Experiences: This will be at least the second time students have created a
narrative piece. We will have had previous VTS experiences in our class with some of the pieces
they will see in the museum. Multimodal writing is something we have used in our classroom
and the students have had experience with.

1. When students enter the museum the teacher will conduct a normal VTS session
with a piece of artwork.
2. Students will then complete the brief note taking form they will use on their own
and fill it out over the piece that was VTS. This will give students an opportunity to
familiarize themselves with the form before being instructed to do it on their own.
3. After completing the VTS session and note taking form students will be allowed
to freely explore the museum and carefully observe pieces of artwork. While the students
are looking at the artwork, the teacher will tell the students to imagine what is happening
in the piece, to think of who the important characters are, and to think of what the
characters are feeling or thinking.
4. Once the students have had a chance to observe the artwork with clear minds the
teacher will pull the students together and explain that they will be creating a narrative
piece about one of the pieces of artwork they observed. The teacher will let the students
explore once again to choose their pieces. Students will be given the opportunity to work
in pairs if they wish to use the same piece of artwork.

5. After choosing the piece the students will analyze the details and think of ideas
for a narrative piece of literature. The students will then work in pairs to brainstorm their
ideas and how they will be completing this piece. Students will complete a brief note
taking form to ensure they have all of the information they need when they get back to
the classroom. The form will include: the title of the piece, the creator, important details
about the piece to remember, and the students initial ideas for the narrative piece.
6. Once the students arrive back to the classroom they will be then given the
opportunity to work on the narrative piece while they are still thinking of what they have
observed. Teacher support will be given whenever needed and students will be given the
opportunity to write a traditional narrative piece or create a multimodal narrative piece.

Indicators of Success: Students will be able to create an original story or piece based on the
artwork. The length of the writing is not as important as the representation of the artwork in the
finished writing piece or product. It should be evident in the product how the piece of writing
was inspired by the artwork observed. When presenting students should be able to identify
specific elements of the piece to the artwork such as colors, characters, and other elements used.

Accommodations: Students will be able to use whatever tools or materials necessary to be able
to create their narrative piece about the artwork. The freedom to create a multimodel piece of
writing gives students the opportunities to use materials for them to be successful in conveying
their understanding. Students will also have the choice to work in pairs allowing
accommodations for students who may require additional guidance or peer support.

Follow-up: Students will take a classmate's story and using the art and the narrative created,
write a second part to the story to expand/continue the story.

Once upon a time there was a king, a great king. The king had the most magnificent sword in all
the land. But what the king didn't have was a shield. Many people came and offered lots of
shields but none were just right. The king hired a boy and told him "I will pay you five gold
pieces if you can make me the strongest, best shield ever to go with my sword so i can protect
the people." So the boy worked hard day and night for four weeks and when he thought it was
just right he presented it to the king. He painted the shield red and black to symbolize strength
and power. There were four sharp corners to represent the four points of the kingdom. The King
was so pleased with his shield that he payed the boy 10 gold pieces and made him the shield
maker for all the land. The End.

Documents Needed:

Art Museum Note Taking
Title of the piece:_______________________________________________________________
Creator of the piece:____________________________________________________________
What is it made out of:__________________________________________________________

Important details about the artwork to remember:__________________________________

Ideas for your story:____________________________________________________________

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