Some of The YES Alumni and AFS Volunteers With Their Magnificient AFS-YES Banner!

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Some of the YES alumni and AFS volunteers with their magnificient AFS-YES

As I was on the way to the event, I felt pretty nonchalant and calm about it, I didnt know
what to expect, I was scared even that it was going to be a dull event. However, when I
arrived at the venue, I felt an intense aura of positivity as I was walking past tent by tent.
As I greeted a few attendees, I started to feel increasingly engaged with the event.
During the conversations I had with survivors and the active volunteers, I could feel the
passion in their voice. The event was called Relay For Life.
The mission of Relay For Life is to raise funds to improve cancer survival, decrease the
incidence of cancer, and improve the quality of life for cancer patients and their
caretakers. This event is organized under a volunteer-based Relay Committee, and
implemented by volunteers. It was organized as an overnight public gathering, spanning
all day and night in a large outdoor space, and many people bring tents and camp out
around the walking tracks.

Our YES and AFS volunteers collected old books and also sold water bottles as part of a
fundraising effort to the event, playing a role in making this event a success. Despite this
event being an overnight one, the amazing volunteers ensured that a group of 3-4 people
managed to be in charge of the stall throughout the event.

An overhead view during the Luminaria session.

During the Luminaria session where cancer survivors share stories about the battles
fought by the many cancer patients. Paper bags were decorated as tribute to the warriors
who have fallen to the battle of cancer, a candle was placed in each one of them and they
were placed all around the track. Many tears were shed in reminiscence by those
attending. The whole event was a really heartwarming and eye- opening one for all of us.

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