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Lesson Plan

Subject: Social Studies

Unit: American Revolution

Grade: 5th

Time Estimate: 35min

Topic: What Weve Learned &

The Journey Towards

S.S.: 1A, 2A, 2B

Content Objective: TLW know the factors and events (including the French &
Indian War/ Seven Years War, sugar act, stamp act) which contributed to the
increasing colonists negative feelings regarding The Crowns rule over the colonies.
Process Objective(s):
TLW recall through whole class discussion the significance of the French & Indian War
in relation to the increasing amount of taxation by the English.
TLW provide through class discussion examples of taxation laws imposed onto the
colonists by the English following the French & Indian War
TLW write in their s.s. writing journals and explain in their own words how they felt
during the activity, and a minimum of 2 reasons why the colonists grew increasingly
hostile towards Englands sovereignty over the colonies
Value Objective: TLW understand and appreciate the colonists grievances and
discontent with English rule, more specifically Englands increased amount of
taxation following the French & Indian War, through participation then reflection of a
taxation simulation.
Materials/ Resources/ Technology needs:
Tax cards, name cards, rolos (the candy, individually wrapped), zip lock bags,
writing journals, Resource:
Nannini, K. (2014, May 20). Young Teacher Love: Role Playing with the American Revolution
{Freebies Included}! Retrieved March 5, 2015, from

Instructional Procedures
Focusing Event: An empty paper plate, a non-see through bag w/ proportioned candies
Teaching/ Learning Procedures:
1. Teacher will access students prior knowledge regarding colonial times then leading up

to the Seven Years War (or French & Indian War) through whole class discussion.
2. Teacher will ask students first, then explain:
a. What a tax is. (That currently, students can see a tax whenever they look at their
receipt after eating at a restaurant, or whenever they go shopping at a mall. A tax
is meant to help raise money for the state/ American government and goes
towards helping to keep roads and highways maintained, school system, etc.)
b. why England thought they could tax the colonists (England claimed that the
colonists benefited just as much as the country of England did and therefore must
burden some of the costs)
c. two taxes England imposed (sugar & stamp)
d. Why the colonists were unhappy (colonists claimed that because they did not have
any actual physical representation in parliament, England could not tax
them.Hence the term No Taxation Without Representation!)
3. After the class discussion, teacher will commence with the taxation simulation:
a. Since supplies will have already been set up, students playing the King and tax
collectors will be quickly briefed on what they are to do
b. Teacher will read out tax cards
c. Tax collectors will go about the room collecting the money (the rolos)
d. All collected rolos will be displayed front and center of class, so all students can see
just how much money was collected
e. The King will distribute (in front of the whole class) to each tax collector 10%
(each) of total money collected, & king will retain remaining (80%)
4. Once simulation is complete, students will break into small groups and discuss
questions provided by teacher. These responses will be written into social studies
writing journals and if time permits, with class.
Formative Check (ongoing or specific): Teacher will monitor student participation in the
simulation, class discussion, and small group discussion
Reteach (alternative used as needed): revisit reasons why colonists were angered by the
taxes imposed upon them (lack of representation in parliament, the taxes were for basic
items like sugar or paper documents!)
Closure: Teacher will explain that today they learned about just two different ways England
attempted to tax the colonists but that it is just the beginning of the colonies quest to fight
for their freedom from under English rule. However, we can see the liberties the colonists
fought for before the revolution even happened has helped to develop the foundation that
our nation is built upon today. (no taxation w/out representation, the right to be tried by a
jury of your peers)
Assessment/ Summative Evaluation: taxation simulation response in journal. This
response will act as a reference for students to use when creating their end of unit
recruitment pamphlet
Modifications/ Notes: for diabetic students- use sugar-free candies such as sugar-free jolly
rangers. AD/HD students will be allowed an opportunity to act as tax-collector

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