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Job Posting Analysis

Jennifer Gamble
University of Kansas


Job Posting Analysis

For the purpose of this paper, I am analyzing a special education director position. This
administrative role requires communication and collaboration with educational technicians, special
education and general education teachers, school and district administrators, the school board, families
and the community.
This position requires working with school personnel and administrators to advocate for the
special education needs of the school district through the budget process and sharing these needs
effectively with the board and public. The special education director works with the building principal
to evaluate special education personnel. This role requires collaboration in setting appropriate
professional goals and communicating strengths, needs and progress. Maintaining a sense of trust and
collaboration with personnel that may perceive the director as having a role of power is necessary. The
special education director must be aware of his/her own cultural biases, assumptions and background
when maintaining communication with families and colleagues. This position requires sharing
knowledge about the law, teaching strategies and specific disabilities effectively. Finally, the special
education director is the districts liaison with the state department of education for sharing data and
disseminating, and overseeing the maintenance of special education laws. Therefore, this person must
be adept at reading non-verbal and verbal cues, using electronic and written communication
appropriately and effectively at the right times.
If I were to apply for this position, I would highlight my collaborative experiences on various
teams such as data team, literacy team and RTI teams. These experiences show that I am able to
collaborate with others to solve problems. I would also highlight my leadership experiences in
negotiations, PLC facilitator training, after school program and the mentor program. These experiences
show my ability to collaborate, lead, and advocate for teacher and student needs. I would share the eportfolio and websites I have designed through my masters program to provide samples of my written
communication, understanding of concepts, observations and my analytical problem solving skills.

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