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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam November 18, 2015

What is the importance we must give to our mothers in every walk of our
lives? Bhagawan lovingly directs us today.

There is nothing greater than mothers love. Mothers words are

always sweet. At times she may use harsh words, but understand
that those words are meant only to correct you, not to hurt you.
There may be a wicked son or daughter, but there can never be a
wicked mother in this world. All of you must understand the value of
mothers love and her concern for you. Among the mother, father,
teacher and God, mother is given the highest rank and priority. In
the present times, modern youth do not care for their mother or
parents. Many think they are highly educated and that the mother
does not know anything. It is a great mistake to think poorly about
anyone. Never look down upon your mother. Always remember the
love she has for you, and at all circumstances strive and make her
happy. God will be pleased with you only when you truly make your
mother happy.
- Divine Discourse, Nov 19, 1999.

Love and adore your mother as God. Respect her and uphold the spirit she signifies. Baba
18 nvMbr,2015
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: swnUM,Awpxy jIvn dy hr pihlU qy ,AwpxI mW nUM,kI mh`qqw dyxI cwhIdI hY?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ipAwr nwl
smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr: mW dy ipAwr nwloN,hor koeI v`fI cIz nhIN huMdI[mW dy bol,hmySw im`Ty huMdy hn[keI bwr mW,Awpxy byty nUM
AOKI ho ky boldI hY pr auh AOKy Sbd,aus dI glqI suDwrx leI huMdy hn,nw ik aus nUM du`K dyx leI[ies sMswr
iv`c,koeI mwVw pu`q jW DI qW ho skdy hY pr mW kdy vI mwVI nhIN ho skdI[quhwnUM swirAW nUM,AwpxI mW dy ipAwr
dw zrUr iehsws huMdw hovy gw[mW,bwp,A`iDAwpk Aqy eISvr iv`coN, mW dw drjw Aqy pihlwpn, swirAw qoN au`cw
huMdw hY[A`j-k`l dy b`cy,AwpxI mW Aqy mW-bwp dI prvwh nhIN krdy[keI socdy hn ik mYN qW bhuq pi`VHAwil`iKAw hW Aqy myrI mW nUM qW ku`J vI nhIN AwauNdw[iksy bwry,mwVw socxw bhuq v`fI glqI hY[hmySw,AwpxI mW nUM
ipAwr kro Aqy koiSS kro ik auh hmySw KuS rhy[quhwfy nwl Bgvwn qW hI KuS hox gy jy qusIN AwpxI mW nUM,KuS
r`Ko gy[(19 nvMbr,1999 dy idvX pRvcn)[
AwpxI mW nUM,Bgvwn dI qrHW ipAwr kro Aqy pUjw kro[aus dI ie`zq kro Aqy aus dIAW BwvnwvW dw Awdr

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