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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam November 20, 2015

What is the role we must accord to women's spiritual education and why?
Bhagawan lovingly reinforces to us today.
Past, present, or future, women are the backbone
of progress and the heart of the nation. In fact they
are its very breath. Charged with holiness, they
play the chief role in the dharma of life. No nation
can be built without investing in the culture of its
women. The world can be lifted to its pristine
greatness only through women mastering the
science of realisation of Reality (Atma-vidya). If a
nation is to have lasting prosperity and peace,
women must be trained through an educational
system that emphasises moral conduct and moral
qualities. Every woman must be able to understand
the problems of the family, society and the
countries. She must render such service and help
as she can, within the limits of her resources and
capacity, to the family, community and the country.
The present downfall in moral standards and
absence of social peace is due to the neglect of
this aspect of women's education.
- Dharma Vahini, Ch 5.

Every woman's mission is to bring home the practice of righteousness and morality. Baba
20 nvMbr,2015
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: mihlwvW nUM,AiD`Awqimk isiK~Aw dyx leI,swnUM kI krnw cwhIdw hY Aqy ikauN?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ipAwr
nwl smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr: BUqkwl,brqmwn jW Biv`K iv`c,mihlwvW hI qr`kI leI Aqy dyS dw idl hn[Asl iv`c,mihlwvW hI dyS
dw swh hn[aunHW dy mn dI piv`qrqw kwrx,auh jIvn iv`c Drm sQwpn krn dI BUmIkw inBwauNdIAW
hn[mihlwvW iv`c s`iBAqw kwiem kIqy ibnW, koeI dyS qr`kI nhIN kr skdw[jy mihlwvW nUM Awqm-ividAw dw
boD hY qW hI sMswr au`c kotI qy jw skdw hY[jy iksy dyS nUM KuShwlI Aqy SWqI cwhIdI hY qW ies qrHW dI isiK`Aw
dw ienqzwm kro ijhdy iv`c mihlwvW nUM A`iDAwqimk is`iKAw, sdwcwr dI Bwvnw id`qI jw sky[hr mihlw
nUM,Gr,smwj Aqy dyS dIAW sm`isAwvW dw igAwn hoxw cwhIdw hY[aus nUM,AwpxI kwblIXq dy muqwbk,Awpxy
prIvwr,smwj Aqy dyS dI syvw krnI cwhIdI hY[A`j-kl, ijhVI mnu`Kqw iv`c,sdwcwr dI igrwvt AweI hY aus
dw mu`K kwrx,mihlwvW leI A`iDAwqimk is`iKAw dI Gwt hY[(Drm vwihnI,A`iDAwey pMj)[

hr mihlw dw ieh lkS hoxw cwhIdw hY ik auh,Drm Aqy sdwcwr au`qy clx dw A`iBAws kry[(bwbw)[

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