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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam November 21, 2015

What is the true meaning of the expression human progress? What is the
intrinsic value of an individual? Bhagawan clearly explains to us today.
In todays novel civilization, emergence of discordant
notes has silenced the call of the Divine from within.
People are eager to make their lives a merry-go-round
but it is turning into a painful tangle of troubles. They are
not discovering the cause of the contradiction and are
wasting their years in empty ephemeral pomp and
pretense. Real progress means raising the level of moral
life and brightening daily lives with goodness and
godliness. Life must be an incessant process of repair
and reconstruction, of discarding evil and developing
goodness. Paddy grains must discard the husk to
become consumable rice. Cotton must be reformed as
yarn to become wearable cloth. Even gold nuggets have
to undergo the crucible and get rid of alloys. So too, all
of you must purify your instincts, impulses, passions,
emotions and desires. Only then you can progress in
good thoughts, deeds and words. Your intrinsic value is
directly proportional to the level of transformation you
-Divine Discourse Nov 22, 1986

The body will shine if the character is fine. Serving all and worshipping God
will preserve its charm. Baba
21 nvMbr,2015
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: mnu`KI qr`kI dw AslI mqlb kI hY?iksy mnu`K dw AMdrUnI mu`Flw mu`l kI hY?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ipAwr nwl
smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr: A`j-kl dI nvIN s`iBAqw iv`c,ivroDI ivcwrW ny,mnu`K dI AMqr-Awqmw nUM,Bgvwn qoN pry kr id`qw
hY[mnu`K,ies gl dy bhuq ie`Cuk hn ik aunHW dw jIvn,mOj-msqI nwl BirAw hovy pr,aus dw jIvn du`KW nwl Br
irhw hY[lok,tIkw-itpxI iv`c pY ky Awpxy swl PjUl guAw rhy hn Aqy duinAwvI JUTIAW mOjW iv`c msq
hn[AslI qr`kI dw ArQ hY ik Awpxw roz dw jIvn,cMigAweI Aqy Bgvwn qoN fr ky ibqwau[jIvn iv`c,mwVIAW
g`lW nUN C`fo Aqy cMgIAW AwdqW pwau[Jony dy iClky nUM auqwr ky hI,Kwaux vwly cwvl,bxdy hn[kpVw bxwaux leI
pihlW rUM dw Dwgw bxwauxw zrUrI hY[sony nUM vI A`g iv`c qpxw pYNdw hY Aqy qW hI aus iv`coN ASu`DIAW dw Kwqmw

huMdw hY[ies leI quhwnUM cwhIdw hY ik Awpxy iv`c cMgIAW AwdqW,ivcwr pYdw kro Aqy AwpxIAW ie`CwvW nUM kwbU
iv`c r`Ko[qW hI quhwfy ivcwr ,krm Aqy bwxI Su`D hovy gI[quhwfy AMdrly mu`l,quhwfy v`loN,Awpxy iv`c kIqy suDwr dy
Anupwq hn[(22 nvMbr,1986 dy idvX pRvcn)[
mnu`K dw SrIr aus vyly cmky gw jd aus dw cwl-clx cMgw hovy gw[ies SrIr dI cmk qW hI kwiem rhy gI jy
qusIN dUijAW dI syvw kro gy Aqy Bgvwn dI pUjw kro gy[(bwbw)[

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