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8 Grade

Teachers Name: Casey Monroe

Teachers Email:
School Phone Number: 623-564-7897

Course Description: Eighth grade mathematics is a course dedicated to bridge algebra and
geometry. This course will provide students with the fundamental algebraic and geometric skills,
while reinforcing the arithmetic concepts students have previously learned. This is an exciting
year in terms of learning mathematics, what students learn now will lay as the foundation for
their high school mathematics career.
Homework: Your student will have homework every night!! In order for students to become
proficient in math, practice is necessary. Therefore students will have approximately 30 minutes
of homework each night.
Late Work: I will not accept any type of late work. With that being said, I will drop four of the
lowest homework grades at the end of each quarter. Students who have legitimate circumstances
or students with accommodations and modifications will be addressed on a case-by-case basis.
Grading: District policy will be followed:
1. 30% Homework and Quizzes
a. Quizzes are correctable for half credit
2. 70% Exams and Projects
a. Exams may be retaken during the one-week following the original exam
ONLY if all homework for the framework has been completed. Students are
responsible for making the necessary arrangements with me.
Tutoring: I provide tutoring after school one day per week- usually on Thursday depending on
school activities. Students may also come for help during elective hour with a pass from their
assigned teacher. Please feel free to call or email anytime your child is confused or struggling.
The sooner I know about any problems, the sooner I can help. I am here to do anything in my
power to help your child succeed!
Absences: Excessive absences in math are tremendously challenging to overcome as each lesson
builds upon previous content. If you know in advance that your student is going to be absent for
an extended period of time, please contact me so I can provide lesson notes and homework that
will be missed.
Materials: Students are expected to come to class every day with the following:
A positive learning attitude
3 ring binder

Loose- leaf paper

Pencils ONLY!
Complete homework
Discipline: District policies will be followed. Frequent disruptions and/or disrespect towards any
staff member or fellow classmate will not be tolerated and may result in the students removal
from the classroom. The student is still responsible for obtaining and completed any and all
missed work!
Communication: I strongly encourage all parents/guardians to sign up for the online Synergy
grading system when it is available for the school year. The program allows you to access your
students grades for each class. In addition, if you ever have any questions or concerns regarding
your student, please feel free to contact me via email or stop by either before or after school
I look forward to meeting each of you throughout the year and welcome the opportunity to work
alongside you in your childs education.

Please sign and return the bottom portion of this sheet by Friday, August 08,
stating you have read and understand the students responsibilities for this
Student Name (printed)____________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature_________________________________ Date_________________
Student Signature _____________________________________ Date___________________
Please answer the following: Best day of the week for a conference: ___________________
Phone number where you can be reached: _____________________________
Email Address: _________________________________

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