Antenna Wave Propagation Notes

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CONTENTS Topic Fundamentals of Electromagnetic Radiation Antenna Parameters Page No. “| Woa"sJaaujbuypogeey Yo4 pepeojpmoq Linear Wire Antenna and Antenna Array 32 Different Types of Antennas 58 Radio Wave Propagation 90 Loop Antenna 4 Woa"s Jaaujbuypogeey Yo4 pepeojpmoq Vidyalankar- Antenna Wave Propagation SYLLABUS ‘Time : 3 Hrs. ‘Theory : 100 Marks ~ Term work : 25 Marks 1. Basic antenina:concepts: Introduction, basi¢ antenna parameters, radiation pattern, radiation power density, radiation intensity directivity, gain, aperture concepts, effective height, polarization, input impedance, radiation efficiency, FRIIS transmission equation. 2. Radiation integrals: Basic concepts of Maxwell’s equation, vector potential, wave equation, near field and far field radiation, dual equations for electric and magnetic current sources. 3. Linear wire antenna: Infinistimal dipole, its radiation field, radiation resistance, radiation distance, radiation sphere,’near field, far field directivity, small dipole, finite length dipole, half wave length dipole, linear elements near or on infinite perfect conductors, ground effects, and their application. Folded dipole, sleeve dipole and their application. ‘ 4. Arrays: Array of two isotropic point sources, non isotropic sources, principle of pattem mitltiplication linear arrays of n elements, broadside, end fire radiation pattern, directivity, beam width and null directions, array factor, planar array, circular array and their application, 5. Loop Antenna: Small loop comparison of small loop with short dipole, radiation pattern, its parameters, and their application. 6. Traveling wave and broad band antennas: ‘V antenna, rhombic antenna, yagi uda array. 7. Log periodic antenna, Aperture antennas: Rectangular and circular aperture, hor antenna, 8. Reflector antennas: Plane reflector, comer reflector parabolic reflector and their application. 9. Microstrip antennas: Basic characteristics, feeding methods rectangular, circular patch quality factor bandwidth and efficiency and their application. Qo00000 Woa"s Jaaujbuypogeey Yo4 pepeojpmoq | | | Leneduenion: Radio communication system: Here vact’o Frequency woes produced by transmitter are casvied by transmis ston io +Ne Form of elecnomagns- dine to antenna which radiates | te Wames tate space. A smal! postven of this radiated poulr ve witewcepted by the receiving antenna, The wasic sadvo communication system 1S shou bee. ») ) ) 1) «Receiving antenna, 4] Antenna system Antenna maybe considered as a metallic shewrce Cas a rod cy wire) fos racvatng ay recesuing radtc woes, Zh13 a Evansisnonal structure between free space and a guiding cleuice ive, transeniasion une, The. Various commonly used antennae are Whip antennas on cars, single turn ep anrennas fou CHE beleu (ston recetver , wot mounited eag- perce eontenna ane SOnCLUER porabofordal refiectey receiving ambennas These comumnonly used antenna segment” the omtenna systems tnou- Wave ween develo, ped for specioiired and high performance em munton Atans Uke waday system, nawagerten system anal Seleawhre erudy. BJ Wave Prpagahen: The performance ga communication ann depends nat only an tne oatennasr ised bur aie i wy Be Woa"s Jaaujbuypogeey Yo4 pspeojpumoq conductivity 4 stongely iriftuenced by atmesphere | around, Electomagnetic Spectrum and frequency Band * na nert the elecremagnenc Wows energy vadrated by ankenna oscillates at vad'o Frequenty, The Wantienatn et a wave 8 vreted Eo frequeny f! ond velocity ‘e' q a wore by | Wwerelength Car) “am é 16m Radto em frequen 4 meat ‘s 103m ” 1m mm ke | infrared lam visible x owe ov nm ae | —l 4 yaray een et bem ele Comma ! vay ” fm — ls The class'Freanpn of the radio waves thein nomenclature modes ana tynrcal struiceo ave shewn m fable 1, The sange of fequenty We broken davn imty Several vende designated by levers ay shen oh rable 2, Woa"s Jaaujbuypogeey Yo4 pepeojpmoq .- Lo we 2 Foequency | Designenon | Yyercs! sewvice ‘ B30 Ke Very tow frequen Nowigation, Sonar ee tometer as | Mowig So-3eD KHz | Low Frequenuy { Radio beacons, navigational ee eae Bov-3e0o kee medium Freauenuy am broadcasting, coast guard ' Gury icommuntcatian, direction Aindt icarmen Bo Se High frequency — tekphone, telegraph, short war ae ithieanahen pradcashag. Sen 3ee Mua | Vemy righ frequenty | television, em preadcas t Becn uy,! (ar) air tracec conPsl, police Sav Haj ureranigh frequenty | teteutstn, sateULite comm- ' OAR) tUadeahion, vada, B—S0 Gli! supernigh Frequency | alrbone radar, mivenare | Guey ‘ Umles ,sateltte communican « Be-30 Gi, | Extremely high fequeny! gaday , eepenimental. | (exe) f " ; | wm | Microwave band designation 500-1000 tate , Vale | c We Ghee u | > 2-3 Gus | Ss ‘ e $4 Ge | S | Fe 4-6 Ghee 1 c ~ 6-8 Gh, c | a @-10 Gay * 1 AO 12-4. Gy, x : unig au, | ku ys te-zo au | K ' x 20-265 cre | K K 265-Goon, | Ka | te Woa"s Jaaujbuypogeey Yo4 pepeojpmoq FUNDAMENTALS oF ELECTOMAGNETIC RADIATION An antenna tb a stricture jusually made from “goad conducting material, designed to have a shape and size sucn that ft sill radiate elecremagnettc power VR On eFtielene manner when antenna Is excited by Hime varying curnents it will vadtate elechomagnen'c waws, Enevdey to vadiate efhiciently tne minimum sire ¢, the antenna & must be comparasle te the wavelength. ' To calusate the vadfaled Geld by an ontenna maxwell's equatons and an auxiltary funenon = ‘Rekavced potential’ 13 used, Moxwell’s equation ; The Maxwell's equanans ara based on funda- Mental laws oh Gausss, Ampere ans Faraday tugerney unth his. soncept of dreplacemeat cumrent. They desovihe thhereat propesttes °h Field vectors such as £,5,i,H and ¥ anid the velations penseen them, \ Fuom Gouss's law: Acaasding to Gausss law surface mteqral °f the displacement density vectos is equal to the chorge enclosed. . §8- =e —O ° bub as Suan —@ : Uhane Fy 16 vellume charge density ods = du — 4 Cat 6 . This is refered as Maxuetl's equation fox electric Fretd due to charge at rest (n ntegral form, Apply Aivergence thesrem tw ean @) dB HB oy = Gad = C9 Ceitvd¥ vo Bet —@ TH a Maxwells equanion fou electric Field due to charge at rest th pont ov di'eferenhial form. : Incase 94 magnenc felds the surface ~ o ‘g' us ten. Unvegral oS eve a closed surface ‘ss Pg. 4 4 Woa's Jaaujbuypogeey Yo4 pepeojpmoq The Gouss's law fos the magneostahis 15 — §3-4 20 —@ By divergence theorem, the paint oy olifferental foum is — _ vBzo —© 2. From Ampere's Jaw According to Ampere's crustal law, This 18 refered as Maxwell's equation fox Steady magnanc Field. in WMtegrat form, Apnly Broke’s theorem, tothe Left nand side ok § adi = 6, F-4% = Goxty.a8 mn) THIS 1S Maxwells equatvon 14 diferenn'al or pount foum. 3. Conservativenss of elechostan'c Fretd: Since ne werk is done Wi moving a charge along & closed path 14 an elechustanc Freid. Gea so —@® Apply stoxe's theorem, §Edi = Gyre). ds =0 ‘ 9XEso —-@® Moxwen's equahons Fox static Em eields. Tategra' Form Remark: foam Lo . t ee s 1 wB=h Bde =e pavim | aauasias : . v + Vaio $8-d3 <0 won existence of mag netic 1% Mone pate. % VREzo $8dL zo Consenvativenss a}, etecho | toe shane fletd, ws ents [mds Cad Avperes toed: or Woa"s Jaaujbuypogeey Yo4 pepeojpmoq @ eralized Fon of Maxwell's equation . The move generalized Forms of tnese equations fay time varying Fields. ar shoud be nated that tne divergence equahen remo same while cust equanons get modi fed. : 1. Modified Form o) Ampere's Crrrital law: CFov Hine varying evetd ) Consider pork frm of Ampere's cirusital law, vez 5 —O Take clvergence of ermanen® L) OCIS —@ ‘ Since the divergence of the curl ah any usctor Hetd is tev, Vs Ti CwxG) so 2 wT But the cantunily equation us vers - 3% _, ot ® Rut foe Hime varying condition equation @ Will not be equalte ter ve v-Fe Be fo Hence Ampere'’s taco 16 consistent fou Hime Varying conditions. Te mate iE conststene fey tme varying condition, Maxwell has suggested modiAcanion by addihg a Neo term 8B) 51. Known as displacemeat current ctensity to equation ©, Hence Moctifred Form Sf Ampere's law Foy Bime varying condition 18 given as~ —e VX = T+ eo eloy 2+ Favaday's law: According to Faraday's lau a time varying field procitces an induced voltage Cems) i a closed orast, Which causes o flaw of cumeat ,fE can be expressed ag emfz- dd a woa's.saauybugpogee Way papeo|umMoq _ a Apply Stoke's theorem, Sovre. Gs 68 a Fov the two integrals to be equal, theis lntegrands must be equal, vxE= - 98 __ . or @ - THISIS one at the Maxuell’s equation fo Eime varying reid L Generatized Foam a} moxuell’s equatien pieterentict form | sntegrot fom | gemore vB =fy l $0.ds = (vv Gauss's law ‘6 V-B=0 {B.ds =0 Crauss's taw fox magneh’c Meld, Faraday's \aw Modified Amperx's Clreattal law, I Maxwell's equahon 1 phases aotonon, ee 1. Gauss's law vi B= fy 2: Gauss's law fow magnet Meld. VB 3. Faraday's law : VRE = “jos 4) Modified Anpere's Jag : ' Wx s Gud+ 7 § continuity equanon = Jor, QT. Woa"s Jaaujbuypogeey Yo4 pepeojpmoq — RADIATION | THE RETARDED POTENTIALS: THE RETA ooorre—e— The tine varying potenhals are generally called as wetarded potcnhals, Ibhas yates applications. th vadiaten pmblems 1h UIich the dishibunon ef ine source 16 Known, In case of static charge disiibution, the electic Sealey potennal may be expressed as — v fydv va uma © Fox stance magnene Cfeid ,tne scalar polennal may} be defined as — Bs -v¥m —® ; Quer ik must ve sabisty resute, megnetc eld «4 vxiiz F “KEV Vm) =O Csince cuslaly gradient aly any Scalaz 16 te) Therefore scalay magnehc patahal ts detined @nly im region uthere current density & ten. BU Vectos magnens potennal CA) can be oleFinec! Which 15 valid tn any region such as — Bs vx a —G where A signifies a véctoy magnahe potcnhal, Which con be defined as — 5 Ae T awe , are —@ ust Fields certarh modifications are required. Frm tne tneary Zt Vs logical that the potennals from wich tne elds ore te be derived Should alse d¥splay Finite propaga non time. En avdew to use these cauahans fox Eime varying Sh elecrmmagnenc ware there & a Finite propagatron Hm} Pa.8 48, a a Woa"s Jaaujbuypogeey Yo4 pepeojumoq # | ore moainea oy ianpaucnng mme aelay. Tis can be accom, *"..-d by modifing ear D and G as fallews, VCB Er = (CB ee Ble) ay! —® val R and j Acer = oH FCB, te Rey, aw “dv ——© vol Rg In above expressions a time delay of Ric secends has been introduced, 60 that new tne potennals hove been delayed ov retarded by this amounk. Fas this often called retayded petcnnals. ot Vue Equatron G and © con also be! wwitten as — Yeason they are where, = velocity o, wave propagahan ve Cw] av! vl ee TO uLa]dv! ia The team [ey] Cor C5) means thar the Hmet Pr CHy4.25t) Cor rC9,y,2, £99 replaced by the retarded time t! given by the t- RY, Where J -|¥-T'] is the disrance between te Source paint F! and the observation punt y and Co velocity 6, ware propagahon, Potentials V ond K are wespechvety called as We retarded alecmc scalay petental and me retarded magnen’c vector potential. | WAVE E@UATION IN TERMS OF RETARDED POTENT ALS \ To determine suitable “-riNals fos ne elc~ | tromagnetic Freid , we will have to desive differential equahion | that the potential must satishy. Consider max wen's equation 1! time ~ Varying Held. _ _ vats e3e “3 —o WKE = dH __. Se ® ~atv ) ae ‘ fou tne Field, The neo potenhal funchon musk sa bisty ane . Consides equation @,it will be satistred if 4 6 vepresented as the cual ap, some vectes. since casnd af divergence Steno. ‘This leads to detinihonm foxy the vectax potmbaly, UXA ae 2 VKA —© subsrituring e49® vito equation @ --u 2 VxA at a - 2 9Ka at 8 | | Puadamental equations 9 te Field OXE Woa"s Jaaujbuypogeey Yo4 pepeojpmoq wx (E+A) 20 —O at Equarion@ 1 satistied if C E+2K) is vepreseated at as the grachient aka scalar. Since curlay gradient WS tov E+ 2 vv -—-© : rus electne Field strength may be expressed oS -vv- BA nr) fj.10 B10, sworn Woa's Jaaujbuypogeey Yo4 pepeojpmoq é 10, VCV-AD- VA A lvcy.q)-via] =- 60% PA ye a ot at? VA~ UEDA — _ uz 4 ue av 4+ VCVA) — & att at . This 18 one of the required: differential equation Yo obtain anatner equation, substitute equation @® nto | equation &) | V-Guv- ak = f& | ot é So VP TOR.» Be —@® . stg Eauatvon © and @ are coupled equations aad they da not yield a unique solunon fox the potentials. since accovding to Helmholtz theovem, any vectos Field due to oO Finite source 15 specified uniquely VE both the curl Gad the divergence a ine Reid are speared, The curl op ® is given tn equation © bur vergence remain unspecified. Hf he Avergence a X 1s set equal ty F-UEOV CFE 1S Known as Lorentz gouge condition.) these Atratvon vecomes uncoupled Ond reduice te Standart ware equation unth source teem icluded. Logik ueatk s R= HERE «uF 4 Devay aaa Sez 3 aa VRE PR ue ond _ ate Vev-edv 2 ev ‘ Sate & @ Woa"s Jaaujbuypogeey Yo4 pspeojpumoq Zt con be ShaoM ENat, the satunoni of Bona ( atsdae —@ GITR CwJdv _§_@ yy AITER Where K 16 retarded crag lar patranal and v 1s vetasded Clectnc scalay perennial, Pj -42. a sdaaujbuypogeey Yo4 pepeojmoq LO e & Poynting theorem: Ze gives relahion between ine rate of energy transfes and tne amplitude o, electric aad magnetic Heid strength of the elecnomagnenc ware an it propagate through space These lanons canbe obtaried Hom Maxwell's equahon, nef CEB) du 8 (cass ny o zt 1 zea U-term a. term TE represent total x represents Here ¥,€€% sepresents energy power Flowing out total power Eclectic) and Yut seprescal of votume v, dissipated 1h & Stored magnenc energy volume v, density. taregral represeats tetalenersy stored i) the velumev, The negative hme derivarive yepresear He rate at which the stored. energy Wi the volume 13 Boreas ing. Statement: 5 © States thar the vectos procuct hE andg 9}, eneray Perpendrcuta; "8 WM the directton of He Uectoy Exit, atany point Wa measure os the rate of How Pev unit area ot that Pernt, The direcnion s 40 E and Ho and Here PzExt ,Where Bs tnown as poynting vectox, Complex Payaning vector: Bo bexa* The average and reactive pars of the Power Flow per square .metey fay = 4 Re CEx Aan) Preact > Lam CE xed Woa"s Jaaujbuypogeey Yo4 pepeojpmoq RADIATION FROM 4 SMALL CURRENT ELEMENT: COSCILLATING ELECTRIC DIPGudy* Consides curren: element Igicoswt tocated at the ovgin op a sphemcal co-adinate system. ey using retarded Potential, tne electomagnetic Field at an axbitrary pont PC%,@, @) can be calculated. Here length dé considerded so shost that tne Cument Is essentially constunt alonge +e lengin. The Serves as building block jthe Em Ered of any actual antenna having a specific wiment oishibunien, Can be calcutated by considering it as consists of large Number q such element Jauied end to end. The general expression fr A given as- Rey = 4 ( TCt-%/c) av ar v a The weegranon eves the volume consists « an Untegration over me c7035-Sechonal area ofthe wire and an VAtegrotion ateng The @ cornponent of in stcintdneaus Paynting vecios ull be c Po =~ EuHg Imdtcos@ (2st [esas , aman) » are cre are Cc amdé sing = 49 sine! esat'l) + ar ye Dar 5 deve sinaw / simot! — costat! sinuticawEt Nera we pac ars ‘coswe! och yok = tmde'sin2@ (_ cos amt! sinat! wsin2or! Sos RET sinzek esines we 2w9s arer The average votre of sin 2eat! er cos 2wt! aver a Complete cycle |S teno, Therefore any velue ov Hue AAMeMORE Powen fy over a Coneplete aycle w rero. It do not catibute to nator average Fuw. The wadval poyan'ng vector S given by Pos Bong eg Imdé sing /wsinwt! cost! snot) = + sine ome Gate toa tS ar we we | | i i | Imdé sine /-wsinwt sect") t — Woa"s Jaaujbuypogeey Yo4 pepeojmoq = aetna (emotlcoroe! costut! a sinwt!coswt! oa + a DEE costo levte ss we weet wae eck Bed 1 - ag samt atantan) Ip de? sin’, sinawt! coszwt! _ Osinawel wrC- cos rest '] ae - 4 lore Quxs auc arer aye’ The owerage value of radial peyntng vectoy ever a agele will be due te Park of tinal term only and 1s ~ Wrandersints Freavy * - aambyrtcde Put He Yeo "(2 sane)” wate anye The oniy wiverie cu'stance teams a, E and iT SORMADIES te CNIS power, Claw, Impedance of Free speice: _ The ilonsic oy charactsishes impedance % space 18 given as - = Eo, Imdsine/— weet! Le ae are coy imde sing esmeot!) ar _ Mote: Yaz ont Wye teamo are neglecied, . . utter oa amkety Ee ‘ fox free space Ke oe B9SUKIGIZX aH OR = \2e rr Payee, rte Gad. Woa"s Jaaujbuypogeey Yo4 pepeojmoq RADIATION RESISTANCE The total powen radiated by the current element can be caleulated by thtegratrg:he radial Poynting vector aver @ Sphemical surface centered at the element. Consider elemental surface area ds zarsinododg Then tha tral power lee radiated Is dssvdimodadg ers = ¢ PyCavyas $ y Pr sing dade 7 = Cimdtsine), 2rrstsiin, f AG ate, ado o20 , wo a dee 2. = hea sinto de = MO *wWde>T cose - 7 lencd lemre> >= Grrio 42) ° 2 Wo ae dee tamez Tn terms ef, eFFectiye cUMead Syms 2 am[U5, > powes = Or Iyms de> 2 ° = sorr™ (9K Paty ech Also power can be ofven as, | 2 Powes= Syms Py Where Ryt Radiahon resistance 7 2 Rye goTT*CdEA)™ Ohm Radiahon resistonce! Ib 13 aeFYaed ag the fonts Zadiahion resistance yesisrance Which When ihsevked 1h series Uth the dutenn: Uxll consume tHe same amouat ak Power as it actually sadiate. Po 99 Roo a Woa"s Jaaujbuypogeey Yo4 pepeojpmoq na | The vacdiaton property of most concern uw thre 2: Antenna Parameters SS er ere Te descaive the performance fan aatenna , © Seleck an antenna fir a poaticuion job Knmoledge of its Parameters are necessary, TJ asonepic gadiator: It 5 deFtned as sadtater Which rvradratcs unifremely vo alt chirection. 3. poine eaurce, Bur all practical antennas have at teast some directional prepestes, hence ao such isonepic radvator eru'st, TENS hypothetical lossless antenna Which 13 used as reference ‘antenna, fer expressing the direcHve Prepertes oh practical antenna, TJ Radiation pattern TES a grapnical wepresentotien of sadatvon Prppesten Ce-g. vadranen intensity, feld shengtn, phave oy petemizanen) as a function 94 speice co-mdinats, Tn most cases, the vadtahen pattern determined in tne far- Freid region, Shree -cuimensronal spatral vantaren 04 ractYoted enengy 9S a fuacten cyte observer's positron along a constant! vadtius, od emus! “Hr A trece of, received pom a a . poutrs . constomt yadrus 18 called Gan pattern. and Hat! of Fretd Calecmc oy magnets) 13 catled Heid patrern, tm pract’ce ,the three oltmensianal Pattern Bo measured and recorded (Ba Stries ot two dimennonal To achvewe tnis coee searten men srenat pattem . a3 Woa"s Jaaujbuypogeey Yo4 pepeojpmoq tenmed as hovizonta! patrern, when coss sectron i taken th vemeal plane Cie ds const.) His temmesl as venrtica? pattern. Radianonr patron of small aancat elemear : In fax teid vegton, eleeme frei Be is given as — Boz 2MI28199 (~osin wo ce~ tHe) are cur ap its magnitude 18 given as — leo|: JoTamde sina ns and IHgl = tmdZ sine 2H Hence, leo| aaa |Hg| « sing Ze 5 Figcad Three olmensiong) FiyCb Tere cimensiens) F960) Two clin patiern pattem stonal pats C Broughnut Shape) Vositica\ Gur Heyizom ty! ak Radianon pattern lobes. ‘ A cadtatton lobe 13 a postion ef tre vadvah Pater pounded by regions of relatively wee vadver unten sity, pattern unlh ventas Eiese man ss Beam uidth, Mason lobe loves. z o Mian lobes Te toliswing tgure snaos Enree cUmensional radtand! ZT Half power beamwidth 4 magic lobe : fucte tones CHpaw) = Major lobe gide lobe _ Back tebe, om Tris defined as the zadtath'on tebe Containing tne direction of moxtmum radiatron, Mings lobes A miner love 15 ony lobe ecept a mater Woa"s Jaaujbuypogeey Yo4 pepeojpmoq tebe lobe ere. the main beam, a back miner lobes i Mine lobes are classifved as side tobe Usually side tobe 18 adjucent to the mais lobe ura directon opposite to mar og Usually represents vadvatien 2 Pack, lobe and occupies the hemisphere uv the clirection 5 Sccuntes the hemisphere maey tebe, un end tmey shauid be minimited undesired directions inde Le ee Pg vagy * Wos'sJaaulbuzpogeey Yo papeojumog | Ty) ANTENNA BEAM wioTH: “Tt 1S @ measure af oirectivity oy ao antenna, Antenna beamuiidth 3 an angular width 1h degree measured on tne mays lobe o fh radtatien palresn benween points Where the radiated powey has fallen te haid iz maximum velue, at 1s Known as half pauses beam widin CHPew), some time tne veamundth op an ancenna cy also described inteamo yy aa galay usd between First Rul Kenan as First nuit becasue CFNBW) 22] eanpwiony The bandundtn Aan antenna 1s defined ox (the wange of frequencies uithiin ustich the performance Of 99 aatenna, with respect +o some Gnaractenshes, cenfoems to a specifre standards, The anttnna characteris te \nicludes. Pattern, Peamuidi ,pelarizahen ,side tebe teuel 2961p radiahen eFeiotenuy ete, Py 2b | ME) RADIAN AND SQUARE RADAIN ' \a, j / RADIAN: The measure ef plane angle a yadtan, en || ‘f Nd ; - al Since circumbennce of ciicie of radvus se Czary there are 21 vad 1h a Full circles S@UARE RADIAN LOR STERADIAM) + ua ~ ma ee : ‘ the measwe apa solid angle if a sheadian, | An orea A of the surface of sphere as Seen fom tne Center of the sphere substenads a solid angle s2, Es Asst . “ cease \ y 1s | Fow an infinitesimal area d& on tne suriace | of sphere of wadtus ‘s* given by dazs*snadodgd + tne clement oy solid angle dR apa Sphes i's givenas— das dA tinadadg Gr) we VW) RADIATION ZHTENSITY CUD Radiatise intensity iy 9 given obvrech'an ts clefined as the power radiated from an antenna pes Unit sotrd angie, The vadianon intensity 3 far freld pavameter an mathematical fam th is expressed ag Us 8” Prad : ‘ U= Radiation antensity | Woa"s Jaaujbuypogeey Yo4 pspeojpmoq Frag = Average power sodiated by an anrnma atts] mn) +) US SCExR *) ad sagt ye “ a a fay Heid, Poynting vectos. 15 entirely Yadial and Field are entirely transverse and = anati are varying as Wy so nat, radvation wWrensity 1S i dependear oy Atstance, Radiation tensity ctepenas onthe angie © and ¢, “ae Lb ete) x zw Eted) Hence total power radiated Cw) fem an Antenng 13 Calculated as us dw an “dws UdQ We (Ud watts. WY) RADIATION RESIS TANCE CRy) EIS TAN CE aatenna esill consume the same amount Sb power as it 18 actually vadtated by aatenne, %f Rez loss resistance 944 Jems ve wuncat then the tp Power te antenna iG . 2 Wis Zyime@at Rs) TUM] ANTENNA EPFICIENCY: the eFevcienu of an antenna 1s Pg28 Ima xt = a supplied te the antenna, ‘ci Power radiated +} Antenna efMicienups Sewer radars “fate! =]p power = Wes. tums Pr wi ims CR148a) Ry Cre) Ix)* PIRECTIVITY : the directivity epag antenna i defined as * the ratte of the radiation Weensily to a given ctirectvor Gem te gatenna t the radiation 1tensit, aweraged! over all directions, The aresage rad ‘atten Vtensite 1 equal te ‘the total power rad‘ated ey the Batenna divided by uM, 24 the direction 4 mot specified , the direction of maximum rackeatiors tatensily & implied, an matnemarcal orm, pew. wv. Us i/o Ff direcnea wWonet specified, it impu'en te 1 marnimum airectin't Bmax = Dos Clean. Vawx 5 Att Umax Ve Uo we whee oO: Aree Hvitg, De = maximum dire ch’ vity 3 Yadvatron iitensity CW/ unit cotrd angie) Umax 2 Max. radia ton titensitiy Ve = yadtatien wi tensitiy oy Vohopic source. Wes total vacated power Cu), Directivily 18 4 Figuve of merit describmg how well me sadvatox directs eneray mn a certain ainectionn , At. GAIN. ap 1k anorner way af desenibing +n performance Of 20 antenna, site gee, sp ik closely related tithe directivity bur ik tales (nto account se cétictemy wna 4 Neo definihans nde eee Woa"s Jaaujbuypogeey Yo4 pepeojpmoq Tnecnha as ualtas ifs alirectional capabilities. | Absolute gain qan aatenna Cid a giv directten) 3 defined as ‘the ratio of the Mtensity 10 a given direction ,to the radvarren ined \f the power accepted by the intensity that would be obra antenna were radiated isehppically, The ractratton fatensity commspending 10 te tsopepically radiated power 1s equal rp tne power accepted ¢iJp? by the antenna divided by utr, 3p equation frm, fadrenen witensitp . yyp UO) gain = arr qotal 31p powar win , In most cases we deal an'th relate gato which 1S olefined as ¢ the satio ay tha powes gain Um a given atrecton fe ine power gouh a reference antenna Mite referenced diracn'en,’ The power input must bere same for both antennas, the reference antenna 18 usually a cipsle hon oy omer antenna uthe: in can be calaoted ay this known, aay other oF se gain can ogg ar ft an most cases, refimence antenna I$ lossless ankenna, 4 ag] Polairanen : Polarinerven ean aatenna th given aivecnien uf defined as tine polasizaten a the Waue vadialed by an oxtenna, the pelarizanen| | Of wave refers tO He Hme-varying behavivuy ofthe alectn's Fred Bivength Vectos CE) ak some fixed port in space. the polarization of wave the lens of the Tip of Me clecine Fred at a given potat as a Function op time, veel as lingay, civentar Polasization may ba classi | amd @lliptteat, | | Linear polarizarvens 6 woe 18 said to be tincarly polazized when at same point in the medtum the elech’c Feld oscillates ne asa function of Hime. This 1s accomplished Fine ere | along a stratgnt | d possess ast 4 Bo caslot-pz) only one componear sober 2h ywmeutse eaee {) Two ovrnegonal Unear components tha are 1h hme phasé.or 18@ our of phase Ciruuas polarizeriont aA wave ts sald tebe ci¥ublorly pelarited when at Some point Un space tne elecinc fread braces a gircte, Pas 90 The necessary condiHens to accomplish this ore— ib the eleehic Field must have toe erthagonal! linear components i) tne two components must have the same magnitude ND the 490 components must have a ttme-phase di'fFercnce qfodd mattis of ao. EllipHeal Polarization: 4 wou Is said to be elliptiaally polewized if the Hp of the elechic Freid vector bkaces an elliphital locus in space. The necessary conditrens te accomplish this are— b me Freid must have two orthogonal z70 Fda sipcH+zy 260 § —o herg ~ is phase constant = 2h, e200 « $ tlert br- 27S used, far! juMoq oe 3 3 _& woa"s.Jaau/bujpoqeey WO papeo| | current etemeat Zdz will b¢, dAg= UEP dz, aa where R 13 rhe distance form tH element to the post P The total vectos poteatial at P cue to all the euaeat elemeat eaill 6@ . 2 ; 4 at Azz of Fasinpcnesye ae 4 (snsionorsyeee aT _—__ —$<$<$ << -H e current + av. RR 5 R Because only distance or racatron Feld required tne problem can be .simplifred by makrag certain approximations. Fou the R In me Senomina tor ft s valid to write Rue Fox the @ x factor the otrffaxence between R andzvist -. RE t-ZCosS@ inthe numeratos /e in phase mpor tant then the expression fev Az becames pz si eo. Lipzcos@ . . Ags te Pf J sinpowezze” Seg (sinpcHe)® ow | a ° Fou parércalay case of H= Na or Ap, antenna sinpCH+t)= sineCH-2) > cospa tHe Nqe TM, and the integral becomes, we Age ta eer “4 . | Sovsee ce IBECMSO, UBF ) ez a Eintegrat avder is reversed) aT = Atle evPr o ts . “airs | @SP2 Joos (pzessed} dz, o . Pe 2° 2€05A4 COSB = CosCA-B)+ CosCA+ B) 993 sage Hho elae A - Fay J Lesfarciscosm) + cos§pnci-cosor3 tz a aire UR po. oy ened sini pecicosed}. sin Lpzcreoser) Prt ate petscosey * ““Beiaeas ed Be ! 7 2 Ui@e Ci COS@) Cos CMcos@) + Ctr cos@) CosCM cos) are — ne *} SIN“® @ axis, from ~ Jer = me cos My.coso) 6 —Ta arp sin?@ But for @ current element Borg z Maxwells equation, vias a : a tg 2 CXF = [29] = £ BR, cresinos ~sia@ 9Az ——@ ax From eg? @ and © a for magnett® field strength the cxpressta eta distant polne coil Ot . ngs Let © cos(Mpcose) —e aart SIN@ Woa'sJaaujbuypogeey Yo4 pepeojpmoq the elecinc #fleld strength fox me practi Hon fret ctl) be, ~Jpy Ear thio = J60Irm © cos CMcos@)/_(Ey ae sine the magnitude of the elecms Freld shength fav the radiation eld Be half-wave as quarter-wave manopole & 2 . cpr S8itef cos CMs cos Fo= SI 2] tim ——® SiN@ P34 Fon * vent sur “y © Woa"s Jaaujbuypogeey Yo4 pepeojpmoq Eo and Hg are ih time phase So the Maximum value «i time og the Poynting vectos 18 Gust the peoduct of tne peak value in time af tne Poynting vectos evill 6@ one-half the peak value. TREN Pmay. 3 | Belle! Pav. = cone Dom Pay 2 238 [oestcmasese —@ a1 3” LL sinte The total powes fadtated through oa hemisphoriea} Surface of radfus r will equal to § Pays = fae! [ereeuseso.] arsine dedg — @) artse Sint Zt Us necessary to evaluate meteg ral m2 me 2, f 220 MPI) 4g 4 (14 C05 (reese) sine 2 Jane o a . mis whtegre! can be valuated graphcatty or by sinpeens mule ov trepetoidal rule, Then ‘ jec cos*Cmeose) se SO = 01609 —(@ From eqn @ and a Radiated power = 06094 ta7 ov6eg 9 (29) “tr — av @ If Ry ts radiation resistance , then radiaced powey > Te. Ry -@ Fom co? GI@ 9:35 Ry = 73 —-@ For quarter wave monopole antenna Rrac > F/3, Rez 252 —Ca) Pas 3s Woa's Jaaujbuypogeey Yo4 pepeojpmoq ANTENNA ARRAYS The ctipole anrenna 1s very simple and surk fou use when a nearly omnidirecttonal patrean Fegurrad. However (8 gard ¢s faw, Incase of potat to PReint communication more Righty beam can be used ta advantage. A mor directtve eam mecas hagh gtin. One of tha useful method of obearning higher addy = Oe 6S Birective gain ts ae arrangement of several " ola antennas so spaced and phased that enur thclivihual coambutons add in preferred drrectron ane cancel if other direchtns. such an arrangement 13 Knmon as an array of antannas. ANTENNA AS POINT SouRC Xgnoring the near Heid aad Con Frrag atiention to the fer fei where feuds are entirely dransverse ancl power flewss radral, it may b€ assumed that te pala opservation "antenna waves are orlginate NY @ cGivous 2 (8) volume less emitter or o o wy pou & Scrurce ab Had ‘ o he Chseryatton circle, Tene cena 6 ag the artenng 15 displaced from 0’ Csee trys) the distances ot Acs negligible effect on me Fretd patiens prwded Rrrd , RPL and RD) Howey the pAstse pattern Cie. phase variation around the abservetian circle wll generally olifer cdepenoting on et! "9936 _Woa"s Jaaujbuzgogee, cer Papeojumoq & 5 wert wes ween es SASET Two Isotwpic point Scurces of Same Amplitude and Phase, Consides two point sources 1 and 2 of same. amplitude and phase, be separated by a distance o! They are located symmetrically with respect so origin as Shown m 4 9La ThE argin of the co-cdinak 13 taken as reference fow phase, The angle B ts measured #oM positive x ox, Then at q alistant point mime direction of B the Ketd from sources 13 retarcied OY Thdecosg ,whurle the field from source 2 13 advanced by nok Cos, whore dy 3 the otr's Cane between Me Eo et IZ Coemvee 2) eh! oy & Figen “Eo SY¥I2 ¢sourcer) The total fretd at @ large distance x In Mme direction B 18 then - rs Pla, Wible E= Ge + Ge hare, bz droos h Bo= the amplitude oh the Freie compere Ean® May be rewn'tren as i jer. Brae eNMe y oe! Oh —S —o «By using teigonomeime feen ny . Ez 2E,y cos py. = ret eos _ ‘ 2 Cz ) @ To Natmalize @gN@ ath its maxtmum arute ep uct to uni by expressed 14 ractians. Me dys pd= 27d a @® aE Woa's saaujbuypogeey Yo4 pepeojpmoq Bost and sf de Aa ne set 2Eo=1 @ : Fig) E= cos( cose) —@ | . Xt the Pred pattern LE $ 5 Hey). gn. versus 18 as Shown in #eZG. The peer op teat fied & does not % b20 change as a functron of P a Tae same pattern can be B27" ceources, Obtained by locating source | eee at omgin and source@ at a WE Cfrom saurce 1) distant of along the posih've x aus as incticated ” 619 (a), Now taking Source@® MIS] as reference, . 30° E= Bot e* _@ o Whene paercosp Eqr@ conve rewstten as ~ i ible ite Niele Sele Es eels ey) = POA QM. € ° 2Boe —= =2Epe cos H/,-G Natmalizing eg%@© by setting 2E0=1,egN© becomes E20 cos ey = colt) L Yh, —@ Here cosine factory gives the ampl/zude Vartatton of E and the exponen tral or angle Factor gives tne phase variahbn uth respect to source !, Thus,an obsesver ata fixed distance observes ne phase change when the array 15 retated Cum respect to b) arouad ts mictpoint, but a pAase cAang (3 ebseured if me array is ratated wilh source 1 aS tHE centre a retaton, H The paint sources of Same amplitude and phase produces @ pattesn un'th tne maximum fred nemmal to ne Une yousing the Scurces. These sources may be described A a simple broadside tyne o array, "38 unt sam Sou of mak S30 ez, cen) ‘a 3 3 & ~e Woa's Jau|bujpogee] Woy papeo|umoq g 4 Amplitude but opposiTe Phase. consider the sources o} same amplitude oad opposite: phase are located as = Pigcay Shown in t19@), | Taking origin o the co-adina® las reference fas phasaand angle g measured from positive % nus, the total fretd i the direction fat a large distance 7 ts giren by title ible | B= Be - Ee —o Ex 280 cet. etry by using menomeme faenily, 1.Bs weosinfh = ages sine sin 6) — wher osdrcosd aad oyz 27d, pa Newmalizing en @ ay seming aiEoz1 and consideving the, special case 1} f= Mo ear ® becomes \<' Bs sin(T cos) — The field pattern of ean & a rtatively broad Ag ure og ght with tne maximum eld 4 me same direction as tne gorhing tne SOUrO® Ca ets), # The point sources og same ampirrucée anch opposite phase prctuces a pattesn esi tne maximum tel along the Ling yoriing the sources. THESE Souces may be described as simple tyne o& end-Ffire arroy, ‘ CASED Tag Tsqhapic eink sour ekthe same Ampiirude and one is favarcded by 45° and : ° cas anethes advanced by as” yy FQ? Lat the & a sources : are located! <3 F7.Ca), me Taking the ci io oR re am Caras hl Ante SY atest 26 OE ve ference fx phase aa ange Bas measured Grom posi, # aes. 1 af set source 1 be retarded by 45° anal source 2 ddv- anced by us® Thentne total! fret ig tne Atrechon PS at fara | a large distance > 13 glven & ti (Amey 7 @), - ny (teeot z) phe E+ Gee 4) _—@ 3 From eg "Gt Es2Ee cosC E+ Heose) —@ aowmolfaing 29"® »y setting 2Eo=1 and considasiag wa Spevint case tf cfs Afz.- 2q."G) bacomes cas cosC Fa + Beosp) —@ The fieted parresn % eer 13 as presented i figlay The direchon dey ok maximem frerd are obtained by setting amument y CAR] CRA HOM Whee &26y1,2)3 E figcb> Woa"s Jaaujbuypogeey Yo4 pepeojpmoq 2 Mgt TRL0S dna 2 RAT - ae 2 Tg c28 Gon 2 “Aly Cf 20) * o. Pmnz 120° aad 260° Lf d= Ales, C2 @ becomes “vs BE CesC Tat Mecosg). Tae Feld patterns ar. shawn " ws 419@ = re % 40 r% istaat: Patat % ° Woa's Jaaujbuypogeey Yo4 pepeojpmoq Be | caseg: General case of two isatropic Point sources of equal. ~ |" amplitude end any phase oi fference, a | Consider two point: sources are located as shown 1A Fy! | Tae two isafwpre polat sources are of equal amplasde and | any pdasa Ar stercace & 3 The total phase c&rffernce y / . | equat to - la P= decosgu 5 —GD 3 ae. | th Take scurce@ as reference "a1 Figead land source @ 3 advanced by an angie >. "Taking tre Centreporat of array as a refernce, me | phase of tne frecd rom source! at Q atiseance porat 13 given by -0/g and that from source 2 by +P. THE Total eld Ws enen, Es BoC elt , MYR) oo cscos tH, —@ netmalizing €27@ by setting 26027, E> cos, —@ Share sp th giren by 49@ GENGRAL CASE OF TWO ISeTROPIE POINT SOURCES of UNEQUAL AMPLITUDE AND ANY PHASE BIEL ERE Ese: consicles t00 point sources og arbitrary phase olitfarence, The sources ane situated as shown 1 rg cad oth source ¢ as refe rence, Assume source s Aas larger ampl'tude say Eo at alarger atstance % Fred from scurce @ has an amplitude Eo Cogasi) Then ina magnitude and phase angle of the tote! unequal ampli kude aa¢ |Frett € 1s given by - Be Se Vieacasyi easing Larctan [asin b(Ci¢acose) ~€ Shere, Pz droshed the phase angle (2) 5 referred to source /, Woa"s Jaaujbuypogeey Yo4 pepeojpmoq ; CASEG LINBAR ARRAYS OF N- ISOTROPIC POINT souRcESs OF EMUAL AMPLITUDE AND SPACING ee ALINE consider NM isohupre paint sources a egal ame tucte anc Spacing areangad as @ tinaar ary @e Fe SAMan th F890, fo ha *Ne amplitude °8 Source ansi @ Mi the TOtar phrase aifference og the Fretcts From adjacent Sources (203 @ gs ol feed -sfeeclonlacset of ‘The total fred Bata large distance tn +e olireatian & 1B given OY Coarthy Source 1 as reference) . Se aie ale Camiasys Ezkot Boe + Bod 4 Ege Fortes Ht ECoG ——— Gy where Gosg4S= dcosped ——_—-@ px amd a. Here 6 is the phase Al ffexrence jp AAjacent sources fe source 2 unin respect te SoUrCE 1, 3 unth respect to2, Zn orcten % fo explain & i simple Trgonemaim'c form, miltiply ego @ boy et = EoCe by gli BH el, - een hy > Substraring 29 @ fom®@ acre) sg, Ci-eitt?) * galt Jed “Bs €o Ct- Ct at J ® Squanion @ may be recom ten as el 8el2, Ce SRL, Bs8o Sep C elle e Scobey . = Eee A. Stndtwi2) sin iz) Bee, elf sin(tea) __¢ Sine) fo whens £= Wy —@ and $x referect the Acid tram source © “BS Go $5 &el2) LE —@ Pydy stile) t ce anct| $Me array, then phase angle $0 y ts automatically To aliminated and €9"@ rectuces to waar fe ota | E: Fo(Siocriony @ SINC Gl) Mew UHen pro egn@ and ® becomes tndeterminoat hence D' Hospital nile must be applied fo evaluate the | fulacnda, aecarding te hich numerator and deneminatoy etl! be Separately kfrerentiated under tne umit rhea Pro, | LIME: Eo tim Ff Gi pe Be tim HG wend ay Csin viz) B = Eq lim cosatyeyy. Wl. Pro ——_____ 2 3 COS bin Ya * Emax = Eon —( | Thus maximum value in Himes froma single Source. Zf Eels assumed to be Uuart,. Emax = —@ wence normalizing ne value tom eh @) and@ | Enov= & . Eo Csin NPl2) —~@ Emax EoN sth Pla —® the fleld as given by equation @ wit) be referred to as the array facter, = Sin Able sin wie Woa"s Jaaujbuypogeey Yo4 pepeojpmoq | 43 Woa"s Jaaujbuypogeey Yo4 pepeojpmoq PATTERN MULTIPLICATION NON ISOTROPIC BUT SIMILAR POINT SOURCES: ZF the variation with absolute angle Gof both the amplitude aad phose Of the red is the same le the - patterns have same shape gad arrented 15 me same direchon and the maximum amplitudes ogtme individual Sources may be unequal are called as similar pont Sources, If howevey ainpi tudes -are equal then the Sources are not only similar bet are rolentrtal, Consider two nanisohupie sources oviented Paralier to ne x axis us Suggested by Ary.Ca). the hdivrlual Freta Showt dipole patlerns are giren as Eo= Eysing —® x Frgcad The otal Melk a, wo Sohopic pout sources ©) equal amplitude and any phase Li fterce E=2base/,, —@ Shere ps arceosd+ 5 Substituring enr@in egr@© Er 2e' sing cos H/a, Mexmal izing by Setting 2&27 The fred pattern og a0 Array as E= sing cos $l, —® ™E same resuie can be obtained by multiplying tne Pattern o% the tAh'vielal source Csing ey the pattern 96 t00 tsohopie point sources Pir). The principle O§ pattern mudtpuraton K& expressed as ~ 4b sie ass by onie P< _o WOT'sJaaulhuypogeey Yo pepecjunoq "The total Field pattern of an artay of nonisonepiz similar sources is the product of the Madivicluct Source pattern os an array Of tsofropic point sources each located ae ne phase ceate the Achiorcdtual Sturce and Aaving the same felanve amplrrude anel phase and the total phase pattesn referred tthe phase centre of the array (5 the sum % the phase patteens 03 the Adiotdual source ans we array of "Sotopre point source," =n symbol his principle Mon be uiten as Bs £0,6) BCa,p) LOB) 4 FeCo,d) — where, £C0,d)= Feld patresn 94 lnckewietual source 4024) = phase pattern oy tadigietual source FCO.A)= Fred pattern Source, . Phas€ patiesn oharray of ssopopre . source, Example: Consider an array % two Aenisofople ponk sourics AS SHOWN 1D Hy, Let each sadividual sou ree patrern 13 giren by Go= E,'coss —© whuch 13 proctuced by shart oLinoles oriented paratiel to tne y axis aast Spaced alz from each otner as show 18 #19, c69 kak, al BY principle og Pattern Mulapheatdsy tne toéal narmalized frete i given by E= cospcos C058) Of array af (SoPpre FpCO,p) = pee FICE) anows Indiurcua pattern, Fig@) shoves array Pattern and #i9Ce) shows total pa tern, a8] Sos ge] COSCTI),Cos) Woa"s Jaaujbuypogeey Yo4 pepeojpmoq BROADSIDE ARRAY Broadstde array 13 one 1) hich nember of Iden teal paratlel GAtennas are set up along atine perpendieatas temeln axes as shown beled, Incase of broadsrae array ,indiurcdual elements are equally spaced along a Uae aad each elemeat 13° Fed arith carrene amputude and seme phase ™s arsan oh equal Fev ap array oy 'Sobwpte point seurces total pofat A tne Hrechon gd 1% given as SIN N/a sin P/2 Esk, —Cunth Centre pout oy an array as refutnce) —@ where p= WS cosh 43 = dycosh 5 =P Sources are tn phase, é=0 i : and Ws dreosp#S——@ Fou maximum reid weq —@® In order to satisfy @ and @ drcosdzao fo Gh = 90? ov 270° Thus the maximum fretd 13 NowMal to tne array, characterized by broodstde type oR Bq alreenon Hence this condihon, emren is In phase source Cf array, The patiern © Fouy Sources uly SPaciNg Al a Shawn betous. ° pbs Be o) Pesultg in \ehwpte 1 phose point nd Equal amplitude s darig be d-aterlactqncl hs sin “a7 A, x at bye aK a fo he), A AW ne ay Ae ee mt AU sources dig t6 same Phase. the clirectian @s0 3 taken] the eee. Aish but on ngsmal to the aaray wi'th the eriginy 1 symmetical abous the cenine ct te centre ssthe array, the | source the amplitude -o} the ceahe thelividuat sources have the amp-l source is Laken 240, Vtude Ao, fi -= AK ete aad & being The totat Cfatd End at a Symmerieal about the cethe a}s large clistonce tna direction o thea The tote etd Ene at a ia en ss i ’ i jot DAgte sade otistancesin a clirecton @ is— St Eno t 2Ae+ 2A, COSP “HK 2Agé , NaS 2haCOs Hig Amy COS BL 2 * +H 2AK cos( Nort »)® sree BAe cos (Perty)I Nuw tet Cty) Dest = No where 1620515213 wher bs 2aeina = Bdsine gt Mon! 2 ate, Mow tet, = z : : BCKHD= Ne where K20,1,2)3 -4 £ equattoo © becomes ‘ “Masts Rett | nos 5 Aw cos (2K 6 So gqucitton@® becameo | Peri = ‘ale “ aGeentY/ Ene = 2 Ancos (Akt! +) -o) whe, hs Keo 1 wre Ne Me/, | aq Woa"s Jaaujbuypogeey Yo4 pepeojpmoq CHEBYSHEV PoLYNoMIAL + toatl: The Chebyshev polynomial 13 cleFined as Tmex)'= cosCm Sos'z )=cox(ng) -l €xgri —® Whene Se costly, = cosh Cmensh''zc’)=asWnd)ae C1, xp-+1 —@® wswirn oer cash yy : Thus cheby shay pelyhamual 15 funchon of % fox M20,1,2,3,u4 sete, Substituting the values of Mm, fou mao, Tecey = cos) 21 ——@a fos may Weed = cos Cp) Put cos Hy zoe STDS ce ©» Foum=2 Tace> = cosCp) = 2cos*y/2~) Pet cos qi, 220 S 2 ees any ——@e Highes Levm can. be found bY Using re cuusion formula, Tit) @)= [ax tinea = Tmo cx2"] TE Con be used to Find on chebysney Polynomial if the Polynomials of the preuiaus two avders are known, foams Tate, 2 [27 Carte x = axkax —-@a fou mz a, . Tacea = @xLent41 —@e fou m2 Tycao® WES-20xP 49% —G FO m6 ageay coneusatartey Ga 3 Fost ageny s Cant veaSescx Pe Gh The chebyshey polynominals of degree M24 and m=5 cre’ preseateal Pelow Py 50 on #segee Re be. Ens) Woa's Jau|bujpogees WOU, PEPEO|UMOC] weeps ee PEO 1) Fos vanes yx Wi ine Gl Ue verween oveli mite VOUS Ob HT AN <1, Att PRONE decurs derwern “IS RGM aad Gil maximum VaLUer ih thay vange on +1, St the fowm cosimwiz), Pov an even number neo, sources Pk = Ment cahile Oy anodd number No, rez Neat .Thenelne Cand cs) Which express: tre Heid pattern of a symmemic th-phase equispaced linear aYFAN OF OD IsobepICc pount Sources, are polynamiais Of clegree equal to the number oh Sources 1@53 1, 4f we set tne AmFAY Polyne mals as given PY ©) and C8) equal te *HE Chebysher polyaomials Of thea degree Cmsn-1) anc equate the away coef cleats tg the cats °6 Chebyshev Pelynomual , the amplitude Sthese coe teicleats is a Chebyshev level is specitred as— R= Mala lobe maximum * Side tobe levet ThE Pott Cx0, 12) on *he T5cx) potynemutas : meee cnet ENO ome Canfined to a emavtme Sy Vanire os a unity st at The Impax tant propesty oF the chely shew 'f the ratio Ro Spearey Pedmwicltn to the First meat! bys Woa"s Jaaujbuypogeey Yo4 pepeojpmoq Steps te be followed! StepT Let the satto of main lobe maximum to the side lobe level be : : R= Maid lobe maximum side lobe (evel. . Side lobe level below mary lobe maximum dB z210 dag,,R —-@ Caladete R, SiseH For an awsay on sources, select the chabyshey Polynomial of the same degree as tne qyray polynemials, ® Solve above equation to calcutate the Value Of Xo The vatue of Xs may be detesmined by tual and emmy bom the Tmcx) expanston ey may be calcuaied bom Foe Ale RL + Cee] SkepOT catuwation of ABray polynomials, Consides cxpressions foo total reid due tne odd cad even number of Sources, ke Ene= 2 = An cos Const 2) Keo a where ns Nef aad Ken-I 28 Au cos (an ) = to Whee Ws Ne-l Tt may be noted tndt wey ave Functions 9) /,, Since Weare ibimes Us-uatty idtenied only ih wWanve feild pattern ,tne factey 2, before the summation sign may be doped. The design procedure requires that +e cnerysnev polynenuals 1) tne -1¢ x¢ x! Shere x! 1S the null nearest f Batt, be Used te represeat the minoD lobes of the array: Me Majors tobe of Me pattern 1s formed from tne remaining Pork optne Polynomial ‘upto port Xo. Cx! < 2 6%) But 0 1S greater than unity accerdiing to deflator % must be restricted to vange -1 <& C44, af nou eer change Sh scale 13 made by (9 Peeling New variable ag W=*/xe—-@ The restriction can be fuutilted by putting wecosw/, wilh lew S*1, . Above polynoralsare expressed as polynomials vs Times = Tea) = R Eno = yw. . j step Equate ayray polynomial wih chebyshev palynomiale Enfinevt = oT aN Woa"s Jaaujbuypogeey Yo4 pepeojpmoq By dlefinihon all the nutls ey Chebyshev polynomial eceurs wilh ange -1 x C41. The nuils are Rothing but tows Gr TUDts OL the polynomial. w Fon A element avray’, the chebyshav polynomial Tmex 18 equratated te %010 te get meh, Traicxy = Tce) 20 . cos (me cos} ro » meostsc = CEA Cnet) costc = uShere Soa —| Eveoste —G Where :s um she ——® foes wecos [ad sina’| = 70 €08 Phe Scosy, sb x. [eve Ca3)] “ee otf] . 3tted wy Ae 2 os [s, cos(Een) 2.0N4 ) sho = 2% cos [Ls oe (Enea — 2) @nun = sui!) cos" ‘$2 co : | Gano) | wee es rest nUett, “+ BWEM = 2@nutl ‘ | zt e 2s Tr me cn, @ HALE Power BEAMMIDTH Hea = af cos Ts cosh Ceoshi! Riu | —6 Td nat yes ; i q Oy anus a enone spasielh made wg] | | t Vineducing a verioble Wo such as 24x, —-@ the resiictions ore fulfilled by pubtiag 2a —@ Mow news vang® af vw 1 resimcted to Of polynomial 0} (Wo) acd Ci) may naw bE expressed ao polynemin! = 1 Sw Gel, The pater 1 We step The Final step 1s the array polynomial En(wee) W — Es equated to the T- polynomial TaiCx). fe: En (fg) = Trace) —@D The cethcients sf we array Pslynosial are obtornect e dishibuton 4 From equation @) and hence the amplitual obtained, Dolph -TehebysheFf Dishsibutton for a Lineay Groadside Array Of Exght ssownpic polal sourced: leran array of 8 phase Pont sources spaced Naport, hore a side tabe level of 26 dB blew the marh lobe manimum. 2t 1b required to Find the aniputuste cistribubven of such an array te predMce Minimum veamurdl bekocen Firkt nelle. Step-T Sidglove (eval below mori labe maxinium Wi dBE Lokog FORE 2g 77 R219 Since number a sources,n=8; the degree Tehebyscheff polynmrtial wo n-1s 9-42 % ve T308) “+ 13700220 —@ Hence Woa"s Jaaujbuypogeey Yo4 pepeojpumoq skeen “Ene Ene Step 5 [ens vier)! 4 Cam fer)" Poms deo)! 4 Go) 9] WM 25 ——ay, The Avray polynamial ferns Ene = ET ay cos@urpny’ kro whone Nol = Ney, =a. = Mocs P]y + Ay cos BP). + Ay Cos SH]2 + Ascos Fly Substihuting w= fy, os hia. = Pow + Ay Caw 30) + ArClew-20W%+sw) +43C eu? naw + s6w*-Fw) putting we X/ay = bY Aa Fy Clea 1283) 5 Cuay-20 Pat 56 A) 3 ae 7% 2? op CAo-3Ar + 5A) -FA3] x —w. xe Equeting Tete) te eqn @ire Ene +r Ty) = uxt Sy som-and = Ene Comparing te coe Fircrents, Gud? | eh Ayko? 21-15) 22.66 Equating other wefftotents Ay2682, Ae! Ag 456 sus, Woa"s saaujbuypogeey Yo4 pepeojpmoq The velanve amplitude #} H sowces ave AUF, 296,361, 26, NF, 1 Using these amphiiides fry the @ Sources 1) Ege) and considcoing, ‘ys pdsine = Z2adsine T +B 2 pdsing wg scosh aw Zz and Ww = X25 Sothor ye x.cos(pasinw ) —& = Erie can be evotvated . Pollauiag figure Shows | | i the welanve Freld pattern i 4 Relative freld, on) 16 O14 on >: ced | pen af 88s Roe gel OF 56 W'S Jaaujbuygogery YOY Pepeojuvog | AUPERDIEEC ITE Antennas whose directiviWies are much Longer thon the divctivity efa reference Ortenna g,the same size are knawn as superdirechve antennas, Thus a superdirechve axvay 15 one Whese directivity larger than that of a reference array Cusually % Unifaim array af the same length) superdirectivity 18 accomplished} by 1nsenting more elements within a Fixed length Cdecreasing leads eventually to very targe hase wi the excttatien In on orray , the spacing). boing eris vd changes of PI eats of tne avray. Thus adjacent glemeaty have very large and oppasitely airected currents ; this necessitates a very precise adjustment of anens 5 are tncreases in reactive power magnitudes and yap coe feicrents af the ale values? Associated with thi to tne veidtated power), ‘ Because of the VO" large currus m tre ctemeats, the ohmic losses ieredses and the Antenne etercienty decreases very sharply: Although practically can ve reduced bythe use ok materials, there 1s nO Casy Solon ' phtudes oad velotcue the ohmic losses superconcach've fov the precise adjustmeat ay the om phases of the avr an practice , superdine ~usually cotled supergara. Houlemen supergatn @ such antennas have actuct overall mo efficiencies) tess than uniferrm ay Glements, chive avrays Ane we misnomes becaus gen C because of very assay of same leagth. Although significant CHvity 1 very die Het and susually a moderate amouat can be accom: antennan’ are very tihiguing ¢ much attention 6 Mterature, catton plane foomed by the Py 59 Woa's Jaaujbuypogeey Yo4 pepeojpmoq Vidyalankar Ch4 : Different Types of Antennas ND Now REASCHANT SONAMIT ANTENNAD ANTENNAS, Reasonent antenro: Reason fox center fed eiheaw ure anttnna tre cusrenk es nibutten uos conntant C4 Bo), Linear Crranguslor) C2,b4 SPW) and Simmsordail C29 A110) depends Upen “He Augth (200, the antenna, In att canes the phare cishiburien war assumed to be conptant- ‘ The sintunowal cumvat oistrburion oy. tong open-enced tinear cntennac WW a Brandiag Wore conomucied by tuo opmetite wore of ea amphi tude ancl fo” phone Uffeewue at He open emal braveting Ue oppmsita av rection, etong Thy length, l= wal a The voltage dithibutvon has alse a standing weve pattern except that ik has maximaCtoops) at the end of ime Une thstead of mutis C rede) o> rhe currats an eacn pattern, the maxima and minima repeat emery is begral number of half worelengihs. There also a Ala Spacing between a nutl and a maxima tr cache the pare pateans, Lineay ontennan that eschiblts curmel> and veltege standing wae pattesns formeal by yeflectonn from the open end of tre unre ane referred to ab standing ware ox recsonat” ancenne?, These ankenman operate seuirs factory ae Owe partrakor freaucneg C narew banal of operation ) sand hag bt-direeHonal patterns due to medal aad ReHected wor, Mon reasonant os travelling wave ge apemodtic Onlenvree ; Antennan can be designed whidh have ieavetting wave pattern 1 cima and veltage, THis Can Wo3"s Jaaujbuypogeey Yo4 pepeojpmog thar reflecHons are minimized. As a example consielexdéong wine Lat nuns horizontal to the earth, ReHected { . t Ground i 4 q 1 3 2 2 § In genenal, out crtennen Whose cumut> and voltage clishsbutvons can be represented by one ox more Hanatling werres, cnictly Ut the sume dinchion son he represented ore refered an thavetting Ware or Wow reanonant antennar. A progressire phase pattern usually assecrated with the cimnt ancl voltege U's buttons, . V- antenna: fou some applcationn a single tong unig antenna i aot practical becaune. 9 its directivity may ve tov , Ths Sfde tober many be Kygh ond 3) ih mens beam Wiclined ab an ongle. These drowbacts of singie tong Wie antenna tarbe overcome byteuttlining an array 4 wires, ‘ ontenna farmec by uring Hao wines cach unth one 44 thy ends connected to the Feed Une a shaon below, ‘ A J A prachcal array of a tong unten wiene V 4 IN mest appircatten plane foomed by the my 59 Woa"s Jaaujbuypogeey Yo4 pepeojpmoq Yiegs eptne V 1% paratiel te the gwund eeading to hunzenral V avray whese principal polorizanon vs paratiol te tre round anal the plane of the V, Most oh V ontcanas are symmem’ Eo otror and ate pa).> b ” «al Hog adjusting me welded angie “LV anete ‘ike ireetivity can bemade greater and tte side uve smailes, Alse'V' antennas can be designed to nave unidirecttonal oF wrdirectional racdtateon patterns an shown below. eS Unielinecttenal Ww = To achive the unidirectional CharactensHts , the unres ofthe V! antennas munt be nen reanonuat oShuch cam be accomplished by PrDPerly tevminating He open ends opine V leading to a purely ahaaug? ware one way OL trminating the Vankenna Will be to abtach a fad Aintiathy a resistor eq uct in velie to open enc Charactei'shes impedance of the V Wirt Hramautston Line Ass are conical 15 form and ave wictined ak pn angie from ter a comesponding axes. the te forrm major tobe, Rhombic antenna Two V antennan canbe connected at Shere open ends to form a ctamond ey vhombit cater The antenna WU crusty termined at one end in a resistor AWWHOMY about ¢oy- Sant TE not eliminated reflechions. as shown 1) fqure, 219 axdter to mectuce Howemn each £23 US tong enough C typically Srater than Sar) suffer teatege accune sheng each fog, trot me wane that reachen ine far end of) the whombun th sufHieventy reduced thet ve war net necessary to ReSEe terminate ane rhombi. the patttens of Phombrc antenna can ve Conroe by varying the elements lengins, angles between elements and tre plane ¢f the Thombus, Rkomete actennag are 4inaiy prefered ouer V's for Nan reasonant ane Unidiveatona! pattern annticanbna because they are tess ab fut to tewminate : : AddiHonal Aimechivity ond veducHion wi side tobe can be achioed by’ win, J 7a OF Vor rhombic * artemana. The Held radiated %y a rhombus can ve Woa"s Jaaujbuypogeey Yo4 pepeojpmoq Me patterns othe tndivicural Wires o, te Vv antennal found by adding the eetds radtated by for a symmetrical ohombus with equcl doje ants can be Woa"s Jaaujbuypogeey Yo4 pepeojpmoq FOLDED DIPOLE ANTENNA A simple Alz antenna hon a termiaat resistance of shoul #32. So thar on impedance EranrFoumes required to match tus antenna unth tronemission. feeder Lines hawing Neminal Characteristics fenpedarica of BOOK Which we the most commen impedance level Used fox Lelevisten receivers Moweven the moctitved af, clincle 1 @. feided clipsle, Shaun if Figcay han radtan'en rasistace Of qa aid (Gdn be cannected to two wire Une sivrectt yg. ft Ma eh d 4 / . Figen A radtenog patrern. the folded olipole anteana cansidt of tuo hatf- Bawe wacdiatoas very clase te cach otnent dc connected togetner at top and Bote. As fay as anterna cumat or Yadatiag Muereaks ang concemed, the two elements are th parattel amc tf theiv dtometer are same ,the curmeat Wi the elements with be equal and th the same’ cinchin, The reasen fev this [§ Shong mutual coupling bekuces Me tao closely spaced conductors, Radiation resi once [Tesrnveal 4 mpedance The equivalent ctrasit of too eternent Folded dipole vo as Shown bela, 4 v Bthe angived emf to Hie oAtenna Cermunals fr will get cWurded between 1 cinales 2qwally 4s shown below, jf Woa"s Jaaujbuypogeey Yo4 pepeojpmoq Be 7 AG tp. ——w where , a= cument at terminals of dipole O hewn sow «© © Zuz self impedance of tivcte® Zig= mutuol impedance of dipole @ axd@® since 2,7 Iy_ | equation becomen Veo 22, (tutte +-@© Since the 2 dipoles are close togeney aad d is ef the order of Alloo, Zin Be rhe am —@ Taking 7,2 Patjow fer Ain Aipole, The tepminal impedance a, folded dinele becomes 29252. @ the folded dipole arrangement aise creases the ‘ important consideration. bandwidin of at antenna an P ta pm and teleursion apphicaton, @ vy varying the voto of conductor diameter , impedance ed. ofan antenna, can be Chang @ sn centard type ef dinele arrays tne dxpale ancenna in e ual Unpedance considerably veducest vesauee 5 emuta Couper. the igh antenna WoLps to os Umpedance ome folded dinste osset this cecreands Tks geometncal avvamgement= tends te behave as @ shat paraitel sto ine With atlerrph so ‘cance! the off reatnance Weactunce of a single dunale. Woa"s Jaaujbuypogeey Yo4 pepeojpmoq Toy adguatin ene of lengin. PARASITIC CLEMENTS, | I pirectional awray con be consmucted wilh Mme ord 2 tnautead vy tne Fieiee og py elements 18 Hien caveats 9 Fetal g cltiven Clement, such Glemento have np tranemsston ihe connection 42 the tronamittes onl ore ainually refered to as ‘parasihe elements) me magnitude ekthe Gumus wi me parasihe element and its phase relation tothe aime wi tne ‘aniven dlemeak depends on its tuning, The parasite element) may have Fixed letgth of Alp the cuming being accomplished by thserting a lumped reactance ta series with tre antenna at its center pant, alternatively,the parailtiy element may be contingus ancl tra tuning 1S accompbithed The parasite elements ara tuned so a3 EO couse @ lagging ov teading phase ShiTE In energy hich ls tTadtatd fem mem anatmis changes the radvation patten | datven or mai) element, The, reFlactos etement= 15 Placed behind tre clilwan Clement and th made about Gh tonger tan ing duven dépete,so that Tb 18 ihduch've. 6paciag 18 adjusted vo provide maximum sadtationn vitne forward dtrectten,| The Airactive element’ 3 placed Wifoat of me | asiven dinsle and 1s made sv shovler: tan me dine So that it capacitive. . A g-element array wilh one parasite element Acting AS a reflector ancl the Other as director W shmon E™ Parasite element, 2 I f below, I i Maxime — yadiatton + Divector Aeflector ~ M. priven element enero : orn Pa 64 woa"sJaaujbuypogeey Woy papeojumoq THE VAGI-UDA ANTENNA BES vay practical cadvatoy 1 the HE, VHF aad vue ranges. This conscsts Sh * umber of aineas element ad Sheaon “4 rg. z 1 fl aN : : vs . I q- Seelam Reflects —4]~ y fed, | ul T vitensity. ” “ Directovs One a the Clement catied ap culver element & energized directy bya feed trammission tine, while the other act as parasvtic radfators Whose cumats ae WRduced by mutuat coupling. This yadtater 1s exclust rely designed to operate an an endéie astay,and mis 1S accamplished by having the parasitve Clements Wi he forward beam act as dtrectots while if the rear act Os reflectey, The mast common GeaHfeed element fer Yagi - Uda 1S, feided dipole. ' Typically the deiven element 12 reasonoat witty its lengin sivghHy less than Ala Cusnatly ous - org 2), Whureas to achieve the endfire beam formation, the Parasihd element wi me cl'nection of tne beam Cairacters) Ore semeumat smation (ebouk o14 tw oUWSr) IS length Han the feed element. the directors ave net necessarily of the same length ond cy trametey, tha tengin of tne | Teflectos 13, someushat greater tran the Feed, ince +he length of each directon 18 smalles than its covresponding reasonank length . the impectonce of each 1b capacitive anol Ths curt leads the Woirced emf. Similarly. the Impedance of te reflegter 13 Widuchie ‘and the phases cy tre cures, tag ‘those Sf eluced emss, the fork phase of the | Currents Wh the directors and. reflecters id not determined solely by thelr lengins but also by thes spacing. +6 tne es” Woa"s Jaaujbuypogeey Yo4 pepeojpmoq ent elements, Thus, prEPErly spaced element UN'th less than their corresponding wdasenant adjac lengths stghtty length. acts os clinecrors because Hoy form an a wilh curmear apupaimatay EAMel (4 magnihude and wilh equal progressive phase Shufk uriu'ch wil! reih Force the Held of the energited element fowards we Avrectos, similarly ,a property Spacad element wilh agin stvghty greater than Aly, act oo reflector Thus a Yagi-Uda array may be regavded as a shucture sunperhng a travelwag wane Whose performance th cletermined by tre current di'siburren th each element ancl the phase velocity of the faveliing Ware, TE shawd be noted that He lengths ap tne director, reflectors and déiven elements & baved on tne First TEASONANCE, in practice sme Magar wle ofthe reflector ine Hirst element nect tome one energiied 13 played b ~rayi- Uda antenna aad very Uitte ts the perlormance oa : 1s gained (fF mare than one clemmtn are unest an reflectors, Howes, constceratle mprmremets car ee achiowd if mare olvrectors are added te we array, The perfarmance of Yagi-uda can we censi—~ dered tn three pasts? 1 b the reflectow- Feeder arrangement i) the feeder | fi) the ww oy, Hrectors - . St has been concluded numerically and eaperimentally , that the reflector spacing and sire have » negligible effect on forward gain aad a large effects on the backward gain C font~to-backe ratro) and input impedance, anc trey con be sed 10 connol ov optimire ontenna parametss without affecting the gain significantly. the feedes length and radtus, has a,smatt effect on the forward gain bur a large effect on ine backward gain anc inpet impedance, Woa'sJaauibuypogeey Hoy pepeojumog _ large effect on tne forward gain ,wackioard gata aad input impedaace Yagi-Uda asrays are quite common 19, prach'ce because they are Ughtwerght, simple to bust, io cost and provide moderately desirvatele Charactemishcs , Far mony applications , Rex Woa"s Jaaujbuypogeey Yo4 pepeojpmoq Log Penne Anacnnos. The numerous opphicanions of clechymag- Nerics vequires utilization of most of tne elechomagnealit Shechum: tn additon, tha advent oy bradbanct system Hone clemanded the design oy broadband vadiators. the USE of simple, small, Lightweight anc gconemical oatennas, sestaned to eperats eves the enta'ra frequency basol of a Gren sustern, woud be most desivebla. suan antennan O'S veFfercol as Requeney incepent? aakenira,, Sh BID e-by~ sible Balanced ed Une | a. AS usith aM 409 peroduic geametrien cll ACGAE LM propa TON te the olfetance Follewing this nue ,the lengths and. Spaciag, Sf echfacent clemeats must be related by %. Constaat scate factor, t’ so that from the origin. 5 Whewe Ly, la, lg, bn owe the lengtrof the Slemeaks 18 ovctes Gum shaskest to longest and Dr. Pe -~ =n . Pe Dy, Dr Whee , 0, Pare Shacing between the elemarts and te slements ana na apex Hthe angle enclosing Shem 419 auces from shortest to longest: i zie hire mes Woa's Jaaujbuypogeey Yo4 pepeojpmog FESR We The anor angle x cam os tan & = bh 2D, The typrcat olesigns 04 1og- perocli’c osnole Asroy harwe ano amgle of aC? go andopee If strargnt connechond ave made ,the end fire beam ur the drecHon of the tonder elements ancl viterference @fPact ty the pattern resull ar ib recoganized that by Mechanteally crissagossing ox transposing the, Fone berurceh adjacent elements 4 igo” phase ts aclded to. the terminals of each element, In mis care energy vadiated thivugh the short, endl of the avray, where the clemeals are snavt anc closely spaced in waveleagins, howe alternate phasings and consequently proctiices Negligible interference. Typical radtahten pattems %-plane "SVahen tog permcttc OAREMNO, ub operated at A given Frequeny au the siucture does mat yacliaty but only celterr pootton whose cltneles howe realy reasonant length Cire M2) sadiates THis pavon ts cated, ach ve segton, 969 Woa"s Jaaujbuypogeey Yo4 pspeojpmoq Thus achve region of thé teg peroclic antenna is towards apex C shooter element) fos hugh frequency ancl neay longest elemat foo iowor Frequeny and: maddie fos ites mediate Prequeuy, . The maximum to minimum Frey eruuy Baro determin toe Bandwialth, atthe miadie of frequen sarge <3 operation, fay antenna elements less than a2 ustfll nave high Capacitive impedance hence cument 18 smali anal vadiation id small anal 1S cailed as Wach've bommission Une. vegion > foo clement lengin greater than Alp. will have high Moluchive Impedance , hence cusreat 13 small and Vadiation te small. at is refered an reftechng region birectton o Max. padia (ey need tobe highly directional. Also higher antenna dt tae care of indced and shot noise effects during ponents measured al aid to bein planar wavefronts ‘The various antennas used at microwaves include 1. Hem antenna 2. Parabolic reflectors “ 8. Lens antenna ye are in phase, then the transmission is 5. Microstrip antennss Sem VE- Awe Pg #1 10.7. Horn Antenna ‘This is an openended waveguide in which the open end i ared so that it looks like a horn as shown in Fig. 10.45. There are several ypes of horns and all of them have some common features. Phase angle wavequice ‘pening Fig 1048 Horn antenna an open ended waveguide system under = Due todiffrction around the edges, directivity and hence the gain ofthe antenna is reduced ~ Itmay be nated that aringhas the effet of increased directivity, improved efficiency and reduced VSWR. ~ Sectoral H-plene horn = Pyramidal horn = Conical horn Downloaded from FaaDo0Engineer' Referring to Fig. 10.49, we have | L 2M I core = pee and tan = Réctanguier waveguide | L A Av Apeture, 6 halfof fare angie, = Axial leag Fa From right angled triangle OBC, wf) waar arth segaonsete® oe Bisea- oe £8 ie ema, 8 can be neglected Sem VI- AWP mg 1048 Concctiore i Downloaded from FaaDo0Engineer' Pg-F2, (1059) ‘ssmall), ancptimura of aperture angle given by Eq. 1058 i used. For achieving maxi divectivity a flare angle for which 8 does not exceed a particular 5 values are 0.95, 0.32 and 0.40 for plane horn, ical horn and H-plane horn respectively, IZ = 502,.28= 1 ef 23° and a ined. However the direct of pa horn en by Oy are half power besmuwidths in E and H directions of hors is given by where, A = huc.= area of hora mouth (aperture) Power gain of horn is given by 6, «454 a SSA 20.82) are extensively used at microwave frequencies nine are sufficient. For large powergains, th prohibitively large so that lens or perabol id then be preferred. Downloaded from FaaDoOEnginegr' OBB" = OCC’ = ODD", ete =K,a constant ie the path from the focus ‘outwards tothe directrie is constant, whatever path the ray may take, 4 io hj <, ‘ : susby use ‘emerge from the parabolic reflector as parallel plane wave font as shown in Fig. 10.51, Since all, the rays travel the same the wave front formed by these rays P42 Spherical wave front Plane wave front Figs A parabola diseussed above is 2 two dimensional tice, the parabolic reflector wil be a three dimen: ‘which ean becbtained by rotating parabola about its. 80 generated is gonerally termed as a paraboloid or parabolic reflector ‘ra microwave dish as shown in Fig. 10.53. A paraboloid generates a parallel beam of circular cross-section since ‘hemouth ofthe peraboloidscircular. The radiation pattern such an sem vE- Aw? 1 lobe with small minor Axis of the Parapoloid poratleid 1 aperture with respect 0 Py. 44 Downloaded from FaaDo0Engineer' to an ective radiated power ERP) isthe product of input power fed 0 a mkrowaves) the ain is high or eal ‘the paraboloid. seni hich " ‘Sem Y= 10 GH, the gain fr a paraboloid of diameter of ce «(ia = 6853 [is 0.66) ‘nd beamwidth between half ower points (BWHP) is given by ef, 0x g-m (10.65) wn in Fig 1058, The above ration (Eg. 10.64and 10.5 hat peel beams are more easy te obisn fs wee Fig 1055 Sem vI- Awe cases are shown in Fig. 1056, If the focal length is small such that the focas lies well ineide ‘mouth asin Fig. 10.56a, uniform illumination ofthe paraboloid lover such a wide angle becomes dificult? is in which the focus lies in the plane 6e, that provides maximum gain Feed for parabolic reflector ‘Several types of feed can be used. An ideal feed would be that radiator Dipotes Pelabovete Downloaded from FaaDo0Engineer' AS ‘well be wrenched off its anchor in a cyclonic wind. Making continuous memes Bp : ——ws (ey Herne curved surface of the parabola, This is Intended to avaid the loss of radiation in the preferred direction due to sproad out from the primary antenna, ‘Armost commen feed for paraboloid is a wave guide horn as chewa in Fig. 10.58, that lly from the focas ie. erpendicular to the axis then beam deteriorates or a limited beam ‘motion can be obtained. Ith feed is moved along the axis, the pattern is broadened for a smal. id. A waveguide support is provided forthe horn feed placed atthe focus, Horn antenna feed can be designed to have a sharp beam by adjustment of flare angle and IA ratio and spread out is avoided inthe beam directed at the peraboli reflector, partots rae passed | arate i \ rede \ Wen teed tts \ Sern VE- AWP. Fig. 1055 Ofte parabesi lector from the RP feed and the reflector located so that primary horn rad fe reflector which colimates or renders plane wave emerging from the antenna. ‘The advantages ofthe cassegrain feed are arise signal from the fed tothe paraboloid. The Bype F'eantinuous rurface but vertal bars, The vertical bars ist the polarisation by 90 30 boars ‘There are seve could be 0.59. The ‘toad of fecal point and vertex! ofa vertex. ‘Along the focal line of the ey phase dipo Fig. 1059 Trance Parte Downloaded from FaaDo0Engineer' £46 BFE reflectors is hence avoided instead mesh of wires are used for a knit — will get reinforced. 10.73 Lens Antenna : can be used in the high frequency end of ig. 1060 Cylindsial Parable rovided for uniform illumination ofthe parabolic cylinder curvature. ‘This preduces-a wider beam in the Z-plane (XY plane) and a narrow beam in the 2-plane (YZ pi ‘The pill box or cheese ant short parabolic cylinder enclosed sougt by parallel plates as shown in Fig. 10.61. = L 1 Stes Fie. 162 ‘ig 108) Pu bee Parabolid same way because the 2 dielectric through which the phare vel ‘Tais produces s beam which is wide in the E-plarie and nerrow in the provides a smaller dielectric eo that the wae plane, luced. This phenomenon ie used for correcting ‘That is both the reflectors produce a fan beam. The pill box reflector hora antenna fee. oes not have vertical directivity buthas got good horizontal directivity, ral types of lens antenna. Basically there are two ‘occupies less space and is sutable for ship radars. : lectric lens or plane metal pate lens/delay lens: These are ‘hosa in which the travelling wave fronts are delayed or retarded by lens medium as shown in Fig. 10.632, [sem vI- awe Pa 4G Downloaded from FaaDo0Engineer' 2 plane metal plate ons: These ae those in which the travelling wavefronts are speeded up by the lens medium as shown in Fig. 10.635. trie lens can be non-metal metalic (artifical dielectric), Jens antenna thick, ae required to be zoned o stepped up to reduce the thickness as shown in Fig. 10.64 refractive index, stepping is to be done caeflly. Zoning is done since Fie 10.84 Zane one escesive diletrc with its high Ghieciclasa "'" refraetivainder absorbs some ofthe Incident energy. Dielectric lenses 1s are usvelly fed sing horm antenna, The focel length ‘and aperture dimension are made equal and ta aveid stray radiation fom horn, the sides of horn is continued upto the Jens 28 shown in ! = Hl =q=ul Pig 1065 Lane antenna fed cyte ‘eueney sensitive. Typical bandwidth for unstopped and stepped lone antenna are 12% and 5% respectively. Fe. 2066 e ‘Thisbehaveslikeathin Gathorizontalantenneofsimilardimensions. Pt ‘This type of slot gives horizontal polarisation. Fig. 10.666, showe ‘ esheets ry slot of Fig. 1.862, sot of 2 and excited by a source. Such a feed gives vertieally polarised F-fel2 Sem vi- AwP Downloaded from FaaDo0Engineer' ‘The radistion pattern of a slot and its electric field is shown in Fig 108 “- RAG y ; N74 SS Fig 1067 Sem Vi- AWP Pg #2 * and can be used Sem vi- RwP fy 80. Microstrip Antennas Microstrip antennas are the promising candidates for microwave and le, confirmability nillimeter wave applications where low cost, low profile, and ease of manufacture are found to out-weigh t electrical disad- rrow bandwidth and low power capability. In arrays, d passive circuits for beam vantages such as nai they allow easy integration with active an control and signal processing. Use of printed circuit technology has brought about rapid the development of antennas having patches of conducting shaterials etched on one side of a dielectric substrate, the other side of the board growth in Q © 2 Sem VI~ awe & Downloaded from FaaDo0Engineer' being a metal ground plane Such antennas are commonly referred to ‘2s Microstrip patch antennas, As the resulting printed circuit board is ‘very thin, (about 1 mm thick), these are also known as antennas, The simplest configuration of @ micrestrip antenna is shown in Fig. 9.21. eo patch Py Qe, © Downloaded from FaaDo0Engineer' 2 @@eae@® Comes gQUSeieFed Cmirad on Cater Fed heirry Pat Fre 9.200) Mire kneel pete) Coca ea pan Downloaded from FaaDo0Engineer' P5-82 ee current density J,=nxH juctor inthe presence ofthe ground dielectric 1, Transmission line model: Two opposite sides of « rectangular broad beam brocdside tothe plane patch are joined together by alow impedance stripline. radiation ie the maximum radiation ‘Typical E and H plane patterns are ty =e angel esi? sum VI- AW? Fig §25i0! Orthogonal caren ie raditing cielo palriation Downloaded from KJ LJ tt LI | sem vI- Awe ae Te tee | 941.8 Microstrip Arrays ‘The greatest advantage of microstrip ‘probes located ¥2 ‘port re grounded (o\Gicalar polarised micretip antenna Fie 925 92:7 Duabtrequency Microstrip Antennas ‘These are made by feeding from adjacent sides of a rectanguler patch antenna or by stacking ofonductar elements as shown in Fig.9.26, The ‘Fesonant frequencits should be separated by more than 10% and should Fig 9.28 Dual hoquency micrstripantanna Sem vr - AWP. Downloaded from FaaoOEngineer' 4, 8% ees In hybrid/eed, combinations of corporate (parallel) and series feed are In two dimensional arrays, the patches are fed in phase with equal” amplitudes. The array is compased of 4 subartays each having 4 tle connected with ments as shown in Fig. 931. Ceara pen mth eel ns ssthown’y Re 330 ° : Bea & — Q a. = elm eatin a lectrical properties taken into stant, ¢, and lose tangent, ‘Twouimensionalcorperate fe arty Fig. 3.30 Mistry arrays £9 8h 9.2.8 Microstrip Arrays ‘The greatest advantage of microstrip antennas isthe ease with which microstrip arrays can bemade which are required fo high gain (narrew ‘ection against interference, Downloaded from FaalodEngineer' Microstrip patch Termination Seer natcidpaths LPL H ls a J J seis rey with entero Te o f i { 5 (212 Eomenaray WE Bement aay ih ear edt, LH{ ie nd eedimensioal aay Lf (| mo f a + J i oO LILIA 5 L Ld Sem vE- Awe ybridled array Downloaded from FaalodEngineer' 2. Ahigh loss tangent reduces antenna efficiency and increases feed ‘8. Substrate thickness is choten as large as possible to mesimize bandwith and eficeacy but notsolarge as to risk surface wave excitation. Hence i “Maieriat & — [tansx o'er | res surfoce | thermat t “OGH: [roughness wea conductivity ‘Ktwfemfe) Dare | _ sas 71 0.0026, 2 0.0087 053 037 1 oor 1 23 2 08 e402 04 + Asshown in Fig.9.922, thepateh snotched int Theequivalent circuit it alzashown where ts inductance of feed and parallel RLC network 2. Coaxial feed: These antennas are fed by a contial connector soldered tothe back ofa ground plane. The central fed pin ofthe eaevial Fig nestor is soldered properly: to microstrip patch as shown. in 932. Sem vr-AWP 5-8e (a) Mire ine feed (81 Cons fed Proximity fad £ Apertre coupled feed lg 232 Peeing methods fr mizostrip enna 7.11 Determining the Patch Length impedance is purely re ‘0 0.49 of the wavelength in the dielectric, ‘The resonant frequency ofthe antenna is given by yin kr, Sum Vr -pwe 338 9:19 Applications and Future Scenario of Microstrip fe vty ‘Aatennas where effective dielectric constants given es 2Shsting toll, 9> ee De aed ot at both ends which trantmission line. impedances. Too small width (to) of the patch results in Jow antenna sflicency andtoo large width in higher order modes, the optionam width, {s found a De oo Tee Sum VI- Awe Downloaded from FaaDo0Engineer' ‘The radiation pattern of a slot and its electric field is shown if Fig. 10.67. meg a, Fig.087 to 2 half wavelength in 2 cond ‘axis of the sot is made 1/2 ofthe operating frequency. The electric tends across the narzow width o Solution : Radio horizon ie about 4/3 as fares the optics! horitén. a ie given by = 4 ‘where A, isin eaters dt = 4x {TH = 4x12 = kn dy = 4Nhy = 42085 = 4x5 = 20m. Hence the maximum distonce of propagation ofthe TV signals, dw d¢d, = 48420 = 6B km. Peon = [Puen ie x) 109g 708 Ge) BF ~10\eL +101 6] Lis the coupling and guide loss. fue! =20 = Poqnny = 10 loge = (80 104)] + 34+ 20 og] 22S". 10 + 36 =20 = Prypay~ 10497 +54~ 2747-104 34 or Prutmy = 544 6B av14 anntieations and Future Scenario of Microstrip “Downloaded from Py 29 eee Vidyalankar Ch. 5: Radio Wave Propagation Introduction: ‘The energy radiated from a transmitting antenna may reach the receiving over any of many possible paths, as shown in figure. Divectray, space wave Fig— Cowund reHtected ray, sZt copund ware ‘. Wave that arrives at the receiver after reflection or scattering in the ionosphere are unknown as shy waves or alternatively as lonospherically reflected and . Tonospherically scattered waves. . Wave that are reflected or scattered in the troposphere are termed as tropospheric waves. > Energy propagated over Ue patiis near the earth's surface is considered to be ground-wave or surface wave. oe Space wave Include boll direct ray & around reflected wave. Direct wave travel essentially in a straight line between the transmit & receiving antennas. Ground reflected waves are waves rellected by earths surface as thev provaaate between transmit & receiving antenna. “The propagation is strangly affected hy- # presence of earth, atmosphere, the ionosphere. # the physical nature of path e.g. heavily vegetated area, urbanized area # the reiractive index variation of the atmosphere. #frequency of radio waves. Ethe directionality of antenna involved. # proximity of antenna to ground. It is convenient to brake have four broad freauency intervals to discuss propaaation effect. Y 2) Extremely low or very lov (requencies befow few kHz @ wavelength is greater than 10°. @ antennas used are very large and one of necessity close to the ground or buried the ground, The radio wave is reflected from the jonosphere. and a form of earth ionosphere waveguide exists that may be though of as providing a.guiding path for the waves as they propagate around the earth. This waveguide model is particularly useful for frequencies below few ki. @ Extremely low frequencies are useful in communicating with submerged submarines. Since high frequencies are attenuated very rapidly by the high conductivity of sea water. b) From few kilohertz to few megahertz: ‘ @ Here propagation is strongly influenced by the presence of the ground. Local ‘communication over few hundred kilometers is possible by means of surface wave. @ Standard AM broadcasting occurs in this frequency ranae. _¢) From few megahertz to 30-40 MHz: @ The radia wave refiacted from the ionosphere provide communication over tong skip distances that may be off thousands of kilometer. © e.g. International shortwave broadcasting, Woa"s Jaaujbuypogeey Yo4 pepeojpmoq d) Fre ‘ many betwe fromt ‘Struc theref discus Struc earth region comp per I great more The | const and t from is me whos THE gase exter dans Thro iontz are elect fatit basis and vot are and oW09'S J9dU|buzQOgeRY HOY PEPeojUMog wes Hor fines. ‘ong produces @ consiuerguie onan vr \certain frequencies are usable. |g) Frequencies above 50 MHz: | @ In this case, the antennas are relatively small and may be placed at helaht of | many wavelengths. The propagation Is effects are those associated with interference between the signals propaaated along the direct line-of-sight path and those reflected from the ground. ‘Structure of Atmosphere: j Since medium between transmitting and receiving antenna plays an im | therefore, it is necessary to study the medium above earth, We will however restric portant role, tour | Trepesphere tot KM | ee ay ‘Structure of troposphere: “The portion of the atmosphere which extends upan height of 10 to 11 km above the earth called troposphere. Its height varies from equator to pole, and is 8-10 km in polar reaion, 10-12 km at moderate latitudes and 16-18 km in equatorial reaion. ‘The percentage of the gas components remains almost constant, yet water vapor: components sharply decreases with height, Average vertical temperature gradient Is 6.5? per km, The refractive index of the troposphere at the surface is 3 x 10% percentage ‘oreater than unity, is therefore advisable to refer to variation in the refractive index by @ more’ practical unit N, where N= (np~ 1) X 10% am The gradient of N i.e. its variation with respects to height h within the troposphere Is constant and is given by any/ah= -4.45 x 10 per meter and the gradient of the standard atmesphere: is dti/dh= -4,30 x 10 ” per meter from above equation it is clear that the gradient of troposphere and standard atmosphere Js more or less the same and hence it can be approximately be:taken as dN/dh= -4.00 x 10 * per meter | We therefore conclude that the troposphere Is an Inhomogeneous dielectric medium whose refractive index varies with heiaht & also velocity of propagation ‘THE IONOSPHERE: ¢ lonosphere is that region of the earth's atmosphere In which the constituents gases are ionized by radiations from outer space (chiefly solar radiation). The region extends from 50 km above the earth to several earth radi, with the maximum in Ionization density at about 300 km as shown in figure, Throughout the fonosphere there are in fact several ‘layers’ or reaions in which the ionization density elther reaches a maximum or remains roughly constant. These regions ° are designated 0, F and F in order of height. It should be emphasized that the actual electron-density distribution is a function of many Variables, including time of day, season, latitude and relation to the eleven year sunspot cvc “The existence of the ionosphere in the form of layer Is explained on the following basis: At areat heights the lonizing radiations are very Intense, but the atmosphere fe rare and therefore there are few molecules present to the ionized. Therefore in this region the Pg. 41 Woa's Jaaujbuypogeey Yo4 pepeojpmoq Jonization density (number of ions or electrons per unit volume) is very low. As height is decreased, the atmosoheric oressure and ionization density Increases until a height is Feached where the lonization density is a maximum, Below this height the atmospheric Presse continues to Increase. But the lonization density decreases because the lonizina radiation has been absorbed or used up in the process of Ionization. This explains in general why there should be a layer. The existence or layers within a reqion Is accounted for by the-fact that the atmosphere is a mixture of several gases that differ in their Susceptibility to the ionizing radiations and so produce maximum jonization at different latitudes. “Different ionized reaione: 1. D-Region: b-Reaion is lower most region of the ionosphere and is located in thé height range Of 50 to 90 km. This layer is present only during the day and disappears at night because the recombination rate is highest. Their electron density in this varies from 10" to 10°, This layer reflects low and very low frequencies but for HF communication introduce attenuation. That is why D-laver Is often termed as absorption laver. Since the density of electrons In this region is not sufficient to bend radio waves hence they suffer attenuation while passing. Ionization and hence absorption also increases with solar activity. The critical frequency of the layer is of the order of 100 KHz. 2, E-region: E-region lies as narrow layer of Ionization just above the D-region in the height ange of 90-240 km, havina maximum at 110 km from the earth surface. 4, Kennelly of USA and Oliver Heaviside of UK (ndependently predicted this layer hence Exfayer is often termed as Kennely- Heaviside layer. Is electron density varies from 10" to 10"? m? and its main source of lonization is X-ray and UV rays. Its critical frequency is of order 4MHz, E-layer Is quite useful for long distance radio propagation curing day light hours. uring night E-layer has weak jonization & virtually disappears at night. 3. Sporadic E-taver: Its thin highly lonized layer occurring in the E-layer from time to time. The extent, Position and timing of these are all irrequtar and that Is why it is termed sporadic E-layer, Its electron density is about 10 times that of E-layer. Its height above earth may vary from 90 to 130 km It is usually occurs in the form of clouds varying in size from one Km to several hundred Km across. It is believed to be ferined by meteoric ionization or vertical transport Of ton clouds or thunderstorm or geomagnetic disturbances. This layer may be observed both In day and night hours and in any season of the year. Because of ils high electron density. this layer often takes over a transmission normally beamed on the F-layer. VHF reflections have also heen ahserved from this layer, resiilting in interference in the VHF channels for example freak reception of distant stations, which sometimes occurs. 4.F- realon or Appleton reaion: The region of the ionosphere lying between 140 Km to 400 Km from earth surface 's called as F-region. It fs the uppermost fonized reqion and is the only region which always remains ionized irrespective of hours of day or seasons of the years, During day, sometime after sunrise, the F-reqion is found to split up into two layers called F-1 and F-2 in low latitude stations throughout the year and is high latitude station only in summer. F-1 layer is situated at height range of 140 km to 250 Km with average height at 220 km. Its behavior is like nermal E-layer, According to an accepted view, Fel layer Is formed by Ionization of oxygen atoms. Although some of the HF waves are reflected form the F-t layer but mostly penetrate it and Is reflected fram F-2 layer, Hence the main effect of F-1 layer is to provide more absorption for HF waves. Its electron density ranges form 10" to 10% m”. Its critical frequency is 5 to 7 MHz, F-2 layer is the uppermost region situated at a height range of 250 km to 400 km in day having highest electron density of all the ionosphere layers. It has a highest electron density of the order 10 m?, The main Woa's Jaaujbuypogeey Yo4 pepeojpmoq “disappears very slowly. F-2 is the only layer which present auring migmt wine atsy. 116 fonization in the F=2 laver Is effected largely by earth's maanetic field, atmospheric and ionosphere storms and other geomagnetic disturbances:. F-2 layer is the most important reflecting medium for high frequency radio waves. GROUND WAVE PROPAGATION: . ‘A ground wave is an electromagnetic wave that travels along the surface of earth. It is also called as surface wave. Ground wave must be vertically polarized. This Is’because , the electric field in a horizontally polarized wave would be parallel to earth's surface’ and “such waves would be short circuited by the conductivity of the ground, With ground wave changing electric field induces voltages in earth's surface, which causes currents to flow that are very similar to those in a transmission line. Earth's surface has also resistance and dielectric losses. Therefore, ground waves are attenuated as they propagate. Ground waves propagate best over a surface that is a adod conductor such as salt water and poorly over dry desert area. Ground wave losses increase rapidly with frequency. Therefore, around-wave propagation is generally limited to frequencies below 2 MHz. ‘The following figure shows Ground wave propagation. warehont >a perpendiculay yo eavth sursuce “ | a increasing angle 4, HIE Barth surtace “7% Excessive tilt wovebont dies out, Due to diffraction wave front gét tilted progressively forward. Therefore, the ground. wave propadates around earth, remaining close to its surface. It enough power Is » tronsmitted, the wave front could propagate beyond the horizon. However care must be taken vihen selecting the frequency and the terrain over which the ground wave will propagate to ensure that the wave front does not tit excessively. Ground wave propagation is commonly used for ship to ship to sharo communication, for radio navigation. Disadvantaces: 1. Require relatively high transmitting power 2. With low frequency larger antenna is reauires. 3. Ground losses vary considerably with Surface materia _ Advantages: : 1. When enough power is given it can cover longer distance. 2. Relatively unaffected by chanaina atmospheric condition. SKY WAVE PROPAGATION: + Electro magnetic wave Is the frequency range of 2 to 40 MHz are returned back to ‘earth from the ionized region in the upper atmosphere called Ionosphere. This type of propagation is termed as ionosphere propagation or sky wave propagation. It Is useful for long distance communication round the glob through mult! hope reflection from the ionosphere. TE sina hope refection ~pauble hepe rete ch’on F ‘This communication is also referred as point to point communication or short wave “Goinmunication. 4,35 Woa"s Jaaujbuypogeey Yo4 pepeojpmoq Further sky wave follows different path in the jonosphere and-at receiving point, the received signal is the vector sum of all, so fading occurs which Is minimized by ‘automatic volume gontrol (AVC) or diversity reception, Propagation of EM waves through ionospher We will consider two cases, one by considering the effect of earth's magnetic flelc and second by considering it. a) Neglecting the effect of earth's magnetic field: When an electromagnetic wave enters an ionized region which contain. free electrons and ions, the electrical field E acts on the charged particles, resulting In charge movement and hence current flows. This is often referred as conduction current in order to | distinguish it from displacement current. At though a positive ion will carry the same | magnitude of charge as an electron, it is more than 160° times heavier and therefore; its: velocity will be correspondingly smaller and the ionic contributions can be neglected. The electron cloud will oscillate in the electric field of the wave, but with phase retardation of 90° (for a sinusoidal wave) because of electron mass inertia .This motion of 7 the electron cloud produces 2 space current. in addition, the electric field E has its own capacitive aispiacement current winich leads the Nel) by ¥U°. nus actual current rowing through volume of the space consists of the two components which are in phase a opposition : ‘Thus free electron decreases the current and so the dielectric constant of the space is also reduced below the value that would be In the absence of electron. This causes y bending of radio waves towards the earth, due to reduction in refractive index. Let the electric field intensity of EM wave at a paint be 2 Emel? oO whore'w' 13 the angulay Frequancy in rad|sec, Hows He displacement cunear densily¢ sa) fn ionosphere 15 given by - ) ’ tas QQE 2 ce o.tme SE “ Mec ora at ‘ ‘ i 5 jW& Eme’e? —_ @ j. thee Where te i dielectne comstant Oo} (ree space, | Now conduction current density J. is given by an expression | Je=-Nev -——— . Where, N = density of electron In m-3, is alv ‘= charge of an electron highe | 7 = is the instantaneous velocity of the electron. n Since the electrons are acted by the electric field & of the wave, we have, th Force = mass x acceleration refrac # webe maYyp foe; Mi Where, ni is mass of electron in kg. bo “sign is due to fact that electron has a charge -e. . | oe , -eemettF [ote m ™m | Thus 2 | where Us “Ems ( eset ge | isthe wot nm il? |. called : . 6 interne met a 7 Eme oe | waves m0 . ¥o= -e@ @ fn Jorn ’ from en? Baad @ : tee win et em ofeh > N ere won < The total curs clensitiy 1d the 1oneed veqi'en 1s e = Jeo Aut ee Jot . at TeTd-+Je = JW Eme we J MOTE + we 7N\ e fo Em neh amet ies tme (eon Her) wom am 4

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