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a1 , a 2

The gradient vectors responding to different random variables for

the index calculation


The transpose of the gradient vector for the index calculation

a, b

The parameters of the candidate distribution for the data-fitting


A surface element of area


The combination of reduction safety factors depending on load case

ax , ay , az

The sub-terms in the function of the transformation between the

global nodal coordinate system

The significance levels

An iteration coefficient for deriving B matrix of meso CST element.

The angle of wrinkling direction and local X axis

The constant terms in the limit state function.

bx , by , bz

The sub-terms in the function of the transformation between the

global nodal coordinate system

Shape Function Matrix


Linear part of Shape Function Matrix


Nonlinear part of Shape Function Matrix

[B tr ]

Shape Function Matrix of triangular element

The strength reduction factor depending on loading(ASCE)

Safety index

cx , cy , cz

The sub-terms in the function of the transformation between the

global nodal coordinate system

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