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Resolution of Forces into Rectangular
A reverse effect of vector addition is the resolution of a
vector into two perpendicular components. Components
of a vector (or force) are usually perpendicular to each
other and are called rectangular components. The x and y
axes of a rectangular coordinate system are most often
assumed to be horizontal and vertical, respectively; however, they may be chosen in any two mutually perpendicular directions for convenience (Figure 2.24).
A force F with a direction from the horizontal x axis can
be resolved into its rectangular components Fx and Fy as
shown in Figure 2.24. Both Fx and Fy are trigonometric
functions of F and , where
Fx = F cos ; Fy = F sin
In effect, the force components Fx and Fy form the legs of a
parallelogram, with the diagonal representing the original
force F. Therefore, by using the Pythagorean theorem for
right triangles,
F = 2F2x + F2y and,
tan =
, or, = tan - 1 a b

Example Problems: Resolution of Forces

into Rectangular Components
2.6 An anchor bracket is acted upon by a 1,000# force at
an angle of 30 from the horizontal. Determine the horizontal and vertical components of the force.

= 30
Fx = F cos = F cos 30
Fx = 1,000#10.8662 = 866#
Fy = F sin = F sin 30
Fy = 1,000#10.502 = 500#

Note: Since the point of application of force F is at point O, the

components Fx and Fy must also have their points of application
at O.

Figure 2.24 Rectangular components

of a force.

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