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Teaching Philosophy- Peer Feedback

Authors Name: Noshin Tabassum

Peer Reviewers Name: Tashfia Nuhaz
Date of Review: 17.11.2015

Upon having read your paper, I would like to comment on following points:

1. A couple of things I enjoyed about your prior background and

experiences and how they have helped shape your teaching
Great teachers teach from the heart, not from books this
line grabbed my attention. This is very true, as I believe not everyone
can become a great teacher. Teaching needs a flavor of knowledge and
love that are only done by great teachers.
Overall I enjoyed reading your teaching philosophy especially your ESL
teaching experience.
2. Anything I think we have in common.
I think we both have emphasized about group work and pair work
in our teaching philosophy and also focused on practical knowledge
over bookish knowledge.
3. Any insight I gained about teaching
I really liked the idea that you have talked in your 3 rd paragraph,
where you would want your students teacher directed instead of
teacher-dependent. I completely agree with you on this and I will also
try to maintain it.
4. Some part of your teaching philosophy I would like to know
more about.
As you do not have much experience in teaching, most part of
your teaching philosophy is based on assumptions. I really appreciate
your thoughts that you shared, but I would want to know a little bit

more about few things. Firstly, in the 2 nd passage you mentioned, I

would encourage my students to capitalize on their strengths
to sharpen their understanding of English language. Here can
you briefly enlighten me how are you going to do that?
Then in 3rd passage (3rd sentence) you talked about one of your
aims where you will provide learners native-fluency in target language.
So will you please tell me more about it as it seems interesting to me.
Right after that sentence you also mentioned about strategies that you
follow from language instructors. Will you please tell me what
strategies (explain 1 or 2) you usually follow or want to follow in the
In the last passage you talked about broadening of cultural
awareness, which is necessary to teach English excellently. Will you
please explain what sort of activities should we follow here to help the
students with this?
Dont you think, East-Asian students are more proficient on
bookish knowledge than conversational fluency- this notion has
changed remarkably?
5. Some part your teaching philosophy that you could improve
Basically you havent talked much about your teaching
experience but still I stated one thing that I found you could improve
on your ESL teaching. Here you have talked about creativity. I
completely agree with you that creativity is important element but for
example, if a student doesn't have proper command over English then
it would be difficult for that individual to express his feelings through
words. Thus he will be demotivated. So I think if you give them some
ideas before asking them something to write will help them.
Also, you could emphasize on making your lesson plans on more
practical basis rather than just implying some bookish methods. After
all, real life experience helps make better learning interface in the
classroom; students will also feel more interested in participating
throughout the session.
What I think, your paper is grammatically quite on track, but
there are too many ideas in one paragraph which made it a bit difficult
to relate. I had to go through several times in order to get the right
essence of the writing.
Over all, it is very encouraging to get to know more about what your
perception of teaching is; I definitely took some insight from your thoughts. I
liked how you would encourage your students to think outside of the box.

Though the ideas you shared are not mostly from your real life experience,
but I somewhat agree to your viewpoint.

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