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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam November 26, 2015

What is the important training every mother and parent must impart to their
children? Bhagawan lovingly reminds us through a true story.

Putlibai, Mahatma Gandhis mother, spent her life in the contemplation

of God. She observed a vow wherein she wouldnt partake food until
she heard a cuckoo sing. One day it so happened that the cuckoo was
not heard. Gandhi, a small boy then, couldnt bear to see his mother
fasting for a long time. He went behind the house and mimicked the
cuckoos song. Putlibai felt extremely sad when she realised that her
son was uttering a lie. She cried, O God! What sin have I committed to
have given birth to a son who speaks untruth? Realising the immense
grief he had caused to his mother by uttering a lie, Gandhi took a vow
that he would never indulge in falsehood ever again. It is imperative
that mothers train their children in moral values right from their
childhood. Never overlook childrens mistakes correct them
immediately when they stray away from the righteous path and reward
them for their good deeds.
- Divine Discourse Nov 19, 2000

Serve the children as Sri Krishna was served by Yashodha. See in them
the Lord you revere. Baba
26 nvMbr,2015
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: auh ikhVI zrUrI tRyinMg hY ijhVI hr mW Aqy mW-bwp nUM,Awpxy b`icAW nUM dyxI cwhIdI hY[Bgvwn,A`j
swnUM,iek s`cI khwxI suxw ky dsdy hn[
au`qr:mhwqmw gWDI dI mW puqlI bweI ny Awpxw jIvn,Bgvwn dI BgqI kr ky guzwrI sI[aus ny ieh sONh KwdI
hoeI sI ik auh aun`I dyr Kwxw nhIN Kwey gI jd qweIN auh ku`kV dI vWg nhIN sux lYNdI[gWDI,ijhVy Ajy b`cy hI
sn,AwpxI mW nUM,ie`nI dyr bRq r`Kx vwlI qklIP brdwSq nhIN kr sikAw[auh ,Gr dy ip`Cy clw igAw Aqy
ku`kV dI Awvwz dw svWg kIqw [puqlI bweI nUM,jd ieh mihsUs hoieAw ik ieh Awvwz ku`kV dI nhIN hY,ieh qW
myry byty dI hY,auh ic`lweI Aqy kihx l`gI ik hy Bgvwn,mYN ikhVw pwp kIqw hY ,ijhVw ies qrHW dy byty nUM jnm
id`qw hY,ijhVw JUT boldw hY[ieh mihsUs kr ky ik JUT bol ky ,ijhVw du`K,aus ny AwpxI mW nUM phuMcwieAw hY,aus

ny ksm KwdI ik auh,A`gy qoN kdy vI JUT nhIN boly gw[ieh bhuq zrUrI hY ik hr mW,Awpxy b`icAW nUM bcpn qoN
hI mwnv mu`l isKwaux[b`icAW dI glqIAW nUM kdy vI nzrAMdwz nw kro[jd auh Drm dy rwh qoN Btk jWdy
hn,aunHW nUM J`t-p`t glqI dw iehsws krvwau Aqy aunHW v`loN kIqy cMgy kMm dI SlwGw kro[(19 nvMbr,2000 dy
idvX pRvcn)[
b`icAW dI ausy qrHW dyK-Bwl kro ijvyN XSoDw ny SRI ikRSn dI dyK-Bwl kIqI sI[b`icAW iv`c,Bgvwn dw rUp

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