Inclisivity Resource Evaluation v1

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Diploma in Education and Training

Module 1

Andrew Leggat
Student number 246995

Evaluation of inclusive learning and teaching through the

use of resources.

I have used Bortons model of reflection as suggested by Rolfe et al (2001) to

evaluate my understanding of the use of resources to enhance inclusivity in learning.

My preferred explanation of inclusivity in teaching is as stated by Tomlinson (1996)
The greatest degree of match or fit between individual learning requirements and
provision. My understanding of this quote is that the teacher needs to modify the
teaching to include all learners abilities, backgrounds and skills, rather than the
learner being expected to change.
In creating my presentation I wanted to demonstrate the way I have utilised
resources and techniques to achieve this.
I delivered the presentation to a group of my peers. I employed PowerPoint as a
background to my session. I started with an introduction to my teaching position; I
explained that all my learners will need a documented level of education; they will
have been successful at assessments and interviews prior to being able to join the
course. The largest area for consideration of inclusivity I find, is the differing
backgrounds in relation to prior knowledge. As I explained in my presentation my
learners are from a diverse background, some can have science or previous health
care backgrounds but others may have very little knowledge in this area. I chose to
highlight one resource used to cover this. I brought to the session some childrens
playpen balls and used them to simplify the breakdown of carbonic acid (H2CO3) in
to carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O). I talked about how this had been an area
where learners from non-science backgrounds had, in the past, required a lot more
time to achieve the level required and since using this type of resource learners were
managing a greater level of success.

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Diploma in Education and Training

Module 1

Andrew Leggat
Student number 246995

So What?
I feel my presentation went well. I received positive feedback from the tutor around
my delivery style. My introduction, explaining the purpose of the presentation, was
well received. My presentation was a lot more focused on one particular resource as
an example, whereas other presentations covered a far more broad use of resources
but in less depth. I felt quite happy that mine showed what I was trying to get across.
I did get some individual comments about how easy and visual it made a complex
subject seem. With hindsight I think I could have extended my introduction to talk
more about other resources and possibly other areas of inclusivity.

What now?
As mentioned earlier my learners have been assessed and are all at a certain level
before they are accepted on the courses. I think this restricts my experience around
other areas of inclusivity. I am already looking in to ways of considering further
support for learners with hidden disabilities; my organisation has a service level
agreement with Dyslexia in Action and I have applied to be trained to carry out
assessments in this area. I have looked in to ways of providing support in this area. I
find hidden disabilities a very complicated area in vocational education; for instance
if the role requires certain abilities which are impeded by dyslexia where does this
become something that becomes a fail rather than something that can be managed
in an education situation? We have recently had a student who was given a reader
to support them through an exam. They will not have a reader when they are working
in the role so how will they cope? Are we not setting this person up to fail?
I found some of the other presentations very useful. The graded questioning
technique is something I am hopeful I can adapt in my work. The use of role play is
something I already use. The use of groups and peer support is again something
already being employed.
In conclusion I found the session very useful, both the feedback received and my
feelings around my presentation. I also feel I benefited from watching the other
presentations and being involved with providing feedback to others.
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Diploma in Education and Training

Module 1

Andrew Leggat
Student number 246995

Reference list
Rolfe, G., Freshwater, D. and Jasper, M. (2001) Critical Reflection for Nursing and
the Helping Professions: A User's Guide. Palgrave: London.
Tomlinson, J. (1996) Report of the Further Education Funding Council Learning
Difficulties and/or Disabilities Committee. FEFC: Coventry.

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Diploma in Education and Training

Module 1

Andrew Leggat
Student number 246995

Presentation given in class


Notes with slide

Where I teach
Basis for staff being on the course prior levels of

My understanding of this quote is that the teacher

needs to modify the teaching to include all learners
abilities, backgrounds and skills, rather than the learner
being expected to change

Highlight differing backgrounds i.e. people from

science background will find it easier than people from
non-science background

Two ways of presenting

1 as formulae
2 using props/resources

No Notes

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Diploma in Education and Training

Module 1

Andrew Leggat
Student number 246995

Students to be given balls and tasked to create

molecules as shown

Encourage questions

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